In the video, you will hear Dr. Puentedura talk about four levels of technology integration -- substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition -- as well as an example of how teaching a specific topic might change at each of these levels.
View the entire video, then describe a way that you currently use technology to substitute or augement a current assignment or activity you use in your classroom/context, and then describe a way that you might modify or redefine that same assignment.
Of course, once you share your own ideas, please reply to your classmates. Questions that might help push their thinking:
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In the video, you will hear Dr. Puentedura talk about four levels of technology integration — substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition — as well as an example of how teaching a specific topic might change at each of these levels.
View the entire video, then describe a way that you currently use technology to substitute or augment a current assignment or activity you use in your classroom/context, and then describe a way that you might modify or redefine that same assignment.
Of course, once you share your own ideas, please reply to your classmates. Questions that might help push their thinking:
How do you think the way you have changed __ will lead your students to __?
What do you predict your students will have difficulty with when doing __?
What might they find easier or more interesting about __?
How will __ help your students engage more deeply with __?
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Since I don’t have my own classroom of students, I will explain how I worked alongside a teacher to move her through the SAMR model.
Typically, this teacher has her students write reading responses after they complete a book. Having her students use a Google Doc to type their responses was her way of incorporating technology (substitution level). We worked together to think about how to move her students into augmentation by having the students share documents with her to provide feedback. Next, we began providing them with choices on how to complete their responses (including, recording a video or audio response via PhotoBooth, iMovie, Voki or Vocaroo) (Modification). Finally, we set up a blog for students to share their responses with the world (Redefinition). We have been tweeting the blog out and tagging the authors of the books students read.
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That is, she uses content knowledge, pedagogy skills, and myriad of technological approaches to allow her students to complete assignments. In my opinion, she uses the SAMR model on steroids. She takes it many steps beyond the SAMR model and she integrates modern educational tools. Wow, what a teacher? Perhaps Dr. Puentedura can learn from this teacher in terms of higher order and critical thinking skills.
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I am confident that most of us as teachers and instructors need to adopt some form of SAMR in our classrooms if we are to be successful. I am happy to see that technology is alive and well in our schools. Applying today’s technology and thinking outside the box allows for our students to become deep thinkers and great problem solvers.
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Traditionally, software development was designed by an approach called waterfall methodology. That is, you give the developer or contractor the specifications and she build the software accordingly. Today, software development has been redefined, modified, substituted, and augmented with a new methodology, namely, agile methodology. Agile methodology is a construct wherein the software is built collectively from the ground up and the specifications are agile. This allows all parties to share ideas, meet daily and collectively solve complex problems. I see similarities in the SAMR approach to that of agile methodology in terms of interaction, learning, and thinking.
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Hi John, my company also adopted the agile methodology. So much so we named it Project Agile. We have innovated into a technology company and it was just a matter of time before we incorporated all the tree trimming to exemplify it. It is good to see that SAMR or so form of it is everywhere and being effective at the same time.
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We call it being innovative and trying new ideas with the current technology. My company is changing the way we deliver content daily. we have changed from delivering in a classroom to using IVL – Interactive Virtual Learning. This present better ways to be interactive and engaging to a wider audience delivering the same message. We have more people to use different technology tools to conduct experiential learning of a lesson, where as we may have just read it out loud. We have the technology for student to make teaching videos of a lesson in groups and present it in Bluejeans, Skype, or Adobe connect. We take a lesson and substitute it with a student video and augment it with their own twist and modification. The message and integrity of the lesson is still there, however they student has taken that lesson and made it there own. This type of learning is sustainable for weeks, months, and even years to come. It fosters a genuine engaging and motivated work-learning balance.
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