<a href="url">displaywords</a>where “url” is the destination web page address and “displaywords” are the word(s) users should click on to go there.
Note that emailing or otherwise circulating files for commenting in Word (or any desktop application) has inherent and very significant disadvantages:
NowComment eliminates all these problems: you can ensure that people are always commenting on the current version, and their comments appear right away for everyone to see; no one ever has to compile the responses!
NowComment's workflow also simplifies the logistics of getting everyone's input on group projects. In Word, every group member can make changes on the Word document, which makes the document hard to read… and not everyone will agree with every change made by colleagues; in NowComment, everyone suggests changes (and can comment on pros and cons of others' suggestions) but then leaves it to the document owner, acting as the editor, to decide which changes to accept.
[Last updated May 29, 2017]