On TTT In April and May 2022 we met together to jigsaw back and forth between a recent Assessment Framework for Multimodal Composing and looking at actual multimodal work -- both by us and by students. We would love to have your input into this work!
Christina Cantrill and I (along with a few others) are seeing the Assessment Framework (linked above) as an opportunity to deepen our understanding and practice with multimodal composing.
Specifically, for several weeks on on TTT, we are read and commented on the Framework, then we invited people to present multimodal work for conversation with the domains of this framework in mind.
This week, on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, Sam Reed III has invited us to have conversations about his multimodal composition on Medium https://medium.com/@sriiiconsulting.. We are planning to have participants meet in domain groups -- Audience, Mode and Meaning, or Originality -- comment on the text of the Framework and talk about Sam's multimodal work by considering the questions within that domain -- and talking to Sam about his making process. Then we'll come together as a whole group to talk more, both about Sam's work and the Framework for Assessment.
Lexxis,Yudelka, and Christal are fellows in a Noyce-STEM program for students who are starting their graduate studies in Educatioin at Lehman College
This week, on Wednesday April 27th, Paul Hankins has invited us to have conversations about his Bit by Bit work that he has recently been publishing on Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/bitbybit407/ We are planning to have participants meet in domain groups -- Audience, Mode and Meaning, or Originality -- comment on the text of the Framework and talk about Paul's multimodal work by considering the questions within that domain -- and talking to Paul about his making process. Then we'll come together as a whole group to talk more, both about Paul's work and the Framework for Assessment.
Chris Sloan and Marina Lombardo have volunteered to get things started.
Chris will offer a couple of multimodal compositions by his high school seniors to consider:
Marina says that her third graders just "created videos articulating their math thinking using either Minecraft or legos." She also has "a digital book where the whole class collaborated to create artwork."