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TKAM Chapters 7-8 Discussion

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Passage #1 – Opening paragraph of chapter 7

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“Jem stayed moody and silent for a week. As Atticus had once advised me to do, I tried to climb into Jem’s skin and walk around in it: if I had gone alone to the Radley Place at two in the morning, my funeral would have been the next afternoon. So I left Jem alone and tried not to bother him” (78).

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Mar 31
Megan Pfeifer Megan Pfeifer (Mar 31 2020 11:31AM) : Scout is being more empathetic than she has been in previous chapters of TKAM because she doesn't know what's wrong with Jem.
Apr 1
Zoe Jones Zoe Jones (Apr 01 2020 10:47AM) : Scout doesn't know what happened that night, so she is trying to put herself in his shoes a little bit so she can figure out one day.
Apr 1
Payne Fullen Payne Fullen (Apr 01 2020 11:27AM) : Atticus had just had a talk with Scout about putting yourself in other peoples shoes. Scout is starting to use what Atticus had taught her.
Apr 1
Mary Williams Mary Williams (Apr 01 2020 11:44AM) : Scout is putting herself in Jem's skin, like Atticus said to do. Scout is trying to give Jem some time and space to himself.
Apr 2
Gavin Tickle Gavin Tickle (Apr 02 2020 9:50PM) : I agree. Atticus told Scout very early in the book that in order for her to understand people, you have to see life through their eyes. I think that this is the first time Scout has had a chance to do that, so she is giving it a try.
Apr 2
jordan massey jordan massey (Apr 02 2020 2:57PM) : I agree with Zoe because scout is putting himself in others people persecutive about what they talked about. more

I agree with Zoe because scout is putting himself in others people persecutive about what they talked about.

Apr 3
Gibson Phillips Gibson Phillips (Apr 03 2020 9:55PM) : I agree with Jordan and Gavin. Scout wanted to see both peoples perspective in order to form her own opinion.
Apr 2
Savannah Bishop Savannah Bishop (Apr 02 2020 1:33PM) : I think Scout is a little scared because of what she doesn't know. She is a smart girl who cares a lot for her older brother and she is learning how to act in new situations from her father and Jem.
Apr 2
Gavin West Gavin West (Apr 02 2020 2:47PM) : I agree with Savannah, because like she said Scout was scared of what she didn't know. She wanted to know why Jem was acting different but didn't know how to help and it made her afraid of what was happening.
Apr 2
Sophie Roane Sophie Roane (Apr 02 2020 6:04PM) : I also agree, I think Scout gets worried when she doesn't know everything because she can't figure out why people act the way they do, but learning from Atticus and Jem, she has become more compassionate.
Apr 3
ryleigh bowers ryleigh bowers (Apr 03 2020 11:45AM) : "jem stayed moody and silent for a week" more

I agree with Megan, Scout is trying to be nicer and more empathetic. She does not know what happened to Jem. Jem has been acting weird and Scout wants to be there for him.

Apr 5
avery person avery person (Apr 05 2020 2:39PM) : I agree. Scout is being nicer because she remembers what Atticus had earlier taught her about putting herself into someone else's shoes. [Edited]
Apr 24
Oscar Flores Oscar Flores (Apr 24 2020 11:15PM) : I agree with Megan. Scout and Atticus had a talk and now she is trying to be better.
Mar 31
Josie McCall Josie McCall (Mar 31 2020 11:56AM) : Scout has become really empathetic and considerate at this point in the book, and it's starting to make her seem more mature.
Apr 1
Alexis Talley Alexis Talley (Apr 01 2020 6:41PM) : Scout took to mind what Atticus had talked to her about 'placing herself in others shoes,' in which takes a turn in her character development.
Apr 1
Addie Glass Addie Glass (Apr 01 2020 11:02PM) : Scout has seemed to care more and more as the book has gone on. She has learned to care for others more and more and to understand what they are going through.
Apr 2
jordan massey jordan massey (Apr 02 2020 2:59PM) : I agree with Jose because scout is becoming mature like you said and being more solicitous.
Apr 2
Gavin Tickle Gavin Tickle (Apr 02 2020 9:53PM) : I think Scout has grown a lot since the beginning of the book. Going back to her first day of school, she was very confused. Now she has matured a lot and is started to become quite empathetic for the people around her.
Mar 31
Sierra Slayman Sierra Slayman (Mar 31 2020 1:39PM) : Scout listened to Atticus when he said to climb into Jem's skin and walk around in it. She decided that had it happened to her, she wouldn't want anyone bothering her. So by leaving him alone, she was being empathetic. [Edited]
Apr 1
Zoe Richardson Zoe Richardson (Apr 01 2020 10:04AM) : Scout was being empathetic because she had realized if she had been the one to go, she would be scared too. She did not want to bother Jem about it because it would just make him think about it more.
Apr 3
Kelsi Clark Kelsi Clark (Apr 03 2020 9:11AM) : I agree with Sierra and Zoe. I think that if Scout had seen and done what Jem had that night, she would be as terrified or more. She is probably trying to treat Jem the way that she thinks she would want to be.
Mar 31
Chloe Pinner Chloe Pinner (Mar 31 2020 4:50PM) : As I read I noticed Scout is a lot more observant. She seems to really take in what goes on around her and asks Jem questions about the Radley house, and if everything is going to be okay.
Apr 1
Payne Fullen Payne Fullen (Apr 01 2020 11:29AM) : I think that after Scout starting being more observant it made her seem more mature. She is starting to ask questions and is understanding more of what is going on.
Apr 3
Gibson Phillips Gibson Phillips (Apr 03 2020 9:56PM) : I agree with Chloe. Scout has been more observant as the book has progressed. Especially Since Atticus told her to put herself in other peoples shoes.
Mar 31
Chloe Pinner Chloe Pinner (Mar 31 2020 9:55PM) : When Jem started talking to the Radley's it opened up a new beginning. Before Jem spoke to Mr. Radley everyone thought of them as rude or crazy. Now Jem and even Scour believe that is not true.
Apr 1
Addie Glass Addie Glass (Apr 01 2020 1:50PM) : They had this expectation of how Mr. Radley would act. This shows that you never know something until you have seen it for yourself. Also to never judge someone until you have meet them and they have done something to you.
Apr 1
Abigail Goodman Abigail Goodman (Apr 01 2020 2:10PM) : Once you start to get to know someone you see how they really are instead of what people say about them.
Apr 1
Emma Bain Emma Bain (Apr 01 2020 11:01PM) : I agree, I think it is very easy to judge others like most of the town did. However, you can often be proved wrong when you actually start communicating with them like Jem and Scout did. They learned that the image given to the Radley's was very skewed.
Mar 31
Chloe Pinner Chloe Pinner (Mar 31 2020 9:58PM) : The theme I see in the chapters are calm after the storm. Before this for the kids were trying to find out who the Radley's were by sneaking around their house. Now that they are actually getting to know them, they are not bad like they thought.
Apr 1
Alexis Talley Alexis Talley (Apr 01 2020 6:44PM) : I agree, I feel as the book was trying to place an uncertainty down in the book before relieving the characters of nerves.
Apr 2
Gavin Tickle Gavin Tickle (Apr 02 2020 9:56PM) : I think this is a very good summary of the book so far. Jem and Scout are both maturing as each page turns. I think that many characters throughout the book have seemed a lot worse than they actually are in reality, you just have to get to know them.
Mar 31
Madolyn White Madolyn White (Mar 31 2020 11:18PM) : I feel that Scout is slowly understanding and maturing throughout the book and I feel she is beginning to learn when to stop and just stand back and let Jem be.
Apr 1
Addie Glass Addie Glass (Apr 01 2020 1:55PM) : . She has started to think more about the actions she is doing and if it is the right time to do certain things. For example, when Jem wanted to take something from the hole in the tree she told him to leave it and he could come get in a few days.
Apr 2
jordan massey jordan massey (Apr 02 2020 3:02PM) : I agree with Maddie that scout understanding to let jam do jam and things like that.
Apr 1
Audrey Dallas Audrey Dallas (Apr 01 2020 10:25AM) : Seeing Jem upset and unlike himself self made Scout wonder what was going on inside his head. Knowing what happened, Scout saw it best to just leave him alone because by doing so she was showing that she has grown and that she truly cared about Jem.
Apr 1
Abigail Goodman Abigail Goodman (Apr 01 2020 2:11PM) : I agree with this. If they wanted to talk about what was going on they would.
Apr 1
Emma Bain Emma Bain (Apr 01 2020 11:03PM) : Scout is starting to see things from other people's point of views like Atticus was trying to get her to do with Miss Caroline towards the beginning of the book. It just took her some time to learn how.
Apr 1
Myah Wright Myah Wright (Apr 01 2020 10:40AM) : Scout is thinking of Atticus's advice about looking at situations from their point of view, so she tries to be more empathetic towards Jem by "crawling into his skin and walking around in it".
Apr 1
.... Gena Sutton .... Gena Sutton (Apr 01 2020 10:42AM) : Scout was being empathetic because she felt sorry for Jem. She probably would've behaved the same way if she had gone.
Apr 1
Alexis Talley Alexis Talley (Apr 01 2020 6:46PM) : I agree. Scout is being empathetic towards Jem because she realized if that was her it would be the same way.
Apr 1
Will Griffin Will Griffin (Apr 01 2020 6:15PM) : In Chapter 7, Scout is being more empathetic than she has ever been. Atticus told her to try and put herself in other people's situations, and now she is doing that with Jem and noticing that she should give him some space.
Apr 2
Thano Sinis Thano Sinis (Apr 02 2020 5:54PM) : Scout is showing more emotion because she is growing as a person and starting to feel emotions that she has never felt and how to handle it.
Apr 4
wil wilson wil wilson (Apr 04 2020 12:33AM) : I agree, as she starts to show more emotion it allows her to get better as a person and become more human to get more growth as a character.
Apr 3
Emily Nelms Emily Nelms (Apr 03 2020 10:40AM) : Earlier in the book, Atticus told Scout that "You never really understand a person until you see things from their point of view. Until you climb in their skin and walk around in it." Scout is trying to use this advice to figure out what's wrong with Jem.
Apr 3
Thomas Patton Thomas Patton (Apr 03 2020 12:58PM) : Am I the only one who was surprised by the house fire? I was really amazed when i was reading that part of chapter 8. I felt really bad for Miss Maudie.
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Apr 1
Eddie Dowden Eddie Dowden (Apr 01 2020 8:47AM) : Scout's starting to listen to Atticus's advice more and becoming more empathetic towards Jem and others.
Apr 3
Thomas Patton Thomas Patton (Apr 03 2020 12:53PM) : I agree with what you said. The farther that i was reading in chapter 7 & 8 I noticed that his I guess, Attitude changed
Apr 3
ms. faith mandl ms. faith mandl (Apr 03 2020 2:21PM) : i agree with eddie more

Scout is beginning to branch off and realize things for herself without relying on Jem.

Apr 3
Robert Kelley Robert Kelley (Apr 03 2020 3:14PM) : I think that Scout is trying his hardest to be empathetic towards Jem even though he doesn't understand exactly why he is having a hard time, but that isn't what mattered.
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Passage #2 – Jem’s reaction to the knothole being filled by Nathan Radley

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“Is that tree dyin’?”

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Apr 2
Savannah Bishop Savannah Bishop (Apr 02 2020 1:28PM) : Jem is finding out what's going on more

I think Jem is asking the question to further find out who was leaving things in the tree. When Atticus tells him it doesn’t look like it, Jem starts to put together the pieces in his head. He’s hiding something from Scout, and I think it has to do with with whoever is leaving the gifts in the tree.

Apr 3
ms. faith mandl ms. faith mandl (Apr 03 2020 2:20PM) : i agree with savannah more

he is putting the pieces together concerning the tree and whoever is leaving the gifts.

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“Why no, son, I don’t think so. Look at the leaves, they’re all green and full, no brown patches anywhere-“

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Apr 3
Robert Kelley Robert Kelley (Apr 03 2020 3:20PM) : The theme is confusion and secrets. Everyone in this chapter is confused. Scout is confused about what is going on the Jem after he retrieved his pants at the Radleys' and confusion at why there were gifts in the tree and then why the tree was filled in.
Apr 24
Oscar Flores Oscar Flores (Apr 24 2020 11:16PM) : I agree Robby. The characters in this chapter are trying to piece together things for it to all make sense.
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“It ain’t even sick?”

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“That tree’s as healthy as you are, Jem. Why?”

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“Mr. Nathan Radley said it was dyin’”

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Apr 1
Myah Wright Myah Wright (Apr 01 2020 10:47AM) : A theme in the book is the fear of the Radley Place. Scout and Jem grow very confused and suspicious of why Mr. Radley decided to fill the hole when the tree is clearly not dying. more

A common theme throughout the book has been a fear of the Radley Place. The kids find it very suspicious when cement has covered the hole that they have found many small treasures in. When they find out the tree is not dying, they get very suspicious and fearful of why Mr. Radley would want to cover the hole up. They suspect that he must know more about the small treasures left in the tree than Scout and Jem know.

Apr 1
Mary Williams Mary Williams (Apr 01 2020 11:49AM) : Jem and Scout have always been afraid of the Radley Place. So, when the tree gets filled in they grow even more scared. They more freaked out because they had been finding treasures in there and they started to think the Radley Place wasn't so scary.
Apr 1
Will Griffin Will Griffin (Apr 01 2020 6:18PM) : Jem and Scout have always been uneasy about the Radley Place. When they find out that the tree had been filled in, they grow even more speculations.
Apr 3
Robert Kelley Robert Kelley (Apr 03 2020 3:15PM) : I disagree with this because they didn't view this tree as the Radley tree anymore and got gifts out of the tree. They actually cried when they found that the tree was filled in.
Apr 3
ryleigh bowers ryleigh bowers (Apr 03 2020 11:47AM) : A tree was filled in. more

No one has ever been sure about the Radley place.Once they found out a tree has been covered up they suspect something else has happened including treasure.

Apr 3
Gibson Phillips Gibson Phillips (Apr 03 2020 10:01PM) : I think the theme at this point is how Scout is growing up and maturing. more

She’s asking more questions and making more observations with what she sees.

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“Well maybe it is. I’m sure Mr. Radley knows more about his trees than we do.” Atticus left us on the porch. Jem leaned on a pillar, rubbing his shoulders against it.

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Apr 1
Natalie Smith Natalie Smith (Apr 01 2020 11:52AM) : I think that Atticus is a very encouraging figure throughout the whole book. The theme may be look at the good and assume them best of people.
Apr 1
Madolyn White Madolyn White (Apr 01 2020 11:59AM) : I agree with Natalie, Atticus is a very wise and encouraging character throughout. Atticus is trying to raise the kids to be empathetic and see the best in people.
Apr 2
Student Jonathan Stewart Student Jonathan Stewart (Apr 02 2020 2:59PM) : Atticus's personality more

I agree with what you said Natalie. Even in previous chapter we see how Atticus sees the best in people. For example, Atticus gave sympathy to Miss Caroline when she forced Scout to stop reading at home

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“Do you itch, Jem?” I asked as politely as I could. He did not answer.

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Apr 1
Zoe Jones Zoe Jones (Apr 01 2020 11:03AM) : As Jem gets older he is hiding some of his emotions from Scout, and I think she is picking up on it and wants to know what wrong with him.
Apr 3
ryleigh bowers ryleigh bowers (Apr 03 2020 11:49AM) : Jem is getting older and doesn't care about Scout as much anymore. more

I agree with Zoe, Jem is slowly drifting away from Scout. He hides all of his emotions from Scout and won’t tell her whats wrong.

Apr 24
Oscar Flores Oscar Flores (Apr 24 2020 11:17PM) : I agree with Zoe. Jem is trying to protect Scout from knowing his true feelings. He doesn't want her to feel bad him
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“Come on in, Jem” I said.

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“After while.” He stood there until nightfall, and I waited for him. When we went in the house I saw he had been crying, his face was dirty in the right places, but I thought it odd that I had not heard him (84).

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Apr 3
ms. faith mandl ms. faith mandl (Apr 03 2020 2:23PM) : Jem is starting to mature more

Jem is the kind of boy who follows “social norms” so I believe he didn’t want anyone to know he was crying, so he told her he’d be inside after a while and had a moment to himself. Also, he looks up to Atticus, and Atticus has many moments alone. Maybe he is learning that it’s okay to be alone.

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Apr 1
Eddie Dowden Eddie Dowden (Apr 01 2020 8:50AM) : I also now wonder why she couldn't hear his cries. Maybe Jem is being more closed off not wanting anyone to know his emotions. Why is that?
Apr 1
Abigail Goodman Abigail Goodman (Apr 01 2020 2:03PM) : He was probably crying quietly because he didn't want anyone to bother him about it.
Apr 2
Savannah Bishop Savannah Bishop (Apr 02 2020 1:30PM) : Jem is growing up more

I think Jem is starting to mature a lot and he wants to appear the same way to Scout. He may not want to give up the childlike fun he has with her, but he is also being exposed to more real world problems

Apr 2
Thano Sinis Thano Sinis (Apr 02 2020 5:58PM) : Maybe he just didn't want her to see him crying because he seems like the type of person to not be so expressive to other people about his emotions.
Apr 5
avery person avery person (Apr 05 2020 2:41PM) : I believe he was being quiet with his cries because he is older, so he is supposed to be the "stronger sibling".
Apr 1
Audrey Dallas Audrey Dallas (Apr 01 2020 7:35PM) : Jem seems like the kind of person who wouldn't tell people when something was making him upset, he doesn't like to cry in front of people. He has a need to be the tough guy in situations and would rather handle it on his own.
Apr 1
Emma Bain Emma Bain (Apr 01 2020 11:05PM) : I agree with this, I feel like Jem also strives to be like Atticus. He wants to be wise and never let anyone see him fearful or nervous. He wants everyone to be able to trust him, especially Scout.

Passage #3 – Passage from Chapter 8 - After the fire, when Atticus questions Scout about the blanket she is holding

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As we drank out cocoa I noticed Atticus looking at me, first with curiosity, then with sternness. “I thought I told you and Jem to stay put,” he said.

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“Why, we did. We stayed-“

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“Then whose blanket is that?”

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“Yes ma’am, blanket. It isn’t ours.”

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“I looked down and found myself clutching a brown woolen blanket I was wearing around my shoulders squaw-fashion.

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“Atticus, I don’t know sir, . . . I-”

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I turned to Jem for an answer, but Jem was even more bewildered than I. He said he didn’t know how it got there, we did exactly as Atticus had told us, we stood down by the Radley gate away from everybody, we didn’t move an inchJem stopped.

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“Mr. Nathan was at the fire,” he babbled, “I saw him, I saw him, he was tuggin’ that mattress-Atticus, I swear . . .”

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Apr 2
Jack English Jack English (Apr 02 2020 6:18PM) : Mystery more

I think this point in the book supports the common theme of mystery because you don’t know if Jem is making up stuff because he is a kid, or if he is telling the truth about seeing Mr. Nathan at the fire.

Apr 5
avery person avery person (Apr 05 2020 2:42PM) : I agree. Jem was the only one who saw it, so there is no real way of confirming that what he says is true.
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“That’s all right, son.” Atticus grinned slowly. “Looks like all of Maycomb was out tonight, in one way or another. Jem, there’s some wrapping paper in the pantry, I think. Go get it and we’ll-“

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“Atticus, no sir!”

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Jem seemed to have lost his mind. He began pouring out our secrets right and left in total disregard for my safety if not for his own, omitting nothing, knothole, pants and all.

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Mar 31
Megan Pfeifer Megan Pfeifer (Mar 31 2020 11:35AM) : I think that Jem was getting tired of keeping things from Atticus, and it just kept building up until he finally had to tell him.
Apr 1
Madolyn White Madolyn White (Apr 01 2020 12:01PM) : I agree that Jem was tired of hiding. I think that he was emotionally hurt and couldn't keep it in any longer and didn't care if he got in trouble at that point.
Apr 1
Kayla Clement Kayla Clement (Apr 01 2020 3:28PM) : If he would've kept in it any longer he may have lost his mind even more. I think he just felt very overwhelmed with everything that to stop feeling that way he had to get it all off his chest.
Mar 31
Josie McCall Josie McCall (Mar 31 2020 1:18PM) : Here is another example where Scout has become more empathetic than previous times in the book. She was concerned about Jem.
Mar 31
Sierra Slayman Sierra Slayman (Mar 31 2020 1:41PM) : Jem is very young at this part in the book and what he went through in the incident at the Radley's house spooked him. It must've been very hard for him to have kept all that to himself.
Apr 1
Zoe Richardson Zoe Richardson (Apr 01 2020 10:13AM) : In this paragraph it really shows how everything was finally getting to Jem. He broke down and told Atticus everything because he couldn't hold it in anymore. Scout was talking about how he had lost his mind because of what he went through.
Apr 1
.... Gena Sutton .... Gena Sutton (Apr 01 2020 10:59AM) : This paragraph shows how Jem was tired of holding in seecrets, and what happened at the Radley house. He felt so bad that he had to tell Atticus.
Apr 1
Natalie Smith Natalie Smith (Apr 01 2020 11:47AM) : I think that Jem was keeping everything to himself for so long that when it came out he was overwhelmed with emotions and couldn't hold them in once he started.
Apr 1
Will Griffin Will Griffin (Apr 01 2020 6:19PM) : The whole time Jem kept his emotions hidden from people, and then he finally got so overwhelmed and poured out his secrets he had been hiding.
Apr 4
wil wilson wil wilson (Apr 04 2020 12:23AM) : I agree, holding in the emotions could've made him just have a breakdown and pour out everything.
Apr 3
Kelsi Clark Kelsi Clark (Apr 03 2020 9:14AM) : Jem had not stopped thinking about what happened that night. He had held everything in too long, and he just had to tell Atticus.
Apr 3
Emily Nelms Emily Nelms (Apr 03 2020 10:44AM) : I think Jem was just getting exhausted. He was exhausted of keeping secrets and he didn't want to hold everything in anymore, so he finally caved.
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Apr 1
Mary Williams Mary Williams (Apr 01 2020 11:47AM) : Jem starts pouring out these secrets because he has been through a lot lately and he wants to get these things off of his chest.
Apr 2
Thano Sinis Thano Sinis (Apr 02 2020 6:07PM) : Jems emotions. more

He starts letting everything out at once because when you hold things in sometimes it builds up and only becomes worse which is what he did so he had to let it out.

“. . . Mr. Nathan put cement in that tree, Atticus, an’ he did it to stop us findin’ things- he’s crazy, I reckon, like they say, but Atticus, I swear to God he ain’t ever harmed us, he ain’t ever hurt us, he coulda cut my throat from ear to ear that night but he tried to mend my pants instead . . .

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Mar 31
Josie McCall Josie McCall (Mar 31 2020 1:16PM) : I think a theme found is that you can't always judge a book by its cover. The Radleys were known for being mean but no one had actually ever talked to the Radleys. Jem finds out that they're not actually that bad of people.
Apr 1
Natalie Smith Natalie Smith (Apr 01 2020 11:54AM) : I agree. I think that giving people a chance to show them who you are is a message that this book is sending to all of the readers.
Apr 2
Jack English Jack English (Apr 02 2020 5:41PM) : Assumptions about the Radleys more

I agree. I think people often make assumptions about others based on limited knowledge. This knowledge is sometimes not true.

Apr 3
Thomas Patton Thomas Patton (Apr 03 2020 1:00PM) : I feel like this is one of the biggest situations in the world even today. You see it pretty much everywhere you go.
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Atticus said, “Whoa, son,” so gently that I was greatly heartened. It was obvious that he had not followed a word Jem said, for all Atticus said was, “You’re right. We’d better keep this and the blanket to ourselves. Someday, maybe, Scout can thank him for covering her up.”

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Apr 1
Zoe Richardson Zoe Richardson (Apr 01 2020 10:15AM) : I think that Atticus was now being empathetic towards Jem too. He had realized how upset Jem was, so he just said to forget about it in that moment. He did not want Jem getting any more upset.
Apr 1
Kayla Clement Kayla Clement (Apr 01 2020 3:30PM) : I agree, because Jem felt bad and he was trying to comfort her and not make her feel that way anymore. So by forgetting about it for now might calm her down.
Apr 1
Audrey Dallas Audrey Dallas (Apr 01 2020 7:41PM) : I also agree with y'all, Atticus knows the kind of person Jem is and he knew that he was only looking after his little sister to try and be a rock in her life. So, by Atticus focusing on the situation at hand he could give them both a sense of relief.
Apr 3
Emily Nelms Emily Nelms (Apr 03 2020 10:50AM) : I agree, because while Atticus can be strict, he also cares very much for his kids, & to see Jem like that must made him realize how much he has been going through recently. He knew that focusing on the current situation was the best way to go about it.
Apr 2
Sophie Roane Sophie Roane (Apr 02 2020 6:07PM) : I think part of Scout's empathy is coming from her recent experiences. She was involved in recent events that Jem got the blame for, so I think she notices that and is more understanding than normal.
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“Thank who?” I asked.

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“Boo Radley. You were so busy looking at the fire you didn’t know it when he put the blanket around you” (95-96)

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Apr 1
Eddie Dowden Eddie Dowden (Apr 01 2020 8:55AM) : This is probably the big mystery surrounding this chapter. Boo Radley in this book is seen to be a psycho, which he is, yet he still is nice to Jem and Scout even when they trespassed. So, what is Boo Radley's true character.
Apr 2
Student Jonathan Stewart Student Jonathan Stewart (Apr 02 2020 2:57PM) : Boo Radley's true character more

I see where you get your opinion from on Boo Radley. In my opinion, I think Boo Radley is a man who has been judged harshly by his community. He naturally resorted to hiding when he was shunned for being “psycho.” When he sees Jem and Scout, it reminds him of his childhood so he attempts to brighten their day with treats.

Apr 2
Jack English Jack English (Apr 02 2020 6:00PM) : Compassion from others more

I think when we become distracted like, Scout, we focus on other things in life that we often lose sight of the sincere compassion of others by example of Boo Radley.

Apr 1
.... Gena Sutton .... Gena Sutton (Apr 01 2020 11:20AM) : This shows that you can't judge a person until you know what their real intentions are. It show's that Mr. Nathen is a nice guy for minding Jem's pants.
Apr 4
wil wilson wil wilson (Apr 04 2020 12:26AM) : I agree not knowing a persons intentions can lead you down making a decision that would be awful towards everyone.
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DMU Timestamp: March 26, 2020 18:18

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Mar 31
Megan Pfeifer Megan Pfeifer (Mar 31 2020 11:46AM) : In my opinion, the theme for chapters 7-8 could be unexpectedness because of what Boo Radley did for Scout. Jem and Scout always described him as some sort of monster, but once this happened their whole mindset changed and they were confused.
Apr 1
Payne Fullen Payne Fullen (Apr 01 2020 11:32AM) : They are all very surprised and they are figuring out that they had Boo all wrong the whole time. He isn't what everyone thought of him to be.
Apr 1
Addie Glass Addie Glass (Apr 01 2020 1:58PM) : I was very surprised as well. When Scout got cold the night of the fire and Boo had put a blanket around her without her even knowing. That showed that boo was caring.
Apr 2
Student Jonathan Stewart Student Jonathan Stewart (Apr 02 2020 3:06PM) : Theme of Chapter 7-8 more

I agree with what you said Meagan. Ever since the beginning of the book, Boo Radley was described as a monster. Unexpectedness is a good choice of words because not only did the characters expect compassion from Boo Radley, but the readers did not either.

Apr 3
Kelsi Clark Kelsi Clark (Apr 03 2020 9:16AM) : I agree with what Megan is saying. Jem and Scout had always been scared of Boo Radley, but this paragraph shows that he might be nice after all. He might still be slightly creepy though, because he did sneak up on them.
Mar 31
Sierra Slayman Sierra Slayman (Mar 31 2020 1:54PM) : In chapters 7-8, we see Mr. Radley doing nice things for Scout and Jem in secret. I think the theme is suprisingness. Throughout these chapters, the two had changed their view on Mr. Radley ever so slightly. They didn't see him as a total monster.
Apr 2
Sophie Roane Sophie Roane (Apr 02 2020 5:59PM) : At first, I did not think of theses chapters in this way. Sierra, your comment made me realize this theme throughout the text. It focused on their relationship in a way that you could have missed.
Apr 2
Sophie Roane Sophie Roane (Apr 02 2020 6:02PM) : When I first read through these chapters I didn't notice this theme. Now reading through your comment, I agree. This chapter really highlights the Radley family not being so mean.
Apr 1
Myah Wright Myah Wright (Apr 01 2020 10:52AM) : After this conversation, I think Scout gained even more empathy. She was starting to put together the pieces of Boo Radley's activity. more

After she learned that Boo Radley was covering her up with one of his own blankets for Scout’s own good, she must have changed her perspective on Boo’s heart at least a little bit. He was doing good for her and not at all being the monster that the kids heard he was. I believe this is another form of her gaining some empathy for people other than herself.

Apr 1
Zoe Jones Zoe Jones (Apr 01 2020 11:22AM) : I agree completely, they've always seen Boo as a monster, but they are finally going and seeing him as a nicer person.
Apr 1
Kayla Clement Kayla Clement (Apr 01 2020 3:23PM) : I agree with all these statements because in the beginning nobody thought of Boo as more of a caring person. Until they started realizing the little things that were happening. [Edited]
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