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Date: August 30th 2016

Discussed items with Cheryl/Risha/Lee

  • How far the GOYFF has gone?

    • They have met. Risha and WUSD
    • Risha attended the first meeting
  • Is Williams invoicing CCESA or directly invoicing the Governor’s office?
    • See “Items to be addressed”
  • What are “Attachments A &B”?
    • Attachment A= Sample Budget: Risha will be sending an electronic version of Cochise County for CCESA budget
      • ESA needs to create budget
    • Attachment B= Federal Terms and Conditions=See binder
  • What are the “deliverables” for the grant?
    • Lee will construct an email to the Williams Elementary Principal
      • Ask for deliverables
      • Who is the school contact for the grant? Email/phone etc.
      • Have they started their action plan? If so, could we see the document?
      • What supports can CCESA provide?
  • Is there a specific form for invoicing/reimbursements?
    • Yes, Risha will send all electronic versions that she has on the grant. See binder for paper version.
  • What has been invoiced so far to the state?
    • Nothing so far. This question will be addressed once contact with Deborah Miller has been established.

Items to be addressed

  • Call Deborah Miller-Special Projects Manager regarding IGA (602) 542-1764- Cheryl and Lee will call Wednesday 8/31/16 at 3:00

    • Does the ESA need to have an IGA with WUSD? Are we a pass through?
    • Specifics regarding budget
      • $20,000? For CCESA and $29,160 WUSD
    • Could we obtain a copy of WUSD grant/action plan?
  • Budget for CCESA creation-(needs to be completed ASAP)
    • Salary for Business Manager & Project Coordinator
    • ERE for BM/PC/Liability
    • Travel monies to Williams
  • Create an ESA action plan
  • Read over GOYFF Substance Abuse Link

Date: August 31st2016

  • Called Deborah Miller-Special Projects Manager

    • Questions asked/points addressed:

      • Are we a pass through for WUSD?

        • Yes.Two
    • Funds from 6/2016-9/30/2016 need to submitted electronically using the form (BM)
      • CCESSA funds ($20,000) need to be spent by 9/3O
    • New funds will be allocated hopefully by this month for CCESSA duties until 1/15/2017
    • All invoices need to submitted from WUSD by 1/5/2017 for 1/15 deadline
    • We can loan Williams funds-Fiscal Agents
    • She said she would send us a copy of the budget

Questions for WUSD

  • Who is the contact/facilitator for the project?

Questions for contact?

  • Could I get a copy of your action plan? Electronic copies please
  • Could I get a copy of the “deliverables” for the grant? Electronic copies please
  • Have you spent/purchased anything yet? If so, could I get the invoice/receipt?
  • What other supports do you need from CCESA?
  • Could we get an electronic copy of your action plan?
  • Is the business manager for WUSD handling the purchases so far? Could we get in contact with him/her?

DMU Timestamp: January 02, 2017 19:32

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