When | Why |
Feb-04-20 | This is a more clear introduction. |
Feb-04-20 | Please read through this description of point of view http://inkandquills.com/2016/08/18/point-of-view-story/ and add to this. Point of View as a literary element is NOT about different perspectives. It's narrative voice |
Feb-04-20 | Wording change |
Feb-06-20 | Wording change |
Feb-06-20 | Try to explain that last sentence again. I think you have a good idea here, but it's not coming through. |
The three stroies are third-person narration .The I'm going to compare and contrast three stories we chose to study in my English class. "Everyday Use," by Alice Walker (1973), "The Lesson," by Toni Cade Bambara (1972), and "How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Hafie," by Junot Diaz (1995) The connection between the stories is the education .Because because all the stories are talking about education from different point of view. in In the story "Everyday use" based on Use," one of the characters, Dee wants education. Her sister, Maggie was focus on Family is focused on the family and how she can connect with other others while the mother cannot use equality between treat her two daughters the same.Also in In the story "The Lesson," there are some children's who came from lower class income family famiies and they do not have any education that. That's why they do not know how to deal with real world. Additionally, in "How to Date..." in this story the boy do not have any education because he does not know how to to be with different girls that . That's why he went to a old older person to learn about girls. these These three story has connection have connections as well as different which is the differences. The setting, time and the conflict of each of the story stories is different.
I'm going to compare and contrast three stories we chose to study in my English class.
"Everyday Use," by Alice Walker (1973), "The Lesson," by Toni Cade Bambara (1972), and "How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Hafie," by Junot Diaz (1995) The connection between the stories is education because all the stories are talking about education from different point of view.
In the story "Everyday Use," one of the characters, Dee wants education.
Her sister, Maggie is focused on the family and how she can connect with others while the mother cannot treat her two daughters the same.
In the "The Lesson," there are some children's who came from lower class income famiies and they do not have any education.
That's why they do not know how to deal with real world.
Additionally, in "How to Date..." the boy do not have any education because he does not know how to to be with different girls.
That's why he went to a older person to learn about girls.
These three story have connections as well as differences.
The setting, time and the conflict of each of the stories is different.
Point of view : point of is the angle of considering thingsrefers to the narrative voice in a story, which shows the opinion or feeling of individuals involved in a situation. The three stories significant similarities is the education.Because all these story talk about education in different point points of view. Other similarities of the stories are in “The Lesson” there is moore is told from the point of view of one of the little girls on the trip. We see the woman who is helping the children to get to know the different class in the society and in the “Everyday use” mama is there for Dee to get the education and mama was supporting Deefrom her point of view. In “Everyday Use” we see the story from Mama's point of view. And in "How to date..." we get the perspective of an older man trying to educate a younger man.
Point of view refers to the narrative voice in a story, which shows the opinion or feeling of individuals involved in a situation.
The three stories talk about education in different points of view.
“The Lesson” is told from the point of view of one of the little girls on the trip.
We see the woman who is helping the children to get to know the different class in the society from her point of view.
In “Everyday Use” we see the story from Mama's point of view.
And in "How to date..." we get the perspective of an older man trying to educate a younger man.
As well as these three All three of these stories are different than from each other in everyday use” mama another way. In "Everyday Use," Mama was more concern about Dee’s education and her other daughter maggie Maggie was staying home and didn’t get the education educational opportunity even though she always want wanted get this opportunity.And see Maggie sees herself as like other people.Also, In the story of “how to date” main character didn’t In “How to date...” the main character doesn't have any knowledge about different type of girls and he was is asking so many question questions about girls. He wants to get to know different type types of girl.Similar to other this This story is different than other because In “the Lesson” from “The Lesson” where the children were are in a gang group and they are lower income class families and they didn’t don't have any education that why . That iswhy it was hard for them to deal with the real world and moore was try to interact them with why Miss Moore is tryint to show them a different class of society. So they can have some idea about it.
All three of these stories are different from each other in another way.
In "Everyday Use," Mama was more concern about Dee’s education and her other daughter Maggie was staying home and didn’t get the educational opportunity even though she always wanted get this opportunity.
Maggie sees herself as like other people.
In “How to date...” the main character doesn't have any knowledge about different type of girls and he is asking so many questions about girls.
He wants to get to know different types of girl.
This story is different from “The Lesson” where the children are in a gang group and they are lower income class families and they don't have any education.
That iswhy it was hard for them to deal with the real world and why Miss Moore is tryint to show them a different class of society.
So they can have some idea about it.
Characterization is the way a writer to reveals personality of a character.
This three stories similarities is that all the character from from three different stories they are learning from someone who is older than them.This stories are similar because in “Everyday Use," Dee goes to different place to learn and in “The Lesson" the children to to the toy story to learn about the rest of the world and how rest of the people live.
Also, in the story the characters does not want to share their real personality and try to be something which they are not.
They are also similar because they have high expectations for life because they are trying to be better.
This stories are also different than each other because in “Everyday Use" Mama seems to give preference to one of her daughters over the other one.
In “How to date...” the main character is a boy and the narrator is an older boy and they are talking about different races of girls.
"The Lesson" is different from the other two stories because the children are poor.
Tone is the speaker’s attitude toward his subject.This three stories are similar is that they all promote a significant education in all life aspects. The character characters of the stories get shock shocked at the some point of their life and willing to get something which could bring great influence.They are disappointed and they are not happy with everything they have.Nad in everyday use and the lesson They In "Everyday Use" and "The Lesson," they are disappointed and they are not happy with everything they have.Al well as there are different than each other How To Date” There are differences too. "How To Date...” is different from "The Lesson" and "Everyday Use" because the author tries to educate in a very relaxed way and the rhythm of words make it sound as an experienced person whereas in "The lesson Lesson" and "Everyday Use" they just teach either bossy, boring or regularly. What makes "The Lesson" different from "Everyday Use" and "How To Date..." is how people understand advices advice and put into practice what was taught to them , Yet In everyday . Yet in "Everyday Use," Dee did not listen to her Mom and left the house and in "How to date the reader Date..." the protagonist may or may not listen to the narrator’s experience. What makes "Everyday Use" different from "The lesson Lesson" and "How To Date..." is the sacrifices that she makes to support their children, and to avoid that they do mistakes in life as well as how the kids are educated.
Tone is the speaker’s attitude toward his subject.This three stories are similar is that they all promote a significant education in all life aspects.
The characters of the stories get shocked at the some point of their life and willing to get something which could bring great influence.They are disappointed and they are not happy with everything they have.
In "Everyday Use" and "The Lesson," they are disappointed and they are not happy with everything they have.
There are differences too.
"How To Date...” is different from "The Lesson" and "Everyday Use" because the author tries to educate in a very relaxed way and the rhythm of words make it sound as an experienced person whereas in "The Lesson" and "Everyday Use" they just teach either bossy, boring or regularly.
What makes "The Lesson" different from "Everyday Use" and "How To Date..." is how people understand advice and put into practice what was taught to them.
Yet in "Everyday Use," Dee did not listen to her Mom and left the house and in "How to Date..." the protagonist may or may not listen to the narrator’s experience.
What makes "Everyday Use" different from "The Lesson" and "How To Date..." is the sacrifices that she makes to support their children, and to avoid that they do mistakes in life as well as how the kids are educated.
The main point of the What I noticed in these three stories is that no matter who they are they , the characters want to learn more about what they do not know about yet, and make themselves more educated. This will help them to be stay connected with their societies people based on the social class.
What I noticed in these three stories is that no matter who they are, the characters want to learn more about what they do not know about yet, and make themselves more educated.
Added February 04, 2020 at 11:12am
by Fatema Rahman
(suggested by Paul Allison)
Title: This is a more clear introduction.
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 1 (click to return there).
The connection between the stories is the education.
Because all the stories are talking about education from different point of view. in the story " Everyday use" based on the characters, Dee wants education, Maggie was focus on Family and how she can connect with other while the mother cannot use equality between her two daughters.
Also in the story "The Lesson" there are some children's who came from lower class income family and they do not have any education that's why they do not know how to deal with real world.
Additionally, " How to Date " in this story the boy do not have any education because he does not know how to to be with different girls that why he went to a old person to learn about girls. these three story has connection as well as different which is the setting, time and the conflict each of the story is different.
Added February 04, 2020 at 11:12am
by Fatema Rahman
(suggested by Paul Allison)
Title: Please read through this description of point of view http://inkandquills.com/2016/08/18/point-of-view-story/ and add to this. Point of View as a literary element is NOT about different perspectives. It's narrative voice
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 2 (click to return there).
Point of view: point of is the angle of considering things, which shows the opinion or feeling of individuals involved in a situation. The three stories significant similarities is the education. Because all these story talk about education in different point of view. Other similarities of the stories are in “The Lesson” there is moore who is helping the children to get to know the different class in the society and in the “Everyday use” mama is there for Dee to get the education and mama was supporting Dee.
Added February 04, 2020 at 11:13am
by Fatema Rahman
(suggested by Paul Allison)
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 3 (click to return there).
As well as these three stories are different than each other in everyday use” mama was more concern about Dee’s education and her other daughter maggie was staying home and didn’t get the education opportunity even though she always want get this opportunity. And see herself as like other people. Also, In the story of “how to date” main character didn’t have any knowledge about different type of girls and he was asking so many question about girls to get to know different type of girl. Similar to other this story is different than other because In “the Lesson” the children were in a gang group and they are lower income class families and they didn’t have any education that why it was hard for them to deal with the real world and moore was try to interact them with different class society. So they can have some idea about it.
Added February 06, 2020 at 3:24pm
by Fatema Rahman
(suggested by Paul Allison)
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 6 (click to return there).
Tone is the speaker’s attitude toward his subject.
This three stories are similar is that they all promote a significant education in all life aspects.
The character of the stories get shock at the some point of their life and willing to get something which could bring great influence.They are disappointed and they are not happy with everything they have.
Nad in everyday use and the lesson They are disappointed and they are not happy with everything they have.
Al well as there are different than each other How To Date” is different from The Lesson and Everyday Use because the author tries to educate in a very relaxed way and the rhythm of words make it sound as an experienced person whereas The lesson and Everyday Use they just teach either bossy, boring or regularly.
What makes The Lesson different from Everyday Use and How To Date is how people understand advices and put into practice what was taught to them , Yet In everyday Use, Dee did not listen to her Mom and left the house and in How to date the reader may or may not listen to the narrator’s experience.
What makes Everyday Use different from The lesson and How To Date is the sacrifices that she makes to support their children, and to avoid that they do mistakes in life as well as how the kids are educated.
Added February 06, 2020 at 3:25pm
by Fatema Rahman
(suggested by Paul Allison)
Title: Try to explain that last sentence again. I think you have a good idea here, but it's not coming through.
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 7 (click to return there).
The main point of the stories is no matter who they are they want to learn more about what they do not know about yet, and make themselves more educated. This will help them to be stay connected with their societies people based on the social class.
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
The three stroies are third-person narration .The I'm going to compare and contrast three stories we chose to study in my English class. "Everyday Use," by Alice Walker (1973), "The Lesson," by Toni Cade Bambara (1972), and "How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Hafie," by Junot Diaz (1995) The connection between the stories is the education .Because because all the stories are talking about education from different point of view. in In the story "Everyday use" based on Use," one of the characters, Dee wants education. Her sister, Maggie was focus on Family is focused on the family and how she can connect with other others while the mother cannot use equality between treat her two daughters the same. Also in In the story "The Lesson," there are some children's who came from lower class income family famiies and they do not have any education that. That's why they do not know how to deal with real world. Additionally, in "How to Date..." in this story the boy do not have any education because he does not know how to to be with different girls that . That's why he went to a old older person to learn about girls. these These three story has connection have connections as well as different which is the differences. The setting, time and the conflict of each of the story stories is different.
Reason: This is a more clear introduction.
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
Point of view : point of is the angle of considering thingsrefers to the narrative voice in a story, which shows the opinion or feeling of individuals involved in a situation. The three stories significant similarities is the education.Because all these story talk about education in different point points of view. Other similarities of the stories are in “The Lesson” there is moore is told from the point of view of one of the little girls on the trip. We see the woman who is helping the children to get to know the different class in the society and in the “Everyday use” mama is there for Dee to get the education and mama was supporting Deefrom her point of view. In “Everyday Use” we see the story from Mama's point of view. And in "How to date..." we get the perspective of an older man trying to educate a younger man.
Reason: Please read through this description of point of view http://inkandquills.com/2016/08/18/point-of-view-story/ and add to this. Point of View as a literary element is NOT about different perspectives. It's narrative voice
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
As well as these three All three of these stories are different than from each other in everyday use” mama another way. In "Everyday Use," Mama was more concern about Dee’s education and her other daughter maggie Maggie was staying home and didn’t get the education educational opportunity even though she always want wanted get this opportunity.And see Maggie sees herself as like other people.Also, In the story of “how to date” main character didn’t In “How to date...” the main character doesn't have any knowledge about different type of girls and he was is asking so many question questions about girls. He wants to get to know different type types of girl.Similar to other this This story is different than other because In “the Lesson” from “The Lesson” where the children were are in a gang group and they are lower income class families and they didn’t don't have any education that why . That iswhy it was hard for them to deal with the real world and moore was try to interact them with why Miss Moore is tryint to show them a different class of society. So they can have some idea about it.
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
Characterization : Characterization is the way a writer to reveals personality of a character.
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
This three stories similarities is that all the character from from three different stories they are learning from someone who is older than them.This stories are similar because from the “everyday use Dee went in “Everyday Use," Dee goes to different place to learn and in “the “The Lesson" the boys went children to to the museum toy story to learn about the rest of the world and how rest of the people live.
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
As well as They are also similar because they have high expectation on live expectations for life because they are trying to be better because of the society.
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
This stories are also different than each other because in “Everyday use “ mama love Use" Mama seems to give preference to one of her daughter than daughters over the other one.
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
Additionally, in In “How to date” date...” the main character is a boy and the narrator also a is an older boy and they are talking about the different race or color races of girls.
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
Furthermore, The lesson “ "The Lesson" is different then from the other two stories because the children are poor and they live in black community.
Reason: Everyday Use also takes place in a southern Black community.
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
Tone:Tone is the speaker’s attitude toward his subject.(Put this as the beginning of the next sentence.)
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
Tone is the speaker’s attitude toward his subject.This three stories are similar is that they all promote a significant education in all life aspects. The character characters of the stories get shock shocked at the some point of their life and willing to get something which could bring great influence.They are disappointed and they are not happy with everything they have.Nad in everyday use and the lesson They In "Everyday Use" and "The Lesson," they are disappointed and they are not happy with everything they have.Al well as there are different than each other How To Date” There are differences too. "How To Date...” is different from "The Lesson" and "Everyday Use" because the author tries to educate in a very relaxed way and the rhythm of words make it sound as an experienced person whereas in "The lesson Lesson" and "Everyday Use" they just teach either bossy, boring or regularly. What makes "The Lesson" different from "Everyday Use" and "How To Date..." is how people understand advices advice and put into practice what was taught to them , Yet In everyday . Yet in "Everyday Use," Dee did not listen to her Mom and left the house and in "How to date the reader Date..." the protagonist may or may not listen to the narrator’s experience. What makes "Everyday Use" different from "The lesson Lesson" and "How To Date..." is the sacrifices that she makes to support their children, and to avoid that they do mistakes in life as well as how the kids are educated.
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
The main point of the What I noticed in these three stories is that no matter who they are they , the characters want to learn more about what they do not know about yet, and make themselves more educated. This will help them to be stay connected with their societies people based on the social class.
Reason: Try to explain that last sentence again. I think you have a good idea here, but it's not coming through.
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The three story are connected because of the narrators, they reflected by the third person being the stories narrators stroies are third-person narration .The connection between the stories is the education.
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I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
I’m the Tech Liaison for the New York City Writing Project. I… (more)
The three stroies are third-person narration .The connection between the stories is the education.
Reason: "How to date..." is in second person, and the point of view in the other stories comes from one person. I would leave this out for now.
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