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Ladi Smith Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Draft

EDIS 5424 & 5470

Lesson Components

What teacher and student behaviors are planned and expected



Context: Push in support for four ELL students

Course name: EDIS 5470

Grade level: Kindergarten

Length of lesson: 25 minutes over two days

Description of setting, students, and curriculum and any other important contextual characteristics:

My mentor teacher Ms.Brannock and I will push into a kindergarten classroom to serve 3 ELL students. Each student is from a different country, they have entered the ESL program at different times, and their L1’s are different. The ELLs range in levels of ability, social involvement, and willingness to participate. Ms.Brannock and I will work in the corner with the students for 25 minutes at a time over two days.

Virginia SOL(s) OR Common Core State Standard(s):

Oral Language:

  1. K.1 The student will demonstrate growth in the use of oral language.

    1. a) Listen to a variety of literary forms, including stories and poems.
    2. b) Participate in a variety of oral language activities including choral and echo

speaking and recitation of short poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated

word order patterns.

  1. c) Participate in oral generation of language experience narratives.
  2. d) Participate in creative dramatics.
  3. e) Use complete sentences that include subject, verb, and object.


K.5 The student will understand how print is organized and read.

  1. a) Hold print materials in the correct position.
  2. b) Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book.
  3. c) Distinguish between print and pictures.
  4. d) Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on a printed page.
  5. e) Match voice with print. (concept of word).

  1. K.7 The student will develop an understanding of basic phonetic principles.

    1. a) Identify and name the uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
    2. b) Match consonant, short vowel, and initial consonant digraph sounds to

appropriate letters.

  1. c) Demonstrate a speech-to-print match through accurate finger-point reading in

familiar text that includes words with more than one syllable.

  1. d) Identify beginning consonant sounds in single-syllable words.

WIDA Can-do descriptor(s):

Recount by…

- Repeating words, simple phrases or expressions from familiar stories.

Process recounts by…

- Pointing to pictures described orally in context.

- Matching icons and symbols to corresponding pictures.

Process arguments by…

- Identifying personal choices.

Argue by…

- Stating personal likes from oral prompts.

Discuss by…

- Attending to the speaker to demonstrate understanding.

Objectives (KUD format – Students will Know, Understand, Do):

Students will know…

Vocabulary words associated with toys, playing, and cleaning up!

Students will understand…

Students will understand how to use the new vocabulary words in different contexts.

Students will do…

Students will be able to sort the vocabulary based on common features (beginning sounds).

Language Objectives

- SWBAT use the new and old vocabulary to talk about the bear putting his toys away in the closet.

- SWBAT to tell their teacher or a friend about a favorite toy that they have at home using new vocabulary.

- SWBAT use listening skills to identify key events in the story.

- SWBAT retell major events that happened in the story.

- SWBAT use their knowledge of beginning sounds to try and identify unfamiliar words.

Vocabulary students will need in order to be successful in the lesson

Ball, Book, Doll, Plane, toys, closet, mess, truck, bear, bike, train, hat.

Assessments: Methods for evaluating each of the specific objectives listed above.

Diagnostic: Students will demonstrate what they already know by…

- Talking about experiences with toys/materials.

- Sharing their favorite toy

- Reviewing the three sight words

Formative: Students will show their progress toward today's objectives by…

- Answering the monitoring and word solving prompts.

- Answering the fluency and comprehension questions.

- Discussing the content of the book.

Summative: Students will ultimately be assessed (today or in a future lesson) on these standards by...

- Students will be assessed at the end of the lesson when do their word sort.

Instructional Steps (Procedures): Detail student and teacher behavior. Identify possible student misconceptions. Include:

  1. Welcome/greeting/announcements

Welcome the students as they meet Ms.Brannock and I over on the carpet. I will let them know that today will be a little different because Ms.Brannock is going to watch me instead of me watching her. I will tell them that I came up with a lesson plan just for them, and that we are going to do some thinking, some reading, and some sharing.

  1. Hook/ bridge/ opening to lesson

I will ask the students if they have toys/items that belong to them at home, and if they do I will ask them to pick a favorite or two. Next I will ask them if they’ve ever made a mess at home or at school with their toys or materials. We will discuss both to help students make meaning of the book.

  1. Instructional steps

Then I will tell them that we are going to do a sight word review and the words will be familiar toys/items. The students will be given three familiar words to identify ball, doll, and book. After we review the sight words I will introduce the book. We will go on a picture walk before reading it. Students will identify familiar pictures in the book, but we won’t spoil the end! We will read the book together and students will point along. There will be new vocabulary in the book that we will review and make sense of. Students will be challenged to remember some of the familiar words. Once we have read through the book together Ms.Brannock and I will break the students up (two with me and one with her, or one with me and two with her) and help them read with prompting. Students will be instructed to show comprehension, fluency, and word solving prompts. An example of a prompt is, “show me the word______,” “reread the sentence and make the first sound,” or “does this book remind you of something you have done?” After we finish reading we will discuss what we read briefly before moving on and learning a new sight word. Since I know these are ELL I will teach them the word plane. I know one of them went on a trip to her home country recently and she took a plane! I will tell students one of my favorite toys when I was younger was a plane. I will show them the word and I will ask them what sounds they hear. We will then do a mix and fix together. Last, we will do word study. For this we will use a picture sort.

  1. Closing

I will tell the students how fun it was to work with them. I will remind them that they should be proud of themselves for their hard work. I will remind them that I will be back tomorrow to help them again and that we will be reading this book again. Last, I will have the students check in with their classroom teacher to ask which station they should go to next.


Mentor text: Too Much Stuff

Word list

Word sort


Attention to Individual Student Needs: Detail specific actions/materials you will use to meet individual needs in this lesson.

Ms.Brannock and I will be working with a small group of students so we will be able to individual attention and time to each student various times during the lesson. We will not need specific materials but we will use different strategies/actions with different students. For example, there is a student who struggles to participate, but usually has the right answers. We will call her Sophie. We will give positive feedback and small group oral retelling to help Sophie build her confidence. There is another student who we will call Jerimiah. Jerimiah is confident in himself and he can identify words by looking at the beginning, middle, and end sounds, but he often times substitutes a known word when he doesn’t know an unfamiliar word. We will support Jerimiah by taking him back to those words and looking at the beginning, middle, and end sounds.

Enrichment plans for advanced/gifted students


Accommodations for students with IEPs


Technology Use: Detail specific technology being used in the lesson with explanation for why it is being used.

No technology will be used. Students will read from printed text in books and on word lists.

DMU Timestamp: March 22, 2018 19:08

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