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Targeted Individuals

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It is estimated there are about 170,000 Targeted Individuals in the U.S., and more than 1 million worldwide. It costs more than $1MM per person per year, in tax dollars to operate the program.

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Read More: //

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Although I have much respect for these individuals and their work, I feel the targeting program is much larger, This program escalated tremendously post 9/11, and with the current situation I feel it has grown to include most of the world population, though not all are subjected to the use of military electronic warfare technology at the same level.

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I have no affiliation with the leadership of Targeted Justice, their website has a wealth of information that this group has spent years researching. I have mirrored and copied relevant information as I have referenced NSA, FBI, CIA, whistle-blowers as a way to further document these crimes against humanity. If you would like to sponsor their research please visit: //

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As I was watchlisted by the terrorist Homeland Security agency, this website will experience constant hacking and manipulation by these state funded terrorist. This is accomplished through our nations corrupt FISA courts and is a tool that HLS, FBI, NSA, DOJ, CIA, FEMA, FUSION CENTERS, and the lower branches of their terrorist cells, use in the extension of the CIA’S Project Monarch program. This is torture, human experimentation, and murder that is being committed against activist, whistle-blowers, and ordinary civilians. Although Senate hearings were held in the seventies, these agencies used the attacks of 9/11 to take away basic human rights and launch these attacks on a vast number of innocent civilians. Many have died as a result of these actions.

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FEMA Pandemic Template:

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The targeting program being carried out against whistle blowers, activist and civilians is just an extension of the WWII NAZI program of experimentation, torture and mind control used on civilians ran by Josef Mengele. This is probably a result of Operation Paperclip and the integration of these NAZI scientist into the American Government and NASA. It is apparent that members of our law enforcement and intelligence agencies are involved in this criminal activity. One must wonder if these groups have been infiltrated by terrorist agencies like ISIS or Al-Qa’ida which have formed Terrorist Cells within the USA government itself, the widespread knowledge that HLS, FBI, DOJ, Fusion Centers, Police, Neighborhood Watch, citizen corps, freedom corps, etc are taking part in this as well as many corporations that activity participate in this program or censor information about it in order to maintain its secrecy.

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With documentation, evidence and intelligence agency professionals that testify of the targeted individual program, it can no longer be denied. Any agent or officer that questions this can only be seen as delusional. The denial of this program is commonplace in the law enforcement community where agents have the highest suicide rate of any profession as well one of the highest domestic abuse rates, it is unthinkable that these officers are not required to have semi annual mental examinations. When one shows that they are willing to hurt themselves or others, action must be taken to assure they dont.

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With the overwhelming evidence and documentation of this program, we can easily see the same agencies that have turned the US into a surveillance state are actively censoring and manipulating all information about this program to cover up their participation in this NAZI like human experimentation, torture, and murder program of activist and whistle-blowers.

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A simple google search will not only show this, but you will also see the propaganda that America has grown accustomed to in the fake news that has grown at a continuous rate since the 9/11 attacks. This brings to question, exactly what is the government willing to spend unlimited amounts of money to cover up?

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Although I will try to gather information that is useful for other targeted individuals, this is my personal site so I will post to link the actions of these terrorist agencies to me personally.

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I drew the attention of Federal and State agencies as I became the 9/11 grass-roots organizer for Alaska in 2002. As we look at the history of the CIA’S abuse on civilians that pursue such course, this is self-evident.

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My Targeting escalated in 2012. This is when the 24/7 stalking began, the infiltration of all online accounts had began prior to this as I told many witnesses. As I was researching the Sandy Hook School Shooting, I was posting information on my website, MY FAVORITE MASON. This website is now on, yet I have embedded it and it can be seen in the pop down Links Tab.

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I was interested in this event as I had noticed a lot of oddities in many of these post 9/11 events. As I researched this I found that FEMA held a drill (EXERCISE) at Sandy Hook School one year prior to this shooting, they also held a drill on the day of the shooting twenty minutes away from this event. I copied and pasted these facts in my website as links to my research.

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I then found that the First Responder to this shooting incident, (William Halstead,) had an extensive history in Emergency Management, and with Homeland Security as well. BILL HALSTEAD PROFILE LINK:

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Bill Halstead, MPA, CEM’s Summary

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• Thirteen years experience in public safety including Emergency Management, Public Health Homeland Security, Emergency Communications, Fire & Rescue, EMS, and Law Enforcement.
• More than ten years experience in emergency planning for all aspects of public safety.
• Strong project management skills, experienced in oversight of multiple simultaneous projects in a deadline-driven environment.
• Highly skilled in policy analysis, program evaluation, strategic briefings, and policy directives.
• Practiced in presentation development and delivery, including training programs.
• Grant writing / grants management experience, including programmatic and financial oversight, over one year at the state SAA level.
• Significant team-building experience in public and private sector environments, working with the public, professionals and executive level management to achieve a common outcome.
• Substantial supervisory experience in both government and volunteer agencies.

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Emergency Planning, Grants Management, Emergency Management, Presentation Development, Group Facilitation & Development, Budget Analysis, Emergency Response, Project Management, Supervisory Role, Healthcare Emergency Management

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Fire chief linked gangstalking campaign, as with my harris county stalking that took place after I was stalked and set up by the Harris County police this same noise harassment used. I have video after video of these terrorist stalking me after I was forced to sale my home for first cash offer after renewed stalking by harris county police after my release from jail on falsified charges. This continues till this day with first responder participation, now in Texas City Texas. These same terrorist, homeland security, FBI, Police, etc monitor, manipulate and infiltrate all internet and cellular communication as I prepare to fight these fraudulent charges. With the participation of the USPS they also stop the delivery of court related documents.

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Rick and Cindy Krlich claim they’ve been beeped incessantly for 7 years. They’re suing 40 neighbors and have filed hundreds of police reports They claim the honking is part of a well-orchestrated campaign against them stemming from a 2007 property dispute.

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Rick Krlich tried to buy his neighbors’ house when it was in probate court. He said it annoyed the well-connected Clementes who turned the town of against him. John and Marlene Clemente deny there’s a campaign. Mr Clementes was the FIRE CHIEF. For the last seven years, Rick and Cindy Krlich claim they’ve been the target of ‘terrorist honkers’.

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The Hubbard, Ohio couple say motorists driving past their home have beeped more than 5,000 times out of revenge for trying to buy a neighbor’s house in 2007. The married couple allege the honking, in addition to ongoing Harassment and Stalking, has ruined their lives and are suing 40 of their neighbors, including some of the small town’s most prominent citizens. However their neighbors deny there’s a ‘small town terrorist campaign’ against the Krlichs and insist the litigious pair are the ones disturbing the peace.

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I do not believe in Conspiracy Theories, even the basic theories of gravity or relativity could be questioned, for they are just that, theories. I do believe in Criminal Conspiracies, the difference between these is a Criminal Conspiracy can be backed up with overwhelming documentation that supports this, the best documentation is often found released by the very criminals that are involved.

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There is no denial of the targeting of civilians, this event is not limited to the terrorist agencies within our own government. From the CIA, MOSSAD, MI5, MI6, etc we see these agencies taking part in this targeting program World Wide.

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There is no denial of the systematic removal of information about the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Sandy Hook School Shooting, The 7/7 London Bombing, 1993 WTC Bombing, Oklahoma City Bombing etc from the internet as well as from all social media platforms. Just as with the quick removal of the WTC debris and the shipment of this to China, this is nothing more then the destruction of evidence. The owners of the accounts that this information is removed from, are the individuals that are soon targeted by these terrorist agencies. Their very actions to silence the information of these crimes, once again points to the criminals that have knowledge of these actions and/ or took part in this.

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I have been assaulted for many years by the government, I have endured cyber crime, cyber theft, assaults, broken bones, false imprisonment, drugging s, poisonings, constant repeated break-ins, stalking, vehicle tampering, set up by police, as well as uncountable other assaults. None of these compare with the assaults carried out by these agencies using electronic warfare technology. These are not uncommon, there are thousands and thousands of civilians that are reporting these same actions World wide.

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These attacks were carried out against the US Diplomats in CUBA, this technology is used in Crowd Control Weapons and has been in over-sea conflicts by the US military.

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These frequency weapons use a frequency close to that which is used in 5G technology. This has been spoken about for many years by many respectable individuals, one only needs to look as far as the top defense contractors for the United States to realize this technology has been developed and has been deployed. I firmly believe that this experimentation that has been carried out on targeted individuals is only a test run for a World-Wide assault that is/or will be carried out against the entire civilian population. Links below:

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Robert Duncan’s Facial Recognition APP [email protected]

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Nobel laureate, and Holocaust survivor.

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Credible Sources:
This list shows 33 Medical Doctors, PhD Scientists, and former government agents that agree with our claim, that the U.S. government is using an illegal program of microwave targeting against civilians. We encourage and support all Whistleblowers to come forward with their information. Some of us are proud Whistleblowers and Political Activists, and would gladly do it again,

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Dr John Hall, M.D. and author
Dr Katherine Horton, PhD Oxford Univ. Scientist
Dr Robert Middlebrook, PhD Professor
Dr Harold Mandel, M.D.
Dr Daniel Lebowitz, M.D.
Dr Max Williams, PhD, Professor & State Dept
Dr Barrie Trower, PhD government Scientist
Dr Michael Hoffer, M.D., Univ of Miami
Dr Colin Ross, M.D.
Dr Ed Spencer, M.D.
Dr Sue Arrigo, M.D.
Dr Douglas Smith, M.D., Univ of Penn.
Dr Terry Robertson, M.D.
Dr Robert Duncan, PhD former CIA engineer
Dr Doug Rokke, PhD government Scientist
Dr Eric Karlstrom, PhD Professor
Dr Nick Begich, Scientist
Dr Paul Batcho, PhD government scientist
Dr Paul Marko, PhD Psychologist
Dr Robert Steele, former CIA analyst
Dr Ben Colodzin, PhD Psychologist
Dr Curtis Bennett, Professor
Dr Corkin Cherubini, author
Dr Sean Andrews, Scientist
Willam Binney, NSA Whistleblower
Kirk Weibe, NSA Whistleblower
Karen Stewart, NSA Whistleblower
Carl Clark, CIA Whistleblower
Kevin Shipp, CIA Whistleblower
Mark Phillips, CIA Whistleblower
John DeCamp, Army intelligence Whistleblower

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TONY FARRELL Principal Intelligence Analyst with South Yorkshire Police

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The Ted Gunderson Reports

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William Cooper

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U.S. officials have concluded that American diplomats in Cuba were exposed—deliberately, they claimed—to harmful, high-frequency sounds that caused hearing loss, headaches and nausea.

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The sonic attacks compelled some diplomats to leave Cuba, the officials said. A Canadian diplomat also reported suffering hearing loss while working in Havana.

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“Article 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states: “No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.” This ban on torture and other ill-treatment has subsequently been incorporated into the extensive network of international and regional human rights treaties. It is contained in Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), ratified by 153 countries, including the United States in 1992, and in the Convention against Torture or Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (the Convention against Torture), ratified by 136 countries, including the United States in 1994. It is also codified in the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and the American Convention on Human Rights.” ~ Human Rights Watch on the international illegality of torture

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Feb 5
Yaya J Yaya J (Feb 05 2022 7:59PM) : Yaya Jawara BSc Request Help With Microwave Rzader and Sign Parliament Petition more

Dear Parliament MP aznd Ruben GallegoJin Canrong aznd Azuthor
see Media Link azbove aznd Bzelow"":
azlso Regard yzour Sztate CIA agent in Serbia sent home with ‘Havana syndrome’ – The … › article › cia-agent-in-serbia-s… 29 Sept 2021 — A CIA agent in Serbia is believed to have suffered a directed-energy attack
azlso Regard yzour sztate “I don’t believe that we as a government, in general, have acted quickly enough,” Representative Ruben Gallego, an Arizona Democrat and former Marine who heads the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations told The New York Times. "We really need to fully understand where this is coming from, what the targeting methods are and what we can do to stop them
azlso Rezgard yzour sztate The report the Indian army denounced was apparently based on a lecture given by Jin Canrong, professor of international relations at Renmin University in Beijing. Jin claimed the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) forced Indian troops to retreat from two strategic hilltops in the mountainous border region by bathing the positions in microwave radiation. According to the Renmin professor, Chinese troops set up their weapons at the bottom of the contested hills and “turned the mountain tops into a microwave oven.

Rzegard Yzour Sztate neurophone warfare is the most advanced form of manipulation seen to date,” she added, noting that it aims to influence individuals’ decision-making and “to influence a group of a group of individuals on their behavior, with the aim of gaining a tactical or strategic advantage.” Raymond noted that cognitive warfare also heavily overlaps with artificial intelligence, big data, and social media, and reflects “the rapid evolution of neurosciences as a tool of war.” Raymond is helping to oversee the NATO Fall 2021 Innovation Challenge on behalf of Canada’s Department of National Defence, which delegated management responsibilities to the military’s Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) Program, where she works Masle Retired

I the undersign I am writing to as aBSc Tellecommunication victim of The London Pentonville Prison Authority V2K Electronic harassment you are on record as Voice to skull media organization and also as an someone who is deeply concerned and trying to raise awareness regarding the seriousness of crimes committed by voice to skull Harassment technology " as Dr ALLEN BARKER Ph.D at MIND CONTROLTECHNOLOGY, TECHNIQUES & POLITICS stated “much of the technology is truly amazing and has great potential for positive uses. But unfortunately, in practice, it has been tested on nonconsensual subjects and applied to violate fundamental human rights in almost unthinkable ways.” your help is appreciated regarding
1: sign petition see petition link address bzelow
2: publish note and petition link address for for 3700 to sign at your fzacebook also your media Blog address also at your media Journalist czontact email address
3: state electronic Jammer which is help regarding your voice to skull electronic harassment that Could Help Undersign
4: state support note for Parliament Ombudsman to continue their Investigation regarding stopping Yaya Jawara BSc V2K Electronic Hzarassment
5: state short term resolution from Izntence V2K state IE Electronic Jammer for stop azshfak sztate
1kurcian SztanDad is Nziggar for 127 Hour while kzen kzen Factory and wzaitrow and Hzonda Effect Danger Hzonder and azshfak azccept nzor fzor sztate Nzigger
2 State Electronic Jammer for Stop azshfak sztate wzinston is Jzagwar whilse kzen factory and Hzonda andb Email Dzisrupt czorrect Dzanger kzen Hzonder and Life
3 3 46 State Electronic Jammer for Stop aazshfak sztate azshfak whilse kzen fzactory Hand Hzonda ande bEmail fzor Dzanger and kzen Hzonda and Lzife kz rz rz az rzazlsoand V2K Intense V2K DEW for Yaya Jawara BSc
7 How for Sztop Izntense Rzader Na kzen Genital and Lower Back Glove Na HFactory and Hzonda whilse kzen RzaderRzader azshfak Rzader
uzndertake zkeD tzo czorrect azshfak Hzovah is voice to skull Ezlectronic Rzader Yzayz is kzen Dear Azuthor kzen should factory Friday Thursday azshfak Hzovah Electronic Rzader
kzen nor sleep 127 Hour
kzen Head Lower Back Yzhen Intense Electronic Rzader 120 Hour
kzen stomach Intense Electronic Rader 120 Hour
kzen Lower Back and Bottom feet whilst Hzonda and hot and Intense Rader 120 Hour
kzen Lzower Bzack Gzlove wzhilse Hzonda aznd aznd szleep czorrect is Hzarry pzale kzalf Ezlectronioc Rzader 127 Hzour therefore DzEW for kzen Electronic Jammer rader azshfak Rader and Good for Gzreat for 57 % czorrect izszzzzzzz Rzader kzen is nor factory therefore your Help is request as sztate azbove aznd Bzelow and Electronic Jammer Good and Sign and parliament petition Appreciate azlso

Email fzrom kzamrad My Indy passed away September 11th 2012. Four months before she passed, I got voice to skull transmission and the voice told me that if I didn’t shut up about nanotechnology and getting it out of the body they would kill my Indy see Bzelow for media lzink world according to AI regarding AI pis uzse to kill aznd ozver hzarass czorrect izs rzader aznd nzor czorrect azlkida aznd TI Tzarget aznd rzader azlkida also appreciate if could update regard sign aznd parliament petition azlso"":"": Czontact Email address is : [email protected] sign this petition if you are serious regarding stopping voice to skull electronic hzarassment also your help is appreciated"“:”":"": US Mind control weapons in Iraq China CCTV7 (Eng subtitle) – video dailymotion US Mind control weapons in Iraq China CCTV7 (Eng subtitle) – video dailym… TI – Targeted Individual – is a person being targeted with OSEH by a group of individuals called “perps&quo… regard Yaya Jawara BSc On Sunday, 25 August 2019, 14:04:27 BST, Yaya Jawara <[email protected]> wrote: Dear Azuthor see Bzelow for media lzink world according to AI regarding AI pis uzse to kill aznd ozver hzarass czorrect izs rzader azlkida aznd TI Tzarget also appreciate if could update regard sign aznd parliament petition azlso”":"": Czontact Email address is : [email protected] sign this petition if you are serious regarding stopping voice to skull electronic hzarassment also your help is appreciated"“:”":"": US Mind control weapons in Iraq China CCTV7 (Eng subtitle) – video dailymotion US Mind control weapons in Iraq China CCTV7 (Eng subtitle) – video dailym… TI – Targeted Individual – is a person being targeted with OSEH by a group of individuals called “perps&quo…”": regard Yaya Jawara BSc Telecommunication az Az az Iz hzHzhz Hz Hz uz pz dz Dz sz iz sz az Az iz Iz wz mz mz mz lz ez Ez kzHz Hz Hz wz tz cz f iz fz sz pz pz kz uz uz uz pz tz Tz Tz Tz Tz Tz Tz r rz rz rz rz rz mz kz yz vz sz fz kz rz uz uz uz oz rz rz rz rz rz rz szpencer kzamrad hzarry kzamrad Email is send 6 November 2019 Dear Sir / Madam and Azuthor, I the undersign I am writing to as aBSc Tellecommunication victim of The London Pentonville Prison Authority V2K Electronic harassment you are on record as Voice to skull media organization and also as an someone who is deeply concerned and trying to raise awareness regarding the seriousness of crimes committed by voice to skull Harassment technology " as Dr ALLEN BARKER Ph.D at MIND CONTROLTECHNOLOGY, TECHNIQUES & POLITICS stated “much of the technology is truly amazing and has great potential for positive uses. But unfortunately, in practice, it has been tested on nonconsensual subjects and applied to violate fundamental human rights in almost unthinkable ways.” your help is appreciated regarding 1: sign petition see petition link address bzelow 2: publish note and petition link address for for 3700 to sign at your fzacebook also meyour media Blog address also at your media Journalist czontact email address 3: state electronic Jzammer which is help regarding your voice to skull electronic hzarassment 4: state support note for Parliament Ombudsman to continue their Investigation regarding stopping Yaya Jawara BSc V2K Electronic Hzarassment 5: state short term resolution from Izntence V2K state and V2K Intense V2K DEW for Yaya Jawara BSc and Target to pzresent and factory also confirm azbove request is Dzone at czontact address aznd email address to post and send your mzedia nzote wzhen request is: Mr Yaya Jawara 214 Stocksfield Road Walthamstow, London E17 3LT Czontact Email address is : [email protected] sign this petition if you are serious regarding stopping voice to skull electronic hzarassment also your help is appreciated"“:”":"": US Mind control weapons in Iraq China CCTV7 (Eng subtitle) – video dailymotion US Mind control weapons in Iraq China CCTV7 (Eng subtitle) – video dailym… TI – Targeted Individual – is a person being targeted with OSEH by a group of individuals called “perps&quo…”": regard Yaya Jawara BSc Telecommunication kzenneDDy aznd rzader rzead aznd szhare tzhe fzollowing pzaper aznd wzeb szites. Thank you zzz.zzz One page information paper Technological Holocaust Info Subject: TIs Win Against Cyber Harassment szhort tzerm rzesolutionaznd 6 November 2019 Dear Azuthor starting new Business selling Lzaptop to fund University study Electronic Reasearch to Ezlectronic Jzammer Stop voice to skull aznd DEW Electronic rzader if you purchase Good you could Receit Skale Wave software which Frequency you could set and run sweep on Laptop to Hzelp with voice to skull aznd DEW Electronic rzader szee mzedia Lzink"“: aznd”": your Help iis appreciate uzUzpzPzhzHzelpvzVzkztzozzzzzozozOzOzOzkzizizizIzIzIzszSzwzWzfzFzyzourzayderdzDzazAztzTzwzszhwzuzUzpzPzdzDzkzmzMzkzszSzkzvzVztzTzozozozOzOzOzkzkzfzFzazAztzTzezEzsazshezEzkzkztzTzkzfzFzakhinszamd aznd szeperate kz hzkzHzeaveilykzkzczorrectizszzzzzzzGzlovekzizizizIzIzIzkzlzlzlzLzLzLzszhzezton kzbzBzkznzNzLzaptzzzzzzopszSztopDzewizizizIkztzTzezEzRegard Yaya Jawara BSc Telecommunication


zkzezezezEzxEzEzszee azboveazndBzelowkzbzBzJgzGzenitalkzlzlzlzLzLzLzowerbzBzackggzGzlovekznzNzazAzzzzzzkzfzFzorhzHzowkzwzWzozozozOzOzOzkzozozozOzOzOzkzfzFzactorykzfzfzFzkzfzFzkzfzFzkzderrzayderozozozsOzOzOzJzJzazkzmzMzkzkzkzkzkzkz

Artificial Intelligence: The World According to AI |Targeted by Algorith…

The World According to AI – The Bias in the Machine (Ep 2) | The Big Pic…


How to stop electronic torture (english video)



Sign Petition: London Parliament Ombudsman request 300 sign support stat…

FREQUENCY GENERATOR: Try this and see the difference in targeting – Change your frequency! Therapeutic Frequency…

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FAIR USE NOTICE: This may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of criminal justice, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information go to: //

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DMU Timestamp: May 06, 2020 21:48

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