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Apr 19

I am reading this for the second time and it really stands out to me this time as a blueprint for focusing my presentation for this class. Now that I have discussed and researched my topic, I can better understand the importance/relevance of this paragraph.

Apr 19

I agree with your point and can’t help but use the analogy of social media vs. a TEDTalk or a professional development talk. Social media seems to be the platform where there are no rules and people can present every little thought or idea that is relevant to them. In my opinion, that’s why it has become so tricky/potentially dangerous. The responsibility sort of lies with the audience to discern what they intake and they can choose to watch or not. On the opposite end, the content creators have no real control on who their audience is (or at least not that I know of). I would certainly HOPE that in preparing for a professional talk a presenter would be more targeted to the specific audience that they are presenting to. In this setting, the audience has (mostly) chosen to participate and the presenter has the responsibility to be mindful of their audience.

Apr 19

I believe this is true in pretty much every aspect of life. When we work in silos, it cuts off the ability to think openly and creatively. I believe there are solutions to biggest problems (especially in the worlds of health care and education) if we collaborate and open up to ideas outside the box.

Apr 19

Wow! I never heard this before and it very thought provoking. I really loved the idea that our ideas and knowledge are always evolving but this takes it a step further. In a weird way, I feel like it takes the pressure off of “always being right”.

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