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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Facishon Moore(Mar 26 2020 7:56PM):
Facishon Moore: Delores
1. Delores strength is that she likes her Special Education teacher and she attends a regular English class. Delores also likes her math teacher.
Two areas that Delores needs to work on is her math. I think she should be tested for Dyscalculia for her stuggle with math. her social and emotional charateristics also needs to be addressed the fact that she is afrarid to talk with someone about people bulling her and her father saying to her it is her diablity.
Task: For one of the students, identify three strengths of the child as well 2 areas to target with specific interventions.
Student: Audell
Three Strengths
1. Audell has a strong support network
2. He has great social interactions with his peers
3. He has confidence that he can and will succeed
2 Target areas of specific interventions.
1. One specific interventions is for him to do peer tutoring. The teachers can pair him with another student to make sure he understands the assignments and check his work.
2. Communication planner/ log, this will keep all lines of communication open between everyone. This will also document his assignments and the completion of these assignments Audell will be able to stay on task and if he needs any other type of intervention this can be decided by the team.
Delores three strengths she demonstrates are that she likes her Special Education teacher as well as her math teacher. Delores also is in general education English and wants to succeed in middle school.
The two areas to target with specific intervention are Math and social Emotional skills. Her mathe teacher could address math anxiety, create a safe learning classroom sit her close so she focuses, teach how to do sets with each problem. teach each step separately. Use manipulatives, ask another student to help or tutor her. Have her tested for Dyscalculia as well. she mayneed assistive equipment to help as well.
For her Social Emotional she could talk to the school counselor about the bullying and to help social skills. help her make friends and be social with others and not feel strange. The teachers can address her bullying by explaining to the student she has a disability give positive talks to the students have a anti bullying talk so the understand it is not nice.
Allison Collins(Mar 25 2020 4:15PM):
1. Active participant- Nathaniel attends a class on a regular basis, he is comfortable with his classmates. He participates in class discussions and responds to teachers’ questions.
2.Perseverance- Nathaniel does his assignments despite having difficulty or delay when completing a task.
3, Resilient- Nathaniel is able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. When he not able to read he does not let his disability stress him out he seeks help from his teacher or classmates.
Two areas to target with specific interventions :
1. Reading-Nathaniel teacher need to work more with him on letter sounds, phoneme awareness, and linking letters and phonemes through writing and reading from texts at the appropriate level to reinforce emergent skills. This will help to improve his reading. I will also suggest that the teacher provide Nathaniel with a list of sight words or words that will be covered in the class lesson. This will help Nathaniel become more familiar with the words and he will be able to read more fluently.
2. Writing –Nathaniel teacher should try different types pencil grips or different types of pens or pencils to see what works best for him when writing. Also provide handouts so there’s less to copy from the board. .Teacher could also give typed copies of classroom notes or lesson outlines to help the student take notes. Finally, extra time to take notes and copy material.
Sherzard McEwen Ashford(Mar 25 2020 8:58PM):
Sherzard McEwen-Ashford Audell
Audell’s strengths are :
1. Audell has created a strong support network of friends who are willing to help him when he needs help with spelling on written assignments.
2. Audell is able to self advocate for himself and has created a bond with his teachers and peers.
TargetEd areas and interventions:
1. The first area that needs to be targeted is to create a transition plan. Although Audell is aware of what his plans for the future are, him, his Special Education teacher, parents, and other members of his team need to create a viable transition plan to address his next steps and how they will be accomplished.
2. The second area that needs to be targeted is his focus on time management. His team needs to assist him in coming up with a strategy to help him identify ways to improve his time management if he plans to attend college which requires a lot more focused attention. He needs to also set goals for advocating with his professors in college to address accommodations he will need to be successful in college.
Ms. Shenell Taylor(Mar 25 2020 9:05PM):
3 Strengths
1. Fighting for this rights-When Audell was in Middle School, he already knew what he wanted to do in High School.
2.Support Team-Audell had a support team, that helped him with his work. He was allowed to attend his IEP meeting, his mother was his biggest advocate, special education teacher, and also the school counselor.
3.Active-Audell is on the basketball team, were he has friends and very popular on the team.
Areas to Target
Audell had already incorporated intervention reading by 30 minutes a period.
Division II is a target goal that Audell wants to attend. By completing the classes that the school counselor enrolled him in.
Anthony Carbone(Mar 26 2020 6:46PM):
Look at the three case studies on pg. 125 of "Special Education: Contemporary Perspectives for School Professionals".
Task: For one of the students, identify three strengths of the child as well 2 areas to target with specific interventions.
Nathaniel – 4th Grade Student
Nathaniel was diagnosed by the Multidisciplinary Team as having a learning disability in reading. Now Nathaniel is in the 4th grade. Three strengths which Nathaniel possesses are:
1. Nathaniel has displayed a positive attitude toward learning. It was documented that he had a good attendance record, attending school regularly despite his reading performance. In addition, Nathaniel participates fully in the reading program with his peers.
2. Nathaniel has good speaking skills, displaying his abilities to his teachers of being a bright young man with many interests.
3. Nathaniel has displayed an interest in learning and was stated by the teacher as maintaining a positive attitude toward his peers, pertaining to good social skills.
In addressing two areas to target for specific interventions:
1. The first area would be to target reading, working with Nathaniel on phonological awareness (the ability to make connections between letters and sounds the letters stand for). In addition, work with Nathaniel on his Oral fluency using reading aloud using inflection or rhyme. The last part includes working on comprehension skills helping Nathaniel being able to recite the characters and facts about what he has read.
2. The second area to target would be his writing skills, in which Nathaniel could use Assistive Technology (AT) to help him with spelling as well as sentence structure. As suggested, Nathaniel could ask for assistance by his peers since he has good social skills allowing peer tutoring and collaboration of ideas to help Nathaniel become more fluent in reading and writing as well.
Mr Mark Oliver(Mar 26 2020 7:11PM):
1.Nathaniel 3 strength
1.Nathaniel 3 strength
a. Student have many friends.
b. Nathaniel is eager to learn without any behavior issues.
c. Nathaniel is able to speak his thoughts.
2. Areas of target with specific interventions
A. assistive technology to help his speak his ideas.
B. One on one special ed teacher to help with new materials.
Carolyn Terry(Mar 26 2020 10:54PM):
Audell is working hard to reach his goal of obtaining a basketball scholarship. He has a great support system in place.
Three Strengths
Audell’s confident he will succeed and is comfortable advocating for himself.
Audell’s determination to reach his goals, by creating a strong support system to make his dreams come true.
Audell’s dedication of being on the high school basketball team and going to college on a basketball scholarship.
His two target areas of specific interventions- Audell’s coach, making sure he takes the right courses to graduate.
Most of all, Audell’s mother being there for him, helping him with homework, editing his written assignments, advocating for him at IEP meetings and encouraging him to pursue his dreams of attending a Division II college.
Nugene Powell Jr(Apr 14 2020 3:57PM):
look at the three case studies on pg.125 of Special Education Contemporary he has a strong netwofor School Professional.
Nathaniel is the student I choose and his three strengths is
1. Nathaniel is a great public speaker
2. he is not a fighter he will come and stay after school for help when needed.
3. Nathaniel has a strong group of network system.
The 2 areas to target with specific interventions is
1. he need the one on one learning with his teachers and peers.
2. he is able to self motivate himself with the help of proper professional.
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1. Delores strength is that she likes her Special Education teacher and she attends a regular English class. Delores also likes her math teacher.
Two areas that Delores needs to work on is her math. I think she should be tested for Dyscalculia for her stuggle with math. her social and emotional charateristics also needs to be addressed the fact that she is afrarid to talk with someone about people bulling her and her father saying to her it is her diablity.
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Task: For one of the students, identify three strengths of the child as well 2 areas to target with specific interventions.
Student: Audell
Three Strengths
1. Audell has a strong support network
2. He has great social interactions with his peers
3. He has confidence that he can and will succeed
2 Target areas of specific interventions.
1. One specific interventions is for him to do peer tutoring. The teachers can pair him with another student to make sure he understands the assignments and check his work.
2. Communication planner/ log, this will keep all lines of communication open between everyone. This will also document his assignments and the completion of these assignments Audell will be able to stay on task and if he needs any other type of intervention this can be decided by the team.
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Delores three strengths she demonstrates are that she likes her Special Education teacher as well as her math teacher. Delores also is in general education English and wants to succeed in middle school.
The two areas to target with specific intervention are Math and social Emotional skills. Her mathe teacher could address math anxiety, create a safe learning classroom sit her close so she focuses, teach how to do sets with each problem. teach each step separately. Use manipulatives, ask another student to help or tutor her. Have her tested for Dyscalculia as well. she mayneed assistive equipment to help as well.
For her Social Emotional she could talk to the school counselor about the bullying and to help social skills. help her make friends and be social with others and not feel strange. The teachers can address her bullying by explaining to the student she has a disability give positive talks to the students have a anti bullying talk so the understand it is not nice.
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1. Active participant- Nathaniel attends a class on a regular basis, he is comfortable with his classmates. He participates in class discussions and responds to teachers’ questions.
2.Perseverance- Nathaniel does his assignments despite having difficulty or delay when completing a task.
3, Resilient- Nathaniel is able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions. When he not able to read he does not let his disability stress him out he seeks help from his teacher or classmates.
Two areas to target with specific interventions :
1. Reading-Nathaniel teacher need to work more with him on letter sounds, phoneme awareness, and linking letters and phonemes through writing and reading from texts at the appropriate level to reinforce emergent skills. This will help to improve his reading. I will also suggest that the teacher provide Nathaniel with a list of sight words or words that will be covered in the class lesson. This will help Nathaniel become more familiar with the words and he will be able to read more fluently.
2. Writing –Nathaniel teacher should try different types pencil grips or different types of pens or pencils to see what works best for him when writing. Also provide handouts so there’s less to copy from the board. .Teacher could also give typed copies of classroom notes or lesson outlines to help the student take notes. Finally, extra time to take notes and copy material.
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Audell’s strengths are :
1. Audell has created a strong support network of friends who are willing to help him when he needs help with spelling on written assignments.
2. Audell is able to self advocate for himself and has created a bond with his teachers and peers.
TargetEd areas and interventions:
1. The first area that needs to be targeted is to create a transition plan. Although Audell is aware of what his plans for the future are, him, his Special Education teacher, parents, and other members of his team need to create a viable transition plan to address his next steps and how they will be accomplished.
2. The second area that needs to be targeted is his focus on time management. His team needs to assist him in coming up with a strategy to help him identify ways to improve his time management if he plans to attend college which requires a lot more focused attention. He needs to also set goals for advocating with his professors in college to address accommodations he will need to be successful in college.
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3 Strengths
1. Fighting for this rights-When Audell was in Middle School, he already knew what he wanted to do in High School.
2.Support Team-Audell had a support team, that helped him with his work. He was allowed to attend his IEP meeting, his mother was his biggest advocate, special education teacher, and also the school counselor.
3.Active-Audell is on the basketball team, were he has friends and very popular on the team.
Areas to Target
Audell had already incorporated intervention reading by 30 minutes a period.
Division II is a target goal that Audell wants to attend. By completing the classes that the school counselor enrolled him in.
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Nathaniel – 4th Grade Student
Nathaniel was diagnosed by the Multidisciplinary Team as having a learning disability in reading. Now Nathaniel is in the 4th grade. Three strengths which Nathaniel possesses are:
1. Nathaniel has displayed a positive attitude toward learning. It was documented that he had a good attendance record, attending school regularly despite his reading performance. In addition, Nathaniel participates fully in the reading program with his peers.
2. Nathaniel has good speaking skills, displaying his abilities to his teachers of being a bright young man with many interests.
3. Nathaniel has displayed an interest in learning and was stated by the teacher as maintaining a positive attitude toward his peers, pertaining to good social skills.
In addressing two areas to target for specific interventions:
1. The first area would be to target reading, working with Nathaniel on phonological awareness (the ability to make connections between letters and sounds the letters stand for). In addition, work with Nathaniel on his Oral fluency using reading aloud using inflection or rhyme. The last part includes working on comprehension skills helping Nathaniel being able to recite the characters and facts about what he has read.
2. The second area to target would be his writing skills, in which Nathaniel could use Assistive Technology (AT) to help him with spelling as well as sentence structure. As suggested, Nathaniel could ask for assistance by his peers since he has good social skills allowing peer tutoring and collaboration of ideas to help Nathaniel become more fluent in reading and writing as well.
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1.Nathaniel 3 strength
a. Student have many friends.
b. Nathaniel is eager to learn without any behavior issues.
c. Nathaniel is able to speak his thoughts.
2. Areas of target with specific interventions
A. assistive technology to help his speak his ideas.
B. One on one special ed teacher to help with new materials.
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Three Strengths
Audell’s confident he will succeed and is comfortable advocating for himself.
Audell’s determination to reach his goals, by creating a strong support system to make his dreams come true.
Audell’s dedication of being on the high school basketball team and going to college on a basketball scholarship.
His two target areas of specific interventions- Audell’s coach, making sure he takes the right courses to graduate.
Most of all, Audell’s mother being there for him, helping him with homework, editing his written assignments, advocating for him at IEP meetings and encouraging him to pursue his dreams of attending a Division II college.
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Nathaniel is the student I choose and his three strengths is
1. Nathaniel is a great public speaker
2. he is not a fighter he will come and stay after school for help when needed.
3. Nathaniel has a strong group of network system.
The 2 areas to target with specific interventions is
1. he need the one on one learning with his teachers and peers.
2. he is able to self motivate himself with the help of proper professional.
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