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Education if the key to open people's minds

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Education is what formalizes humans, what is hard, is to remain being educated and listen to others. In the three short stories, “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker, “The Lesson” by Toni De Chambara and “How to Date a Brown, Black Girl or Halfie” by Junot Diaz; the characters demonstrate to posses education at certain point in their lives, they feel that the situation accredits them the need to receive education from others.All of them On the contrary, they eventually use ignorance behind the scenes. It means that they give more importance to their desires than to what they must do to prior situations. In everyday Use, Dee ignores the sacrifies that the mother did everything for her and . She just cares anout about her own convenience. Ignorance is also seen when the mother most of the time highlights Dee. She puts her as the most special daughter in her life. At the same time, the mother is not interested to talk about Maggie and slightly talks about ther toughout the story. In The Lesson, the ignorance of the kids towards Ms. Moore is shown in several parts of the story. From an inference point, it is to say that she does not show interest to know any of her students. Another instance, of ignoreing ignoring people, could be in How To Date Junot Diaz. The author lets the reader know the way in which they think, but they do not ask the reader what is their ability to make the taught technique happen like the reader was told. It is why the authors partially show ingnorance in a way or another. They all learn a piece of information either by the experience of someone else nor about an advice. Their eagerness is to do what they want to do above the person educating them, just as a The characters promote voice to do at certain point of the story to show that they are educating other people, even if it includes contradiction towards each other. In fact, they posses the desire of teaching others what should be taught but other may or may not consider it as the best suggestion for their lives. I think it is interesting because regardless of the situation that humans live in, they are obliqued obligated to receive education in different aspects of their lives.

Education is what formalizes humans, what is hard, is to remain being educated and listen to others. In the three short stories, “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker, “The Lesson” by Toni De Chambara and “How to Date a Brown, Black Girl or Halfie” by Junot Diaz; the characters demonstrate to posses education at certain point in their lives, they feel that the situation accredits them the need to receive education from others. On the contrary, they eventually use ignorance behind the scenes. It means that they give more importance to their desires than to what they must do to prior situations. In everyday Use, Dee ignores the sacrifies that the mother did everything for her. She just cares about her own convenience. Ignorance is also seen when the mother most of the time highlights Dee. She puts her as the most special daughter in her life. At the same time, the mother is not interested to talk about Maggie and slightly talks about ther toughout the story. In The Lesson, the ignorance of the kids towards Ms. Moore is shown in several parts of the story. From an inference point, it is to say that she does not show interest to know any of her students. Another instance, of ignoring people, could be in How To Date Junot Diaz. The author lets the reader know the way in which they think, but they do not ask the reader what is their ability to make the taught technique happen like the reader was told. It is why the authors partially show ingnorance in a way or another. They all learn a piece of information either by the experience of someone else nor about an advice. The characters promote voice to do at certain point of the story to show that they are educating other people, even if it includes contradiction towards each other. In fact, they posses the desire of teaching others what should be taught but other may or may not consider it as the best suggestion for their lives. I think it is interesting because regardless of the situation that humans live in, they are obligated to receive education in different aspects of their lives.

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To begin with, the comparison between Everyday Use and The lesson, the narrator uses Theme narrators uses the literary element of theme to highlight the sacrifices that the mother did about Maggie and Dee.She potentially sacrificed her goods and even her life to keep them still and Furthermore, she potentially gave all of herself to see them to the age that they are already. She has fought many times to give them both education sacrificed even her life to see them o at the point that they are now. One of her daughters cares more about heritage and the other cares more about education. In “The Lesson” Ms. Moore sacrifices her time in educating some kids around the same entorn as her. Some of them are listeners, some others were not listening. However at the end of the day, they are open to receive education nor experience from someone else and not ignorance. In fact, the characters do not always value the sacrifices and dedication from other people. It takes effort to make reflect on their mistake at different perspectives.

To begin with, the comparison between Everyday Use and The lesson, the narrators uses the literary element of theme to highlight the sacrifices that the mother did about Maggie and Dee. Furthermore, she potentially gave all of herself to see them to the age that they are already. She has fought many times to give them both education sacrificed even her life to see them at the point that they are now. One of her daughters cares more about heritage and the other cares more about education. In “The Lesson” Ms. Moore sacrifices her time in educating some kids around the same entorn as her. Some of them are listeners, some others were not listening. However at the end of the day, they are open to receive education nor experience from someone else and not ignorance. In fact, the characters do not always value the sacrifices and dedication from other people. It takes effort to make reflect on their mistake at different perspectives.

In the three stories , the authors use characterization to remain their leadership by educating others. Yet, not always their leadership is worthy because of the actions of someone else. However, they differ from each other because in circumstances not all the characters from the story remain to have leadership in their perspective, such as Maggie when she wants to be love by the mother.

Furthermore, in “The Lesson”, and in How To Date, the authors use voice to teach other people. In The Lesson, by Toni De Chambara and How to Date a Brown, Black, White or Halfie” By Junot Diaz simile to each other. In the first story, The Lesson, Maggie is open to listen to the Mom’s advices but her Mom ignores her when it comes to be less beautiful, she uses voice to express in an educational Matter how Maggie is supposed to be in comparison with Dee. In The Lesson, Ms. Moore eventually educates the kids,. On the contrary, she uses ignorance as to listen the opinions of ones more than other who tended to disobeying her or even say bad things about her. She used voice to listen other students, by saying words to theirfavor (How To Date By Junot Diaz) . In How to Date, I would say most of the time, the author bases upon teaching the narrator about how to date. Yet a difference is that the narrator never opted to identify the capabilities of the reader but ignores and bases on his philosophy to underput the apparently lack of experience of the listener.

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In connection relation with How To Date, By Junot Diaz, theu the author bases o his experiences that most likely do not tend to work on everyone's hands. Just because the author considers himself experienced and able to Date any women. I think it is not quite accurate because not all women in real life are attracted towards another women. Not all men feel attracted to another man and not always different sexes are supposed to commit together. It is good to give education away but with keeping in mind that ignorance should not be passed away.

In relation with How To Date, By Junot Diaz, the author bases his experiences that most likely do not tend to work on everyone's hands. Just because the author considers himself experienced and able to Date any women. I think it is not quite accurate because not all women in real life are attracted towards another women. Not all men feel attracted to another man and not always different sexes are supposed to commit together. It is good to give education away but with keeping in mind that ignorance should not be passed away.

Paragraph 6 changes
Another connection between these three stories and actual life is that In addition, it can be seen that in actual life parents invest all of what they sometimes tend to the tthings they have, in order to race their kids with education and all comfortable affordable resources and comfort for themselves. Yet children tend to ignore at certain stages of their lives what the parents do for them. Many of them do not thank to their parents after they are adults, just because of things that unfortunately the children were not allowed to do or parents could not do for them.

In addition, it can be seen that in actual life parents invest all the tthings they have, in order to race their kids with education and all affordable resources and comfort for themselves. Yet children tend to ignore at certain stages of their lives what the parents do for them. Many of them do not thank to their parents after they are adults, just because of things that unfortunately the children were not allowed to do or parents could not do for them.

DMU Timestamp: January 21, 2020 02:52

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