We are still young learners so it is a full right to know what is going on in our community.Therefore, for my part I really enjoy these three stories because it reflects on me.
Everyday use, for me is theme because it collects most themes inside for life, since I never know family is important no matter what.
Then The lesson was also fabulous for me, when I finish reading it.
It teaches us how we should treat each other with respect no matter what our social class is.
That's why, I choose characterization like a literary element to explain the author's central idea.
The thing is that, she wants us to learn about character's behavior .
In How to date, I choose voice because I really feel each story has its own voice, in Everyday use the author is a woman , The lesson author is woman and in How to date it's a man and that's why I choose voice here to clearly give the voice of each narrator.
Even though I think their theme is almost same like we don't have the right to judge someone no matter what our status is.
My first Literary element theme that took title Everyday use which I give a definition the theme of the story is what the author tries to convey in other words.
So The thing that differentiates and distinguishes this story of Everyday use from the other two is around us learned a very good lesson in its history that everyone can interpret in different ways.
And this lesson, for me was the family remains the family whatever the difficulties are.
Then what makes these two stories similar to the Lesson and How to date -the author is raising awareness among young people, and send strong messages to not judge anyone, whatever your situation.
After the thing that differentiates and distinguishes the story of The Lesson from the other two is that the author showed us the real facts of our lives in society, and the lesson that I learn from that is we cannot change people's minds .
Despite our status of class sociale we can be unique.
And all of them have the important similarities between these three stories are of Everyday use, the author teaches us how we must love one another despite our differences.
Likewise in The Lesson he talks about love and solidarity because we are all the same since the materials are nothing.
And in How to date - we don’t have the right to judge someone each person has his right in all fields.
An addition we can say the three stories is to teach us how we should give each person his or her respect since each person has its own value.
Also The things that make these two stories similar that are Everyday use and How to date- same are both talk about the respect of people.
Since we don’t have the right to give some people superiority than others.
Thus The things that differentiates and distinguishes this story of How to date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie from the other two.
Author are gives us a lesson on how to respect women and give her right that she deserves .
Since his story is so powerful that each person can give different theme in the way her or he understand.
However the main strong dea was gives the respect of value of women that she deserves no matter her colors.
And The thing that makes these two stories similar that was The Lesson and Everyday use are both of these stories talk about giving all people the same love.
Since we don’t know tomorrow and for a great future we should treat everyone equal.
My second literary element is Character and took titleThe Lesson since I give definition A character is any person, animal, or figure represented in a literary work.
The thing that differentiates and distinguishes this story from the other two are the author make a choice that makes her suffer but in the end she arrived at her destination. Since this choice she made was not easy for her to be a teacher in a middle of poverty where people think others has bless than them is not easy to change their mind . But in the end she arrives to her objectif that make to think we are the same despite our differences. Then The thing that makes these two stories similar that are Everyday use and How to date -same is at the end the two authors arrive at their goal by giving us the teaching they want us to know . since they have the same conflict give advice to change people's mind. After The significant similarities among these three stories are they three author made a choice and have conflict. That at the end arrive in their goal destination despite it was not easy for them the don’t change. They still the same .to make their work successful. And The thing that differentiates and distinguishes this story Everyday use from the other two story are the mother at end feel regretful for her behavior to maggie and make us know her choice was incorrect despite the conflict she made a face. Then The thing that makes these two stories similar that are How to date - and the Lesson is the narrator don’t change their choice at the end .Since their mission is still the same because the want each person feel happy in her status despite our differences . After The thing that differentiates and distinguishes this story of How to date - from the other two is the choice of the author to talk about his personnage was most focus about women and the way we should treat us. Despite the fact that they color we should same . And he did not change the mind until the end because he has drive to teach us that was give a woman her respite in all fields they are not object. And The thing that makes these two stories similar that are The Lesson and Everyday use are all humans are the same no matter our class we should love each other .And this was one of the choices made in their story that we we should learn like central idea of their risk the choose.
An addition my Third Literary element is voice took title How to Date a Browngirl, Blackgirl, Whitegirl, or Halfie, and have definition the individual style in which a certain author writes his or her works. The thing that differentiates and distinguishes this story from the other two is the voice of narrator have to feel that we can feel in different type way.since he know the thing that he is talking in his story because he wants to teach us a lesson that exist until today in our society and how we can change it. And for this change we should give each person his or her respect. Specific her respect . Then The thing that makes these two stories similar are first their author are women and they are talking about our society real issue. Then arrive in a great conclusion how we can change it. After having the significant similarities among these three stories are their tone since each story has a strong tone that you can find on others.Also the description even though is not the same subject their great theme is almost the same because all of theme was for me we don’t have the right to judge someone we should love each other no matter our status. And again The thing that differentiates and distinguishes this story of the lesson from the other two are the narrator is give us the voice we should never give up like tone.And the awareness not to be afraid of our mission or dream that we have for our society. Then The thing that makes these two stories similar that are How to date- and Everyday use was their point commun of respect to each other. Since everyone is the same no matter what it is the same blood read we have in our body. Since others The thing that differentiates and distinguishes this story of Everyday use from the other two because author voice is to write about his characters she choose and give emotion that we should learn something inside. And those lessons you can connect to real life thing because people are afraid to tell the things that don’t go well .So we can say this story is given also voice to others people. And The thing that makes these two stories similar that are How to date- and The Lesson same is the two authors try to give us something important that we are ignored in our community even though we know that thing is not good for us . we keep act we don’t have issue.
Finally the main point making these writing is how to know those three stories how they are so important, not just for me but I Think the whole world . Since all of them have different them but at the same moment the threes stories have one strong theme that is respect for each other no matter what. And the thing that makes those stories wonderful is connected in our real life. Since each every day our society getting those changes that including us because racist is not fish, social class is always about inequality and issue of family is every day. Does why we should know our right to have a great future in long therme coming.
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We are still young learners so it is a full right to know what is going on in our community.Therefore, for my part I really enjoy these three stories because it reflects they reflect on me.
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We are still young learners so it is a full right to know what is going on in our community.Therefore, for my part I really enjoy these three stories because it reflects on me.
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We are still young learners so it is a full right to know what is going on in our community. Therefore, for my part I really enjoy these three stories because it reflects on me.
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I really like your essay. It is vry compelling.
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Everyday use, for me is theme because a collect it collects most theme themes inside for life, since I never know family is most important no matter what.
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Strongly agree with you, these three stories teach us a lot of things based on the situations in the stories.
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Then The lesson was also fabulous also for me, when I finish reading because it. It teaches us how we should treat each other with respect no matter what our social class social is. Does That's why, I choose character characterization like a literary element to explain the author's central Idea the thing idea. The thing is that, she wants us to learn about the characters character's behavior .
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Please finish your idea then start with a new one.
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In How to date - , I choose voice because I really feel each story has its own voice, in Everyday use the author is a woman , The lesson author is woman and in How to date -Man does it's a man and that's why I choose voice here to clearly give clear the voice of each character even narrator. Even though I think their theme is almost same like we don't have the right to judge someone no matter what our status is.
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In How to date, I choose voice because I really feel each story has its own voice, in Everyday use the author is a woman , in The lesson the author is woman and in How to date it's a man and that's why I choose voice here to clearly give. It is evident that it clearly gives the voice of each narrator.
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And this lesson, for me was the family remains the family whatever the difficulties are.
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Then what makes these two stories similar to the Lesson and How to date -the author is raising awareness among young people. , and send strong messages so as to not to judge anyone, whatever your situation.
Reason: I think you can use another word for whatever your.....
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After the thing that differentiates and distinguishes the story of The Lesson from the other two is that the author showed us the real facts of our lives in society. , and the lesson that I learn from that is we can cannot change people's minds .
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