1 False news is more novel than true news, and that may be why we share the false much faster and more widely. Prominent responses to false news include surprise, fear and disgust. True news tends to be met with sadness, joy, anticipation and trust. Humans are more likely than automated processes to be responsible for the spread of fake news.
4 These insights emerge from a large and impressive study published on 9 March in the journal Science. Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, interested in how and why true and false news stories spread differently, used 126,000 stories that had been tweeted by 3 million people a total of 4.5m times. The data spanned 2006, when Twitter began, to 2017.
5 The study is unsettling reading, especially in light of what has so far emerged from US intelligence agencies, congressional inquiries and the special prosecutor Robert Mueller about use of social media to distort the 2016 presidential election. I hope the research helps to persuade more people that fake news powered by social media is a serious threat to all democracies’ health. A growing bundle of studies shows that this is a qualitatively and quantitatively new problem, not just a digital manifestation of the yellow press of old. Apart from effects on elections and referendums, fake news in social media can assist hate speech to turn into communal violence more quickly. And some government responses are troubling on free-speech grounds, such as Sri Lanka’s week-long ban on social media, or “digital curfew”.
6 The MIT researchers studied what they called “rumour cascades”. A cascade starts with a Twitter user making an assertion about a topic – with words, images or links – and continues in an unbroken chain of retweets. The researchers analysed cascades about news stories that six fact-checking organisations agreed were true or agreed were false. The study found that “falsehood diffused significantly farther, faster, deeper and more broadly than truth in all categories of information”. False political news reached more people faster and went deeper into their networks than any other category of false information.
7 The study compared the emotional content of replies to true and false rumours by using about 32,000 Twitter hashtags and a lexicon of about 140,000 English words that associate with eight basic emotions: anger, fear, anticipation, trust, surprise, sadness, joy and disgust. Were automated processes, or “bots”, the main culprits in spreading falsity? No – the researchers found, it’s humans.
13 Calling for more effort to identify the factors in human judgment that spread true and false news, including interviews with users, surveys, lab experiments and neuroimaging, the paper points to some obvious reasons to look deeper. “False news can drive misallocation of resources during terror attacks and natural disasters, the misalignment of business investments, and misinformed elections.”
14 Two features of this study, besides its published results, are heartening. Artificial intelligence was successfully deployed to good effect, for example, a bot-detection algorithm. And Twitter provided access to its data, some funding, and shared its expertise. The researchers have conditionally offered to share their dataset.
15 More openness by the social media giants and greater collaboration by them with suitably qualified partners in tackling the problem of fake news is essential. Traditional journalism organisations are potential partners too. They find, check and disseminate news, are well placed to assess veracity, attract masses of comment online and discussion on social media platforms, and have a clear incentive to maintain trust in their own contributions to democratic life.
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the fake news is more interesting so it spread
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facts i could be funny sometimes
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I agree with you because sometimes the NEWS could have some fake news and people actually believe them
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I agree
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Yes because they put way more information to make it sound cooler or better, or interesting. So that’s why it would travel more faster than the actual news.
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I find it very shocking on how people spread news that are completely not accurate. It’s understandable that people may get interested by a false information thinking it is real and later spreading it to different people. But overall, they should use the “C.R.A.A.P” to see if it’s accurate. C= Current, R= Relevant, A= Author, A=Accurate and P=Purpose
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fake news can be interesting in some ways but the same time it depends on what its on and then rumors start going on with fake news
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i think its very unprofessional how people hear news and automatically think its real new without thinking about how it may not be real or without researching about it first or asking others for their opinion.
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i think it travels more faster because the fake news is like more intresting and it gets more peoples attention .
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fake news travels faster because it causes more attention to people but they dont know that its fake news and then they start sharing it and it just keeps traveling to more people
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fake news travels faster because its more intresting and it gets more peoples attenion and then they wil start sharing it to other social media and people will start sharing it too
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My thoughts are that people always say more that really happens or say false stuff for attention.
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the fake news is more intresting and it gets peoples attention and then they start to share it to other social media and it spreads more and more
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its really not that surprising it honestly weird if you ask me,but its true that most fake news is way more interesting than true news witch is why it spreads way more faster and most of it ends up on twitter.
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False news tends to be more of a novel than the true news, making it more interesting for the readers or the people watching them. The accurate news tends to have more anticipation than the false news. Its understandable that people find the inaccurate news more perceivable than the truth. You should first be aware if the news is current, accurate and relevant.
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i think fake news gets around faster because its more interesting and other people find it entertaining
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there can be an emergency if it is real news but if its fake its interesting
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Fake news tend to spread more, because a lot of people tend to find interesting and share it so many people can see it.
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People would rather hear fake news over real news because fake news can be more crazy and entertaining to hear verses the real thing.
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I think that people should not go on and share things they don´t know is true.Yes they might find it intresting and might tweet it but they can also be spreading fake things on the internet.
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fake news could be interesting sometimes.
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I believe that people will trust any source as long as it’s against someone they don’t like. For example if you didn’t like Joe Biden and someone told you false information of him that makes him look in the wrong you would believe it all because you didn’t want him as president
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fake news travels faster because its more intresting for people and then they start to share ans share and thats how it travels fasater
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Once one person sees a fake rumor millions of people start to repost it and then people start to see and everyone thinks it’s real. Look at sports when someone sees a rumor that a star player is going to get traded to somewhere everyone goes crazy. Look it what happened when James Harden got traded to the Brooklyn Nets, the whole NBA went crazy. That’s why fake news spreads more that real news.
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The fake news spread more then the real news.
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i think the fake news travels faster because they can make anything up and thats why people start paying more attention
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Fake news on social media travels faster than truth news because people are interested in gossip, humiliating, and mean news on social media.
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Fake new are more interesting then real news and fake news s
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The fake news on social media does travel way faster than the truth. People don’t want to know the truth they just want to hear something that pleases their ear. Fake news can be a seriously dangerous there are people on social media that get influenced very easily such as suicides, scams, catfishes False info etc.
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fake news travels fast everyone would believe anything they see then share it not knowing the full story.
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In my opinion its very rude and unprofessional because some news may not be really or have false information about someone. some people come to conclusions and imiditly think the news are real.
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To be honest fake news is very fun to read sometimes.
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Stuff about famous people spread really fast to.
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i agree because not everything the news tells us is true
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False news makes better stories which grab peoples attention getting them talked about causing misinformation being communicated and spread. This is a problem in today’s age because people want to be entertained and that’s what these fake news stories do
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People also spread it by re-posting it
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Fake news interest people because it is something that catches their attention more then something else
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fake news spread so much faster than real news because lots of people think fakes news is so much more interesting than really news which means more people like to talk about things they don’t really know about and it goes spreading from person to person.
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the fake news spreads faster because it sounds more interesting the real news
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So fake news gets caught up faster than the truth cause people listen to there phones than real news
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It spreads faster because people believe in it and its more interesting so they talk about it and spread it more. It travels places fast to because people just believe in what they see and dont even think if its fake or not.
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i think fake news is bad because some people may belive on them and they would tell other people and some poeple would not beileve on it
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Fake news could be fake sometimes because there lies are interesting and sometimes they have more “proof” than real ones
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fake news can be more interesting than real news which makes it spread faster.
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Fake news is most likely what people WANT to hear rather than what’s actually true. It appeals to people and gives them what they want. It also spreads faster because people want to be quick in telling others about it.
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fake news goes around so quick because its posted o twitter and instagram and more and it spreds fast because people think its real and its convinsing
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the fake news is more interesting so it spreads fast and get confused with the truth
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false news travels faster cause they add to it and add to it than real news which is the truth . This isn’t right cause sometimes false news goes over boar and social media is capable of many things.
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the reason false news spreads faster is because more people are on the social media apps instagram tik tok snapchat etc not many are actually looking at the real news and only seeing all the fake news.
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it share faster because people start gossoping about it or people keep sharing it in social media
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when you check social media and there is a lot of fake news which is more interesting than real news because its usually about drama or other things people know is going to spread quickly so they spread it.
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the reason fake news gets more attention is cuz they use strong words and good reasons and the way they say it makes us think its real
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the reason is the fake news is better at getting peoples attention like they know how to use their words with titles and it is usually something really interesting and ones that are also funny, so all around it gets peoples attention no matter what age they are or no matter what it is about, that is just how it is
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This is true a lot of people will find it intresting about what they found and tweet it on the internet.
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have the best interest of the country to get into office
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that more fake news is better than real news cause its more interesting. i think that people just like the fake new and like the commotion.
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i think this is true because people are so interested on the fake news and they don’t know whats actually going on.
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If people hear something that could get them recognition , then they’ll want to talk about that news. Whether it’s making videos, articles, posts, etc.
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False news is very intriguing because it can cause rumors which makes more stories and it’s interesting how it can spread like wildfire.
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Fake news is good because its just better to read because real news is always boring and because its also just better
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“False news can drive misallocation of resources during terror attacks and natural disasters, the misalignment of business investments, and misinformed elections.”
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News can spread very quickly. And it does not matter if they are fake or true. They would put in social media that would tell other people. La gente es muy chismosa
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