Prompt: Consider the scenario that you are a special education teacher who is going to be working collaboratively in a middle school with the general education teachers of the mainstreamed classrooms attended by the students in your caseload. All of your students, of course, have IEPs. In addition, several of the students in your caseload have Behavior Management Plans. Several of your students have specific learning disabilities with reading.
Setting up our classroom so that it shows that threr are two teachers in the room. have both names on the door or two teacher chair in the room. Talking about one another strengths and weakness this will help you get to know each other. general education teacher may not know very much about Special education so help each other out. You should disuss what coteaching appoach you want to use. this will help with doing things together so your student and others see are a team. The needs of the students need to come first so establish how you can help the students you serve. talk about the student that are on the Speial education teach caseload and help gerneral education teacher understand IEP at a glance. and what everything means.
As a Special education teacher, I can incorporate the following to enhance communication, cooperation, and collaboration with my students’ general education teacher:
• Participate in collaborative planning
• Use effective communication
• Use evidence based practices
• Build partnerships with parents and administrators
The value of collaborative planning is that it allows the general education and special education teachers to create lessons, strategies, and assessments that allow all students to be successful in the inclusive classroom, while giving both the students and educators an environment that is positive and meets the needs of all involved parties.
Using effective communication allows for positivity, achieving the goals of the students’ IEP, positive learning environment, and a safe space for collaboration.
Using evidenced based practices meets the needs of the students with disabilities and the students without disabilities in an inclusive classroom, allows for positive interaction with teachers and peers, and helps to meet the goals of the curriculum.
Building partnerships with parents and administrators helps ensure the students’ needs are being met, the goals of the curriculum and IEP and being key, and the goals of the school is being met.
Four things you can do to establish and enhance communication, cooperation and collaboration with your students and the general education classroom teacher.
Value of each of the four items listed above.
First, in answering the question concerning enhancing communication cooperation and collaboration, I would address the common goal with the general education teacher which we are both working towards. We should discuss the style of instruction which we are going to use to help the students learn. One style is being directive involving interactions relating to working as a team, and collaboration involves sharing of responsibilities along with key decisions which may involve deciding what a project might be or designing the rubric for grading the project. Specifically, a good special education teacher will review the student’s IEP’s with the general education teacher and brief the general education teacher on any behavioral issue’s students may have along with the specifics of their disabilities. Understanding the disabilities will help in designing the lesson for the class.
Second, when collaborating and working with other colleagues there should be a sharing of resources the special education teacher can contribute by helping with the curriculum goals addressing them more explicitly or at a lower reading level to help the students while the general education teacher could work on implementation of planned intervention to help monitor student progress. Using shared resources involves sharing of responsibility and ownership of what is being taught.
Third, involves setting of your personal belief system which is one of the first elements of collaboration and will assist you as a teacher develop more aspects helping you to face the challenging experiences when working with students and teachers. In addition, keep in mind that when you are teaching you need to be aware of your facial expressions, posture and other nonverbal signals which you may be communicating in the classroom or when working with other teachers. As teachers we need to practice being in control of our facial expressions, posture and nonverbal signals and practice proper skills or when we actually need to use the skills listed, we will probably have trouble.
Fourth, we need to improve our listening skills by:
•Listening to what others are saying.
•Leaving emotions behind you.
•Get rid of any distractions.
•Encourage student participation.
•React positively.
First, We would pick a co-teaching style, that would work us and best for the students.
Secondly, we would set a time (Planning Period) to plan and go over data to see how while the students are performing.
Thirdly, we would come up with a bi-weekly progress report to send home. (this allows the parents to see their child’s growth)
Finally, I think we should have each other phone number, e-mail, access to students files. Just in case one of the teachers are absent, the show can still go on. Rather if its a conferences with a parent, students testing, having a sub, etc.
First, to enhance communication, cooperation, and collaboration, I will give the general education teacher a letter of introduction, establishing myself as a point of contact and special education expert for my students.
Next, as a Special Education teacher, I will need to communicate my student’s IEP goals, behavior management plan and specific learning disabilities with reading. To enhance collaboration, I will create a document with my student’s accommodations and IEP goals, to ensure the general education teacher is receiving appropriate instructions.
Then, I will provide the general education teacher with a belief survey. It can help us share and communicate beliefs regarding lesson plans, instructions, assessments, parent communication, homework, and other important issues.
Finally, Collaborative planning is essential to lessons plans and assessments. I will find common planning time with the general education teacher. I will be creative in building a collaborative and respectful association with the general education teacher. Working together establishes a set of shared and negotiated norms.
Identify four things you can do to establish enhanced communication, cooperation, and collaboration with your students’ general education classroom teachers. Explain value of each.
The four things that I can do to establish communication, cooperation, and collaboration with the general education teacher.
1. Communication
2. Co-Teaching
3. Planning
4. Collaborating
First, both teachers need to establish a relationship with one another. Discussing their philosophy, expectations, and goals for the school year. Making sure that they listen to each other and have respect for one another. Communication between them is very important because it sets the tone for the rest of the school year. Communication is always the key to success in any situation.
Second, in cooperative teaching, both general and special education teachers maintain joint responsibilities for instruction in the classroom. Both teachers bring their training and experience to the classroom. They can adapt to using the different teaching techniques in the classroom. For example they can try parallel teaching, or one teach one assist, this will make the learning process enjoyable. This is also let them know what will work and what will not work. Third, having an action plan of the schedule will keep confusion down and the day will run smooth. Everyone knowing what they are responsible for makes it a lot easier. Co-Teaching can be a wonderful experience when planning and good communication is involved.
Fourth, their collaborative goal is for all students be provided with appropriate assignments, making sure that each student is learning and participating in the classroom activities. Remembering that it’s all about the students. This is a very important aspect to teaching in the classroom.
Task: Identify four things you can do to establish enhanced communication, cooperation, and collaboration with your students’ general education classroom teachers. Explain the value of each.
I will be Identifying four things you can do to establish enhanced communication, cooperation, and collaboration with general education teachers. First Communication we will talk about our plan for working together. Talk about lesson plans and classroom management. We would talk about how to set up the classroom so that it shows there are two teachers in the room. talk about the needs of each student and look at the IEP at a glance for the students on my caseload and come up with ways to help each student.
Second we would cooperate with each other on planning lesson and what coteaching approach we want to use. it will help with doing things together so our students and others see use working as a team.
Third collaboration we can plan lessons together and assesments. The need of the student should be our first priority all our work is for the betterment of our students and the community. If we cn mold strong hard working citizens our community strives to new hieghts.
The four things a teacher can do to establish enhanced communication, cooperation, and collaboration with your students’ general education classroom teachers.
1. Open Meetings- In this type of meeting teachers will not only here what you are saying, they will able to see and feel it . Teachers will be able to give the input on a subject and express their ideals with one another. In the meeting the meetings teachers are able discussed what is not working and able to come up with a resolution to fix the problem. This approach has been shown to be one of the best approaches to communicate effectively with colleagues.
2. Be an exceptional Listener- listening is the key to effective communication. Teacher should always give their coworker respect. A good listener makes good eye contact , with out interruptions , and show an interest in what is being communicated .
3. Joint planning-Teachers work together both must understand the curriculum so that both teachers are to switch back and forth and support each other’s efforts. Planning must be ongoing to allow teachers to review progress on a regular basis, make adjustments, evaluates students, and develop strategies to address problems and concerns.
4. Offer constructive criticism- helps teachers by giving a new perspective and opens their eyes to things they may have overlooked or never even considered. Constructive criticism in the workplace can help employees understand what they are doing well and what they need help with. It also includes professional development, clarified expectations, stronger working relationships and overall organizational growth.
The four things I can do to establish enhanced communication, cooperation and collaboration with my students general classroom teachers
1. Effective communication, allows both teachers to come together and work for what best for each students.
2. Proper Planning- when student do see the teachers are not on one accord that gives them room to act out and display bad and rude behaviors towards the teachers and fellow peers. so I suggest weekly meeting will help,
3. Co teaching-it will give both teachers the responsibilities of planning, delivering instruction, and assessing skills
4. Positive Relationship-it will give the students the tools to succeed, coupled with the knowledge that I will believe in their abilities.
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