NYSED Expert Committee: Alfredo Artiles, Jeff Duncan-Andrade, David Kirkland, Gloria Ladson-Billings, Joyce Moy, Django Paris, Carla Shedd-Guild, Amy Stuart-Wells, Mariana Souto-Manning, Zoila Morrell. NYSED Advisory Panel: Zakiyah Ansari, Tracey Atkins, Jim Bostic, Barry Derfel, Arnold Dodge, Winsome Gregory, Gilleyan Hargrove, Stanley Harper, Eva Hassett, Ruth Holland Scott, Andrea Honigsfeld, Sonya Horsford, Brian Jones, Marina Marcou-O’Malley, Regent Nan Mead, Fatima Morrell, Roberto Padilla, Joe Rogers, Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Andrea Toussaint, Carmela Thompson, Regent Lester Young, Jr.
1 Teachers can cultivate a Culturally Responsive Sustaining education for students by:
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This is just one of several points in this document that require, not just teacher-level or classroom-level shifts -but school wide processes, procedures and supports that may not be available and may not be possible for teachers in their own.
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Here is another example of how school-wide structures will affect how this is implemented. In between the lines is the question of “How are students evaluated?” – and that may not be an easy topic to open up in some places.
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I like the idea of working towards understanding and restoration, but I have seen this structure poorly applied and thereby causing just as much harm as the old-fashioned suspension route. One child says something hurtful, another child responds with a statement that falls under a zero-tolerance rule, and the full weight of the restorative-justice circle only falls on one. The structures are no silver bullet. They require real understanding in order to be effective.
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Recognizing your biases, even when they are explicit is difficult, sussing out implicit ones takes an openhearted willingness to question your actions constantly. How can teachers find the time for this? How can we be taught to recognize implicit bias in ourselves? Much easier said than done.
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NYC has an inexhaustible collection of places that highlight the strengths of all it’s varied peoples. Writing Marathons allow for an easy way to access these riches without feeling that you are being proselytized.
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