6 In our latest research, teens dish on everything from cyberbullying to digital distraction and share good news about how social media makes them feel.
7 What teenagers look like they’re doing and what they’re actually doing can be two totally different things — especially when it comes to social media. A bored-looking ninth-grader could be majorly bonding with her new BFF on Snapchat. A 10th-grade gamer may complain loudly when you cut off his internet but be secretly relieved. An awkward eighth-grader may be YouTube’s hottest star. To find out what’s really going on in teens’ social media lives, Common Sense Media polled more than 1,100 13- to 17-year-olds in its latest research, Social Media, Social Life: Teens Reveal Their Experiences. The new study updates our 2012 study on teens and social media with surprising new findings that address many of parents’ most pressing concerns about issues such as cyberbullying, depression, and even the popularity of Facebook (spoiler alert: It’s not).
8 Why now? Today, 89 percent of teens have their own smartphones (compared with 41 percent in 2012). They grew up right alongside Instagram and Snapchat. They do research papers on Google Classroom, find emotional support on teen forums, share poetry on Tumblr, and are more likely to text “I love you” before they’d ever say it to your face. But concerns over the negative consequences of social media have grown in tandem with its popularity among teens. Grim reports on teen suicide, addiction, cyberbullying, and eroding social skills have caused many people, from parents to teachers to the tech industry itself, to look at social media as a potential contributor — if not the cause — of these issues. This survey clarifies some of those concerns and draws attention to the reasons some kids are deeply affected by — and connected to — their digital worlds. Here are some of the key findings from the report, what they mean for you and your teen, and what you can do about them.
10 They can’t stop. They won’t stop. 70 percent of teens use social media more than once a day (compared to 34 percent in 2012). Interestingly, most teens think technology companies manipulate users to spend more time on their devices. Many of them also think that social media distracts them and and their friends.
11 What you can do. They know it’s getting in the way of important things, but they have a hard time regulating their own use. So, help them! Encourage them to be mindful of how they feel before, during, and after a social media session. If a certain friend or topic bugs them or brings them down, they can block that person or mute the thread. Challenge them to do a task with focused concentration and without getting distracted for longer and longer periods (set a timer!) .
13 Thumbs mostly up. Only a very few teens say that using social media has a negative effect on how they feel about themselves; many more say it has a positive effect. 25 percent say social media makes them feel less lonely (compared to 3 percent who say more); 18 percent say it makes them feel better about themselves (compared to 4 percent who say worse); and 16 percent say it makes them feel less depressed (compared to 3 percent who say more).
14 What you can do. It’s good news, but it’s still important to check in. Ask open-ended questions about their social media lives: What’s good? What’s not so good? What do you wish you could change? And remember, social media is only one contributor to kids’ overall well-being.
16 Managing devices is hit or miss. Many turn off, silence, or put away their phones at key times such as when going to sleep, having meals with people, visiting family, or doing homework. But many others do not: A significant number of teens say they “hardly ever” or “never” silence or put away their devices.
17 What you can do. If your teen is the kind who can manage their own use, keep encouraging them. If not, set specific screen rules for around the house. Establish screen-free times (such as during homework) and areas (such as the bedroom). Have device-free-dinner nights — and make sure to follow the rules yourself.
19 Snapchat and Instagram are where it’s at. In 2012 Facebook utterly dominated social networking use among teens. Today, only 15 percent say it’s their main site (when one 16-year-old girl was asked in a focus group who she communicates with on Facebook, she replied, “My grandparents”).
20 What you can do. Familiarize yourself with your teen’s favorite social media by reading reviews or downloading it yourself and playing around with it. Friend your teen if they’ll allow it, but don’t force it; instead, make time for regular check-ins when you can ask what’s new on Snapchat and Insta and share your feeds with them.
22 Less talking, more texting. In 2012, about half of all teens still said their favorite way to communicate with friends was in person; today less than a third say so. But more than half of all teens say that social media takes them away from personal relationships and distracts them from paying attention to the people they’re with.
23 What you can do. This is where your guidance and role-modeling of healthy online habits is really important. Put down your own phone (better yet, set it to Do Not Disturb) when you’re with your kids. Encourage them to be more self-aware about their device use, especially when they come away from interactions feeling like they were distracted. And if you think they need a break, prompt them to go phone-free for a while.
25 Vulnerable teens need extra support. Social media is significantly more important in the lives of vulnerable teens (those who rate themselves low on a social-emotional well-being scale). This group is more likely to say they’ve had a variety of negative responses to social media (such as feeling bad about themselves when nobody comments on or likes their posts). But they’re also more likely to say that social media has a positive rather than a negative effect on them.
26 What you can do. You may not know whether your teen is vulnerable. In fact, they may not know it. Because vulnerable teens can struggle more in all areas, use your intuition to dig deeper if you sense something is going on. Help them to get the best out of social media and minimize anything that provokes a negative reaction. If they’re creative, support their efforts to share their work online, as vulnerable teens say that expressing themselves on social media is extremely important.
28 Exposure to hate speech in on the rise, while cyberbullying is less common. Only 13 percent of teens report ever being cyberbullied. But nearly two-thirds say they often or sometimes come across racist, sexist, homophobic, or religious-based hate content in social media.
29 What you can do. Talk to your kid about being a force for good on the internet. Explain that it reflects poorly on them if they like, share, or otherwise support messages of hate — even as a joke. If your kid knows the person spewing hate speech, then encourage them to block, report, or simply unfriend that person. Practice how to disagree with people respectfully and constructively. Encourage them to stand up for people who’ve been denigrated — without getting into an ugly flame war.
31 Express yourself! More than one in four teens says social media is “extremely” or “very” important to them for expressing themselves creatively.
32 What you can do. Be supportive. While there are some risks to putting your work online, it’s possible to do it safely, and it can actually help teens get their stuff noticed by schools, employers, and mentors. Help them use privacy settings on whatever platform they choose to share their work so they don’t expose themselves to potential predators. Offer advice on how to accept feedback and comments maturely. And find out how to protect their intellectual property. Who knows? Their online efforts in the teen years may pay off later!
33 Caroline Knorr is Senior Parenting Editor at Common Sense Media.
34 For complete study findings, head on over to Common Sense Media’s report here.
As you prepare to read and annotate the article, consider the audience for the document — parents of teens — and think about the ways in which this information about teens is being presented.
Then, either in the video and in the document itself, find one key fact/statistic presented by the Common Sense survey and respond in 3-5 sentences by considering the following:
How does this statistic compare/contrast with other, similar data that you have heard or seen before?
Who could benefit from knowing this information? In what ways? Teens themselves? Parents? App developers? Advertisers? Others?
Finally, knowing this information, how is it relevant and useful to you, personally? To our broader conversations about creating digital identities?
Then, offer a response to each of your classmates who have also commented upon the document and engage in a dialogue about the data… and the implications for your own digital life.
So many studies are being done about teens on social media, but adults are just as guilty, if not more. My parents have twice as many apps on their phones as I do. When I post to Facebook (which isn’t very often), my grandparents are liking and responding within minutes. I think it is important that people who read these sorts of studies reflect on themselves as well, because the overall message of this article is negative towards teens’ use.
Yes! My dad is constantly berating my mom and I for not “truly spending time together” because we will be on our phones while sitting in the living room, but he does the same thing to us. I don’t understand how he can’t see that he is “ignoring” us in the same way he says that we “ignore” him.
From my perspective, these are all positive uses of media that can be very productive and/or helpful in a teen’s life (other than the “I love you” part).So why does this sentence seem to have a negative connotation, sandwiched between a sentence about growing up alongside two popular social media platforms and one about concerns over negative consequences of social media? There is both good and bad in everything, but it seems as though most adults simply associate social media with negative effects. However, social media can serve as a catalyst for multitudes of positive effects and change, as is with the few examples listed here.
I was thinking the same exact thing!! This article hones in on the positive aspects and twists them into a negative light that makes you never want to associate with social media again. In reality, social media can help people connect and share, despite the negativity surrounding it.
This statistic really resonated with me. It really connects a lot of the conversations we’ve been having in class. The media has made our generation dependent upon what they have to say. I wonder, however, how much the statistic would change if they used a larger sample. I’m not sure if 1100 teens is enough of a survey to really have an accurate representation of media use among teenagers.
I have heard similar data before, holding that social media has a positive impact on teens’ self esteem, improves feelings of loneliness, and improves depression tendencies. However, I do not think that social media is a healthy “treatment” (which is ultimately what they are referring to it as, by saying it makes them feel better) of these potentially serious mental health issues. It is likely that these at-risk teens are looking for validation in the wrong places (e.g. by how many likes/comments they receive on a selfie) that provide only temporary relief. These teens may need actual help, and all of the highs and lows that come along with social media could actually be doing them more harm than good.
This is a great thought, I feel like our culture is often driven by “feeling” better versus genuine healing. Social media should not be recognized as a healthy way of dealing with mental health issues, because it is much to easy to place too much of our own value and worth on social media status (likes, comments, followers, etc.)
Looking further into this statistic I am curious how effective this actually is of an evaluation. Renee Hobbs said, “Online sharing also provides a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.”(Hobbs, Create to Learn) I think a lot of people would agree with this, but I don’t know if the numbers in this paragraph really support that. This statistic suggests that most people say that social media helps with improving their lives in some way, but if you look deeper into this statistic, is it really saying that? What this statistic actually says is that, whether positive or negative, only 22-28% of the interviewees thought social media had an impact on how they feel. This means that 72-78% don’t think it impacts their psychological well being at all. This makes me question whether or not this statistic is something to actually consider when looking at the effects of social media on the “sense of fulfillment and satisfaction”.
I think this is where a lot of the issue with screen-time comes in, because most parents complain about their children’s amount of time online, but then spend hours and hours in front of the TV or smartphone. I speak from personal experience when I say that my dad is constantly berating my mom and I for spending too much time on our phones, but then lays around watching television and even on his phone without even acknowledging us. With that, the article makes a good point that if a rule of limited phone time is set in place, then everyone in the house should follow it.
How are they classifying this survey data as “all teens”? Surely they did not survey all teens in the country.
Usually what happens in a survey like this is that – through of what is known as “a representative sample” – researchers can say with a certain amount of statistical certainty that the survey results reflect the broader population. Indeed, it is impossible to survey everyone. Perhaps surveying a research strategy you can use one of your later inquiry pathway projects.
In the video at the beginning of this article, many teens reported that social media and phone usage helped them to feel closer to their friends, as opposed to taking attention away from their friends. I’ve read other articles with similar conflicts. This data is inconsistent, but I understand why. Face to face relationship and online relationship are different things, and I think that it would help parents and teens alike to recognize that, and remember to approach both in a healthy way. This is relevant because in this culture we have to embrace the social media driven society, and work to keep our digital identities and in-person identities consistent with each other, using social media as a tool in genuine connection.
Renee Hobbs said “one of the most important reasons why we share information and entertainment using social media is to define our identity in relation to our peers. By sharing, you give others a sense of who you are and what you value.” This is understandable to me, because I choose to express myself on social media through blogging. Through social media, we seek to share our unique experiences and talents. This can be a positive and a negative thing. It can be positive because we create connection through shared interests, but negative because the tendency to comparison is so prevalent among people our age. It has engendered a constant need to impress within our generation.
The overall advice that this article gives parents (encouraging their kids, not forcing anything too much, dually accepting less screen time, etc.) is amazing and sets good examples for parents, but the article itself only puts across that social media is bad and shouldn’t be used. These simultaneous messages were difficult to follow, and didn’t reflect on each other. It was confusing, but I do think that the ending message of support is a good way to end the article, because if the parents take anything away it’ll hopefully be that.