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Frederick Warne & Co.
Once upon a time there was an old Sow with three little Pigs, and as she had not enough to keep them, she sent them out to seek their fortune.
Three Little Pigs
What does a Sow mean?
The Author’s Purpose is to entertain because it is a fairy tale. This story is about three little pigs who built houses out of straw, furze, and bricks, and then tried to keep out a wolf. This could definitely not be in real life, so that means it could not be to inform because you would need a true story for that. It also could not be to persuade because the author does not show their point of view or their opinion. Therefore, the author’s purpose is to entertain.
what is a sow?
The sow sends out her pigs to find their fortune.
whats a sow?
i think that the purpose of this story is to entertain the readers
The first that went off met a Man with a bundle of straw, and said to him, "Please, Man, give me that straw to build me a house"; which the Man did, and the little Pig built a house with it. Presently came along a Wolf, and knocked at the door, and said, "Little Pig, little Pig, let me come in."
Little pig little pig are you in is in true story.
There are two ways how this segment of the story used personification. First, pigs and wolves don’t talk. Second, Pigs do not live and build houses like the ones that the pig is building.
they did not have to ask in the parody it was just there
In both stories, the pigs build their houses out of straw, sticks, and bricks.
pigs don’t talk in real life, but in the story they do
In this story the pigs get there supply from a man but in the parody it doesn’t tell you where they got the supplies.
The pigs talk to the men and ask them for materials.
The pigs are asking people for supplies
The three pigs ask the same question and the pigs build houses
Pigs can’t talk to humans like that in real life. In this story they can though. This shows personification.
Pig’s cant talk
The story mentions that the pig is talking. In real life, pigs can’t talk.
It, as well, can’t build.
Pigs cant build a house
Wolves cant talk
In both of the stories they had houses made of straw
To which the Pig answered, "No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin."
im shaving the hairs of my chinny chin chin
In the parody version of the story it was something on the lines of "No, no, i’m shaving the hairs of my chinny chin chin.
"Then I'll huff and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in!" said the Wolf. So he huffed and he puffed, and he blew his house in, and ate up the little Pig.
parody sneezed but know he huffed and puffed so he did it on purpose
in the true story of the three little pigs the wolf was just sneezing but in this story the wolf wanted to eat the three little pigs
in the true story of the three little pigs the wolf ate the first and second pig but not the third and in this story the wolf did the same thing
in this story the wolf blows down the house and eats him up. In the textbook it tells that the pig dies because the door fell on top of him
I hufffed and I sneezed is in true story
also here, wolves don’t huff and puff to blow down a house.
In both stories the wolf eats the pigs after he blows down their house.
In the original story of the “Three Little Pigs” whenever the wolf knocked on the pig’s door, it says that the wolf “Huffed and Puffed.”
The second Pig met a Man with a bundle of furze, and said, "Please, Man, give me that furze to build a house"; which the Man did, and the Pig built his house.
In the story “The Three Little Pigs” the first pig asks, “Please man give me that straw to build a house.” The two other pigs said the same thing except they asked for furze and brick. This is personification because pigs can’t talk!!!!!!!!
what does it mean
What is furze?
Whats furze?
Then along came the Wolf and said, "Little Pig, little Pig, let me come in."
wolves cant talk
"No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin."
The wolf is talking which a real wolf wouldn’t
I’m shaving the hair of my chinny chin chin
pigs cant talk
"Then I'll puff and I'll huff, and I'll blow your house in!" So he huffed and he puffed, and he puffed and he huffed, and at last he blew the house down, and ate up the second little Pig.
In this story he eats the first 2 pigs before he kills them and in the “true story” the pigs are dead before he eats them.
He huffed and puffed and blew the house in
In this the wolf huffed and puffed and in the wolfs point of vie, he had to sneeze.
He huffed and puffed and sneezed a great sneeze.
In the parody version he says, “I huffed then I sneezed.”
in the parody he sneezed and the pigs house fell and the house falling killed the pig. And then when the wolf saw the pig dead he ate him.
In the first little pig’s death, the wolf said he would huff and puff and then after breaking their house, the wolf eats the pigs.
The third little Pig met a Man with a load of bricks, and said, "Please, Man, give me those bricks to build a house with"; so the Man gave him the bricks, and he built his house with them. So the Wolf came, as he did to the other little Pigs, and said, "Little Pig, little Pig, let me come in."
pigs cant make houses
"No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin."
by the hair of my chinny chin chin
“no by the hair of my chinny chin chin repeats
In both this story and the parody version, the pigs do not want to let the wolf inside the house.
said no no instead of not by the
this sentence is said a lot throughout the story
"Then I'll huff and I'll puff, and I'll blow your house in."
Well, he huffed and he puffed, and he huffed and he puffed, and he puffed and he huffed; but he could not get the house down. When he found that he could not, with all his huffing and puffing, blow the house down, he said, "Little Pig, I know where there is a nice field of turnips."
pigs and wolves can’t talk
in the first place, wolves don’t blow down houses.
in the other story he hufled and snuffled
The wolf knows that the field of flowers are turnips, but wolves in real life wouldn’t know.
This is personification because pigs and wolves can make plans for the next day
"Where?" said the little Pig.
"Oh, in Mr. Smith's home-field; and if you will be ready to-morrow morning, I will call for you, and we will go together and get some for dinner."
In this story, he takes the 3rd pig to these different places so he can eat him and in the True Story of the Three Little Pigs, he just goes to the 3rd pigs house.
I think that the wolf was trying to trick the pig to try and eat him and not the turnips.
"Very well," said the little Pig, "I will be ready. What time do you mean to go?"
pigs and wolves cant talk
"Oh, at six o'clock."
animals can’t tell time
animals cant read clocks
Well, the little Pig got up at five, and got the turnips and was home again before six. When the Wolf came he said, "Little Pig, are you ready?"
The pig was being smart to leave early because he didn’t know if the wolf was lying, but the pig did know that wolves eat pigs.
"Ready!" said the little Pig, "I have been and come back again, and got a nice pot-full for dinner."
Pigs can’t cook dinner
The Wolf felt very angry at this, but thought that he would be up to the little Pig somehow or other; so he said, "Little Pig, I know where there is a nice apple-tree."
In the story the third pig climbs an apple tree and throws apples to the wolf. This is personification because pigs can’t climb trees or throw anything.
"Where?" said the Pig.
"Down at Merry-garden," replied the Wolf; "and if you will not deceive me I will come for you, at five o'clock to-morrow, and we will go together and get some apples."
wolves can’t tell time
Well, the little Pig woke at four the next morning, and bustled up, and went off for the apples, hoping to get back before the Wolf came; but he had farther to go, and had to climb the tree, so that just as he was coming down from it, he saw the Wolf coming, which, as you may suppose, frightened him very much. When the Wolf came up he said, "Little Pig, what! are you here before me? Are they nice apples?"
what does bustled mean?
In this story, the wolf tries to make the Pig go to places where he can eat him. However, in the parody version, he does not try and kill the pig.
The pig climbs the apple tree.
pigs can’t climb trees
Pigs cant climb trees
pigs cant climb trees
"Yes, very," said the little Pig; "I will throw you down one." And he threw it so far that, while the Wolf was gone to pick it up, the little Pig jumped down and ran home.
pigs don’t climb trees
The next day the Wolf came again, and said to the little Pig, "Little Pig, there is a Fair in the Town this afternoon: will you go?"
"Oh, yes," said the Pig, "I will go; what time shall you be ready?"
"At three," said the Wolf.
So the little Pig went off before the time, as usual, and got to the Fair, and bought a butter churn, and was on his way home with it when he saw the Wolf coming. Then he could not tell what to do. So he got into the churn to hide, and in doing so turned it round, and it began to roll, and rolled down the hill with the Pig inside it, which frightened the Wolf so much that he ran home without going to the Fair.
What is a butter churn
Pigs don’t go to fairs. This shows personification.
He went to the little Pig's house, and told him how frightened he had been by a great round thing which came down the hill past him.
Then the little Pig said, "Hah! I frightened you, did I? I had been to the Fair and bought a butter churn, and when I saw you I got into it, and rolled down the hill."
how did the pig get home so fast? Wasn’t he in the butter churn?
whats a butter churn?
Then the Wolf was very angry indeed, and declared he would eat up the little Pig, and that he would get down the chimney after him.
In the original story of “The Three Little Pigs” the wolf was trying to get the third pig to come out of his house to eat him but in the parody that didn’t happen.
In the story the wolf is climbing down the chimney. This is personification because wolfs can’t go down chimneys like Santa.
When the little Pig saw what he was about, he hung on the pot full of water, and made up a blazing fire, and, just as the Wolf was coming down, took off the cover of the pot, and in fell the Wolf. And the little Pig put on the cover again in an instant, boiled him up, and ate him for supper, and lived happy ever after.
In this story, the pig eats the pig. In the True Story of the Three Little Pigs, the wolf gets chased by the cops.
It’s not possible for a pig to cook a wolf, live in a house, climb up a tree, and speak like a human.
pigs build houses? These all show that the story is meant for entertainment
In this story the wolf falls into the pot and gets eaten by the pig but in the parody the wolf get chased off by the cops.
In the original story of “The Three Little Pigs” the wolf got eaten by the third pig but in the parody the wolf was being chased by the police.
Pigs aren’t strong enough to pick up a cauldron.
in the true story the wolf survives
pigs cant make fires
In this story, the third pig cooks the wolf and eats him for supper. However in the parody, the cops find the wolf and he runs away.
Pigs can’t cook. This shows personification.
instead of just the two pigs dying. The two pigs and the wolf died.
IN the wolf’s narrative the wolf got arrested.
In story the wolf is trying to eat the pigs but in the other story he is just trying to get sugar
Similar- In all of the stories of “The Three Little Pigs”, one of the pigs get eaten. Differences -But, in one of the stories there is a field of turnips.
In real life pigs can’t talk
Pigs can’t build house because they can’t grab anything.
Similar – In most stories of “The Three Little Pigs” the wolf stays alive. Differences – But in the original “The Three Little Pigs” the wolf dies, and gets eaten by the pig.
Wolfs can’t climb walls in real life because they don’t have fingers to grip on to anything.
-they both included the three pigs and the wolf.
-Only two of the three pigs were eaten
-The third pig was the only smart one
-the tree pigs all built their houses out of sticks, straw, or brick
In the true story of the three little pigs there was no sow.But in the original there was a sow.
The personifications in this story are the pigs walking on their back legs and the pigs and wolf speaking and pigs don’t climb trees neither does the wolf climb the side of the house.
Pigs can’t build their own houses
Pigs can’t walk on their hind legs
Pigs can’t climb trees
Pigs and wolves can’t talk
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