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Share Activities or Prompt that help students to meet SEL Benchmarks for NYS K-3

Share Activities or Prompt that help students to meet SEL Benchmarks for NYS

SEL Standards K-3

1A.1a. Recognize and describe emotions and how they are linked to behavior

1A.1b. Demonstrate control of impulsive behavior.

1B.1a. Describe one’s likes, dislikes, needs, wants, strengths, challenges, and opinions.

1B.1b. Identify family, peer, school, and community strengths and supports

1C.1a. Describe why learning is important in helping students achieve personal goals.

1C.1b. Identify goals for personal behavior progress, achievement, or success.

2A.1a. Recognize that others may experience situations differently from oneself.

2A.1b. Use listening skills to identify the feelings and perspectives of others.

2B.1a. Describe the ways that people are similar and different.

2B.1b. Describe positive qualities in others.

2C.1a. Identify ways to work and play well with others.

2C.1b. Demonstrate adaptability and appropriate social behavior at school.

2D.1a. Identify problems and conflicts commonly experienced by peers.

2D.1b. Identify approaches to resolving conflicts constructively.

DMU Timestamp: September 10, 2021 01:39

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