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Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Babbitt Return to Group

  • over 5 years ago


    Tuck Everlasting, Prologue and Chapters 1-8 Information-grey


    The first week of August hangs at the very top of summer, the top of the live-long year, like the highest seat of a Ferris wheel when it pauses in its turning. The weeks that come before are only a climb from balmy spring, and those that follow a drop to the chill of autumn, but the first week of August is motionless, and hot. It is curiously silent, too, with blank white dawns and glaring noons, and sunsets smeared with too much color. Often at night there is lightning, but it quivers all alone. There is no thunder, no relieving rain. These are strange and breathless days, the dog days, when people are led to do things they are sure to be sorry for after.

    One day at that time, not so very long ago, three things happened and at first there appeared to be no connection between them.


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  • over 5 years ago


    Tuck Everlasting, Chapters 9-11 Information-grey


    The August sun rolled up, hung at mid-heaven for a blinding hour, and at last wheeled westward before the journey was done. But Winnie was exhausted long before that. Miles carried her some of the way. The tops of her cheeks were bright pink with sunburn, her nose a vivid, comic red, but she had been rescued from a more serious broiling by Mae, who had finally insisted that she wear the blue straw hat. It came down far over her ears and gave her a clownish appearance, but the shade from its brim was so welcome that Winnie put vanity aside and dozed gratefully in Miles's strong arms, her own arms wound around his neck.

    The pastures, fields, and scrubby groves they crossed were vigorous with bees, and crickets leapt before them as if each step released a spring and flung them up like pebbles. But everything else was motionless, dry as biscuit, on the brink of burning, hoarding final reservoirs of sap, trying to hold out till the rain returned, and Queen Anne's lace lay dusty...

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  • over 5 years ago


    Tuck Everlasting, Chapters 12-17 Information-grey


    The sky was a ragged blaze of red and pink and orange, and its double trembled on the surface of the pond like color spilled from a paintbox. The sun was dropping fast now, a soft red sliding egg yolk, and already to the east there was a darkening to purple. Winnie, newly brave with her thoughts of being rescued, climbed boldly into the rowboat. The hard heels of her buttoned boots made a hollow banging sound against its wet boards, loud in the warm and breathless quiet. Across the pond a bullfrog spoke a deep note of warning. Tuck climbed in, too, pushing off, and, settling the oars into their locks, dipped them into the silty bottom in one strong pull. The rowboat slipped from the bank then, silently, and glided out, tall water grasses whispering away from its sides, releasing it.

    Here and there the still surface of the water dimpled, and bright rings spread noiselessly and vanished. ...

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  • over 5 years ago


    Tuck Everlasting, Chapters 18-20 Information-grey


    And so there were flapjacks again for breakfast, but no one seemed to mind. "Didn't get a bite, eh?" said Mae. "No," said Miles, "nothing we wanted to keep."

    That was true, anyway. And though Winnie blushed as he said it, she was grateful that he didn't explain. "Never mind," said Mae. "You're likely out of practice. Tomorrow, maybe."

    "Sure," said Miles. "Tomorrow."

    But it was the thought of...

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  • over 5 years ago


    Tuck Everlasting, Chapters 21-25 and Epilogue Information-grey


    Winnie pulled her little rocking chair up to her bedroom window and sat down. The rocking chair had been given to her when she was very small, but she still squeezed into it sometimes, when no one was looking, because the rocking made her almost remember something pleasant, something soothing, that would never quite come up to the surface of her mind. And tonight she wanted to be soothed.

    The constable had brought her home. They had seized her at once, flinging the gate open and swooping down on her, her mother weeping, her father speechless, hugging her to him, her grandmother babbling with excitement. There was a painful pause when the constable told them she had gone away of her own free will, but it only lasted for a moment. They did not, would not believe it, and her grandmother said, "It was the elves. We heard them. They must have bewitched...

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