When | Why |
Feb-04-20 | Wording change |
My favorite word is is sleep
Sleep is an action we all take part in. its the thing we do when we are tired. We lay down and close our eyes to have a nice long rest or a short nap. Long rest are usually for the night and naps are for when you need a small rest during the day to get a bit of energy.
Sleep isn't a sound but more what someone sounds like when they are sleeping. For example someone sleeping could be quiet while another could be snoring loudly. That just means they are having a better rest.
Sleep looks like when your friend or someone random just falls asleep on their desk because math is a boring hard subject. Or just someone in bed with their eyes closed.
Sleep is pretty good for us. It's how we rest our mind and body daily.sleeping helps us get energy during the night for the day to come and helps us store knowledge we have learned during the time we have been awake.
Sleep is something we all share. Every living animal and human does it and its the biggest thing we have in common.
A memorable thing when people sleep would be their dreams. Dreams during sleep is are normal and pretty much the most fun part about sleeping. It's a weird adventure in your mind that your brain randomly puts you in. lets just hope you aren't in a nightmare.
A memorable thing when people sleep would be their dreams.
Dreams during sleep are normal and pretty much the most fun part about sleeping.
It's a weird adventure in your mind that your brain randomly puts you in. lets just hope you aren't in a nightmare.
Sleep is my favorite word just cause I love sleeping so I like the word.
Added February 04, 2020 at 10:07pm
by chrstopher soriano
Title: Wording change
The text below is the previous wording for paragraph 7 (click to return there).
A memorable thing when people sleep would be their dreams. Dreams during sleep is normal and pretty much the most fun part about sleeping. It's a weird adventure in your mind that your brain randomly puts you in. lets just hope you aren't in a nightmare.
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He is letting us know how something boring can lead you to failling a sleep.
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Sleeping may help prevent cancer Sleep reduces stress Sleep reduces inflammation Sleeping makes you more alert Sleeping improves your memory Sleeping may help you lose weight Siesta makes you smarter Sleeping may reduce the risk of stagnation.
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we all sleep thats some every human has in common.
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Sleeping may help prevent cancer , Sleep reduces stress , Sleep reduces inflammation Sleeping makes you more alert , Sleeping improves your memory , Sleeping may help you lose weight Siesta makes you smarter , Sleeping may reduce the risk of stagnation .
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