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Letter to Ocasio-Cortez

Dear Representative Ocasio-Cortez,

I am tempestuous by your Instagram video because it emphasizes how current generations are responsible, smart enough to implement what they craved for. She is very confident and inspiring to the people from the new generation and how we are the government.

One thing you said that stands out to me is: "His new generation is the radical acceptance that I see from so many and they take time to read and understand our history, the history of the labor movement, civil rights, the history of racial struggles, the history of economics, the history of the United States, the history of colonialism.” I think this is remarkable because she ulizes some of the examples of how our young generation does not step back to learn or give value to our history and others memorials events that happened in the past. We always look forward to bringing out the past history and showing our interest by seeing that from different perspectives. We have courage to accept the fact even though or worse and always try to make it better by not repeating the same mistake.

I do agree with you that our young generation is not so sensitive or emotional. Even if we are, it is a positive way because we know how to solve problems and are intelligent enough to take leadership roles and choose the government. Compared to the past, where people were going through different things. Lack of resources was not letting them make an enormous change in the world. The last generation also called the “silent generation” are those born from 1925 to 1945 – so called because they were raised during a period of war and economic depression.

One reason I would agree with her is because we aren't afraid to accept criticism. Another reason is that we always work to develop the country and discover something new .

Recently I was looking at videos by young activists, and one of them is a good example of what I’m saying here.

I’m especially inspired by the video by Blair Imani because she is a queer Muslim woman and she empowers the lives of so many Muslim people that are being discriminated against in a world where not everyone is going to accept who they are.

It is really good that she does not let herself down and does not let herself be affected by the denunciation. In addition, demonstrate what she is capable of to people. In actuality, many people face discrimination just because they have certain religions like Islam, which really do not make any difference in their personality or hurt anyone.

The memorable thing was that she raised her voice to hear her words around the world. She was embarrassed to say that she is a queer Muslim.

I’ve also been learning about how all the people have been facing so many problem and Youth are protesting for their water point which the government want to use to build some pipeline to factories and the young from china protesting to get the right to have a higher education to achieve the goals The young protesters that I find most inspiring are the ones who of fighting for education

I think this history is a good example of something you said in your video: “I think this new generation is very profound and very strong and very brave because they are actually willing to go to the streets” I agree with you here, because whatever we do not get, we fight for it and never give up on it until we achieve.

Thanks for taking the time to read my letter. I look forward to seeing what you do or say next.

DMU Timestamp: February 21, 2020 23:45

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