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Week 4

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Prompt: Charlie is a 8th grade student who has experienced traumatic brain injury as a result of an accident. Charlie has spent the past six months in a rehabilitation facility undergoing intensive therapy to regain mobility and will be returning soon to the classroom. He is paralyzed on the left side of his body and has limited mobility in his right arm. Charlie’s IEP team is meeting to discuss assistive technology that will enable him to succeed in the general education classroom. His strengths are in oral expressive language and analytical skills, and he is highly motivated to learn.

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Task: Describe THREE different assistive technology products, devices, or aids that could help Charlie gain access to classroom activities, complete assigned tasks, and grow in his knowledge and skills. Explain how the technology would help Charlie increase, maintain, or improve his functional capabilities.

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Mar 11
Sherzard McEwen Ashford Sherzard McEwen Ashford (Mar 11 2020 8:58PM) : Three Assisstive Technology Devices I would use for Charlie are, motorized wheelchair, Head Wand, and Talking Word Processor more

In order to assist Charlie in gaining access to classroom activities, complete assigned tasks, and grow in his skills, I would recommend the use of a motorized wheelchair, a head wand, and a talking word processor.

Charlie’s access to a motorized wheelchair would give him more accessibility to the classroom, allow him to participate in group activities such as CBI which would would increase his involvement within the community, maintain a sense of his social engagement with his peers, increase his knowledge of how various entities operates real life experiences, and grow his knowledge of life skills he will need as he grows older.

Charlie’s access to a head wand, which is a device that allows the user to control the input of information into a computer via a wand attached to a headband, would allow him to complete class assignments, participate in fun and engaging activities to enhance his motor skills, and learn new skills to improve his academic reading and math levels. The use of the head wand will allow him to increase his motor functions, maintain and improve in academics because he will be able to actively to participate in classroom assignments and activities with or without assistance.

Charlie’s access to a talking word processor, which would allow him to access information via the computer. The use of this device would increase his participation in classroom activities and help him maintain active engagement in class.

Mar 11
Anthony Carbone Anthony Carbone (Mar 11 2020 10:58PM) : AT Devices more

Great job Sherzard, I specifically liked the head wand allowing the user to control a computer by moving their head.

Mar 12
Sherzard McEwen Ashford Sherzard McEwen Ashford (Mar 12 2020 10:10AM) : Head wand more

I think that technology has really enabled students with disabilities to be more engaged and active in our society.

Mar 11
Anthony Carbone Anthony Carbone (Mar 11 2020 10:56PM) : Describe 3 different AT products, that could help Charlie gain access to classroom activities, complete assigned tasks, and grow in his knowledge and skills. Explain how the technology would help him increase, maintain or improve functional capabilities. more
Describe three different assistive technology devices / products or aids to help Charlie in the 8th grade general education classroom:

1. Motorized Wheelchair which would improve Charlie’s mobility in and out of the classroom providing him with better accessibility to the classroom materials along with the ability to function during collective learning with his age appropriate peers.
2. Computer equipment and software – screen readers and read aloud software along with a computer touch screen will help Charlie keep up with assignments and give Charlie a positive sense of pride to be able to function on assignments along with his classmates.
3. Small voice recorder to help Charlie communicate to his peers and to the teacher. It could be set up whereas Charlie could press a small icon or picture to communicate, ask questions and let others know and understand what he needs and what he wants.
All three of the items listed above will assist Charlie in improving his functionality and capabilities within the classroom and provide him with a sense of worth.

Mar 17
Mr Mark Oliver Mr Mark Oliver (Mar 17 2020 1:27AM) : The 3 different assistive technology devices that could help Charlie is ? more

1. Mobility device
2. Instructional use of technology
3. Self -care aid
Charlie first need a power wheelchair to help him to get around the classroom and school. It will help him to stay independent.
Charlie having already very strong oral expressive language, but a instructional use of technology to help with practicing math facts and reading instructional programs.
A self-care aid will help Charlie to stay independent with feeding himself. Everyone want to be able to feed themselves.

Mar 20
Rochelle Solomon Rochelle Solomon (Mar 20 2020 11:42PM) : Three Assistive Technology devices for Charilie. more

Assistive technology helps individuals with disabilities perform daily activities. There are many different devices that fit the needs for all individuals with disabilities. The three different assistance technology devices that will benefit Charlie is power mobility, special computer software with voice recognition and education aids such as pencil grips.
First, Charlie will need power mobility, this will allow him to maximize his independence. He will be able to maneuver around the classroom as well as the school and in the community. Also, it will allow him to be comfortable. Second, special computer software with voice recognition on programs which will help home to carry out daily assignments in a timely manner. This will help Charlie with any spelling difficulties and type for him in case he has a hard time keeping up in class. Third, Charlie will use education aids such as pencil grips so that he can participant in classroom activities. This device will allow him to achieve better positioning of pencils and strengthen his hands.
By using these devices it will allow Charlie to become more independent and make his daily task a little more easier. He will be able to maximize his full potential and learning will be fun for him.

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Mar 11
Carolyn Terry Carolyn Terry (Mar 11 2020 6:41AM) : Three assistive technology products, devices or aids for Charlie would be (1) Charlie will need a wheelchair to maneuver in and out of the classroom more

(2) A talking calculator will help Charlie relays math via audio.
(3) Switches attaches to the head or a hand would allow Charlie remote access to various computers and other devices with ease.

Apr 26
Carolyn Terry Carolyn Terry (Apr 26 2020 7:04AM) : Describing Assistive technologies for Charlie [Edited] more

First, Charlie will need a motorized wheelchair so he can access the class. The teacher should make very sure there are not any obstacles in his way. Also, make sure the desks in the classroom are organized in a way that will accommodate his wheelchair. Furthermore, he may need to travel back and forth to the bathroom or to go outside for recess.
Second, Charlie will need a talking Calculator. A talking calculator has a built-in synthesizer for him to be able to verify the accuracy of keys pressed with his pointer and then spoken out loud. This can help Charlie confirm that the numbers and the operands he entered are correct. It will give him the answer to the math problem. It can provide him with basic mathematical calculations, scientific calculations, such as algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and graphing.
Third, Charlie will need a head pointer/mouth stick to assist him with the limited movement of his head and arms. He will be able to use it to type on the computer and navigate through a website and even paint. This assistive technology can expand Charlie’s horizon by allowing him to manipulate a pen, pencil, or paintbrush. Charlie can turn pages, play games, or use a touchscreen computer without any assistance.

Mar 11
Ms. Shenell Taylor Ms. Shenell Taylor (Mar 11 2020 2:25PM) : Week 4 more

Shenell Taylor

1. Motor Wheelchair
2. Speak to Text
3. Adapted Eating Utensils

Motor Wheelchair

By using a Wheelchair, Charlie can get from one class to another without any assist. This aid is designed increase mobility and allowing him to move around in comfort and confidence.

Speak to Text

While Charlie has no movement on his left side and has limited movement on his right side, he can use the “ Speak to Text” as an aid. This assistive technology will be great for Charlie because he can talk. The Speak to Text can help Charlie with improving word recognition, an increasing the ability to pay attention and remember information while reading.

Adapted Eating Utensils

While Charlie has a little movement in his right side, he can us the assistive technology for eating. This aid can be can be larger, bendable or weighted, have angled or foam handles to enhance grips, or clips and straps that slip over. Adapted Eating Utensil comes in different forms and will increase Charlie Fine-Motor Skills.

Mar 11
Sherzard McEwen Ashford Sherzard McEwen Ashford (Mar 11 2020 9:00PM) : I also used an example of speech device to assist Charlie in participating in classroom activities and working independently on a computer or tablet.
Mar 11
Anthony Carbone Anthony Carbone (Mar 11 2020 11:04PM) : Ms. Taylor more

Great job, I didn’t even think of eating utensils for Charlie. Keep up the great work!


Mar 11
Allison Collins Allison Collins (Mar 11 2020 8:57PM) : Charlie [Edited] more

• Sip- and-Puff Systems
• Using Word Prediction Software
• Speech-to-text,” “voice-to-text” Software

Sip-and-Puff Systems – One assistive technology that could help Charlie gain access to the classroom activities is by using a Sip-and-Puff Systems. The systems are design for student’s with mobility challenges, such as paralysis and fine motor skill disabilities. By using this assistive technology Charlie would be able to control a computer, mobile device or some other technological application by him moving the device with his mouth. It is like a joystick; Charlie can move the controller in any direction and click on various navigational tools using either a sip or a puff. An on-screen keyboard allows him to type using the same movements. Using Word Prediction Software- Charlie will benefit by using a Word Prediction Software. Charlie can use a keyboard, pc to complete his assignments. Word prediction software uses text suggestions to assist with writing in a word processing program. As students enter in the first letter or letters of the words, the program predicts the word that the student is trying to type Words appear in a prediction list and students select their desired word from this list. Speech-to-text,” “voice-to-text” Software – This technology will be helpful for Charlie to use when completing homework or class assignments. Charlie can use dictation to write with his voices, instead of writing by hand or with a keyboard. He will say the word or command and the software will type what he says.
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