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Where I'm From Examples

“I am From Poem” #1

I am from my first teddy bear. I am from the Disney’s movies,

from the books’ perfume read by my grandparents. I am from the park behind my house,

from the evenings in the garden, from the card games.

I am from the trips to the mountains.

I am from the disguises and the plays. From music and songs

sang loudly.


From the clothes randomly put on.

I am from the snowballs and the sandcastles, from ski races and hot chocolates,

beaches and lemonades.

I am from the cookies made with my mom, from the salt dough and the molds,

from paints and watercolors.

I am from the barbecues on Sunday

and from the football games on tv, seen with my dad. I am from the quarrels and the hugs.


I am from the photos of the sunsets, from the red leaves collected in autumn,

from the glowing fireplace and from the smell of burned wood.

I am from the theatres and the museums,

from the endless journey by car and from the lines on the highway. I am from too many questions and too much curiosity.

From long braids and bangs, from my pink school smock. I am from faded memories,

old photo albums and far away tales

“I am From” Poem #2

I am from poverty-stricken immigrant families that came to Houston following their heart, finding themselves in a milk crate furnished upstairs apartment.

I am from bare feet and nappy hair, hand me downs and lay aways, brown sacks of food from the white people in the big trucks sticking out but doing good.

I am from displacement, you have a month to move, left everything behind without being given a choice, changing the course of my life, for the better or worse, who knows.

I am from teachers pet to rebellious black sheep, could it have been the move, or missing what I knew as life, or simply my age?

I am from a tight knit family on the outside, but an isolated clan on the inside, at least that’s how it was in the beginning; now, its tight knit on the inside, and isolated on the out.


I am from pews in my living room, because God is who we are in this house, it even shows in our living room, don’t ask for a tour, you might find yourself buying religious artifacts.

I am from natural intelligence wasted for years, learning was never a habit, until now, it’s my biggest habit and a great enjoyment, how it happened, no one knows.

I am from pets that have left our world too soon, I still feel the whipping wag of her tail on my leg, I still see the cross eyed stare when you wanted to come inside, I still hear my dad yelling at you to come back home and your claws hitting the pavement slowing down as you near him and get back inside.

I am from materialistic things, a hoarder at times, having too much for no reason, yet I’m convinced I need it because there is a use for everything, yes I used to save everything to recycle and reuse, now I’m just wasteful and spend to have, poverty mindset still rooted deeply I guess.

I am from go-getting, time waits for no man, go big or go home, if I don’t do it now, it’ll never get done, might as well get started, how did I come so far, by going to get it and getting’ it done

I am from minority, first generation Mexican American, uneducated parents according to society, low middle class, brown, short, Sam Houston graduate, although being able to keep my language came to my advantage, because it used to be disliked, now it’s sought after.

I am from teaching, my students have been handpicked by God, have made a difference in my life and have taught me so much, especially patience and love for children in their innocence and malice.

I am from quality time, family, friends and community make me who I am; I am from talents, my mind can never decide what it wants to learn, instruments, crafts, creating, not cooking, organizing, planning, teaching, communicating, impulsive shopping, flower arranging, just musically inclined with a squawking wannabe voice.

I am from tough nails, the metal not the paper thin ones on the edge of my fingertips, I don’t dish what I can’t handle, I am told I dish too much sometimes, I shouldn’t be proud to be stronger than most guys, carrying lumber with my dad and brother while girly shellacs stands and watches close by, mounting heavy things on my left shoulder cuz that’s how dad does it, I could maybe even haul you in an emergency.

I am from courage, because I’ve learned that I am and have always been a risk-taker on the outside but chicken skin on the inside, guess my arrogance helped break the shell and be willing to lose and risk anything and everything, although somehow it’s never shot me in the foot, on the contrary, it’s given me more courage.

“Where I’m From” Poem #3

I am from boxes of family photos

And pictures in every room of our house.

I am from legos and Nintendo and Xbox 360.

I am from the brick house on the corner

It tasted like Southern chicken noodle soup.

I am from the ferns hanging on our back porch.

I am from the Kentucky State Fair and cranky school mornings I am from Stacy, and Bobby, and Aunt Joy

I am from the musical and the compassionate. I am from the front row of a Baptist church


And ice cream sandwiches with my Papa for lunch and dinner. I am from Max, the puppy I got for Christmas.

I am from the music that represents that we have had some things to overcome But we don’t give up when things get difficult.

DMU Timestamp: July 03, 2019 02:46

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