One of the most significant challenges facing the provision of health care in present societies is the fact that the largest growing segment of the patient population is comprised of individual and culturally diverse people. ...
The virtue of tolerance is regarded as fundamental to the British character. We are taught that our respect for the values, ideas and beliefs of others is somehow written into our national DNA.
Indeed, the government has passed a law requiring teachers and other public servants to promote just this idea as a way to deal with the threat from terrorism.
Hate crimes in large cities have increased since 2014, but schools offer a place where students can gain a better understanding of people in other lands and cultures and learn to empathize with them, ...
Exploring and celebrating the different cultures that make up America is a great way to make schools safe and welcoming for all.
Crimes against people of color continue to appear in the news, and the ugly truth is that the number of hate crimes in large cities increased...
In 1995, the Carnegie Corporation commissioned a number...