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HSCI-355 Document Edit

Ariana Paljevic
HSCI- 355
Adolescent Health Needs
Fall 2019
Dr. Banas

Today’s school climate is becoming increasingly more violent every year. Bullying is on the rise and despite efforts to combat it, more had to be done. Our society is slowly creeping into a state in which students would rather dropout or not attend school than face the negative and hostile environments in which they are expected to learn in.According to the CDC's Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System” or (YRBSS), the amount of high school children who experienced bullying from as early as 2009 has not gone under 19%. This means that almost ⅕ of students who attend school everyday are bullied on school property. Along with the 19-20% who are bullied on school grounds 14-16% of students state that they are bullied electronically, (YRBSS 2017). What is even more concerning is that the number of children who state that they have refrained from regularly attending school due to safety concerns has seen a steady increase since 1993 (YRBSS 2017). I strongly believe in order to combat these increasing issues in our school systems we have to being following the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model. The WSCC model is an effective model because it takes into account many factors within the school environment. includes but is not limited to the emotional, physical, cognitive, and social components that makeup the entire schooling experience itself. By addressing as well tending to each of these components we will be able to effectively engage and teach our students on how to develop healthy relationships with other students.
Bullying has always been a prevalent issue within American school systems however in the modern day bullying has taken on many forms and is becoming increasingly more difficult to manage, which is making the process of learning almost impossible for our students. According to “Bullying Prevention Policy Guidelines” Burrmaster, Elizabeth (March 2007), bullying is considered to come in a variety of ways, which could be physical, verbal, via internet, etc. Burrmaster, E. Due to the fact that there are so many ways to bully students it’s essential that schools take the initiative and implement strict policies in order to combat it. If students feel as though they cannot attend school because they are afraid or worried, then it doesn’t really matter how well the curriculum is being taught at the school. Violence is one of the top reasons why students skip school regularly. In CNN’s “Bullying Victims Speak Out” covered by Cooper, Anderson, one of the victims stated that he had a school peer bring a knife to school and threaten him saying , “I’m going to kill that [explicit] !” Behavior like this which is often caused by ignorance creates an extremely violent and hostile climate for students.
Following the WSCC model provides schools with important information and effective tactics on how to combat bullying because it will focus on a larger range of bullying forms and how those translate inside and outside of school than traditional anti-bullying practices.The WSCC model will educate students and educators how to combat bullying through engaging in behavior that is productive. The model will help develop practices that focus on helps each other, respecting boundaries, encouraging open mindedness, and respective privacy. I sincerely believe that focusing on these ideals will help decrease the rate and acceptance of bullying within our school systems.
It is quite possible that there are people in our communities who refuse to accept or even believe that bullying is a real issue, but unfortunately the overwhelming research on the American School System has proven time and time again that the majority of students have experienced some form of bullying or at the very least has witnessed it occur. We cannot turn a blind eye or view bullying as a minuscule issue because “It hasn’t happened to me”, or, “My child has never experienced bullying .” This kind of toxic tunnel vision is one of the reasons why bullying has seen a steady growth and has penetrated every school in America. It is important for the peace of mind for our students who will always be our top priority.


Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Systems (2017) Trends In Behavior Contributed to Violence 1993-2017 , Retrieved from:

Burrmaster, E (March 2007). Bullying Prevention Policy Guidelines. Department of Public Instruction. Madison, Wisconsin

Cooper, Anderson. “CNN: Bullying Victims Speak Out.” Anderson Cooper 360.( Video) CNN , New York, New York.

Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child model (WSCC) CDC Healthy Schools. Us Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from:

DMU Timestamp: September 11, 2019 18:32

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