1 “I was thinking; sometimes one thing happens and changes your life, how you look at things and how you look at yourself.
2 I remember one particular time. It was when? 1955 or 1956...a long time ago. It was a very late night. I had to work late that night. It was after midnight and I had to ride the train home to Brooklyn.
3 This lady got on to the subway at 34th and Penn Station. She looked a nice, was white and in her early twenties.
4 I am still trying to remember how she entered the subway. She had a baby on her right arm, a small suitcase in her left hand, and two children a boy and a girl, 3 and 5 years old following her.
5 At Nevins Street, Brooklyn, I saw her preparing to get off at the next station, Atlantic Avenue. She and I needed to get off at that same station. She had a lot to carry; two small children, a baby, and a suitcase in her hand. Should I try to help her? Should I take the boy and girl’s hand and walk them to the stairs?
6 Courtesy is a characteristic of the Puerto Rican people. And here I was, a Puerto Rican, watching a white lady with a baby in her arm, a small suitcase in her hand, and two white children, in need of help.
7 But how could I, a Negro and a Puerto Rican approach this white lady? What would she say? What would be the white lady’s first reaction? Would she say: Yes, of course, you may help me. Or would she think that I was trying to be too familiar with her? Or would she have worse thoughts? What would I do if she screamed if I tried to help her?
8 I hesitated for a long time. I was unsure about what I should do. I just walked passed the lady. It was like I did not see her. It was as if I was insensitive to her need. I was like a rude animal walking on two legs, I just continued walking and then running, passing by the long subway platform. I climbed the long steps and reached the street above. The cold air hit my warm face.
9 Maybe the lady was not prejudiced. If you were not that prejudiced, I failed you, dear lady. I failed you too children. I failed myself. you, lady, I failed you, children, and I failed myself.
10 I buried my courtesy early on Memorial Day morning. But here is a promise I make to myself here and now; if I every face an occasion like that again, I am going to offer my help regardless of how the other person receives my offer. Then, I will have my courtesy with me again.”
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one specific or occasions can have a different or much stronger affect on us in life and with the experience it changes the way you see life
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this quote means that you can say things about something and have a meaning while others have a different perspective of what you say
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I will remember this quote for when things happen and i will remember too look at my self first
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What if she wasn’t white? Describing the lady and her race because it is an important detail on the outcome of the story.
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By what I’m reading this lady must be independent and very strong and carrying mother and would do anything for her kids
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They were walking in the same direction and the lady was still struggling and Jesus wanted to help, but still didn’t offer his help due to fear about what may happen.
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He thinks cause he’s black she’ll take it the wrong way and think he doing something wrong to her
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i looked up what this word prejudice mean and it means when a person makes a judgment about an individual due to their social class
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meaning he failed his courtesy and as a person on not helping and perhaps not thinking outside the box
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hid or repressed his behavior/quality
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I would do that too.
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If it was me i would’ve offered the help so i wont feel guilty since i already seen the lady struggling
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