In the video, you will hear Dr. Puentedura talk about four levels of technology integration -- substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition -- as well as an example of how teaching a specific topic might change at each of these levels.
View the entire video, then describe a way that you currently use technology to substitute or augement a current assignment or activity you use in your classroom/context, and then describe a way that you might modify or redefine that same assignment.
Of course, once you share your own ideas, please reply to your classmates. Questions that might help push their thinking:
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In the video, you will hear Dr. Puentedura talk about four levels of technology integration — substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition — as well as an example of how teaching a specific topic might change at each of these levels.
View the entire video, then describe a way that you currently use technology to substitute or augment a current assignment or activity you use in your classroom/context, and then describe a way that you might modify or redefine that same assignment.
Of course, once you share your own ideas, please reply to your classmates. Questions that might help push their thinking:
How do you think the way you have changed __ will lead your students to __?
What do you predict your students will have difficulty with when doing __?
What might they find easier or more interesting about __?
How will __ help your students engage more deeply with __?
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