1 I am about to experience some technique of writing that I have never done before. Something that discrate me from writing is how I should something without even knowing what I should write about.
2 3) From everything that I know about the three stories is how all of them basically talks about education
3 These three stories that we picked is that would make a good set for further study is they all they all releases education lessons. For instance, the story “Everyday Use” is all about how the mother only pays attention to Dee and also gave her education. However Maggie didn’t have any of these opportunities. Despite the lack of education, Maggie have the finest behavior. The story the “lesson” is talks about how the teacher taught her students how there were different class in society. In the story “How to date”, the character didn’t know how to date girls, so had to get lessons on how to do so.
4 Section one: Point of view: Similarities and differences about the three stories.
5 There’s an inequality between the three stories:The lesson How Moore talks about the different classes in society. The story “How to date” how you need different methods depending the girls backgrounds. The story “Everyday Use” how everyone are bonding in leaving poverty.
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