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3.11 V1

Eliciting Evidence

Routines and Insights

Activity 3.11 - Secondary

Prompt #1

Routines and insights for eliciting evidence are always integrated in a lesson, so in this video, you’ll look for examples of both. Identify one routine and one insight. Insert a comment at the moment in the clip in which the routine or insight is in evidence and state why it is important.

We encourage you to share your reactions to individual moments of the video and to respond to the posts of others.

As a reminder, here are Routines and Insights for Eliciting Evidence:

Activating prior knowledge, academic dialogue, questioning, observation and analysis of student work, peer feedback and self-assessment.

Aligned to learning goals, intentional and strategic, part of the instructional process, different states of learning, in multiple ways, when (and from whom) it is needed.

Video goes here

Prompt #2

Below you will see the opening paragraph from the eReader in Activity 1.4. What did you notice in the above video in terms of student identity, classroom culture, and student agency? How are these areas interconnected? Post your noticings by commenting on the text below.

“Developing student agency involves significant shifts in teaching and learning practices, shifts that move away from the traditional “teacher instructs students” model towards classrooms that reflect a collaborative learning culture. Within this culture, students and teachers share joint responsibility for moving learning forward, and learning is recognized as a social process in which all students have equal opportunities to learn and succeed. When students share responsibility with their teachers for individual and group learning, they demonstrate agency by being able to give and respond to feedback, set goals, monitor their progress towards goals, and adapt their learning strategies to move their own learning forward. To develop agency, students first see themselves as capable learners. This identity supports students to take action and make decisions to move their own and their peers’ learning forward.”

DMU Timestamp: September 13, 2018 17:00

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