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The Second 2016 Presidential Debate

Author: PBS NewsHour

1 additions to document , most recent over 7 years ago

When Why
Oct-09-16 Let's comment during the debate together.
  • Log in/Sign in (using Facebook or Google) or Sign up for a free account at NowComment. We will add the PBS Livestream to this document when it is available.
  • Press play, and watch the Second 2016 Debate, PBS NewsHour video, stopping the live stream every 3-5 minutes to make a comment on NowComment.
  • Write short, quick comments, creating a stream of consciousness, without editing. Try to capture your first responses to what you are hearing and seeing, then start the stream again, and catch up with the debate. You should have 18 - 30 comments by the end of the debate if you are writing every 3 - 5 minutes.
  • Later, come back to 5-10 of your short, quick comments on NowComment and edit each of these comments that you have selected.
  • Write a longer, more considered explanation for why you had the reaction you did. Explain if the candidate is using ethos, pathos, or logos, and say why this matters. Explain why this point in the debate is significant. Why does it stand out to you? Fact-check the candidates, linking to the sources of your facts.
  • Write replies to other students' comments, and respectfully disagree or agree, giving evidence to support your claims. Engage in conversations in as many comments as possible.
  • Within your comments add links to sources that support your claims, and feel free to add documents, videos, and images that are relevant to this debate at the bottom of this NowComment document.
  • DMU Timestamp: September 28, 2016 13:52

    Added October 09, 2016 at 4:46pm by Paul Allison
    Title: Let's comment during the debate together.

    DMU Timestamp: September 28, 2016 13:52

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