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Wu Suet Yu's Teaching Plan (Pre Lesson WS)

Ch.6 More about 3-D Figures

Pre-lesson Worksheet


Ø Watch the flipped classroom video link:

Ø Complete the following questions

Ø For challenging questions, you will receive bonus points if you can answer correctly.

  1. In the figure, ABDEGF is triangular prism with a right-angled triangle base.

(a) Find the projection of point B on the plane DEGF.

(b) Find the projection of point F on the plane BDE.

(c) [Challenging question]

Find the projection of point D on the plane ABEG.

  1. In the figure, ABCDEFGH is a cuboid.

(a) Find the projection of point C on the plane EFGH.

(b) Find the projection of line CE on the plane EFGH.

(c) Find the projection of line CF on the plane EFGH.

(d) Find the projection of line DG on the plane CDEH.

  1. In the figure, ABCDV is a right pyramid with square base. VE is the height of the pyramid.

(a) Find the projection of line VB on plane ABCD.

(b) Name the angle between line VB and plane ABCD

(c) Let point F be the mid-point of BC. Name the angle between VF and plane ABCD.

  1. In the figure, ABCD is a triangular pyramid. E, F, G, H and I are the mid-points of AD, CD, AB, BC and AC respectively.

(a) Find the projection of line EI on plane ABC.

(b) Name the angle between EI and plane ABC.

(c) Name the angle between FG and plane ABC.

(d) [Challenging]

Name the angle between AF and plane BCD.

DMU Timestamp: November 27, 2019 01:26

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