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Social Anxiety Disorder: What it’s like

Social Anxiety is not really something that you can easily define. It’s not being shy. It’s your heart racing and the situation where you can't breathe properly if you have to talk to someone.


It’s a dread of having to call a person you don't know. You avoid doing that by mailing or texting even if they are not responding. You might even lie to people that you don't have a network in your phone if they're asking you to talk to someone.


Get medical alert bracelets in case any of your family members or you are suffering from any mental illness. It has proven to be a life-saving device.


It’s this thing you do before you talk to someone. You only do that if it’s absolutely necessary. And you practice again and again before speaking. You end up fumbling and looking absurd because that's what you thought is going to happen.


Having social anxiety is like being trapped in the burrows of your own mind with no way out. No one says it, no one looks in your direction, no one even cares but you still can't help thinking that way.


  • People's gaze on you feels like you're being subjected by X-ray vision.


  • You evaluate almost every thought before you let it out. More often than not, it results in over-thinking and you end up staying silent.


  • When in public, you are your worst critic and nothing can save you from it.


  • You hate drawing attention to yourself so much that you abstain from doing the most basic things like switching on the lights or looking at the mirror when in a crowded place.


  • Your social media is either limp or dead. You feel too stressed about posting stuff because you worry about being judged.


  • On the rare occasions that you do talk to someone, you are passive, pale, and a pushover. No matter how strongly opinionated you are otherwise, you'll just end up agreeing with them because your mind goes blank at that moment.


  • People who do take the initiative to help you out by inviting you to parties or making you a part of the conversation see you nervous and end up feeling sad for having imposed it on you which only makes you more anxious.


  • You watch every step of yours when among crowds. You do it so much that it feels as though there is a different, unnatural side to you. You constantly live two lives the public and the private and it takes a toll on you from time to time.


  • Even though you might not admit it, you have an unhealthy need for validation, which you never convey because what you need is natural validation.


  • You live in the constant fear of losing the “connection” with your loved ones. You think you can be easily replaced because you can't compete with the others who have superhuman abilities to make phone calls, physical meetings, saying the right words at the right time, and being entertaining.



  • You don't count. Not to most of the people, anyway.




























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