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Banning mobile phones in schools: beneficial or risky? Here’s what the evidence says

Author: Neil Selwyn

Selwyn, Neil. “Banning Mobile Phones in Schools: Beneficial or Risky? Here's What the Evidence Says.” The Conversation, 6 Nov. 2019,

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Victorian education minister James Merlino’s announcement mobile phones will be banned for all students at state primary and secondary schools is certainly a bold move.

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Jan 15
Janet I Janet I (Jan 15 2020 6:44PM) : We are going to be reading excerpts from How to Break Up With Your Phone by Carol Price this next semester, I can't wait for my students to weigh in on this document.
Sep 17
Jose V Jose V (Sep 17 2021 12:00PM) : banning phones in school seems a bit excessive don't you think? more

banning phones in school seems a bit excessive don’t you think?

Aug 13
Isabella L Isabella L (Aug 13 2021 1:43PM) : banning phones in school seems a bit excessive don't you think?, there should be a simpler way to deal with the problem [Edited]
Sep 10
Javier O Javier O (Sep 10 2021 1:17PM) : yup more

i think that if there is an emergency they need to tell thire parints.

Sep 24
Valentina R Valentina R (Sep 24 2021 1:12PM) : i agree more

it can be a bit excessive and even if it does happen the likelihood of kids following that rule is little to none

Sep 24
Aurora G Aurora G (Sep 24 2021 2:20PM) : . more

i agree, there should be a more simpler way to deal with the problem, having to ban phones from school is a little to much because students should be able to have their phone on them just in case of an emergency and having to contact a family member.

Aug 13
Oscar P Oscar P (Aug 13 2021 1:51PM) : i think its risky cause someone can call you for an important reason more

i think its risky beacause what if your parents call you and its an emergency and i wont have my phone to answer them.

Sep 3
Jacquelyn B Jacquelyn B (Sep 03 2021 2:48PM) : Yeah i agree cause how about we hae an emergency from family or sanything more

as long as we dont use it and only use it for imporant reasons then its okay but i say we should have our phones

Aug 13
Juan S Juan S (Aug 13 2021 5:40PM) : banning phones more

it could be good because there will be less distractions in class but it can also be bad because a student may need to contact someone

Aug 20
Nathalia V Nathalia V (Aug 20 2021 11:47AM) : I don't think you should ban phones in school more

Banning phones in school could actually be dangerous. In case of emergency students should be able to call their parents/guardians through there own cellphone. There is only so many School phones and lots more kids. Kids have their own cellphones they should be able to use it. Now have to use the schools to reach their parents. Not all parents like to even pick up the phone when it is unknown, but they would pick it if they saw it was their son/daughter.

Sep 3
Jacquelyn B Jacquelyn B (Sep 03 2021 2:50PM) : I dont think neither they shouldnt be banding phones in school cause we need them for emegrenacy or need to contact our parents more

Like i get it their is some distraions but if u tell us to put it away we will but not ban them

Sep 9
Karla H Karla H (Sep 09 2021 2:52PM) : We should be able to use our phones encase of an emergency. more

I agree because if a student has an emergency we need to call or get it contact with your parents.If we need to put it away and have rules to not be on it in class that okay without banned them

Aug 20
Said C Said C (Aug 20 2021 12:30PM) : banning mobile phones more

My thought of it is a yes and a no because students these days dont pay attention to the class and use their phone as a distraction to him not learning.also, i think that student don’t follow direction due to electronics entering the classroom

Aug 24
Diego D Diego D (Aug 24 2021 12:38PM) : yo creo que lo permitan por que es algo util que los estudiantes lo usen para otras cosas es diferente
Sep 17
Erick Andres C Erick Andres C (Sep 17 2021 12:44PM) : . more

true es verdad nomas ocasiones importantes

Aug 27
Andrew G Andrew G (Aug 27 2021 12:22PM) : I think banning phones is an okay idea but not the way he wants to do it. [Edited] more

the reason is that some students need it. For example, calling their mom for something. But some students don’t pay attention to some teachers. you can’t ban phones in school but you can not let students use their phones in class.

Sep 17
Violet J Violet J (Sep 17 2021 2:59PM) : I agree but it can also be good because kids get distraction
Aug 27
Destiny C Destiny C (Aug 27 2021 1:02PM) : banning phones more

banning phones is bad because in case of an emergency you would haven’t call your parent or if they have to call you, you would have no way to contact anyone

Aug 27
Camila R Camila R (Aug 27 2021 1:05PM) : banning phones is a bit over dramatic, yes maybe some students might be distracted from phone sin class but theirs ways to avoid that. Phones can also be very useful in many ways
Aug 27
Anyssa L Anyssa L (Aug 27 2021 1:08PM) : I think this phone situation should be solved a different way. They shouldn't just banned them, they need to think about the think about the safety purposes they can provide.
Aug 27
Erick Andres C Erick Andres C (Aug 27 2021 1:43PM) : What I think is that it is not necessary but if you use it excessively in class but if it is important if you talk about something important but you are not all the time with the cell phone [Edited]
Aug 27
Itzia A Itzia A (Aug 27 2021 1:46PM) : they shouldn't be banned, there is more efficient way for the solution but in ways phones are distractions they are resources for school yet tho it does take time off learning
Aug 27
Luis A Luis A (Aug 27 2021 1:51PM) : You should not more

You should not ban phones because in case of a emergency you might miss it

Sep 17
Elena R Elena R (Sep 17 2021 2:57PM) : In some ways yes it can be bad to ban cellphones from school but in other ways it can be good because it could become a distraction to student.
Aug 27
Victoria V Victoria V (Aug 27 2021 3:19PM) : We are going to be reading excerpts from How to Break Up With Your Phone by Carol Price this next semester, I can't wait for my students to weigh in on this document.
Aug 27
Victoria V Victoria V (Aug 27 2021 3:20PM) : banning phones in school seems a bit excessive don't you think?, there should be a simpler way to deal with the problem
Aug 27
Brianna F Brianna F (Aug 27 2021 3:39PM) : Banning Phones more

I think that schools should not banned phones because a lot of people need them, there could be an emergancence in home or at school. Also a lot of people walk home they need their phone to be safe.

Aug 27
Damiana B Damiana B (Aug 27 2021 5:03PM) : . more

Cell phones can also be used as a reminder tool for students homework assignments because most students don’t have a planner to write their assignments in and some can’t remember what they had for homework. Teachers can also use phones during school to send out a message to all the students if they need to remind them on a subject they forgot to mention during class. Students can also use cell phones to access Google Calendar and other apps to let the students become more independent

Aug 27
Daniel A Daniel A (Aug 27 2021 5:16PM) : banning phones in school more

Banning phones could benefit schools as most kids would get less distracted. But phones could also prove to be beneficial to students as they can take notes on them and if they forget something like their laptop they could do the work on their phones

Aug 30
Itzia A Itzia A (Aug 30 2021 5:28PM) : they shouldn't be banned, there is more efficient way for the solution but in ways phones are distractions they are resources for school yet tho it does take time off learning
Aug 31
Amaya V Amaya V (Aug 31 2021 3:03PM) : Banning phones may sometimes be risky. more

I myself say that schools should not ban phones in case of an emergency or if their parent’s are running late, they can call them which makes it easy for them. Also if schools did ban phones, the office may have a giant crowd of kids around them just to use the office phone.

Aug 31
Victoria Gabriela M Victoria Gabriela M (Aug 31 2021 4:33PM) : its ok more

its ok banding phones kids might pay more attention to the teacher but also no because you need youre phone to contact youre parents when you have some kind of amergency for example you staying after school.

Aug 31
Orlando G Orlando G (Aug 31 2021 5:28PM) : Banning phones wrong or right? more

Banning phones in school would not prevent phones it would just be making people get in trouble while bringing their phones today a phone is and essential necessity

Aug 31
Mariah G Mariah G (Aug 31 2021 5:30PM) : Personally, I think that it would be beneficial because all those kids who are always on their phones and not paying attention would have better grades. And maybe set an exception just in case of an emergency.
Sep 1
Jesus R Jesus R (Sep 01 2021 12:17AM) : banning mobile phones in phones in school is a pretty big risk to take, as it could be used for a lot of important things such as in emergencies
Sep 1
Abigail S Abigail S (Sep 01 2021 4:10PM) : students will switch off their phones more

I think this is a good idea. I think this is because when students have their phons they are looking at it and seeing if their friends texed them and if their phons are off they will not be looking and getting distracting them

Sep 2
Abel B Abel B (Sep 02 2021 11:38AM) : I think its risky because what if there is a emergency call.
Sep 2
Abel B Abel B (Sep 02 2021 11:44AM) : I think its risky because what if there is a emergency call. more

I think its risky because what if there is a emergency call.

Sep 3
Cesar E Cesar E (Sep 03 2021 12:20PM) : i think banning mobile phones in school would be bad because if they do the teachers cant communicate with the students if they are sick and i think students would rather use a phone than a laptop
Sep 3
Scarlett S Scarlett S (Sep 03 2021 1:32PM) : banning phones could be a problem because something could be going on like your parents having to go out of town for a emergency but it would also be a good idea because the students wouldnt get distracted with their phones and they would pay attention
Sep 3
Viviana T Viviana T (Sep 03 2021 2:26PM) : Banning phones [Edited] more

Banning phones from school shouldn’t be allowed because there are other ways to deal with it. Students would need the phone to contact parents in case of emergencies or to let them know when your home from practice or walking. Phones are more beneficial than bad so therefore they shouldn’t be banned.

Sep 3
Saul A Saul A (Sep 03 2021 2:30PM) : its hard to decide but i think they should be able to use it for a certain amount of time then we put them away do our work and then we can use them again
Sep 3
Carina G Carina G (Sep 03 2021 2:41PM) : We shouldn't ban phones at schools. [Edited] more

I think that if you ban phones from school, you can’t call your parents or answer their calls. If they call you and its an emergency, you wouldn’t be able to answer and see what’s going on. Another example is that you wouldn’t have time after school to ask who is picking you up and that is some information you need so you know when you’re going. I think they shouldn’t ban phones because of problems like these.

Sep 3
Isella M Isella M (Sep 03 2021 2:45PM) : do not ban phones in school more

instead of banning phone think of another solution, what if there was a emergency and our parents wouldn’t know because we dont have our phones

Sep 3
Destiny W Destiny W (Sep 03 2021 2:46PM) : I really think that banning phone is not a benifital or risky i just think it is unessisary more

I think that banning phone seems a little much to ban phone we could just handle this situation in a simpler matter

Sep 3
Valentin E Valentin E (Sep 03 2021 3:35PM) : banning phones in school more

banning phones in schools is good and bad because kids get easily distracted or don´t pay attention, but it can be good for important reasons such as, calling a parent, medical reasons, and free time

Sep 3
Jeffry C Jeffry C (Sep 03 2021 3:45PM) : i think it risky because your parent could call u for somthing serious and you wont be able to more

i think its risky because what if your parents need to call for for an emmergencay and you wouldnt have your phone to anwer them

Sep 3
Sheyla F Sheyla F (Sep 03 2021 3:57PM) : Having phones more

I think that we should have our phones because when we gonna get picked up from school we could tell our parents that we out of school and pick us up and I also think the phones shouldn’t be banned just in case we have a emergency.

Sep 3
Violet J Violet J (Sep 03 2021 5:15PM) : i dont think they should ban it beacuse in case of emergancy they need to contact someone. and beacuse they could be usefull for the caculater and google.
Sep 3
Elena R Elena R (Sep 03 2021 5:17PM) : Banning phones from school is very risky. Student already use their phones in secret, so being honest I think we all already know student use their phones in secret. Some student can focus more knowing that their phone is next to them.
Sep 3
Erika D Erika D (Sep 03 2021 5:37PM) : To be honest I would say its risky because what if theirs and emergency such as a crisis and you would need to contact people.I also think that a phone could be distracting and a obsession with social media
Sep 7
Dejah M Dejah M (Sep 07 2021 2:23PM) : i think banning phones should not be allowed because if there is a bad emergency u might have to call 911 or your parents
Sep 7
Miley W Miley W (Sep 07 2021 2:23PM) : I think that phones should not be banned in school because what if theres an emergency
Sep 7
Jan aaron O Jan aaron O (Sep 07 2021 8:52PM) : its risky more

i think its risky beacause if your parents call you for an emergency you cant answer becuse you wont have have your phone

Sep 8
Aile G Aile G (Sep 08 2021 12:07PM) : it's not good for phones to be banned because people need them to call home or to do something.
Sep 8
Itzia A Itzia A (Sep 08 2021 1:19PM) : Would limiting communication to emergency contacts take a toll on the students' ability to keep up in an increasingly fast world? Text chains discussing after school carpool arrangements can make for more efficient and less stressful drives.
Sep 8
Elanis S Elanis S (Sep 08 2021 2:16PM) : phones shouldent be bandedd because .... more

I think that schools should not banned phones because a lot of people need them, there could be an emergancence in home or at school. Also a lot of people walk home they need their phone to be safe.

Sep 9
Stephany R Stephany R (Sep 09 2021 11:57AM) : it's hard to decide if it is risky or a good thing because some people get distracted with phoens but in the other side people need their phone to call there parents or to call someone when they need too.
Sep 10
Aaron G Aaron G (Sep 10 2021 12:20PM) : the article more

i think that we should be able to use phones for a limited time somit wont ba a distraction

Sep 10
Jamela A Jamela A (Sep 10 2021 1:04PM) : Cell phones should be allowed more

difficult to determine directions and mechanisms of the causal relations between mobile phone multitasking and academic performance.

Sep 10
Mario G Mario G (Sep 10 2021 1:14PM) : I dont think schools should ban cellphones more

School’s should not ban cellphones because it can be used in an emergency like having to contact someone to tell them something important or something happens at the school that the parent or guardian needs to be notified

Sep 10
Alyssa P Alyssa P (Sep 10 2021 1:22PM) : . more

I believe banning phones at school should be a thing for like the statement said there is a lot of cyber bulling and now a days cyber bulling isn’t a joke. And also how teens never get off their phone and and stop messaging their friends. and I know people can argue with " What if there is am emergency" well i’m sure their parents can ring the school, yes you may get the news late but at least you still got it.

Sep 10
Melany A Melany A (Sep 10 2021 1:26PM) : Students should be able to use their phones for any emergancy more

they shouldnt ban phones because their can be an emergency at any point

Sep 10
Isaiah M Isaiah M (Sep 10 2021 2:40PM) : phones more

banning phones is beneficial and risky for several different reasons it will never be settled weather they should be banned or not

Sep 15
Albert C Albert C (Sep 15 2021 1:43PM) : we are going to be reading and expect to get over the obsession to your phone
Sep 17
Aaron G Aaron G (Sep 17 2021 11:47AM) : phones more

i think completely banning phones is a little bit over the top maybe we should limit the time we have on our phones

Sep 17
Saida T Saida T (Sep 17 2021 11:54AM) : I think phones should not be banned because students will act out even more once you ban the phone. students will talk to anyone around them and will make the class louder. Since our school is having a problem with the phone students have to put them away
Sep 17
Diego D Diego D (Sep 17 2021 11:54AM) : I think you can see uses such as for emergencies or if you have an emergency or if you need to be a calculation or among others, if they use it to play or send messages that should be allowed
Sep 17
Erick Andres C Erick Andres C (Sep 17 2021 12:46PM) : for me the phones have to be in schools only for emergencies
Sep 17
Zarayeh M Zarayeh M (Sep 17 2021 1:05PM) : there should be a better way to access the problem about phones in classrooms and school. Instead of banning all phones in general students should be able to call their parents in an emergency because their parents should know
Sep 17
Yulianna C Yulianna C (Sep 17 2021 2:52PM) : Beneficial and risky more

I think that’s its beneficial because kids are using there phones in class and they don’t pay attention.

Risky:This could be risky because the students could have a problem and the kids won’t have anything to communicate with there parents.

Sep 23
Lluvia Natalya B Lluvia Natalya B (Sep 23 2021 5:54PM) : and the little research evidence that addresses the issue is mixed
Sep 23
Francisco L Francisco L (Sep 23 2021 6:06PM) : And the little research evidence that addresses the issue is mixed.
Sep 24
Iliana M Iliana M (Sep 24 2021 12:26PM) : I think the phone situation can be solved in a different way. They shouldn't just banned them, phones can be useful in different ways besides the fact that they are used a distraction in class.
Sep 24
Angel V Angel V (Sep 24 2021 12:34PM) : this reiding is tru becuas a scholl you cand not yous your phone and is distrachion.
Sep 24
Valentina R Valentina R (Sep 24 2021 1:06PM) : Uses [Edited] more

The uses of phones in school can be many, but by banning phones from school you can be taking away more than you think. Even after you ban phones a whole lot of kids are so used to it, they’re gonna continue either way no matter what. It’s really not effective and would probably cause even more issues. Like retaliation. If it distracts kids in class there’s not point in telling them to stop if you already have a million times. They learn the hard way and when they see the consequences they themselves will do what’s right

Sep 24
Erick Andres C Erick Andres C (Sep 24 2021 1:27PM) : I believe that in both things it benefits because for important calls and more things and bad because they will use it in class
Sep 24
Isaac M Isaac M (Sep 24 2021 2:14PM) : mobile phones are good and bad. more

banning phones is a good thing and a bad thing because what if you dont have your phone and there could be a emergency with family and its a good thing because education is more

Sep 24
Albert C Albert C (Sep 24 2021 2:26PM) : We should be able to use our phones encase of an emergency.
Sep 24
Joey S Joey S (Sep 24 2021 3:17PM) : i disagree its a little excessive more

if we have to wear uniform its only fair

Sep 25
Marcos G Marcos G (Sep 25 2021 1:15PM) : Banning phones in school could actually be dangerous. In case of emergency students should be able to call their parents/guardians through there own cellphone
Sep 27
Naithen S Naithen S (Sep 27 2021 11:51AM) : Banning Phones Is To Much. more

I feel like schools shouldn’t ban phones because sometimes their can be really important calls/texts, and if they miss it, there can be a lot of consequences. Maybe put some rules like put the phones in a bin, or make sure every kid has them on silent/put their phones in their backpack. Just don’t ban them, just make sure you put rules on them.

Oct 7
Carolina V Carolina V (Oct 07 2021 3:54PM) : phones more

Thats dumb that they try getting rid of phones because they come in use

Oct 28
Ariana N Ariana N (Oct 28 2021 1:39PM) : it not good if take their phones away, what if a killer when to the school they won't be able to say goodbye to their famliys and thats just sad.
Oct 29
Jaqueline P Jaqueline P (Oct 29 2021 1:32AM) : my opinion more

i think that it is not necessary to do all that. i feel like there is a easier way to control this issue.

Nov 10
Miley W Miley W (Nov 10 2021 1:06PM) : Phones should be allowed in schools as long as students dont use it as that much of a distraction.
Nov 23
Isella M Isella M (Nov 23 2021 3:22PM) : . more

banning phones in school should not happen because if there is trouble at school we need to get a hold of their parents, but then again the kids can be using it for other things.

Aug 7
Linda L Linda L (Aug 07 2023 7:08PM) : It is beneficial [Edited] more

For me, without the distractions of mobile phones, students may be more engaged in class, leading to improved concentration and academic performance.

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The policy has been justified as a direct response to mounting levels of cyberbullying, concerns over distractions and schools struggling with discipline relating to students’ misuse of phones.

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Jan 25
Kerri B Kerri B (Jan 25 2020 11:27AM) : Bullying will not be stopped by banning device use during the school day more

If the cyberbullying will continue outside of the school day, I’m not sure removing it from the school when professionals have a chance to intervene and counsel will be successful in curbing any of the behavior. It may curb it (to get back to old-fashioned bullying) from the school day itself but won’t help stop the overall behavior/problem.

Mar 6
2020 Emma W 2020 Emma W (Mar 06 2020 1:30PM) : Could there be other factors that play into increased levels or cyberbullying and struggling students?
Aug 13
Rayvion J Rayvion J (Aug 13 2021 1:31PM) : I think we should be able to keep out phones at school because, in case of an emergency, or incase you forget something at home, or if maybe your ride don't come so you need to call someone.
Aug 13
Julianna M Julianna M (Aug 13 2021 3:50PM) : not banning phones in schools. more

i don’t think people should really ban phones at school because some people might need their phones to contact their parent(s) for either pick-up or even just an emergency. I think too many people are overeating about this situation, yes there are some kids who still don’t care and use it during class but they can just get their phones taken,i think all of us shouldn’t have to suffer for their actions.

Aug 13
Brianna V Brianna V (Aug 13 2021 5:38PM) : Banning phones in school? [Edited] more

I think banning phone is a bit risky. I understand student might take and send or even post videos or pictures of you without your consent. This could be a sign of cyberbullying depending of what the video or picture is about. You also dont need to ban the use of phones because family members or parents may call you in a cause of an emergency or a late pickup.

Aug 25
Yulianna C Yulianna C (Aug 25 2021 11:50AM) : Banning phones is risky more

banning phones is risky because students could have some health problems and they might call there parents for any emergency

Aug 27
Andrew G Andrew G (Aug 27 2021 12:28PM) : you can't really stop cyberbullying in but you can teach the students how to stop cyberbullying and not get bully. So banning phones in schools would do nothing to stop cyberbullying.
Aug 27
Brianna F Brianna F (Aug 27 2021 3:51PM) : . more

There is some people who would take out their phone and use it during the teacher is teaching, but other people don´t have to suffer because one kid used their phone during class. A lot of people might need their phone for emergences.

Sep 9
Isaac W Isaac W (Sep 09 2021 1:50PM) : i dont agree with the statment more

i dont agree with banning phones in school because there might be an emergancy and have to call your mom

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Students will have to switch off their phones and store them in lockers from the start of the school day until the final bell. In case of an emergency, parents or guardians can reach their child by calling the school.

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Mar 8
2020 Hannah G 2020 Hannah G (Mar 08 2020 11:22PM) : Concern more

This concerns me because I would be worried about getting my phone stolen, and missing important messages from my families. If an emergency occurred during the school day like a shooting, no one would be able to quickly get out information to a large group

Aug 13
Jamela A Jamela A (Aug 13 2021 1:42PM) : In this document, there were a lot of reasons why they should ban cell phones and I agree that cell phones won't help them. [Edited] more

Some schools don’t have lockers for teenagers to put their phones inside their lockers, but I agree that phones can be a distraction at school because of their lack of school and if their grades keep getting low, then they won’t have a future. If there’s an emergency parent can call the school because they know their children have to focus on their education first.

Aug 20
Adriell H Adriell H (Aug 20 2021 12:20PM) : I think this would be a good way but to add breaks in between classes or during a period in time when the students are allowed to use their phones because itd be beneficial if they dont have their phones in class but can look at their notifications in
Aug 20
Adriell H Adriell H (Aug 20 2021 12:21PM) : case of an emergency if something were to happen the parents or guardian would be able to contact the student immediatly rather than calling the school would only make things take longer and sometimes the parent/guardian wants to know if the student is ok
Aug 20
Felix A Felix A (Aug 20 2021 12:34PM) : i do not agree more

The reason i dont agree is because students can get in situations where they need to call someone bust dont wanna got to the office and its a emergency then they wouldnt be able to call because they banned phones.

Aug 27
Brianna F Brianna F (Aug 27 2021 3:56PM) : Why we shouldent lock our phones in a locker. more

I think this should not be happening in school,because if I had to do this I will be getting worried, and missing important messages from family. Also if there was to happen something bad in school we wont be able to reach people and inform our parents .

Aug 27
Janissa B Janissa B (Aug 27 2021 5:07PM) : I disagree with banning phones at school [Edited] more

I disagree with this because phones can get easily stolen in the lockers. Also what if a parent needs to call or text because of an emergency for their child without other people knowing. Also I think it’s too much to ban phones at school, just take them away from the specific student that doesn’t know how to act with their phone.

Sep 10
Evangelina B Evangelina B (Sep 10 2021 2:44PM) : I think that kids should be able to keep their phones on them in case of an emergency because if there were a emergency the school would be getting tons of calls.
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Aug 20
Michael F Michael F (Aug 20 2021 12:17PM) : I dont Agree more

The reason why I dont agree is because students can have a emergency sometimes they could be life threatening. Its more important to have it on you. The teacher can makes rules about phones.

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Mar 6
2020 Emma W 2020 Emma W (Mar 06 2020 1:36PM) : Would limiting communication to emergency contacts take a toll on the students' ability to keep up in an increasingly fast world? Text chains discussing after school carpool arrangements can make for more efficient and less stressful drives.

The minister said in a statement:

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The only exceptions to the ban will be where students use phones to monitor health conditions, or where teachers instruct students to bring their phone for a particular classroom activity.

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Mar 6
Gedeon B Gedeon B (Mar 06 2020 1:50PM) : I love this approach because it is creating a controlled environment. This still allows phones, which is great but also has limitations.
Sep 17
Deserae R Deserae R (Sep 17 2021 3:01PM) : Banning phones is risky more

because If you ban them kids are just wanna use them more because and its not beneficial because theirs not a way you can get money from that cause kids are just gonna wanna use them more

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Whether to allow student use of mobile phones in school is certainly a hot topic in education. The Victorian announcement follows a French government ban on mobiles in school in 2018. Debates on the issue are also taking place in Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

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Jan 15
Christopher S Christopher S (Jan 15 2020 9:39AM) : Australia, France, Denmark, Sweden, and the UK are all debating whether cell phones in schools should be banned.
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There is considerable public support for banning mobiles. In our recently conducted survey of more than 2,000 Australian adults, nearly 80% supported a ban on mobile phones in classrooms. Just under one-third supported an outright ban from schools altogether.

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Mar 6
2020 Natalie R 2020 Natalie R (Mar 06 2020 1:33PM) : The problem with adults seeming to be for it is that they are not the ones in school. Yes, they have the right to have an opinion of their childs education. But... they did give the child the phone and they could take it away for school if it was more

important to them.

Mar 6
2020 Isabella D 2020 Isabella D (Mar 06 2020 1:36PM) : I feel that banning phones entirely is problematic, as phones can be beneficial in classrooms at times. I believe schools should have designated times to use phones, but I don't believe they should be taken away from the students.
Aug 20
Alejandro C Alejandro C (Aug 20 2021 2:16PM) : why should phones be banned more

i think it can work but if your in trouble and you bus leave and no one could pick you up you could call your mom or dad or grandparents to go pick you up that is why it is good to at less to no use it when you are in school

Aug 25
Yulianna C Yulianna C (Aug 25 2021 11:51AM) : I agree more

I agree because it’s true

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Jan 15
Christopher S Christopher S (Jan 15 2020 10:41AM) : adults seem to be for it more

80% of adults support a ban on mobile phones in the classroom. I’ve also heard that people who work in Silicon Valley and tech execs like Steve Jobs send their kids to schools that don’t use mobiles. I’m wondering if that’s an urban legend.

Jan 16
Christopher S Christopher S (Jan 16 2020 5:48PM) : here's an article that speaks to that
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Support for a classroom ban was remarkably consistent across different demographics, including political affiliation and age group.

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Mar 6
Megan M Megan M (Mar 06 2020 4:10PM) : bans more

Everyone wants to ban cell phones, and sees the positives in doing so, but when it comes down to it people are unable to actually do so.

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But while banning phones from classrooms, and from school altogether, might seem sensible, there are number of reasons to be cautious. It’s clear we need to carefully consider how we want to make use of digital devices being brought into schools. But previous experience, such as in New York, suggests a blanket ban might introduce even more problems.

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Mar 9
Viviana G Viviana G (Mar 09 2020 1:03PM) : Students will not learn how to moderate their own screen time outside of school.
Aug 20
Deserae R Deserae R (Aug 20 2021 11:50PM) : I think more

that banning phones would benefit the students cause a lot of kids get distracted and if you ban them its better cause they will pay attention in class and they will be on task and do there work .

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Mar 8
Samuel M Samuel M (Mar 08 2020 7:18PM) : Any decision that a school makes on the issue will have a positive and a negative, but an overall ban would most likely give more negatives.

And the little research evidence that addresses the issue is mixed.

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What’s the evidence?

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Jan 15
Christopher S Christopher S (Jan 15 2020 10:44AM) : cyberbullying, distractions have been found to be related to cell phones in schools. Although no causation has been found.
Jan 15
Janet I Janet I (Jan 15 2020 6:45PM) : There are days I would love to ban cell phones in class for sure, but then I remember that they are a tool used in real life, and if we can support smart usage, then that is a win for everyone.
Mar 6
Dominic M Dominic M (Mar 06 2020 4:31PM) : I agree because if phones are banned when kids are in school, when they graduate and enter the real world they will not know how to use phones responsibly. A better approach would be to encourage smart use while they are still being supervised in school
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Reports of cyberbullying have clearly gone up among school-aged children and young people over the past ten years, but the nature and precedents of cyberbullying are complex.

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Mar 6
Michael S Michael S (Mar 06 2020 1:47PM) : This is important to remember. Cell phones aren't only a distraction, but also a vehicle to increase bullying and harassment. This needs to be taken into consideration more often on a larger scale by American schools.
Mar 6
2020 Amani B 2020 Amani B (Mar 06 2020 1:47PM) : I agree cyberbullying has gone up. especially with younger age groups.
Mar 6
Jonathan B Jonathan B (Mar 06 2020 4:25PM) : Cyberbullying more

While phones are distractions they also lead to other problems. New forms of bullying came out of technology and people can get really hurt because it is so easy to hurt someone else feelings. You don’t have to think about it or say it to their face. It has become a big problem.

Mar 6
Ellie H Ellie H (Mar 06 2020 4:41PM) : There are negative consequences of cell phones being used at school because students are still adolescents that do not carefully consider the consequences of their actions.
Mar 8
Tiffany B Tiffany B (Mar 08 2020 7:45PM) : Cyberbulling more

Cyberbulling isn’t going to stop occurring if phones are taken away at school. It mainly occurs after school and over weekends, so removing them during school won’t change or help anything. Also removing phones will take away a kid’s chance to show an adult what’s happening.

Mar 9
2020 Alicia B 2020 Alicia B (Mar 09 2020 1:38PM) : Cyberbullying generally does not occur during the school day, so restricting phones during school would not make a difference.
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Research suggests there is a large overlap between cyberbullying and traditional forms of bullying, which wouldn’t then follow that digital devices are somehow causing these behaviours.

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Cyberbullying also often takes place outside school hours and premises. There is a danger banning phones from classrooms might distract education staff from having to continue with efforts to address the more immediate causes of cyberbullying.

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Mar 6
2020 Kaitlyn T 2020 Kaitlyn T (Mar 06 2020 4:35PM) : This is important to note because it seems like the majority of cyberbullying occurs outside of school because the bullies feel safer and more confident to do the bullying.
Aug 20
Nathan Q Nathan Q (Aug 20 2021 12:31PM) : its OUTSIDE of school hours more

if its out side of school hours its because they are playing games on an xbox or their phone if it happens alot on school hours then do it, if not then why is it the schools problem to worry about it because at the end of the day its still going to happen

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Mar 5
2020 Alexander N 2020 Alexander N (Mar 05 2020 10:34PM) : How much cyber bullying happens on school premises? Additionally the flaw in confiscating phones to avoid cyber bullying is that phones will still retain negative messages and the student will then see them later.
Mar 6
2020 Emma W 2020 Emma W (Mar 06 2020 1:39PM) : Why are schools getting involved in after school activities? Does the cyberbullying negatively impact a student's academic performance?
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Read more: Teenagers need our support, not criticism, as they navigate life online

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There is also a growing literature exploring the links between digital devices and classroom distractions. The presence of phones in the classroom is certainly found to be a source of multi-tasking among students of all ages – some of which can be educationally relevant and much of which might not.

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Mar 6
2020 Emmy D 2020 Emmy D (Mar 06 2020 1:46PM) : Many who use their phones in school, sometimes even myself, tell themselves that they are being productive on their phones and that that time is useful but we all know it is really a mindless distraction.

But the impact of these off-task behaviours on student learning outcomes is difficult to determine. A review of 132 academic studies concluded, it is

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Jan 15
Christopher S Christopher S (Jan 15 2020 10:44AM) : Does the increase use of cell phones affect learning? No one has answered that definitively yet
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difficult to determine directions and mechanisms of the causal relations between mobile phone multitasking and academic performance.

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Jan 15
Janet I Janet I (Jan 15 2020 6:51PM) : Research shows that multi-tasking is not as productive or rewarding as previously thought. more

I think there is some research out there now stating that multi-tasking really isn’t productive. We just have created a society that demands it, but in reality quality of the work done and the satisfaction of completing the task is lower. I have to look up where I read it and get back to you.

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There is also a strong sense from classroom research that issues of distraction apply equally to laptops, iPads and other digital devices.

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Mar 6
2020 Kaitlyn T 2020 Kaitlyn T (Mar 06 2020 4:37PM) : Other technology more

Other technology provides us the same opportunities that our cell phones do, so getting rid of the phones may not help a lot. Laptops, for example, could become more of an addiction if they’re what we are using more than our phones. There could be danger of a new addiction.

Mar 8
2020 Ella K 2020 Ella K (Mar 08 2020 4:19PM) : Lots of schools use laptops. If schools want to ban laptops and not phones, then the laptops will become the addictive device. The answer is not banning phones, because there are other electronic devices schools use that can become equally addictive
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All told, the sense from academic literature is that the realities of smartphone use in classrooms are complex and decidedly messy. Our own research into how smartphones are being used in Victorian classrooms highlighted the difficulties teachers face in policing student use (what some teachers described as requiring “five minutes of firefighting” at the beginning of every lesson).

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Mar 9
2020 Abraham G 2020 Abraham G (Mar 09 2020 12:07AM) : There is little research about smartphone use in classrooms.
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Despite this, we also found instances of students using smartphones for a range of beneficial purposes – from impromptu information seeking to live-streaming lessons for sick classmates.

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Jan 15
Christopher S Christopher S (Jan 15 2020 10:50AM) : positive uses of cell phones in schools. more

on-demand searches for information and live streaming lessons to sick classmates. There are lots more positives that aren’t mentioned in the article that Judge students have told me: looking up and submitting an assignment on a course website, translating in foreign language classes, etc.

Jan 15
Janet I Janet I (Jan 15 2020 6:46PM) : Some of my students submit work by phone, for short writings it works. They also research right there in the palm of their hand on some assignments.
Mar 6
2020 Jayme M 2020 Jayme M (Mar 06 2020 1:39PM) : Beneficial Applications more

It sounds as though a large component of this is how the cell phones are used. For a vast majority of people, cell phones are an inextricable part of daily life and finding productive applications for them seems much more feasible than trying to get rid of them.

Mar 6
2020 Abbey S 2020 Abbey S (Mar 06 2020 4:43PM) : Cellphones that are used in moderation during school can be useful tools for kids and teachers.
Mar 7
Kathryn V Kathryn V (Mar 07 2020 11:25PM) : if the problem is phones, banning them will not get rid of the issue, as the majority of people have accounts synced across devices like ipads and laptops, largely with the same access to social media and other apps as cellphones do.
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Read more: Schools are asking students to bring digital devices to class, but are they actually being used?

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These benefits are also reflected in classroom studies elsewhere in the world. Research from Stanford University has demonstrated, for instance, that with proper support and preparation, teachers in even the most challenging schools can “build on the ways students already use technology outside of school to help them learn in the classroom”.

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Mar 6
Amaia H Amaia H (Mar 06 2020 1:29PM) : Building on outside use more

I think it would be more beneficial for both teachers and students to teach students how to develop a healthy, productive relationship with their devices. The root of the problem is that kids have unhealthy relationships with their devices and use them improperly, so why not address that instead of banning them altogether?

Mar 6
2020 Emma W 2020 Emma W (Mar 06 2020 1:42PM) : Personally, I use resources online to further my understanding of concepts learned in school.
Mar 6
2020 Samuel H 2020 Samuel H (Mar 06 2020 4:31PM) : This is what I agree with. Phones aren't going anywhere for future generations, we should not try to distance them from them only for them to not be able to put their phones down outside of school, rather teach a fair way to use them.
Sep 3
Aubrianna L Aubrianna L (Sep 03 2021 2:50PM) : we should be able to use our phone because incase there is an emergency

There is now a whole academic field known as “m-Learning” where researchers have explored the pedagogical and learning advantages of using mobile devices (including phones) in lessons.

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Jan 15
Christopher S Christopher S (Jan 15 2020 10:57AM) : m-Learning more

Hadn’t heard of that term before. But all the examples seem to be in places that don’t have a lot of resources and connectivity, generally in developing countries. That seems different that the U.S. and European debate. That’s not to say all U.S. communities have adequate resources and connectivity.

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But what about a blanket ban from school altogether? Experience from elsewhere suggests enforcing a mobile ban in schools may not be as easy as it sounds.

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What we can learn from others

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The New South Wales government announced a review into the benefits and risks of mobile phone use in schools in June 2018, led by child psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg. At the review’s completion, the government said it would only ban mobile phones from the state’s primary schools, leaving secondary schools free to make their own choice.

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Jan 15
Christopher S Christopher S (Jan 15 2020 10:58AM) : a lot of the other bans are talking about elementary schools and not high schools.

It noted

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We recognise that technology plays an important and increasing role as students progress through their education […] We want to give secondary schools the flexibility to balance the benefits and risks of technology in the way that best supports their students.

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Mar 6
2020 Emma W 2020 Emma W (Mar 06 2020 1:44PM) : Balancing one's phone use and time management is a life long skill that high schools should learn early.
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Perhaps the most pertinent example is the ban enforced in New York City from 2006, that was eventually lifted in 2015.

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Jan 15
Christopher S Christopher S (Jan 15 2020 11:00AM) : Is a ban that ended in 2015 still relevant to the debate that's happening now?
Jan 15
Janet I Janet I (Jan 15 2020 6:48PM) : I wonder what caused them to get rid of the ban?
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The reasons given for this reversal highlighted several of the concerns the new ban in Victoria will likely face. They include practical difficulties of enforcing a ban in the classroom being exacerbated by banning of phone use during break times and lunchtimes.

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Mar 6
2020 Tomas Y 2020 Tomas Y (Mar 06 2020 1:44PM) : I understand the fact that schools can ban the use of cell phones. more

However, the addictive state these kids are in can put stress and anxiety on them. If there is a ban, ban them from the classroom during work periods. Allow for use in their own time like lunch or breaks to replenish their addiction. It is hard to keep the same ban over such a large area. It is very hard to stay consistent as a school system. Phones still need to be used for safety and communication, but limiting them in the classroom may lead to educational positives.

First, it was clear the New York ban was being inconsistently enforced by schools – with better resourced schools in more affluent areas more likely to bend the rules and permit student use. In contrast, schools in lower-income areas with metal detectors were more likely to be rigidly enforcing the ban.

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Aug 27
Naeva O Naeva O (Aug 27 2021 12:15PM) : Why ban phones [Edited] more

I can see why they want to ban phones in school. Yes, sometimes they can be a distraction. It will be hard on most people because we go from all the time on a phone to none at all.

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Mar 6
2020 Emily L 2020 Emily L (Mar 06 2020 1:45PM) : . more

This is why I think a wholesale ban would be unfair

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Jan 15
Christopher S Christopher S (Jan 15 2020 11:05AM) : pushback on bans because it wasn't enforced as much in more affluent schools. Also the idea of the teacher knowing what's best in their classroom.
Mar 6
Alysa G Alysa G (Mar 06 2020 1:38PM) : I see the appeal of banning in school. However, it is hard to go from using your phone all the time, to not at all in school. Banning including lunch time would be hard, but would allow students to socialize and grow relationships.
Mar 6
Olivia A Olivia A (Mar 06 2020 4:26PM) : I think this shows an underlying problem with wealth because those with less money are much more likely to suffer from issues with phones.

Other motivations for lifting the ban were concerns over student safety such as the need for students to contact family members during break times and lunchtimes. Families were also incurring costs to store phones securely outside of the school. There was also a recognition teachers should be trusted to exercise their professional judgement as to how they could be making good educational use of devices in their lessons.

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Mar 6
2020 Emily L 2020 Emily L (Mar 06 2020 1:46PM) : Another reason more

Another reason I think a ban is unrealistic

Mar 9
italia p italia p (Mar 09 2020 3:39AM) : When did the need for a constant update become a thing? How was life before we had the ability to keep constant tabs on our loved ones?
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Read more: Should mobile phones be banned in schools? We asked five experts

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At the same time, it was reckoned government resources were better directed toward supporting students to learn how to use technology responsibly through cyber-safety lessons.

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Jan 15
Christopher S Christopher S (Jan 15 2020 11:06AM) : how effective are cyber-safety lessons?
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All these reasons are as relevant now to Victorian schools as they were to New York City schools in 2015. The use (and non-use) of mobile phones in schools is certainly an issue we need to have a proper conversation about. But it might not be as clear-cut as the recent policy announcements suggest.

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Mar 9
erica S erica S (Mar 09 2020 4:39PM) : At the end of the day this is not a simple issue. Because this effects the life of almost every student in the U.S., legislation cannot come overnight and apply everywhere perfectly.
Sep 17
Arturo A Arturo A (Sep 17 2021 12:10PM) : banning mobile phones more

I’n my opinion l agree with her because if they let them use the cell phone in class they will not consent and they will not have descipline.

DMU Timestamp: November 27, 2019 01:26

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Aug 25
Luis C Luis C (Aug 25 2021 3:00PM) : i think its risky [Edited] more

i think its risky beacause what if your parents call you and its an emergency and i wont have my phone to answer them

Aug 27
Ramon V Ramon V (Aug 27 2021 2:16PM) : Phones should not be banned more

Phones should not be banned because they are very useful for call in case of an emergency because then otherwise you could be in danger

Sep 9
Mabel E Mabel E (Sep 09 2021 2:48PM) : Phones are important but can be a distraction. more

The banding of phones could be right. A phone can be a distraction. But at the same time is a very important. There could be a emergency. That they need your attention.

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