When | Why |
Mar-12-20 | Chat Transcript from Zoom (simultaneous with the video stream) |
Has your school or university shut down yet? Are your classes going online?
For some time now, many of us have been exploring the affordances and the hurdles of using online tools for learning.
What do you know that might help your colleagues who are asking what it means to take their classes online?
Let's meet tonight, Wednesday, March 11th at 9E/8C/7M/6P in an open-ended conversation about teaching and learning online -- especially now in the midst of this pandemic. Here's where to jump into our Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/981788738
You can also find the live stream of our conversation and annotate it while watching with others at https://teachersteachingteachers.org
This is a time to access the power of teachers teaching teachers. Let's learn how to mitigate these disruptions together!
Added March 12, 2020 at 8:18am
by Paul Allison
Title: Chat Transcript from Zoom (simultaneous with the video stream)
From Jeff Dierking : Hi, all. I may be in and out. So I might disappear a few times. Middle schooler needing to be provoked into doing homework.
From Kristen Turner : Those darn middle schoolers. :)
From dave cormier : I totally get that.
From Kristen Turner : I wrote this last night: https://twinlifehavingitall.blogspot.com/2020/03/and-i-feelfine.html
From dave cormier : true story
From dannewdoernberg : Typical Canadian….
From Jeff Dierking : Troy has incredible body control. He hasn’t moved yet! ;)
From Kristen Turner : People watching this are wondering why I’m laughing
From Kristen Turner : I need to work on my poker face
From dave cormier : and the vendors that are circling
From dave cormier : bud hunt has spoken passionately about how schools are often the only place some kids get good food
From dave cormier : http://oliah.ca is where i’m trying to do this
From Terry Elliott : I would not recommend much new pedagogy right now.
From dave cormier : 2 decades i realized this morning
From Jeff Dierking : I won that round.
From Kristen Turner : Congrats!
From Terry Elliott : Here’s a piece of caring advice I got today: “Stay in contact with students, and stay transparent. Talk to them about WHY you're prioritizing certain things or asking them to read or do certain things. I've moved to doing that in all of my face-to-face teaching anyway, and it improves student buy-in because they know content and delivery are purposeful.”
From dave cormier : that’s great advice. who did it come from?
From Terry Elliott : A colleague on our department’s Facebook page.
From dave cormier : Hi Terry :)
From Terry Elliott : Another piece of advice gleaned from our faculty: “Prioritize. What do students REALLY NEED TO KNOW for two weeks? The rest of the semester? This one is hard for me. But we have to strip it all the way down--in my campaigns class, that means I need them to post infographics on their research and now post narrative context and slides. But I'm going to punt on presentations because we just don't have time. Which sucks. But these are not normal circumstances.”
From Terry Elliott : Hi dave
From dave cormier : right.
From dave cormier : WHAT? NO ATTENDANCE?
From Terry Elliott : I here you on the social learning aspects, Jeff.
From Terry Elliott : Everybody is mediocre online.
From dave cormier : Note i said “i shouldn’t be going off on my own soapbox” and then proceeded to get on my soapbox
From Jeff Dierking : I’m just following your example. I’m new here.
From dave cormier : lol
From dave cormier : Stop being mean to Jimmy Jeff.
From Terry Elliott : Exactly, Jeff, prioritize
From Terry Elliott : You can always start with chat instead of video.
From Jeff Dierking : You will probably want to figure out how to build a life boat as we get closer to the iceberg.
From Troy Hicks : sorry all. I’ve missed the past ten minutes or so. will try to catch up
From Troy Hicks : but, here is the point... why are we still giving exams?
From Jeff Dierking : Thinking the same thing.
From Troy Hicks : this is the kind of reimagining that we could do
From Troy Hicks : now
From Troy Hicks : this is the moment to make the changes we’ve been talking about for 100 years
From Troy Hicks : Dewey would want us to do it
From Jeff Dierking : You’re speaking my language.
From Kristen Turner : I hope so, Troy.
From dave cormier : They are a lower risk group… but they are excellent carriers of the virus.
From Troy Hicks : I hope so too. this is our Rahm Emanuel style “good crisis” that we can’t let go to waste.
From dave cormier : the NBA just shut down
From Kristen Turner : I asked the exam question (silently) in our faculty meeting yesterday when it came up
From Jeff Dierking : I saw that.
From Kristen Turner : Also no travel from Europe
From Troy Hicks : I don’t want to spend three weeks talking about how to install and use lockdown browsers.
From dave cormier : @troy tell me about it
From Troy Hicks : I want people to talk about high quality teaching and learning.
From Jeff Dierking : So all that is about testing security, right?
From Troy Hicks : I want to talk about how those MEd students could demonstrate their learning in a virtual simulation.
From dave cormier : We’ve been poring over our institutional policies looking at what we’re actually allowed to do
From Jeff Dierking : That’s what creates the administrative problem, right?
From dave cormier : we have millions of students who have a contract that says they are going to be tested in a particular way
From dave cormier : we aren’t even allowed to change that
From dannewdoernberg : NowComment (and maybe other tools) has an easy solution to the exam issue… hiding comments, so teachers can post test and all students make comments at the same time but can’t see each others’ answers.
From dave cormier : we could spend the next 10 years in court
From Troy Hicks : or how writing students can meet in small groups — or individually — with their teachers, not do stupid grammar drills.
From Jeff Dierking : This would be a good opportunity to try and tip an administrator over into more project-based evaluations…or portfolios...
From dave cormier : @jeff yes. Except that has to go through senate
From Jeff Dierking : That’s horrifying.
From Troy Hicks : https://hickstro.org/2020/03/08/on-covid-19-and-the-moving-of-courses-from-campus-to-cloud/
From Troy Hicks : yes, chris
From Troy Hicks : https://youcanbook.me/
From Troy Hicks : doodle polls
From Troy Hicks : set up times to meet and work together
From Troy Hicks : exactly. this is what I was trying to say
From Troy Hicks : right. and how many of those 45 minutes are wasted?
From Troy Hicks : it’s like nested Russian dolls. how many actual minutes do we need to teach?
From Kristen Turner : Student agency, what???? :)
From Troy Hicks : we can teach the mini lesson as a whole class, then break into smaller groups/appointments
From Troy Hicks : students recording screencasts demo ing their own
From Kristen Turner : As it should be in face to face settings too
From Troy Hicks : I was talking with a math teacher today about having her kids record screencasts of them solving equations with geogebra
From Troy Hicks : rather than taking a quiz
From Troy Hicks : so
From Troy Hicks : many
From Troy Hicks : possibilities
From Troy Hicks : right — this is the revaltory moment
From Terry Elliott : super conversation
From Jeff Dierking : The homework is done!
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