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Wu Suet Yu's Teaching Plan (Basic Information)

Micro-teaching Lesson Plan

1. Lesson Profile

- Subject: Mathematics

- School type: School with English as the medium of instruction

- Grade: Secondary 3

- Class size: 30

- Students ability: Mixed ability, dominated by visual learner

- Lesson Length: 30 minutes

- Topic: More about 3D figures – Angles between two planes

  1. Learning pre-requisite:

- Projection of a point onto a plane

- Projection of a line onto a plane

- Angle between a line and a plane

  1. Learning objectives: Students will be able to:

- Recall the criteria of an angle between two planes

- Indicate the angle between two planes

  1. Flipped classroom video: Link:



  1. Pre-assessment:

A follow-up worksheet will be distributed to the students before the lesson. After watching the flipped classroom video at home, students are required completed the worksheet and hand-in the worksheet one day before the lesson.

The worksheet will serve as a pre-assessment of students’ readiness of learning the new knowledge so that the teacher can arrange a little revision of the learning pre-requisite if needed.

6. Grouping:

Heterogeneous grouping will be employed in the classroom.

In the activity, students will work in pairs. An abler student will be grouped with a less able student.

7. Learning & teaching activities

In the lesson, there are two main activities for students to learn the topic. The aim for the first activity is to help students to know the criteria of choosing a correct angle to represent the angle between two planes. For the second activity, students will construct a tool to help produce signs and more concrete meaning of the concept.

In the first activity, students will open the GeoGebra file on the tablet. The teacher will use the program to guide the students to find an angle to represent the angle between two planes. The activity will be conducted in an interactive way, in which students will take the lead of discovering the criteria. Meanwhile, the teacher will assist students by providing some instructions for them from time to time. To be more detailed, the teacher will first ask students to identify between “the angles between two plane” or “angles on a plane” as a medium to let students know first criterion: “The angle is enclosed by the two lines meeting at the intersecting line of two planes.” After that, students are required to find some angles between 2 planes that are believed to have different sizes with explanation. This part is to show students that there are different-sized angles between two planes. For instance, BDF and BCF in the figure below are different in size.

Then, the students will be given a protractor to measure the angle between two planes and find out an angle that has the same size as the measured angle. That angle will be the angle between two planes. Then, the students need to find out the relationship between the lines in which we can determine the angle between two planes. Through step-by-step guidance, students are expected to understand and conclude the two criteria on choosing the angle between two planes:

(1) The angle is enclosed by the two lines meeting at the intersecting line of two planes.

(2) The lines are both perpendicular to the intersecting line and passing through a common point.

In the second activity, the teacher will guide the students to make a tool that indicating the intersecting line of two planes and two perpendicular lines meeting at the intersecting lines. Students will also learn how to use the tools in finding the angles between two planes. The tool is shown below

DMU Timestamp: November 27, 2019 01:26

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