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Apr 17

where joe was very serious and didn’t really joke around, much less make people laugh, Tea Cake is filled with joy and laughter

Apr 17

how interesting would it be if the seeds turned out to be pear seeds and its a full circle.

Apr 17

Janie isn’t very independent throughout the story; she quite literally puts her life in the hands of multiple men in hopes of a better life and never quite cares about her independence and identity in the matter. But when Tea Cake attacks her, this is the first point she has to take matters into her own hands to protect her life.

Apr 17

Arguably, hair in this story plays a more significant part in racial status than the color of the character’s skin.

Apr 17

The incorporation of the title and the invocation that is brings up to the reader makes the whole storm feel like a divine intervention. The religious aspect of this storm, where there had been no rain for so long, and once there was a message that a storm of great magnitude was coming from an unexpected messager (the natives), no one believed it but a few. It gives the image of Noah’s ark especially as those who forgone the warning must wait and pray to God.

Apr 17

I agree that I think it is silly that she needs to prove her love for Teacake instead of trying to save her own life. Considering that Teacake was a bit abusive to her, why would she want everyone to know that she was in love with him? I would think that she would want to save herself because she was who survived, not Teacake

Apr 17

In Janie’s past relationships, all the abuses were verbal. In Teacake’s case, because he was so crazy, he actually risked Janie’s life. Teacake would have killed Janie if he had the chance to which is scary

Apr 17

Initially Teacake had all of the power in the relationship. He had hit her and as a bit abusive to her to control her. Now, because Teacake is sick, he is not so controlling and Janie has all the power to take control of her life and have no men controlling her life

Apr 17

I think that it is very disturbing and sad that only the white people get coffins and the black people were tossed in a pit. It just shows how prevalent racism is in the book. They have no regards that these people are all human. They only care about the color of their skin

Apr 17

This is a major point in the story. This is where Teacake gets bitten and it will cost him his life. Later Janie had so much love for Teacake, that she wanted to be killed by the dog instead of Teacake getting bitten and going crazy

Apr 17

Teacake is just very insecure in general. Whenever there was mentioned another lover for Janie he felt insecure. Whenever their life is in danger, he feels insecure that Janie regretted her decision. He always feels as if Janie wants to leave him

Apr 17

This is definitely foreshadowing something. I agree! With the fleeting animals, it is obvious that something is going to happen later. I have a feeling that there is going to be some sort of natural disaster and death

Apr 17

Teacakes intention was to show Mrs. Turner that he was controlling and that he had full control over Janie in able to show that he is not going to be defeated by Mrs. Turner’s brother. In turn, he looks foolish in the end and he just looks like an abusive husband

Apr 17

I agree! I think that it is crazy that he knows that it’s not Janie’s fault. He just needed an excuse to control her and take advantage of her

Apr 17

I wonder why Janie never stood up for herself? She stood up for herself against Jody starks so I wonder why she is just taking the abuse from Teacake

Apr 17

This kind of comes as a surprise. I knew that TeaCake was a red flag, but I didn’t think that he would ever hit Janie. This just shows how insecure Teacake was.

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