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I got so I could hear his name

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Jan 26
Marissa Gray Marissa Gray (Jan 26 2017 10:15AM) : This is a pretty cool poem. Great choice!
Jan 26
Kristin Beeman Kristin Beeman (Jan 26 2017 10:16AM) : Reference of marriage.
Jan 26
Kristin Beeman Kristin Beeman (Jan 26 2017 10:21AM) : Very gory!
Jan 26
Kristin Beeman Kristin Beeman (Jan 26 2017 10:24AM) : I can see someone rummaging though letters. A heartbroken feel.
Jan 26
Kristin Beeman Kristin Beeman (Jan 26 2017 10:25AM) : Like a stabbing motion. Anger in the tone.
Jan 26
Kristin Beeman Kristin Beeman (Jan 26 2017 10:26AM) : The words are forceful, anger spills though once again.
Jan 26
Kristin Beeman Kristin Beeman (Jan 26 2017 10:27AM) : The cloud could represent heaven.
Jan 26
Kristin Beeman Kristin Beeman (Jan 26 2017 10:29AM) : On a whole, the speaker of the poem seems to be in a relationship of some sort, (or doesn't want to be in one)!
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Alliteration 0
Jan 26
Marissa Gray Marissa Gray (Jan 26 2017 10:14AM) : There is a lot of alliteration in this poem, especially at the beginning, suggesting that she is stressing ideas such as "soul" and "sensation" giving this poem an aura of abstraction and the intangible.
Jan 26
Kristin Beeman Kristin Beeman (Jan 26 2017 10:19AM) : The s words capitalized. "Stop", and "Soul" are very different choices. The speaker doesn't want to feel.
Jan 26
Kristin Beeman Kristin Beeman (Jan 26 2017 10:20AM) : Also capitalized. Thunder could mean lyrical thunder or internal.
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leaving us hanging 0

just a Youngstown girl trying to find her way.

Jan 26
Georgia Kasamias

just a Youngstown girl trying to find her way.

Georgia Kasamias (Jan 26 2017 10:16AM) : This is a clever ending, as she not only employs the imagery of interrupting, but then goes ahead and ends on a dash. Maybe misery interrupted the poem? Lots of interpretations could be made.
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i got 0
Jan 26
Rachel Davis Rachel Davis (Jan 26 2017 10:23AM) : You got what Emily? What did you get??
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on my soul 0
Jan 26
Rachel Davis Rachel Davis (Jan 26 2017 10:23AM) : is the thing she "got" salvation?
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Angel 0
Jan 26
Rachel Davis Rachel Davis (Jan 26 2017 10:24AM) : It seems as though she is talking about salvation and religion because she even refers to an angel.. however her placement of the angel is confusing... not sure what it is an "Angel in the floor"
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stir 0
Jan 26
Rachel Davis Rachel Davis (Jan 26 2017 10:25AM) : as if to say she can shake things up
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God 0
Jan 26
Rachel Davis Rachel Davis (Jan 26 2017 10:26AM) : even though you have life down to a science, you are going to fail, but God will have mercy and help you
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cloud buisness 0
Jan 26
Rachel Davis Rachel Davis (Jan 26 2017 10:27AM) : she is referring to her religious life, or lack thereof
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DMU Timestamp: January 02, 2017 19:32

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