mind blowing new ideas and competencies.
believe that these skills bring new possibilities, however, it requires a lot of effort from the teacher and time to prepare for this new way of teaching skills
mind blowing new ideas and competencies.
believe that these skills bring new possibilities, however, it requires a lot of effort from the teacher and time to prepare for this new way of teaching.kills
I believe thats the point were the new technologies enter. Now days it’s easier to organize our work as studies to better prepare our classes. With differente tools at our diposal we can do more with less.
mind blowing new ideas and competencies.
I am also interested into get to know more about this.
I am very new to the education world and I am fascinated.
As teachers we must be in contact with all the new knowledge that is available nowadays, so that we can make the difference in the classroom. The 6 C’s of Education are important tools to prepare children for the challenges of the 21st Century.
The educational approaches like steam,PBL and the makers movement guide the students to become citizens of the world
The 6 C’s helps to a better understanding of the text.
It is not easy to apply all this, but it is truly necessary, specially in Brazil. I believe that when all of these abilities are combined we are more prepared for the world we live in.
I believe that this dynamic is the most effective to make students learn English contextualized in the real life. It is the way that can keep students motivated to learn a new language.
I totally agree
mind blowing new ideas and competencies.
mind blowing new ideas and competencies.
I also agree that we need to improve our knowledges on those researches to help our students to achieve their own goals on the process of learning a language or any other subject
I totally agree. I spent a lot of time teaching with the Communicative Aproach and now taht I’m learning the 21st centuries skills I feel more motivated and I see a difference in students behaviour
I agree. The situation of global society demonstrates that it is necessary to adapt the teaching model. The world has changed, but during this transition we teachers need to understand that planning a class requires more creativity and society has not yet realized the important mission of the teacher.
I think it’s really important to never get comfortably into thinking you know anything as a whole and I like how the author has managed to take a concept which has been shared a lot and complemented it so we may keep improving our practices.
I too have similar innovating product which can highly work based on the employee login which is why kroger associates keep working on it. –
The 6C’s of Educationof Education is very important to develop skills and abilities for teachers and students
yes, it is
Everybody has to take care of themselves nowadays, so these skills are helping and will help the students become more responsible humans. So it is very important for school to include these skills in their classes.
I reckon that this text introduces the 6 C’s as skills that bring new possibilities to the classroomroom. It is a way to the explore the learners’ interests,a possibility to bring they to the spotlight and have their passions acknowledged. It also challenges students and teachers to want more, think more, create new paths to the learning experience.
It is crucial that every segment in our social system changes. Technology is evolving fast and we are forced into learning what are we supposet to value in this new perspective of life. It is more than ever necessary to raise the awarenes of what competences we do need to improve to be able to survive in a near future. I am glad to know that there are many studies in this area.
The 6 C’s of Education is a step-by-step for those who believe that Education can be a open door to a better future for our children.
I really think we need to change the way that we give class,for a new challenge, but there is a problem to me the school is prepared to this new missiom? talking about tech.
Great! I really agree with the text, really nice.
It’s always a challenge and it’s exciting to know about the possibilities.
I agree! We, as teachers, have to spend more time thinking and preparing our classes to integrate the 6 C’s, but the results are worth it. It means our students will be capable of dealing with a variety of situations, live peacefully in society and use different tools to solve problems.
It’s verry important that teachers use the C’s in classroom given that is a new way of educating, that comtemplates a new and globalized world.
I agree
Yes, I think the same way.
These skills are the most important thing that students need to know
The 6 C’s are an amazing approach to daily classes focusing on the learning process
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I believe in the training of future adults with skills for the classroom, for 2 + 2. Social, emotional and intelligence skills to solve everyday problems.
I agree
I think tha this ideas will change the way classes are taught. An I think it´s going to be much better fos teachers and students.
Although the learning process is full of surprises, it is a path that delights me and awakens my curiosity and love.
yeah, that’s a very good way to analyze if our classes are being the richer we could make them be!
I agreed with you, working witth all skills require a lotof preparation and plannig.
able contribute to a better society and a better world.
I agree with you. And with the demands of the 21st century, we should, as teachers, always be aware of new studies that can help us, especially the students.
The 6C’s of Education are not new skills. They represent a teaching approach in which young people are prepared to thrive in the realities of today’s world.
believe that to achieve these competences, we teachers must prepare ourselves and keep in mind that the new will reach more the interest and learning of our students.
in bilingual education, where CLIL is applied, it will be very interesting to apply content FROM THE TEXT ON COMPETENCIES AND SKILLS.
No doubts it is a great challenge. we need to teach a new approach to the English language. Include the student as part of this learning process.
I agree with you. And this preparation is necessary in a daily basis.
I agree that skills can provide a new world, but, it’s hard to master the skills or even teach new ones. We should always be prepared for that.
Yes, the teacher needs to make an effort to prepare himself to do a good job in the classroom.
teaching sometimes can be a mission for life, its not a gift and we must understand our students past experience so we can achieve what is expected from our classes
21st-century competencies. Skills, abilities, and competencies. It’s a challenge for teachers and students. Both are learning and growing simultaneously. Critical thinking is the way they see life and its different meanings according to cultural differences. It is challenging for us, however, we are possibly able to achieve it.
+ as well as it depends on the commitment of the school.
The skills are impoortant for us as teachers (planning) and also to produce the uptake to learners.
I enjoyed reflecting about this skills and felt challenged to see my students interacting with this new perspective. It will require some adaptation, but I feel like they are already drawn to ideas that reflect the world today.
I couldn’t agree more that skills should be personalised by each person individualy from their own perspective of the world
The text helped us to have a general idea of tthe 21st Century Competencies. First of all, the way that Miller improved the concept show us that how everuthing is in moviment andwe need to rethink what we are doing in our class. It’s a really challenge think and prepare a class that the focus is not a grammar topic or aa vocabulary lesson. It’s scary think about a class that the students have a huge role in his own process of education. However theses points are necessary. We are talkning about a society in a globalized world with flexible bordes so we need to change the way the we teach. To apply the 6C’s requires a lot of planning and studing. I think one of the paths to try them is a planning based in Bloom’s taxonomy. Also it’s necessary a material that ialogues with the proposal. It is not possible to think of critical thinking and creativity with embedded materials, for example. Lastly, it’s important to think about our own reality. We have to adapt the method, material, posture, according to our students and their real life.
As society grows, the educational needs grow aswell. If we’re able to follow the C’s that contribute to a more critical and able world, we’re doing it right. I agree with everything you typed, we need a good foundation to go through with this proposal. It takes a lot of adapting, but it’s not impossible!
It’s really educational to separate these 6 Cs. Easy way for the teacher to recognize all the aspects that contribute to turning little kids into full grown citizens of the world.
The 6 c’s is the best way to teach in 21 century!
I totally agree! We have to help them to develop their own talents, thorough good methods (like Genious hour) and also guide them to be better human beings than the last generations.
I truly believe that teaching and learning through a PBL perspective is imperative for teachers and students. We live in a society in which we have to face frustration on a daily basis and, with the old systems, students were leaving schools without ever having faced failure. PBL gives students the opportunity to be creative, learn to communicate with one another, be critical in the way they think, collaborate, be citizens and build their character towards finding solutions to real problems they may even find during their adult lives.
I take a bit of issue with this rationale. I believe we must foster creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking, and try to create opportunities for students to become responsible citizens, but that is not because I want them to become good employees – it is because I want to be part of a system that raises young humans to become sensible adults in the future.
Nowadays it’s important to emphasize values and skills of our children. To get a job they need to develop problem-solving skills and the ability to adapt, all these will only be reached if we change the way we educate them, that’s why teachers need to be in constant evolvement and explore student’s talents.
The society lives in constant changes, and with it the education has also been changing, and for that it is nececssary to work some skills in the school, with teachers and the students. I realized it in the text, it´s a good instrument for opening our eyes to 21 st century education.
I fully agree with that.
The texto reflects the 21 century skills, These skills Will be in the students and should be in the teachers as well, as the are the Inês who will accompany the students during the School lice. It is important to follow the evolution of the world
super interesting!! that´s a good way to help student find out what their vocation is…
It is a new way of teaching and it is so imporatnt to these days
The 6 c’s must be applied in the classroom and I believe that the challenge is to know how. I’ve heard about the PBL and I think this is a great way to apply thos competencies. What I’ve never heard about it was the Genious Hour. A concept the caught my attention and that I’ll certainly try to learn more about it!
However it brings its challenge, susch as travel time to study and plan classses and the understanding of parents in this new way of learning.
The 6 C’s are an important challenge to the work of a teacher in order to develop the student’s ability to judge and his or her personal autonomy. It requires a very close attention to lesson plans and how to keep aims possible of being reached by the class. It is really necessary for the teacher to be the mediator of knowledge and to not disrupt the involvement and progress of the students.
Bilingual education is totally ahead of regular education in Brazil.
Implementing the 6Cs of Education is something as matter of urgency. I believe the teacher herself/himself has all the resources in her/his hands to assist her/his students to get a more significant learning. Having said that we will have more autonomus and collaborative children as a consequence of those implications.
Implementing the 6Cs of Education is something as a matter of urgency. I believe the teacher herself/himself has all the resources in her/his hands to assist her/his students to get a more significant learning. Having said that we will have more autonomus and collaborative children as a consequence of those implications.
I believe the 6Cs represent competencies that were taken for granted for quite some time in the past. For a long time, the focus of schools has on helping students master academic content in order to succeed in life. Such competencies were expected to develop automatically. Recently, it has become visible that they can develop further if worked on properly.
It an importnat topic to focus on, as carring out something in a way that shows a good competence is something that needs to be taken into consideration. When it comes to evaluating ones perfomance, the critical analyses used, the knowledge, the way of collaboration that is applied to it, are all keys. When it comes to teaching, it is just something that requires a lot of time and dedication from the teacher’s perspective, whereas for the students one, it needs to flow nicely and unpercptable.
As a teacher we must understand the diferente ways of learning so we can help and Guide ours students .
believe that to achieve these competences, we teachers must prepare ourselves and keep in mind that the new will reach more the interest and learning of our students.
in bilingual education, where CLIL is applied, it will be very interesting to apply content FROM THE TEXT ON COMPETENCIES AND SKILLS.
The teachers of 21st century should be aware that they are in constant evolution. I believe that’s the real challenge, in other words, being afraid of saying “I don´t know, let’s find out together” to our students sometimes can be tough, but it shows that we are humans and we are always learning.
The internet is an important tool we need to adapt to the learning process.
The six Cs are the most important thing to think when we are planning, because they are fundamental for our students life,it is about to be a person who think about the actions, solve problems, have good relationships, it is not just about the contents!
For sure critical thinking is one skill most of us saddly weren’t encouraged to develop as students in Brazil. Everybody knows the word, ok, but to actually understand its meaning and implications is a whole other thing.
Before we actually practice it inside the classroom, we must first be humble too admitt must of us don’t know how to think like this, search for own self-improving and then, only then, be ready to develop independent minds!
This is an important theme, that here in Brazil, especially in public education we are not aware. Now I’m digging into this, to improve my classes!
In fact, this new way of looking at teaching requires attention and preparation by schools and teachers. A great tool to facilitate this challenge is the collaboration between teachers, to share classes and projects, and to polish them so that they are increasingly aligned with the objectives of the 6 C’S of education.
I am always studying to be able to teach and reach all learners. I consider myself a lifelong learner, in my opinion, there is always something new to learn. To be in contact with my students, facilitating the interpersonal relationship withing them, gives me the ability to adapt to anything. As a teacher and a mentor, it is my honour to share this passion with my students who must know that we live in an ever-changing global world and their education should be geared towards the mastery of the 21st Century skills.
As mentioned in the second test, the future of today’s children can be very unpredictable, as we can’t even know what the jobs are going to be in the future, but one thing that will hardly change is the human connection. Mastering the 6 C’s skills can help teachers and students to be ready to face the changes that will come and improve the problem-solving skills.
The fact that we as teachers need to adapt ourselves so quickly or else the things we teach will end up wrong in the short term, is the main indication that the society of the 21st century will require our students just as much if not even more than this. Having them think about the topics we teach in those ways will help them grow as people, and doing so while in a bilingual context, although challenging, will be very beneficial to them and also for us.
I believe that the teaching approach through the four pillars and CLIL are of great value for the teaching and learning of students, as the contextual methods facilitate the understanding of the teaching of content through language, in addition to contributing to a conscious citizen construction about the diversity and respect. also contributes to teacher training
Those skills brings us so many nem possibilities when it comes to our job. Helps us planning and putting things into practice
By developing these competencies, students can become more adaptable, innovative, and effective problem solvers. Therefore, incorporating the 6 C’s of Education into curriculum and teaching practices can help prepare students for a rapidly changing and complex world.
Quote: “Inspiring more conversations revolving around social responsibility, empathy, critical thinking is key.”
This sentence is important because it shows the need to motivate people to think critically and be empathetic in order to raise awareness about important social issues.
Background knowledge needed to understand this text includes understanding the concept of social responsibility, which refers to the collective obligation individuals have to improve the wellbeing of others. It is also important to understand empathy, which is defined as the ability to recognize, understand, and share the feelings of another person. Lastly, it is important to understand the concept of critical thinking, which is the ability to analyze and evaluate facts and make informed decisions.
Now that we have a better understanding of the mentioned concepts, re-read the text and see how these concepts play an integral role in inspiring conversations about social responsibility. And feel free to add any further insights you find from reading this text in a reply.
I agree that it takes a long time to prepare the activties.
Creativity, tech skills, collaboration, and adaptability.
A whole world of new possibilities. No more excuses for boring classes and not prepared teachers once we have to study new things all the time, from different areas, and be more prepared for our students. Students also feel the difference when they are challenged to talk about a variety of issues, not only study the same old things they were used to.
April 27, 2017
With Gardner you focus on the learner in relation to learning. With the 6Cs, you focus on the learner in relation to the big picture (or the world around him/her).
Yes, it is
Perfect. It’s true.
It is really necessary the school pay attention about the multiple intelligence and explore the maximum of this diversity if the goal is make the students learn anything.
Exactly, nowadays the tradidional way of teaching is not an option anymore. Stds are completely different and we must adapt e evolve our way of teaching to get results, otherwise anything will bw more interesting than your class.
Although a lot of teachers are already in touch with these topics, it is essential to explore them directly with students. This should raise an awareness on students and bring a better education for them.
I completely agree!
Perfect. It’s true.
I really think it shouldnt take for granted
teachers and students working together in a new perspective. It can be amazing;
This can’t be done only by teachers. LITERALLY COOPERATION.
It all started with 4 C’s of the 21st – century education: critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity. These are the skills that many of you teachers are familiar with and already implementing them in your classrooms. However, this is not where C’s are ending. In his blog post, Brian S. Miller first introduced the world to the new, augmented concept – the 6 C’s of education. He suggested the concept after talking to his colleagues, listening to their suggestions, and studying materials of education leaders of today. In this post, we’ll take a look at this concept.
It is a challenge for us to teach things we were prepared to. We were not taught in this way.
As teacher, we must help our students on achieving those abilities in order to help them in the process of learning any subject not only languages
Also teach how to transform and adapt because after technological advances and a pandemic, it is seen that man must be prepared for everything.
No, it is not.
Yes, it is.
Yes, it is.
Yes, I was only aware of the 4 Cs.
The 6 C’s concept isn’t necessarily new. We’ve been working on them for some time at the school I teach.
Yes, it is! It’s a very interesting perspective.
It is a concept that is not new, but i believe that we always need to study more about it and improve it everyday.
The Importance of 6 C’s of Education
I really like the idea of not just educate a student in terms of language, but also help to form a citizen. I think it is really important!
Before digging deep in the concept, it’s important to highlight the value of these new educational skills. The key purpose of educational institutions is preparing children for their future jobs. However, the problem educational institutions are facing is that future of today’s children is so unpredictable. Jobs we can’t even imagine are created every day.
I agree with you!Our life is not just thinking about future jobs, we need to prepare them for life in general, and not focus on one thing, in this case, the job
Habilities and competencies must be on focus;
Jobs we can’t even imagine are created every day.
In fact, developing these skills prepares students for life, because nobody knows the future, work is just one aspect of adult life.
We, as teachers have to keep up with our constantly changing world…
Employers require creative and problem-solving skills and an ability to adapt to
changes. Those new skills and abilities kids can’t polish by solving standardized tests. That’s why teachers need to foster new skills in the classroom- skills of 6 C’s education.
and citizenship
cross culture and connection.
The other two C’s constitute new possibilities of teaching and learning, starting from the social.
This is an ongoing challenge for teachers because we were not prepeared to think this way.
Is to help the student on Building and learning valeus, principles and etc.
Character Education is learning how to understand values, principles and having responsibilities for one’s own life and development as a person. It’s about learning how to become independent, autonomous, and understanding inner values.
Learning Values
Our role as educators is constantly changing towards a more complex and complete definition.
These competencies will be essential for the professionals of the future to have more clarity and skills.
If we analyze further, the Emotional Intelligence and the Interpersonal skills are what lead all the personal and professional journey of a human being nowadays, and it becomes essential to survive in all the kinds of environments and situations. Therefore, teachers become one of the main pillars and inspirations while teaching and questioning the students about their own role in the World. That’s why is so important since our childhood the development of these soft skills, so as to grow up as a more resilient and aware adult which must inpsire others for a better and more balanced/fairer society.
The 6 C’s of Education. Photo Credit: Michael Fullan & Sylvia Duckworth
6 C’s of Education
Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the process of filtering, analyzing and questioning information/content found in various media, and then synthesizing it in a form that has a value to an individual. It allows students to make sense of the presented content and apply it to their daily lives.
Also, critical thinking is very important to live in the community. To share different ideas and talk about the things happen in the world could be a good point to develop the communication skill.
Critical thinking is an essential part of living as a society. When it comes to real-life situations, students who are stimulated to improve their critical thinking will probably apply the skills learned in an efficient way.
Collaboration is a skill of utilizing various personalities, talents, and knowledge in a
Thanks for the bilingual program
way to create a maximum outcome. The outcome must provide a benefit to the entire community or a group. Due to synergy, the common outcome has a greater value than a sum of values of each individual outcome. Check how you can sparkle collaboration in your classroom with few easy games.
for the best learning
From what I could understand from the sentence, it means that it’s important for students to understand that when you collaborate with others the outcome will be better.
Totally agree with you!
Communication is a skill of presenting information in a clear, concise and meaningful way. It also designates careful listening and articulating thoughts. Communication has various purposes: informing, instructing, motivating, and persuading.
In the 21st century, an individual must be able to create something new or create something in a new way, utilizing the knowledge he has already acquired. It does not just signify art, but also various solutions to a problem in real life situations. In our last blog post, we have suggested few methods how to foster creativity in the math classroom.
This is a part where various authors point out different skills. Miller states the culture as one of the pieces of 6 C’s, while Michael Fullan features citizenship. When we look closer, they are not so different, and actually, they go hand in hand with one another. It is important for
Working with the 6C’s is really important
Acknowledging the cultural factor makes the approach way broader. These 6Cs are valuable not only for the educational aspect, but most importantly to people’s lives. Considering we live in a very connected world and because of that we need to be aware of how important it is to understand people are, in fact, different and things do not work and happen as their reality dictates. Especially thinking about a bilingual environment, where English, for a considerable long time, is THE interaction tool among different cultures (English as a Lingua Franca). Well, it makes all the sense having the addition of these two last Cs.
an individual to be in touch with everything that surrounds him – both culture and
Character Education/ Connectivity
“Contexto” can be played in a variety of settings, such as live with a group of friends or family, or even online with players from around the world. It encourages creative thinking, word association skills, and the ability to extract meaning from contextual clues.
According to Miller, understanding the importance of human connectivity in the world filled with technology is a necessary skill to teach children. Fullan highlights character education as the last C. It includes school’s commitment to helping young people become
responsible, caring, and contributing citizens.
Even though the 6 C’s are new to me, they make a lot of sense and they go hand in hand with what I believe in terms of teaching and learning.
Learning how to help students be more engaged in class is a must. It makes me happy to see that things have been changing to meet our students needs. My favorite part was the Genious Hour because it shows our learners how much we care about them and about their needs, likes and dislikes.
This text is too important to educators. We need to think always about the way to plan our lessons considering this important skills to be developed in the contemporary world.
It´s a great text.
The 6Cs show that education is not simply the process of teaching or learning a subject, but forming responsible decision mmakers.
excellent text, great for exercise covering new knowledge
It is of utmost importance to include the all worlds surrounding us into our daily activities, even more so with learners still at school. We can help them become better than us while improving ourselves.
Author: Dorotea Knezevic
Head of Marketing at AWW. Google certified specialist, content creator and social media
enthusiast View all posts by Dorotea Knezevic
Loved it
Some of the teaching ways that we can foster to our classroom maybe harder at the beginning, although after a while we can see some meaningful improvements.
This 6C’s of education new concept is a very interesting proposal which take into account perspectives of globalisation and social demanding. Society is changing and we, teachers, need to adapt and innovate our visions by adding skills like citizenship and collaboration that are so important to emphasize nowadays. I really enjoy and agree with this text.
The truth is we cannot ignore the new understanding of what the role of educational institutions are in the 21st century, the current student´s needs and society demands. The vision of being guided by the 6 Cs in Education is a fine approach to meet these needs and expectations.
The 6 C’s are a new purpose for the Education. It is a way to think beyond the content borders as math, science… It is a way to prepare children to the world. As it mentioned in the text, these “new skills and abilities kids can’t polish by solving standardized tests”, so that it is pushing schools and teachers do find new strategies to develop them. In my humble opinion, it is a new concept of education.
Everyone from the educational area should be aware of those points in order to improve quality in teaching (and, as a consequence, in the learning process).
I’m really fascinated in International Bilingual Program
Very necessary now
Education, especially in Brazil, urges for change. Teachers must be able to teach not only the required subjects but also be prepared to foster new abilities in their students and inspire them to develop those abilities. Our society needs citizens with critical thinking willing to analyze, question and change the current situation. Our community needs people capable of being respectful with other cultures, being empathetic about others’ problems and dealing with their own prejudice.
I totally agree with you! But sometimes it’s hard to change old people’s minds.
Exactly. The act of teaching involves so many different concepts and we must be always improving our methods and techniques to reach all the students, to fulfill the educational goals.
They aim to form a thinker who is able to solve problems creatively in their personal and professional lives, interact well with others, communicate well, and have a sense of community, developing empathy. The article goes into further detail about how to implement the 6 Cs in the classroom. I think sharing ideas with our peers, exchanging lesson plans can be beneficial to this purpose.
Paulo Freire has been saying that for the learning process to be relevant and interesting, it has to related with the student’s reality and the teacher must give their student the tools for them to question and improve their community for decades. “Education changes people and people change the world”
Yeah, that’s it!
“It includes school’s commitment to helping young people become
responsible, caring, and contributing citizens.” That’ s pretty beautiful for me. I love it. I belive that we can more responsible, caring and cotributing citizens than before. The history teached us that it’s better to contribute than to compete. Moreover, the teachers also are teaching and learning to make the world a better place via personal development yourselfie and their estudants.
I believe the 6 Cs are essential to education, providing a better preparation for student learning, the organized development of these skills helps the teacher to teach students how to communicate, collaborate and think creatively and critically, giving them more confidence and motivation.
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