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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Facishon Moore(Apr 11 2020 1:19AM):
Facishon Moore- The steps I would take to ensure that I provided all services necessary for a student with speech and language needs are:
First I would determine if the student has have a speech impairment? Then dose it effect the students class performance and then does the student benefit from special education intervention? I would work with the Speech Teacher. the speech teacher would determine whether a vision or hearing loss is present and help with RTI procedures. they may be called in to co-teachon this case or offer consultation services. The goal is the provide student with the help. The speech teacher can administer a test for articulation for example the Goldman-Fristoe test of articulation 3. The speech teacher does ask questions they do spontaneous language samples. they and examine the student physical structure for producing speech. or look for abnormalities in the students hard plate see how the tongue and lips produce speech.
I could do language assessments like receptive and expressive vocabulary, retrieve words as needed (word finds)
comprehension of stories and correct use of grammer. talk with English as a second language if student is bilingual.
Additional information that I would need is to bring parents in to talk to and get approval from. as well as the multi-tier team and then questions for eligibility criteria.
The accommodations I would use is word prediction software, skill development technology, occupational therapist services.
Nugene Powell Jr(Apr 14 2020 1:47PM):
What steps would you take to ensure that you are providing all services necessary for a student with speech and or language need?
1. Who would you work with? I would first work with the school counselors to get the student proper tested to see if the student really have a language and a speech disability.
2. What assessments would you use? I will get an speech and language doctor to run a thoroughly assignment on the student.
3. What additional information would you need? I would reach out to other community professional and see what the next step I can take.
4what accommodations would you consider? I would do one on one teaching after we explain and teach with the body of class.
Mr Mark Oliver(Apr 12 2020 11:16PM):
The steps I would use to provide service necessary for the student with speech and language needs.
1.Who would you work with? I would work with a speech therapy so that the student get the right treatment.
2.What assessment would you use ? I would assess student social skill to assess his interaction with his peers.
3.What additional information would you need ? I would have a meeting with the parents to see what problems are she having at home with him.
4.What accommodation would you consider ? I would use a computer device to help the student with his speech and language needs.
Anthony Carbone(Apr 07 2020 12:19AM):
What steps would you take to ensure that you are providing all services necessary for a student with speech and/or language needs?
• Who would you work with?
• What assessments would you use?
• What additional information would you need?
• What accommodations would you consider?
The steps which I would take to ensure that I was providing all services necessary for a student with a speech or language impairment would be:
To work with an individual who specialized in interventions to assist students with speech and language disorders. This individual would be the Speech and Language Therapist. When working with the Speech and Language Therapist (SLT).
Speech-Language pathologists are individuals (specialists) who evaluate students using both formal and informal means to determine whether these disorders are present, but as for the student, a comprehensive evaluation is required and the IEP team determines eligibility for special education.
The use of Evidence-based Practices are used more and more in schools and provides accountability in today’s schools. Reasons that Evidence-based Practices are used includes:
• Collection of Data – which indicates the effectiveness of the strategies for preventing the development of speech and language problems.
• Use of data for decision making – which strengthens the expectation that interventions should be based on the specific needs of the student.
• Professional education – speech and language therapists need to be educated on guided practices in public schools.
Students with speech and language disorders vary widely in terms of their cognitive ability and academic achievement as well as in their social or emotional status and the possibility of having behavior problems.
Many Students with speech and language disorders can be helped through technology. Computer hardware, software, tablet devices, smartphones, can help students communicate effectively as well as practice the skills for which they are learning.
Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) can compensate for a student’s communication limitations. Strategies are divided into two categories unaided and aided. Unaided is where the student does not require special equipment or materials an example is where the student uses sign language. Aided refers to those individuals who depend on some type of equipment or material. An example of an AAC device would be a communication board.
Carolyn Terry(Apr 07 2020 8:42PM):
The steps I would take to ensure I'm providing services for students with speech and/or language needs
The first step I would take to ensure I’m providing all necessary services for students with speech and/or language disorders would be for them to receive services from general education teachers, special education teachers, and speech-language pathologists. The general education teacher will work with the speech-language pathologist to incorporate strategies to help the student master strategies in speech therapy. Corrective measures may be included, as well as, helping with speech and/or language exercises, and providing the student with immediate feedback if the speech-language pathologist is not present. The general education and the special education teacher will collaborate with the speech-language pathologist for interventions and teaching strategies.
Next, the assessments I would use for speech and/or language impaired students. 1). Screening for spoken language and/or skills would be conducted if a language and/or disorder is suspected. 2). Comprehensive assessment if student is found to having a speech and/or language impairment based on the screening result by the pathologist.
Finally, to develop speech and/or language skills, it would be a very good idea for the student with speech and/or language impairments to use augmentative or alternative communication (AAC). They will be able to use symbols, aids, strategies, and different techniques to enhance the communication process.
If a special education teacher suspects that a student needs additional help in speech or other language needs. They should first consult with the schools speech- language pathologists, and get input from a general education teacher. The speech-language pathologists work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders. After talking with the pathologist, the teacher should request a meeting to talk to the student parents to express their concerns about their child speech or language needs and then get a consent to do further testing. There are several types of assessments may be completed to help professionals decide rather a student has a speech or language disorder. The Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation 3 is an assessment used to diagnosed if a child has a speech disorder. It is an individually administered instrument used to measure speech sound abilities in the area of articulation in children, adolescents, and young adults ages 2 through 21. If the student has a language disorder the speech-language pathologist will use both formal and informal measures. One Assessment is called Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL). These tests measure the oral language processing skills of comprehension and expression across four categories: Lexical/Semantic, Syntactic, Supralinguistic, and Pragmatic. After the data and assessment is completed the multidisciplinary team will determine rather the students’ needs speech and language services and discuss the student placement. Students with speech and language disorders will benefit from using technology. These students typically use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). AAC comprises of strategies that compensate for individual’s communication limitations or disabilities. Students can use communication board. This device uses symbols, or printed words to facilitate student’s communication, and it can be low tech or high tech. Students with speech and language disorders also benefit from using a computer program to practice knowledge of letters and sounds. Fast Forword a program for students in kindergarten through twelfth grade that include intensive skill development in phonemic awareness as well as listening comprehension.
Sherzard McEwen Ashford(Apr 08 2020 9:32PM):
Week 8 Now Comment Response
The steps would you take to ensure that I am providing all services necessary for a student with speech and/or language needs are first going to be guided by the benchmarks and goals of the student’s IEP.
First, I would work with the student to introduce myself and inform the student of the skills we will be working on, including the method and some of the modalities. I would also let the student know that I am available to assist him whenever he needs help. I would also be working closely with the student’s Case manager, Special Education teacher, to make sure that we are meeting the benchmarks of the IEP and in a collaborative manner to guide the student’s progress in his academic progress. I would also work closely with the general education teacher to get a picture of how he functions in the inclusive setting and to find out if there are any strategies or evidence-baseball practices that I can provide to ensure that the student is meeting satisfactory progress in the classroom. I would also work closely with the parents to make sure that they are kept abreast of any changes, progress, or to see if they have any questions or concerns.
The assessment to that I may use are the Goldman- Fristoe, (formal), to analyze if the student has issues with articulation. Then I would collect data on the student through student conversations, interviews with parents and teachers. Next I would examine the student’s physical structures for producing speech, observe the student’s alignment of the teeth to ensure that misalignment is not causing an issue, as well as visually check for abnormalities of the lips, tongue, and palate, and listen for breathing patterns.
I would also need to know the student’s history, background, and cultural influences. Additionally, I would have to identify evidence-based practices and interventions that are appropriate to address the student’s speech-language disorder.
I would use accommodations such as a communication board, which would show images, symbols, and printed words. I could also use computer software such as Fast Forward to provide intensive practice on language skills by allowing the student to play games while assisting in building the language skills.
Rochelle Solomon(Apr 09 2020 2:26PM):
Speech/ Language
What steps would you take to ensure that you are providing all services necessary for a student with speech and/or language needs?
The first step, that I would take is to make sure that we have access to the general curriculum and state standards. This ensures that the goals and tasks that are set will be easy enough for the students to accomplish. The second step, is to develop a procedure for the student to be able to ask for help. This will encourage the student to participate in classroom activities and express their wants and needs. The third step is to use a peer-buddy system when appropriate. This will give the student self- esteem and self- confidence. As well as working in small groups learning from one another and making friends. Finally, I would make sure that the student has access to any special equipment or materials needed to be successful in the classroom.
• Who would you work with? Working with the Speech- Language Pathologist to ensure that we are meeting all the guidelines required to give the students an appropriate education.
• What assessments would you use? The assessment that I would use is picture assessment and student self assessment. Observing the student during the entire process.
• What additional information would you need? What the parents goals are for their student.
Ms. Shenell Taylor(Apr 09 2020 8:12PM):
Shenell Taylor
The Person that I would work with is the speech therapist that is assign to my school. The assessment that he/she would use would be the CASL. As a special education teacher the additional information I would need to know if the student had speech before, and if so how many hours a week or month does he/she receives. I would also consider what type of speech the student is getting. For example, stuttering, apraxia, and dysarthria. For accommodations I would allow the students to write there answer, or have a communication device and be patient and listen to the students.
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First I would determine if the student has have a speech impairment? Then dose it effect the students class performance and then does the student benefit from special education intervention? I would work with the Speech Teacher. the speech teacher would determine whether a vision or hearing loss is present and help with RTI procedures. they may be called in to co-teachon this case or offer consultation services. The goal is the provide student with the help. The speech teacher can administer a test for articulation for example the Goldman-Fristoe test of articulation 3. The speech teacher does ask questions they do spontaneous language samples. they and examine the student physical structure for producing speech. or look for abnormalities in the students hard plate see how the tongue and lips produce speech.
I could do language assessments like receptive and expressive vocabulary, retrieve words as needed (word finds)
comprehension of stories and correct use of grammer. talk with English as a second language if student is bilingual.
Additional information that I would need is to bring parents in to talk to and get approval from. as well as the multi-tier team and then questions for eligibility criteria.
The accommodations I would use is word prediction software, skill development technology, occupational therapist services.
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1. Who would you work with? I would first work with the school counselors to get the student proper tested to see if the student really have a language and a speech disability.
2. What assessments would you use? I will get an speech and language doctor to run a thoroughly assignment on the student.
3. What additional information would you need? I would reach out to other community professional and see what the next step I can take.
4what accommodations would you consider? I would do one on one teaching after we explain and teach with the body of class.
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1.Who would you work with? I would work with a speech therapy so that the student get the right treatment.
2.What assessment would you use ? I would assess student social skill to assess his interaction with his peers.
3.What additional information would you need ? I would have a meeting with the parents to see what problems are she having at home with him.
4.What accommodation would you consider ? I would use a computer device to help the student with his speech and language needs.
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• Who would you work with?
• What assessments would you use?
• What additional information would you need?
• What accommodations would you consider?
The steps which I would take to ensure that I was providing all services necessary for a student with a speech or language impairment would be:
To work with an individual who specialized in interventions to assist students with speech and language disorders. This individual would be the Speech and Language Therapist. When working with the Speech and Language Therapist (SLT).
Speech-Language pathologists are individuals (specialists) who evaluate students using both formal and informal means to determine whether these disorders are present, but as for the student, a comprehensive evaluation is required and the IEP team determines eligibility for special education.
The use of Evidence-based Practices are used more and more in schools and provides accountability in today’s schools. Reasons that Evidence-based Practices are used includes:
• Collection of Data – which indicates the effectiveness of the strategies for preventing the development of speech and language problems.
• Use of data for decision making – which strengthens the expectation that interventions should be based on the specific needs of the student.
• Professional education – speech and language therapists need to be educated on guided practices in public schools.
Students with speech and language disorders vary widely in terms of their cognitive ability and academic achievement as well as in their social or emotional status and the possibility of having behavior problems.
Many Students with speech and language disorders can be helped through technology. Computer hardware, software, tablet devices, smartphones, can help students communicate effectively as well as practice the skills for which they are learning.
Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) can compensate for a student’s communication limitations. Strategies are divided into two categories unaided and aided. Unaided is where the student does not require special equipment or materials an example is where the student uses sign language. Aided refers to those individuals who depend on some type of equipment or material. An example of an AAC device would be a communication board.
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The first step I would take to ensure I’m providing all necessary services for students with speech and/or language disorders would be for them to receive services from general education teachers, special education teachers, and speech-language pathologists. The general education teacher will work with the speech-language pathologist to incorporate strategies to help the student master strategies in speech therapy. Corrective measures may be included, as well as, helping with speech and/or language exercises, and providing the student with immediate feedback if the speech-language pathologist is not present. The general education and the special education teacher will collaborate with the speech-language pathologist for interventions and teaching strategies.
Next, the assessments I would use for speech and/or language impaired students. 1). Screening for spoken language and/or skills would be conducted if a language and/or disorder is suspected. 2). Comprehensive assessment if student is found to having a speech and/or language impairment based on the screening result by the pathologist.
Finally, to develop speech and/or language skills, it would be a very good idea for the student with speech and/or language impairments to use augmentative or alternative communication (AAC). They will be able to use symbols, aids, strategies, and different techniques to enhance the communication process.
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If a special education teacher suspects that a student needs additional help in speech or other language needs. They should first consult with the schools speech- language pathologists, and get input from a general education teacher. The speech-language pathologists work to prevent, assess, diagnose, and treat speech, language, social communication, cognitive-communication, and swallowing disorders. After talking with the pathologist, the teacher should request a meeting to talk to the student parents to express their concerns about their child speech or language needs and then get a consent to do further testing. There are several types of assessments may be completed to help professionals decide rather a student has a speech or language disorder. The Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation 3 is an assessment used to diagnosed if a child has a speech disorder. It is an individually administered instrument used to measure speech sound abilities in the area of articulation in children, adolescents, and young adults ages 2 through 21. If the student has a language disorder the speech-language pathologist will use both formal and informal measures. One Assessment is called Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language (CASL). These tests measure the oral language processing skills of comprehension and expression across four categories: Lexical/Semantic, Syntactic, Supralinguistic, and Pragmatic. After the data and assessment is completed the multidisciplinary team will determine rather the students’ needs speech and language services and discuss the student placement. Students with speech and language disorders will benefit from using technology. These students typically use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). AAC comprises of strategies that compensate for individual’s communication limitations or disabilities. Students can use communication board. This device uses symbols, or printed words to facilitate student’s communication, and it can be low tech or high tech. Students with speech and language disorders also benefit from using a computer program to practice knowledge of letters and sounds. Fast Forword a program for students in kindergarten through twelfth grade that include intensive skill development in phonemic awareness as well as listening comprehension.
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First, I would work with the student to introduce myself and inform the student of the skills we will be working on, including the method and some of the modalities. I would also let the student know that I am available to assist him whenever he needs help. I would also be working closely with the student’s Case manager, Special Education teacher, to make sure that we are meeting the benchmarks of the IEP and in a collaborative manner to guide the student’s progress in his academic progress. I would also work closely with the general education teacher to get a picture of how he functions in the inclusive setting and to find out if there are any strategies or evidence-baseball practices that I can provide to ensure that the student is meeting satisfactory progress in the classroom. I would also work closely with the parents to make sure that they are kept abreast of any changes, progress, or to see if they have any questions or concerns.
The assessment to that I may use are the Goldman- Fristoe, (formal), to analyze if the student has issues with articulation. Then I would collect data on the student through student conversations, interviews with parents and teachers. Next I would examine the student’s physical structures for producing speech, observe the student’s alignment of the teeth to ensure that misalignment is not causing an issue, as well as visually check for abnormalities of the lips, tongue, and palate, and listen for breathing patterns.
I would also need to know the student’s history, background, and cultural influences. Additionally, I would have to identify evidence-based practices and interventions that are appropriate to address the student’s speech-language disorder.
I would use accommodations such as a communication board, which would show images, symbols, and printed words. I could also use computer software such as Fast Forward to provide intensive practice on language skills by allowing the student to play games while assisting in building the language skills.
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What steps would you take to ensure that you are providing all services necessary for a student with speech and/or language needs?
The first step, that I would take is to make sure that we have access to the general curriculum and state standards. This ensures that the goals and tasks that are set will be easy enough for the students to accomplish. The second step, is to develop a procedure for the student to be able to ask for help. This will encourage the student to participate in classroom activities and express their wants and needs. The third step is to use a peer-buddy system when appropriate. This will give the student self- esteem and self- confidence. As well as working in small groups learning from one another and making friends. Finally, I would make sure that the student has access to any special equipment or materials needed to be successful in the classroom.
• Who would you work with? Working with the Speech- Language Pathologist to ensure that we are meeting all the guidelines required to give the students an appropriate education.
• What assessments would you use? The assessment that I would use is picture assessment and student self assessment. Observing the student during the entire process.
• What additional information would you need? What the parents goals are for their student.
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The Person that I would work with is the speech therapist that is assign to my school. The assessment that he/she would use would be the CASL. As a special education teacher the additional information I would need to know if the student had speech before, and if so how many hours a week or month does he/she receives. I would also consider what type of speech the student is getting. For example, stuttering, apraxia, and dysarthria. For accommodations I would allow the students to write there answer, or have a communication device and be patient and listen to the students.
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