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Press Herald: "Our View: Don’t try to escape COVID by coming to rural Maine" - Geography Period 2

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We’ve got news for anyone who thinks they can escape the COVID-19 pandemic by coming to Maine. Too late. It’s here, too.

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Apr 15
Brandon Barthel Brandon Barthel (Apr 15 2020 8:49AM) : One cause of families wanting to move out of the country is to avoid diseases, and that is the biggest issue in the world today. People are wanting to find any safe place to live.
Apr 15
Mohammad Rahman Mohammad Rahman (Apr 15 2020 2:40PM) : People are moving from because they want to protect themselves from disease. more

People want to save themselves and they go close to their families and they stay together because they either lose their jobs in the cities and go back home either in their village. That’s why people are moving.

Apr 15
Brandon Barthel Brandon Barthel (Apr 15 2020 8:53AM) : I think that Covid-19 would be the Environmental type of push and pull factors because, from what we know of Covid-19 is a nature made disease.
Apr 15
Autumn Scholljegerdes Autumn Scholljegerdes (Apr 15 2020 9:17AM) : A lot of people are trying to escape covid but theres really no where to go
Apr 15
Jordan Marleau Jordan Marleau (Apr 15 2020 9:28AM) : I think that the covid-19 could be a pull factor because it would pull people from areas that are worse than others to an area that has not really got it yet.
Apr 15
Ryan Boodhram Ryan Boodhram (Apr 15 2020 9:38AM) : People are trying to get away from the cities they live in now because in more urban areas, covid may spread
Apr 15
Jordan Marleau Jordan Marleau (Apr 15 2020 9:40AM) : this is an example of a push factor because people are trying to get away from the disease even though leaving is even worse than just staying put at home.
Apr 15
Ryan Boodhram Ryan Boodhram (Apr 15 2020 9:42AM) : i think its a push factor because many people are trying get away from where they are, but also a pull because its keeping you inside away from everything
Apr 15
Jordan Marleau Jordan Marleau (Apr 15 2020 9:43AM) : people who don't have the disease are trying to escape it by migrating somewhere but it will only help if those people just stay put.
Apr 15
Oscar Ortiz Oscar Ortiz (Apr 15 2020 9:43AM) : COVID-19 is an issue around the world. more

COVID-19 is all around the world now, and people may want to try to escape to avoid getting the virus, but most likely it would be anywhere they would want to escape to as well.

Apr 15
Ryan Boodhram Ryan Boodhram (Apr 15 2020 9:44AM) : more urbanized areas typically will have more cases of covid and it will probably spread more in those areas as well
Apr 15
Payten S. Payten Solem Payten S. Payten Solem (Apr 15 2020 9:51AM) : people are trying find a safe place but there isnt a safe place
Apr 15
Mohammad Rahman Mohammad Rahman (Apr 15 2020 2:41PM) : Fact bruv more

But because of this lock down stuff its not easy for people to move and yeah

Apr 15
Brady Buecksler Brady Buecksler (Apr 15 2020 9:59AM) : Push and pull factors more

People thought one of the most least populated states would be a good place to go to escape Covid-19. The pull factor was less people meaning less chance of getting the virus. And the push factor was the coronavirus was back where they lived. But now, even Maine has cases showing that this migration just keeps pushing the spread

Apr 15
Hassan Abdullah Hassan Abdullah (Apr 15 2020 10:06AM) : People wanted to move to other countries to try and escape COVID-19, but it was spreading so fast that it was already in those countries.
Apr 15
Joey Rynerson Joey Rynerson (Apr 15 2020 10:13AM) : The virus is spreading too quickly
Apr 15
student zach newby student zach newby (Apr 15 2020 10:18AM) : most people are trying to get to a safer place to avoid the covid
Apr 15
Karina Boyer Karina Boyer (Apr 15 2020 10:29AM) : People might want to go to Maine because it's less populated and since there's less people, they think there's less of a chance of getting COV-19 and less of a chance of it spreading.
Apr 15
Ella Nelson Ella Nelson (Apr 15 2020 10:36AM) : I believe this is a push factor. People aren't going to want to be in a area where there's a spreading disease.
Apr 15
Ryan Williams Ryan Williams (Apr 15 2020 10:36AM) : People are constantly trying to migrate to a new region. In this case Maine but the virus can still get you no matter how far you run. This form of migration is interregional migration. It is when you move permanently from one region to another.
Apr 15
Gerti Martin Gerti Martin (Apr 15 2020 10:36AM) : people tend to run from there proplems more

running from your problems can’t always be the answer and in this case staying in your house/bed is the best way to keep you and hundreds of people safe

Apr 15
Colin Reynolds Colin Reynolds (Apr 15 2020 10:38AM) : Most people think if they move to a different country or state that they'd escape covid-19 but, its actually everywhere.
Apr 15
Tessa Wayne Tessa Wayne (Apr 15 2020 11:03AM) : Covid-19 is causing Maine to become just one big pull factor. more
Everyone thinks that if they go to main they’ll be safe, but they’re just putting themselves into more of a hazard since so many people are gathering there. Nowhere is gonna be safer than your own home, so everyone just needs to listen to the CDC and stay home and away from everyone.
Apr 15
Amber Casperson Amber Casperson (Apr 15 2020 11:06AM) : People are trying to get away from COVID-19 but they don't know were to go but they can't really get away from it
Apr 15
Samantha Beitz Samantha Beitz (Apr 15 2020 11:07AM) : I think the pull factor as to why people wanted to move to Maine to escape covid-19 was because not many people live there, so they were hoping that if they move there it won't spread as much.
Apr 15
Allison Halseth Allison Halseth (Apr 15 2020 11:10AM) : push factor more

A lot of people are trying to get away from covid (push factor) but everywhere they could go is already infected.

Apr 15
Alma Turnadzic Alma Turnadzic (Apr 15 2020 11:18AM) : People and families are trying to escape places but pretty much every state and country in world is infected
Apr 15
Benny McDonald Benny McDonald Benny McDonald Benny McDonald (Apr 15 2020 11:21AM) : This may be an example of absorption as a lot of people or going to Maine to avoid COVID and their population is rising.
Apr 15
Zackry Wade Zackry Wade (Apr 15 2020 11:24AM) : The virus got to migrated to maine
Apr 15
Ashley Weeden Ashley Weeden (Apr 15 2020 11:31AM) : Yeah, everyone thinks they can 'escape' it, but it's everywhere and they're just making things by trying to move and avoid it.
Apr 15
Nicholas Reither Nicholas Reither (Apr 15 2020 11:38AM) : people are trying to escape the COVID-19 by constantly trying to migrate to a new region. this type of migration is international migration when you move permanently from one region to another. this can spread the disease.
Apr 15
Kaden Johnson Kaden Johnson (Apr 15 2020 11:43AM) : An example of a push factor for people living in Maine.
Apr 15
Isabella Schmitz Isabella Schmitz (Apr 15 2020 11:51AM) : The virus is basically gonna spread everywhere no matter what because it only takes one person to catch it to give it to multiple people.
Apr 15
Student Alexandra Nwameme Student Alexandra Nwameme (Apr 15 2020 11:58AM) : migrations causes more

migration to other states will just cause a larger spread to places that are not as effected then the one you can from

Apr 15
Calvin Bethel Calvin Bethel (Apr 15 2020 12:00PM) : I think that this pandemic is pulling people away from countries with more cases or even just not as clean.
Apr 15
Jeremiah Constant Jeremiah Constant (Apr 15 2020 12:01PM) : everyone is trying to escape covid-19 so some are fleeing there state or where they live
Apr 15
Catherine Tran Catherine Tran (Apr 15 2020 12:05PM) : This is an example of a Push factor. Everyone is trying to escape this pandemic and flee, attempting to get as far away as possible. Some are even trying to get home to see family and friends. Many employees have lost jobs and are in debt because of Covid
Apr 15
Zakaria Belkacemi Zakaria Belkacemi (Apr 15 2020 12:07PM) : this is a great example of international migration because jeff wanted to leave to a different place put still got covid-19
Apr 15
Zakaria Belkacemi Zakaria Belkacemi (Apr 15 2020 12:08PM) : This is an example of push factor because ppl are trying to leave and staying safe but not fully a push but somewhat of a pull too.Because ppl are also just staying home
Apr 15
Preston Brown Preston Brown (Apr 15 2020 12:12PM) : I think that COVID-19 is a push factor because it is pushing people out of areas where they are at high risk of catching it
Apr 15
Zakaria Belkacemi Zakaria Belkacemi (Apr 15 2020 12:12PM) : Another reason why its a pull is because the covid-19 people think if they go over to maine theyll be more safe but isnt that what all people are thinking? So theres going to be more and more people putting themselvs and others in risk
Apr 15
Catherine Tran Catherine Tran (Apr 15 2020 12:18PM) : I think soon some places are going to be in the categories of absorption or dispersion. While people are fleeing, there could be a loss of population; however there could be a gain of population depending where people are fleeing.
Apr 15
Desiree Loyd Desiree Loyd (Apr 15 2020 12:25PM) : Movement more

something that shows migration is Covid-19 because it makes people not wanna live here anymore and it makes them want to leave.

Apr 15
Preston Brown Preston Brown (Apr 15 2020 12:26PM) : I think that it can also be a pull factor because the amount of cases in certain places can be pulling in people foremother places to escape their own cases around them.
Apr 15
Jaylen Collins Jaylen Collins (Apr 15 2020 12:26PM) : I think this is a push and pull factor more

This is a push factor something that will make people want to move because they don’t wanna catch it.

Apr 15
Desiree Loyd Desiree Loyd (Apr 15 2020 12:28PM) : Push factor more

A lot of people wanna get out of this countries or wherever so they won’t get but there’s really no where to go.

Apr 15
Desiree Loyd Desiree Loyd (Apr 15 2020 12:29PM) : Leaving more

Some people might want to leave and then come back when everything is calm down so that they have a less chance of gettign Covid-19.

Apr 15
Aireal Vang Aireal Vang (Apr 15 2020 12:56PM) : The many reasons why families are trying to move of their country is because they are trying to avoid any diseases they could get, especially the COVID-19.
Apr 15
Bradyn Nordeen Bradyn Nordeen (Apr 15 2020 1:02PM) : Pull and push factor more

Since Corona Virus is in those other areas it’s a push factor pushing those residents away to find a safer place to live while Maine didn’t have lot’s of people as well as it didn’t have Corona yet so it was a pull factor for all those fleeing from their original home.

Apr 15
Rachel Fleischer Rachel Fleischer (Apr 15 2020 1:03PM) : People are traveling or migrating to Maine to try to avoid Covid-19 (Push factor).
Apr 15
mr armin durgutovic mr armin durgutovic (Apr 15 2020 1:40PM) : why its safe to stay home more

even if you dont have the virus its best to stay home ans social distance when going out to protect yourself from others.

Apr 15
Hayden Straus Hayden Straus (Apr 15 2020 1:51PM) : families are trying to run away from the virus by going to different states but its everywhere the only thing you really can do is social distance
Apr 15
Dillon Chicoine Dillon Chicoine (Apr 15 2020 1:53PM) : In more popular areas or rural they have a higher chance of getting it if they haven't gotten it already so this is a push and a pull would be you are safer inside of your own house so leaving wouldn't be the smartest thing ever.
Apr 15
Hayden Straus Hayden Straus (Apr 15 2020 1:54PM) : people are thinking that moving to different locations would make them more safe
Apr 15
Hayden Straus Hayden Straus (Apr 15 2020 1:56PM) : the virus is spreading because people are not taking it serious and aren't wearing masks and gloves and being 6 feet apart from there friends
Apr 15
Peyton Palmer Peyton Palmer Peyton Palmer Peyton Palmer (Apr 15 2020 1:58PM) : I think with this spread of the virus people are not taking it seriously
Apr 15
paige potvin paige potvin (Apr 15 2020 2:00PM) : I think that covid-19 is both a push and a pull factor. It is a push factor because it encourages people to move out of an area with a large number of confirmed cases. It is pull factor because people see the low number of cases and want to go there.
Apr 15
Kevin Sarazin Kevin Sarazin (Apr 15 2020 2:02PM) : The COVID-19 is both a push and pull factor. Maine, for example, people believe they can leave their infected area(Push factor) and come to maine that "Isn't infected"(Pull factor)
Apr 15
Jackson Koenig Jackson Koenig (Apr 15 2020 2:04PM) : Many people are trying to migrate to places where the virus "hasn't spread". The virus can live inside you without you knowing, so people are migrating without knowing that they are really spreading it, which is the problem.
Apr 15
Jenna Sund Jenna Sund (Apr 15 2020 2:15PM) : lots of people are trying to escape the COVID-19 but there is nowhere you can really go because is all over the world
Apr 15
Ana Hanson Ana Hanson (Apr 15 2020 2:16PM) : I think Covid-19 is a pull factor because people try going to other places to try to get away from it.
Apr 15
Ana Hanson Ana Hanson (Apr 15 2020 2:18PM) : But it's also a push factor because people are leaving to go to other places.
Apr 15
Person Aadesh Regmi Person Aadesh Regmi (Apr 15 2020 2:34PM) : The virus migrated from other places in the US to Maine.
Apr 15
Mya Hurley Mya Hurley (Apr 15 2020 2:36PM) : I feel the more people move around the more its going to spread.
Apr 15
Person Aadesh Regmi Person Aadesh Regmi (Apr 15 2020 2:48PM) : People think that if they come to Maine to escape from the virus but is making it a big pull factor.
Apr 15
Xenia Chen Xenia Chen (Apr 15 2020 3:39PM) : Some people are trying to move around in the country to places with less COVID-19 cases. That's kinda a pull factor for places like Maine, except Maine has cases too
Apr 15
Jada Shuman Jada Shuman (Apr 15 2020 3:41PM) : Maine has a pull factor, because they do not have many cases of Covid-19
Apr 15
Jada Shuman Jada Shuman (Apr 15 2020 3:49PM) : Families normally migrate to get away from diseases like Covid-19 but in this case the disease is everywhere so there isn't anywhere to go
Apr 15
Person Aadesh Regmi Person Aadesh Regmi (Apr 15 2020 3:50PM) : The virus migrated to MAine
Apr 15
Jada Shuman Jada Shuman (Apr 15 2020 3:54PM) : Small towns and islands have push factors such as not being able to handle the sudden influx of patients
Apr 15
Dominic Yang Dominic Yang (Apr 15 2020 3:57PM) : Push Factor more

Moving to maine shows an example of a push factor. The need to move to a safer place, and the want to get away from the pandemic

Apr 15
Katelin Morales Katelin Morales (Apr 15 2020 4:11PM) : The cause of families wanting to move to a safe place is because they don't want their family members to get sick with diseases.
Apr 15
Student Ryan Mackey Student Ryan Mackey (Apr 15 2020 4:29PM) : no hope more

I dont believe there is a safe place in the world currently for COVID 19. There are places that are safer than others but nowhere is completely safe

Apr 15
Luis Rincon Luis Rincon (Apr 15 2020 5:18PM) : People are trying to get away from the cities they live in now because in more urban areas, covid may spread
Apr 15
ella kroone ella kroone (Apr 15 2020 5:39PM) : Not everyone is social distancing. more

Not everyone has gotten the message clear that we need to social distancing. Some arent staying home and keeping everyone safe.

Apr 15
ella kroone ella kroone (Apr 15 2020 5:41PM) : Some of the more popular states have larger cases then others. more

The more popular states have the higher number of case. Maine for an example doesnt have the largest number of cases but the number is still increasing.

Apr 15
ella kroone ella kroone (Apr 15 2020 5:43PM) : Staying home is the best choice right now. more

To stop the spread of this virus you have to stay home to prevent yourself or others from getting sick and causing more of an outbreak then we have.

Apr 15
student Jet Oudavanh student Jet Oudavanh (Apr 15 2020 6:22PM) : What might cause your family to have to leave your country? more

people migrate to escape the epicenter of the disease and don’t want to contract it themselves

Apr 15
student Jet Oudavanh student Jet Oudavanh (Apr 15 2020 6:27PM) : Types of Migration more

most people do internal migration because of family being mostly inside the country and they migrate mostly to take care of the family far away

Apr 15
katherine mcneil katherine mcneil (Apr 15 2020 6:41PM) : Pull factor more

The fact that rural Maine had less confirmed cases made it a great place to go to

Apr 15
Hussam AlRamahi Hussam AlRamahi (Apr 15 2020 7:01PM) : Since the east coasts has lots of cases of corona virus people are more reluctant to move there, If they even can because for them moving is simply a no can due because flights being cancelled due to corona virus
Apr 15
Caden Parent Caden Parent (Apr 15 2020 7:33PM) : people are moving and going to Maine where there isn't many people and few cases of COVID-19, but while they are doing this they are just creating problems for the people already living in maine.
Apr 15
Rawan Ghalban Rawan Ghalban (Apr 15 2020 8:35PM) : taking about push and pull factors. more

people may migrate for two reasons. either they were pushed out of their region because COVID-19 has become very high. or because Maine offers more safety.

Apr 15
Rawan Ghalban Rawan Ghalban (Apr 15 2020 8:40PM) : COVID-19 push/ pull factors more

Covid-19 could act as a push and pull factor. this could count as a enviormental factor, that causes people to migrate from one region of the country to another. which is also known as inter-regional migration.

Apr 15
Nadia Jeylani Nadia Jeylani (Apr 15 2020 9:23PM) : It is push factor cause they are move to other cities to aviod the virus.
Apr 16
Student Levi Ten Napel Student Levi Ten Napel (Apr 16 2020 11:47AM) : They dont want covid-19 more

I think They are trying to escape covid-19 because the dont want to get it

Apr 16
noah lessard noah lessard (Apr 16 2020 3:24PM) : people are just trying to find a save spot more

people are going crazy and trying to find a save spot were it hasent hit but it has hit everywhere and people dont believe that so they are going to try to find a spot that is free

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Apr 15
Caiyu Vang Caiyu Vang (Apr 15 2020 1:24PM) : Push more

I think the COVID-19 is a push because it caused families to move to get away from the virus.

Apr 15
Hey Francia Vawah Hey Francia Vawah (Apr 15 2020 5:17PM) : There’s no way you can run to escape the virus, I think the best way to not get it, is to stay where you are.
Apr 15
Jennifer Nguyen Jennifer Nguyen (Apr 15 2020 1:37PM) : push factor more

people are trying to move and avoid the pandemic, which is a push factor, that is in their area so they tried to go somewhere with less cases

Apr 15
mr armin durgutovic mr armin durgutovic (Apr 15 2020 1:38PM) : pull factor more

people don’t want to be in an area where there’s lots of cases o they’ll move to areas with less cases.

Apr 15
Ashlita Chainsukh Ashlita Chainsukh (Apr 15 2020 4:06PM) : Covid is a push factor cause people are trying to get away from the pandemic
Apr 15
Katelin Morales Katelin Morales (Apr 15 2020 4:15PM) : COVID-19 is a push,it make people want to move away from it.
Apr 15
Student Ryan Mackey Student Ryan Mackey (Apr 15 2020 4:28PM) : pull more

people would want to not move with the crowd because of corona so they will go to a state with less people

Apr 15
Jaden Chang Jaden Chang (Apr 15 2020 6:05PM) : COVID-19 is a push because people are trying to get away from it to stay safe.
Apr 15
Clayton Rung Clayton Rung (Apr 15 2020 10:40PM) : Covid-19 is a push factor because it makes people move away from it to try and not get it.
Apr 16
Nolan Inthaly Nolan Inthaly (Apr 16 2020 2:30AM) : push more

People do not want to be in an area where there is a lot of cases of the diseases so they moved to an area they think will have less cases of the disease.

Apr 16
Somnebi Onwubuya Somnebi Onwubuya (Apr 16 2020 3:11AM) : I think COVID-19 is a push and pull factor because (push) its getting people to want to change and leave enviorments but also pull because its getting people to also come to different states.
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Maine may not have the large number of cases seen in more populous states, but the number of confirmed cases is exploding, jumping from just one on March 12 to 275 on Monday. So far, the cases have been concentrated in the most densely populated parts of the state, but that doesn’t mean that COVID-19 isn’t being transmitted in the more rural corners as well. It just means that there has not been enough testing to identify exactly where the virus is spreading.

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Apr 15
Olivia Lund Olivia Lund (Apr 15 2020 8:55AM) : A common push factor to leave a certain area, is if there is a pandemic in that area. So they would try to find an area that isn't as affected.
Apr 15
Alyssa Fenton Alyssa Fenton (Apr 15 2020 9:47AM) : Many people are trying to leave their homes and go somewhere that the amount of people with the disease is less.This is a push factor that is pushing people out of their homes and going somewhere else.
Apr 15
Emilio Munoz Emilio Munoz (Apr 15 2020 9:48AM) : Pull factor. more

People want to move into an area without disease, so they moved into the area with less cases.

Apr 15
Hassan Abdullah Hassan Abdullah (Apr 15 2020 10:10AM) : In Maine, March 12 they had one case of the virus. But in a few days it went up to 275 cases.
Apr 15
Ryan Williams Ryan Williams (Apr 15 2020 10:29AM) : The virus will soon be in the Rural corners due to intraregional migration. This form of migration is when people move within one region. Example from urban to rural areas. [Edited]
Apr 15
Alexis Herman Alexis Herman (Apr 15 2020 10:46AM) : The quick spread. more

The reason for the unexpected and drastic increase in confirmed cases in Maine is because at the moment, there are many pull factors there. But with everyone going there to be safe, the virus will just get worse and spread. Eventually people will find another place to migrate too because they think it is safe but in the end they will just bring the virus with them there and spread it even more.

Apr 15
Aaron Anderson Aaron Anderson (Apr 15 2020 10:54AM) : Although it said it in the article, Maine doesn't nearly have as many cases as larger states. Of course everywhere is going to get it, but the comparatively low amount of effected is a push factor for some.
Apr 15
Allison Halseth Allison Halseth (Apr 15 2020 11:07AM) : Push factor more

A lot of people are leaving because of the disease. Disease is one of the main push factors

Apr 15
Amber Casperson Amber Casperson (Apr 15 2020 11:15AM) : I think this is a pull factor, People want to leave an area to be safer in areas with low cases
Apr 15
Sebastian Wellman Sebastian Wellman (Apr 15 2020 11:17AM) : This is a pull factor that most people don't think they will get the disease there.
Apr 15
Samantha Beitz Samantha Beitz (Apr 15 2020 11:18AM) : Do people realize that if they move to unpopulated locations they are going to populate it and make the virus easier to spread? Those people's reasoning is definitely a pull factor but I do not agree with it.
Apr 15
Ashley Weeden Ashley Weeden (Apr 15 2020 11:29AM) : Now that's it's spreading in Maine, people are probably going to try to leave there and head for somewhere that's less infected, but then they're just going to spread it there too.
Apr 15
Calvin Bethel Calvin Bethel (Apr 15 2020 12:04PM) : These people were looking foer a place where they could go about their day and not have to worry about covid. But when they went here they were thinking that sense there were less recorded cases that there was actually less cases.
Apr 15
Isaac Klaphake Isaac Klaphake (Apr 15 2020 12:11PM) : push factor more

there is a pandemic in the area causing a push factor of leaving a certain area to seak an area less infected

Apr 15
Makena Fiore Makena Fiore (Apr 15 2020 12:19PM) : . more

People are moving to places where they think there are less cases of the disease.

Apr 15
Preston Brown Preston Brown (Apr 15 2020 12:23PM) : I think that this is an example of internal migration because it talks about how its doing better than other states so that might make other people in the USA want to escape the cases in their state
Apr 15
Catherine Tran Catherine Tran (Apr 15 2020 12:23PM) : This is an example of a pull factor. People were drawn here in hopes of not getting the disease.
Apr 15
Alexis Thoennes Alexis Thoennes (Apr 15 2020 12:25PM) : they tried to find a new place to go that wasn't affected
Apr 15
Catherine Schue Catherine Schue (Apr 15 2020 1:25PM) : rural pull factor more

A push factor here is definitely the spread of disease, and pull factor for moving to the rural area is that people think that since there’s less people the virus won’t spread as easily

Apr 15
ella hilger ella hilger (Apr 15 2020 1:56PM) : A pull factor is not having as many cases of Covid-19 more

With Coronavirus being so widespread, people are trying to flee to areas with less cases. Having less cases is a pull factor.

Apr 15
Ana Hanson Ana Hanson (Apr 15 2020 3:25PM) : People just do whatever it takes to stay safe.
Apr 15
Xenia Chen Xenia Chen (Apr 15 2020 3:46PM) : More densely populated places in the U.S have more cases compared to less populated places. As a result some people from the populated areas are trying to go places with less cases. The corona virus in that way is like a push factor
Apr 15
Person Aadesh Regmi Person Aadesh Regmi (Apr 15 2020 3:46PM) : The COVID-19 pandemic is a push factor because its pushing people out of certain areas into other areas.
Apr 15
student Jet Oudavanh student Jet Oudavanh (Apr 15 2020 6:31PM) : Why do people migrate? (continued) more

a push factor would be that they are in a very densely populated area and want to move to get away from the disease and push factor would be them going to low populated areas hoping there is less of the disease there

Apr 15
Megan Beebe Megan Beebe (Apr 15 2020 11:06PM) : Covid has been found in very densely populated areas, causing people to travel farther away from those areas, not knowing they are possibly carrying the disease with them and spreading it
May 7
Ethan Nelson Ethan Nelson (May 07 2020 4:44PM) : Many people don't know were to go so they are going around the country. this however is not the best idea they should stay put to help stop the spread.
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Apr 15
Alexandre Scott Alexandre Scott (Apr 15 2020 11:23AM) : Coronavirus is a push factor more

People are terrified of the Coronavirus, and they want to get as far away from it as possible. People are confused and scared so they attempt to leave places that the news says are high risk places so they leave states such as New York, and head for lower risk states, Maine in this case. Coronavirus, or lack there of can be a pull factor, as states that are not considered to be the most desirable to live in, due to a number of factors, see an increase in residents.

Apr 15
Julia Gunderson Julia Gunderson (Apr 15 2020 11:51AM) : Why Maine may have seen an increase in cases so quickly. more

When the virus first started booming in the U.S. people may have started to move to Maine from places with more cases and, in the process of doing so, turned the parts of Maine they moved to into the very places they were trying to escape. This process probably happened hundreds of times with hundreds of different familys and that was how the virus was spread so quickly throughout the U.S.

Apr 15
Jeremiah Constant Jeremiah Constant (Apr 15 2020 12:03PM) : the cases are jumping so severely bc no one will self distance themselves and that makes covid-19 travel much faster
Apr 15
Alison Wortley Alison Wortley (Apr 15 2020 12:07PM) : Many factors push people to move to Maine more

Covid-19 turned to be more dangerous then most thought, and people will try to find any way to get away from it. States who have higher population like Pennsylvania or New Jersey have more cases and many find a place like Maine with few cases and low population very appealing.

Apr 15
Alexis Thoennes Alexis Thoennes (Apr 15 2020 12:28PM) : people are scared so there trying to get away from covid-19 and its spreading rapidly
Apr 15
ella hilger ella hilger (Apr 15 2020 1:45PM) : Covid-19 is a push factor more

With Coronavirus spreading rapidly,many are trying to get as far away from it as they can. People who are trying to flee from the disease could actually be spreading it faster and making it spiral out of control.

Apr 15
Dillon Chicoine Dillon Chicoine (Apr 15 2020 1:56PM) : See when people see 1 or 2 cases they immediatly think that it would be a safer place to go for maine in this example, everyone wants to flee and get away from the virus but waht they do not know is they could be brining it with them and give it to others
Apr 15
mr waleed bozai mr waleed bozai (Apr 15 2020 5:46PM) : maine caser more

I feel like maines cases might be high because is boarding the ocean where trades usually get get sent.

Apr 16
Nolan Inthaly Nolan Inthaly (Apr 16 2020 2:36AM) : reasoning for the big jump in cases more
people did not think it was serious at first because it was 1 case and then, they had more than 200 cases in a couple days. I think people were doing normal things like running around for exercise and being at the park near other and it lead to a bigger amount of cases so quickly.
Apr 16
Lily Hagberg Lily Hagberg (Apr 16 2020 10:44PM) : absorption more

Maine has been seeing an influx of people since Coronavirus has started, this is due to the fact that people see it as a safe place to go; less population equals less cases right? This jump in population is an example of absorption; The gain of population due to migration over time.

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Apr 15
Brianna Stone Brianna Stone (Apr 15 2020 9:52AM) : Covid-19 has spread in the most densely populated areas so people are moving to less popular areas to get away from the disease but theirs no other place to go covid can spread anywhere.
Apr 15
Hey Francia Vawah Hey Francia Vawah (Apr 15 2020 5:14PM) : People/families are moving to the rural part of the state, because not that much people live there, but forgetting that as people moving around the virus is spreading.
Apr 15
Brianna Stone Brianna Stone (Apr 15 2020 9:59AM) : A pull factor to go to a different area during this time would be a place that does not have many cases of covid-19. They would be pulled to an area because of the lack of disease [Edited]
Apr 15
Zachary Halvorson Zachary Halvorson (Apr 15 2020 10:33AM) : Testing. The problem about testing is that there is a 25 to 50 percent ratio where the patient doesn't show symptoms. This makes it hard to test and makes the virus more dangerous.
Apr 15
Anna Bartosch Anna Bartosch (Apr 15 2020 10:36AM) : intraregional migration more

this is an example of intraregional migration because the virus has not only moved between highly populated areas it also moved into rural areas as well

Apr 15
Rawan Ghalban Rawan Ghalban (Apr 15 2020 8:43PM) : interregional migration more

this could also count as interregional migration, because people could be migrating from one region of the country to another.

Apr 15
Emma Edwards Emma Edwards (Apr 15 2020 10:37AM) : Maine not having a huge population of people affected by the virus is an example of a pull factor
Apr 15
Danalle Dodge-Johnson Danalle Dodge-Johnson (Apr 15 2020 10:57AM) : The fact that it isn't just affecting the denser cities is important to remember when it comes to testing people and getting help for everyone.
Apr 15
Olivia Vagle Olivia Vagle (Apr 15 2020 11:06AM) : people going to less densely populated areas are a pull factor because they want to be the furthest possible from the virus. some just don't understand that it can go anywhere
Apr 15
Nicholas Reither Nicholas Reither (Apr 15 2020 11:51AM) : For people trying to escape covid-19 this is a push factor causing some people to migrate to more rural areas or less dense cities this shows Intraregional migration in this case people moving from cities to more rural areas
Apr 15
Kevin Sarazin Kevin Sarazin (Apr 15 2020 2:04PM) : The reason the more densely populated areas are being more affected by the virus, is because people are a lot closer to each other than other places, making it easier for the coronavirus to spread.
Apr 15
Hey Francia Vawah Hey Francia Vawah (Apr 15 2020 5:11PM) : Suggested Revision more

So far, the cases have been concentrated in the most densely populated parts of the state, but that doesn’t mean that COVID-19 isn’t being transmitted in the more rural corners as well.

Reason: People/families are moving to the rural part of the state, because not that much people live there, and they think it’s saver because, there virus spread in most populated areas. But the virus can spread everywhere, because People can also come with the v

Apr 15
Clayton Rung Clayton Rung (Apr 15 2020 10:46PM) : areas that have less cases of Covid-19 are acting as pull factors because people want to get away from the virus and areas that have less cases have less of the virus.
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Apr 15
Abigail Ward Abigail Ward (Apr 15 2020 11:18AM) : Covid-19 more

We really can’t tell where there isn’t coronavirus anymore, so travel to escape it is useless.

Apr 15
Student Alexandra Nwameme Student Alexandra Nwameme (Apr 15 2020 12:09PM) : social distancing more

The covid 19 has hit are country very hard as our death toll continues to rise everyday with a warning there will be a second way the goverment has advised people to stay home and practice social distancing for their own good

Apr 15
Aireal Vang Aireal Vang (Apr 15 2020 1:01PM) : We're are unable to see who or where the virus is being spread too because sometimes some areas/people don't show symptoms/signs of COVID-19
Apr 15
Person Aadesh Regmi Person Aadesh Regmi (Apr 15 2020 3:53PM) : We don't know where there is and where there isn't coronavirus so there is no point of trying to escape.
Apr 15
Ashlita Chainsukh Ashlita Chainsukh (Apr 15 2020 4:13PM) : covid 19 has all ready killd a lot of people in the us and if people rant social distancing then more and more people will keep dying
Apr 15
tsundere Tsuyu tsundere Tsuyu (Apr 15 2020 4:14PM) : covid 19 test kits more

we don’t have test kits for sale

Apr 15
Molly Garber Molly Garber (Apr 15 2020 6:17PM) : with lack of testing moving into less populated areas, does more harm than good. This is because you can't out run the COVID-19 virus, just like you can't outrun a cold virus. you will eventually get it it is just a matter of when.

One piece of public health guidance has been constant – stay home. Social distancing is the best way to slow the spread of the virus and prevent catastrophic failures of the health care system caused by a sudden influx of very sick patients, as has been seen in Italy and other countries. Whether you live in Brooklyn, New York, or Brooklin, Maine, your best chance to avoid getting sick or spreading the disease is to stay where you are and minimize your contact with other people.

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Apr 15
Laura Johnson Laura Johnson (Apr 15 2020 9:38AM) : Covid-19 more

During the Covid-19 outbreak, the most important thing that is constantly stressed is to stay home. This can cause immigrating and emigrating to severely cut back when everyone is trying to stay safe and sheltered.

Apr 15
Oscar Ortiz Oscar Ortiz (Apr 15 2020 9:46AM) : Social Distancing more

It is being recommended to stay home to stop spread the virus, but a reason the virus continues to spread is that there are people who are still going out and not social distancing.

Apr 15
Alyssa Fenton Alyssa Fenton (Apr 15 2020 9:50AM) : Because of the covid-19 outback that has reached our country, many people are now staying home in hopes of staying safe. This could be considered a pull factor in a way because migration and immigrant levels have decreased by a lot.
Apr 15
Brady Buecksler Brady Buecksler (Apr 15 2020 10:05AM) : Migration more

Many places are now heavily advised to stay home/be quarantined in attempt to stop the spread of Coronavirus. Yet people are still migrating around to try to find places that aren’t affected. This could mean either Interregional or Intraregional Migration. Some people are moving to other regions while others are just trying to find another place in their own region. This movement is bad because it helps the spread of Covid-19.

Apr 15
Hassan Abdullah Hassan Abdullah (Apr 15 2020 10:12AM) : People are being told to stay at home because the only way of stopping the spread right now is to minimize contact with other people.
Apr 15
Zachary Halvorson Zachary Halvorson (Apr 15 2020 10:30AM) : Testing. The thing about testing is that it is hard to tell if people are asymptomatic or not. 25%-50% are not showing symptoms, making it almost impossible to test positive for the virus.
Apr 15
Karina Boyer Karina Boyer (Apr 15 2020 10:43AM) : Staying at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19 limits migration because people are either scared to go places for fear of catching it, or they're not allowed to go other places.
Apr 15
Alexis Herman Alexis Herman (Apr 15 2020 10:56AM) : Many states have advised stay at home orders. This is their attempt to stop the spread and it would work but some people are choosing not to listen and go out anyway. Which is a big reason why the virus is still spreading rapidly.
Apr 15
Aaron Anderson Aaron Anderson (Apr 15 2020 11:03AM) : Many jobs are heavily affected since they can't be done at home and are considered non-essential. Having areas with less cases/less restrictions could allows you those people to work, which is a big pull factor.
Apr 15
Allison Halseth Allison Halseth (Apr 15 2020 11:13AM) : covid more

People aren’t staying home and thats whats making this worse. Social distancing is trying to slow the spread of covid but with people still out and about its not working.

Apr 15
Preston Ringer Preston Ringer (Apr 15 2020 11:18AM) : The idea of getting to places where the disease hasn't yet spread very much or isn't reported at all is what has caused this disease to spread in the first place.
Apr 15
Lucas Lovegren Lucas Lovegren (Apr 15 2020 11:32AM) : Social Distancing more

People are less likely to migrate during the Coronavirus because it is recommended that they stay where they are and keep social contact to a minimum.

Apr 15
Isaac Klaphake Isaac Klaphake (Apr 15 2020 12:07PM) : immigrant and migration levels decreasing because of covid 19 more

This is a pull factor because migration and immigrant levels have decreased since the covid-19 outbreak

Apr 15
Calvin Bethel Calvin Bethel (Apr 15 2020 12:09PM) : Social distancing is one great way to slow the spread. I have seen many people who are not taking this seriously. However everything that we are doing is Overreacting I believe.
Apr 15
Evelynn Yang Evelynn Yang (Apr 15 2020 2:03PM) : People are tired of social distancing, but if we want to stop covid-19, the only and best way is to keep social distancing.
Apr 15
Jackson Koenig Jackson Koenig (Apr 15 2020 2:15PM) : All health officials are advising against Immigration and migration during this time, because frankly, every single town in the U.S. could have one person with the virus who doesn't even know it. Everywhere you go besides staying home has its push factors
Apr 15
Mya Hurley Mya Hurley (Apr 15 2020 2:41PM) : social distancing in hospitals more

Social distancing is a good thing. Yet I feel that in hospitals it is a little strict when it comes to women in labor. Many people are having their babies and the fathers cant even come in to visit.

Apr 15
Sarai Avalos Quiroz Sarai Avalos Quiroz (Apr 15 2020 4:03PM) : good idea kind of more

i think its a reasonable measure to take, since the baby doesn’t have the strongest immune system it could put the baby at risk as well as the mother

Apr 15
Katelin Morales Katelin Morales (Apr 15 2020 4:22PM) : To fight COVID-19 it is best to stay home. Though a lot of people still need to work so the virus will continue to spread. more

It not like a lot of people that spend their time on their phone.

Apr 15
Emily sappa Emily sappa (Apr 15 2020 4:27PM) : staying at home is to help covid-19 not spread. The government is trying to control covid-19 as much as possible from not spreading.
Apr 15
marquise brewer marquise brewer (Apr 15 2020 5:45PM) : avoiding diseases more

families leave countries to avoid things like diseases, and so they try to find somewhere safe to stay

Apr 15
marquise brewer marquise brewer (Apr 15 2020 5:51PM) : COVID-19 more

due to COVID-19 borders are closed so its hard for people to find places to stay

Apr 15
marquise brewer marquise brewer (Apr 15 2020 5:55PM) : Washing hands more

alot of people are moving international because of this but thats why its spreding so much because its hard to stay cautious especially when theres places that people dont have the opportunity to wash their hands before they eat

Apr 15
katherine mcneil katherine mcneil (Apr 15 2020 6:46PM) : Corona Virus more

This virus would normally be a huge push factor but since it’s all over the world there’s nowhere for people to go except inside their own houses

Apr 15
Nadia Jeylani Nadia Jeylani (Apr 15 2020 9:59PM) : we need to stay at home to decrease the virus.
Apr 16
Nolan Inthaly Nolan Inthaly (Apr 16 2020 12:39PM) : Social distance more

people need to follow the rules for an outbreak like this. stay away from each other and stay inside.

Apr 16
noah lessard noah lessard (Apr 16 2020 9:04PM) : Stay home more

Some people don’t believe in staying home but it helps. In the long run

May 7
Ethan Nelson Ethan Nelson (May 07 2020 4:49PM) : some people are staying were they are so as to not catch and or spread the disease.
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Apr 15
Alexandre Scott Alexandre Scott (Apr 15 2020 11:34AM) : The stay at home order reduces all types of migration. more

The stay at home order prevents anyone from going places, let alone leaving the country. Lockdowns in major cities completley block them off, and most countries have closed off their borders.

Apr 15
Jeremiah Constant Jeremiah Constant (Apr 15 2020 12:08PM) : I think its to late bc every one was taking it so lightly at the beging and not staying home that It has already spread to much
Apr 15
Dillon Chicoine Dillon Chicoine (Apr 15 2020 1:58PM) : It's a very smart idea but some people are still not following the rule so it defeats the purpose and at the same time the cases levels havent even hit the peak yet so staying at home is a great idea.
Apr 15
Jennifer Nguyen Jennifer Nguyen (Apr 15 2020 2:01PM) : migration more

This stay home order has prevented all sorts of migration as everyone is staying at home

Apr 15
Jenna Sund Jenna Sund (Apr 15 2020 2:18PM) : its very important to stay home to help avoid catching the virus and the avoid catching the virus
Apr 15
tsundere Tsuyu tsundere Tsuyu (Apr 15 2020 4:15PM) : it sucks but it is true more

we need to stay at home to stop the spreed

Apr 15
Ashlita Chainsukh Ashlita Chainsukh (Apr 15 2020 4:17PM) : I think staying home is what we should do but also you still have to be care full cause you can still get the disease in by like picking mail
Apr 15
Jaden Chang Jaden Chang (Apr 15 2020 6:31PM) : Its a good idea to stay home and people should be doing that but there are people out there who still go out even if they have the virus.
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Apr 15
Anna Bartosch Anna Bartosch (Apr 15 2020 10:40AM) : international migration more

this is an example of international migration because the virus has traveled to more the one country

Apr 15
Emma Edwards Emma Edwards (Apr 15 2020 10:43AM) : Because people are getting sick all around the world, they don't want you to go anywhere to help slow the spread of the virus. This means they don't want anyone to emigrate or immigrate.
Apr 15
Marissa Vold Marissa Vold (Apr 15 2020 11:00AM) : the government wants to slow the spread of the virus so people have to do social distancing. though many are trying to keep their distance from others, some people are not following the social distancing witch they should be more careful.
Apr 15
Isabella Schmitz Isabella Schmitz (Apr 15 2020 11:53AM) : Staying home is pretty much the only thing we can do to stop spreading, or avoid getting COVID-19
Apr 15
Jaylen Collins Jaylen Collins (Apr 15 2020 12:28PM) : The government wants to stop it from going anywhere more

The government wants to stop the amount of people going out so that if they do catch it it won’t go anywhere

Apr 15
Alexis Thoennes Alexis Thoennes (Apr 15 2020 12:30PM) : this is international migration because corona is rapidly spreading to alot of places
Apr 15
Aireal Vang Aireal Vang (Apr 15 2020 1:03PM) : This sentence shows an example of international migration because of how the virus keeps on spreading/traveling to new regions/countries
Apr 15
Joshua Henderson Joshua Henderson (Apr 15 2020 1:51PM) : Social distancing is the best way to stop the virus and to not get it if you do not come in contact with other people you can not get it
Apr 15
Jennifer Nguyen Jennifer Nguyen (Apr 15 2020 1:57PM) : international migration more

this can be an example of international migration because the virus has spread to more than one country

Apr 15
Jaden Chang Jaden Chang (Apr 15 2020 6:12PM) : Its international migration because the COVID-19 spreaded rapidly everywhere.
Apr 23
Isabel Sahlstrom Isabel Sahlstrom (Apr 23 2020 6:08PM) : The government is trying to control the amount of people being infected by the corona virus by making people stay home in hopes that it will slow down the spread of infection, which is an example of international migration [Edited]
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Apr 15
Anna Bartosch Anna Bartosch (Apr 15 2020 10:44AM) : international migration more

this is an example of international migration because once again it shows the disease hasn’t just been traveling around one country but it’s been travel to many countries

Apr 15
Olivia Vagle Olivia Vagle (Apr 15 2020 10:59AM) : social distancing is helping slow the spread of Covid-19 all around the world. many are doing this but there are many who are not.
Apr 15
Noah Matsuura Noah Matsuura (Apr 15 2020 11:36AM) : It doesn't matter where you live all it matters is that if you follow the guidelines and rules we will be able to slow the spread of Covid-19.
Apr 15
Caiyu Vang Caiyu Vang (Apr 15 2020 1:28PM) : intraregional migration more

This says that people should stay in their houses and not move to other areas.

Apr 15
Jenna Sund Jenna Sund (Apr 15 2020 2:20PM) : its very important to stay home and not hangout with other people that dont live in your house to help stop the spread of COVID-19
Apr 15
mr waleed bozai mr waleed bozai (Apr 15 2020 5:52PM) : Thats hard more

Being that cautious is hard because what if your shopping and someone touches something but they put it back but then you take it, then you got the virus

Apr 16
Somnebi Onwubuya Somnebi Onwubuya (Apr 16 2020 3:08AM) : The best way to help stop this corona virus is to stay home and practice more social distancing unless you really need something. some people do need fresh air so they could also go on little walks around their homes.
Apr 16
Lily Hagberg Lily Hagberg (Apr 16 2020 10:39PM) : push/pull factor more

The idea of an area or state with minimal cases of Covid-19 could be seen as a pull factor; a reason people would want to travel to that area. That becomes an issue when too many people travel and create a problem, the best thing to do in an unexpected situation like this is to stay home and limit your contact with others.

Unfortunately, not everyone is getting the message. Property management companies report that they are getting calls from summer residents, asking them to turn on their water and clean up their cottages months earlier than normal. Tensions are rising in places like the island community of Vinalhaven, where resident vigilantes reportedly felled a tree and dragged it across a driveway because they’d heard that out-of-state tenants of the rental property were not adequately quarantining themselves.

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Apr 15
Julia Gunderson Julia Gunderson (Apr 15 2020 11:45AM) : Harmful behavior [Edited] more

While this may be people’s initial reaction to others being plain stupid. I think their intentions were to put the tree across the driveway in an attempt to get them not to leave and therefore forcing them to quarantine against their will. This shows, however, how much this virus has affected people psychologically when making decisions.

Apr 15
Yunis Jama Yunis Jama (Apr 15 2020 12:55PM) : people have stopped their religous beliefs and decides to do them at home so we can stop the spread of this virus
Apr 15
mr armin durgutovic mr armin durgutovic (Apr 15 2020 1:44PM) : social distancing more

people need to just stay inside and benifit not only themselves, but the others around them as well

Apr 15
Xenia Chen Xenia Chen (Apr 15 2020 3:56PM) : People are making a bunch of different efforts to try to make this thing blow over faster but some people aren't listening to social distancing orders or self quarantining. Some people are still making the decision to go out rather than staying safe
Apr 15
Student Ryan Mackey Student Ryan Mackey (Apr 15 2020 4:30PM) : oh no more

This just shows how hard it is to keep people under control in a time like this. No one person can have everyone be rational in a world crisis

Apr 16
Somnebi Onwubuya Somnebi Onwubuya (Apr 16 2020 3:14AM) : even though this whole thing is for social distancing, people are still somehow going to beaches even when they are supposed to be closed, some may even get away with throwing small parties in the house- and none of this is helping us.
Apr 23
Isabel Sahlstrom Isabel Sahlstrom (Apr 23 2020 6:12PM) : I think that those who are still going out are just being very selfish and not looking at this choice as something that affects the world and not just them personally
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Apr 15
Joey Rynerson Joey Rynerson (Apr 15 2020 10:15AM) : some people do not follow directions, this is how you get sick
Apr 15
Zachary Halvorson Zachary Halvorson (Apr 15 2020 10:35AM) : There are some religious gatherings that are completely ignoring social distancing. Most people though are practicing their religions at home through video.
Apr 15
Abigail Ward Abigail Ward (Apr 15 2020 11:20AM) : social distancing more

listen to what the CDC is telling people. think about the people you care about. I haven’t gone outside in what feels like decades to keep my brother safe.

Apr 15
Samantha Beitz Samantha Beitz (Apr 15 2020 11:22AM) : Yeah I've also heard of people currently trying to leave and go to their summer homes and cabins early to escape the virus, when they should actually be staying home.
Apr 15
Sarai Avalos Quiroz Sarai Avalos Quiroz (Apr 15 2020 4:10PM) : im pretty sure that people think that their cabins are safer since its away from other people
Apr 15
Isabella Schmitz Isabella Schmitz (Apr 15 2020 11:54AM) : people should try harder to make sure people get the message and follow it.
Apr 15
Julia Knopf Julia Knopf (Apr 15 2020 1:25PM) : panik more

people don’t usually listen to reason in times of panic

Apr 15
Dillon Chicoine Dillon Chicoine (Apr 15 2020 2:00PM) : When a crisis happens some people don't think so The government needs to make a more dramatic message in my opinion
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Apr 15
Alison Wortley Alison Wortley (Apr 15 2020 12:12PM) : Low populated places are the pull more

Most summer homes are somewhat isolated from cities and people would love to get out of places like apartments or community homes even if that means paying more for water or electricity bills. People are getting desperate to find ways to stay safe.

Apr 15
Peyton Palmer Peyton Palmer Peyton Palmer Peyton Palmer (Apr 15 2020 2:03PM) : I wonder why people think that its more important to get there yard done then quarantine
Apr 15
Hey Francia Vawah Hey Francia Vawah (Apr 15 2020 5:23PM) : I think people know what’s going on but people are getting frustrated because of what going on. So they want everything to be done doing the quarantine.
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Apr 15
Alexandre Scott Alexandre Scott (Apr 15 2020 11:31AM) : Coronavirus is causing tension between people, which may influence them to leave. more

The way that the coronavirus came so unexpectantly is really getting into people’s heads. They are acting in fear, and attempting to take matters into their own hands, which in this case, is not a good thing. Their is a problem with how these summer tennants are acting, but that gives you no right to attempt them harm, by dropping a tree on them. I think this could cause people to move because having neighboors that dislike you and try to harm you is something that people want to get away from, so in more ways than one, being a vigilante causes more harm than good.

Apr 15
Sarai Avalos Quiroz Sarai Avalos Quiroz (Apr 15 2020 4:13PM) : some people are just not being logical anymore like buying all the tolet paper..
Apr 15
Molly Garber Molly Garber (Apr 15 2020 6:39PM) : people may fear the virus, but why do you care if your neighbor doesn't. just stay away from them. more

people may fear this virus, but it doesn’t give them the right to damage other peoples property. there may be reasons why people have come to there house, they may need essentials stuff done to the house like repairs. Even if they may not be practicing social distancing, then just stay away from them. if you would go to a store most people practice social distancing, but you will see people with kids and there whole families there. yet no one has done anything, the store hasn’t put any regulations out about it either.


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Read Monday’s Our View: Remember, we are all in this together

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Then there was the Massachusetts man, identified only as “Jeff,” who told Boston sports radio WEEI last week that he had headed up to a vacation home in Skowhegan because he thought he would be safer.

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Apr 15
Student Elijah Herrick Student Elijah Herrick (Apr 15 2020 9:19AM) : Here " jeff " is showing Intraregional migration, moving from where he lived to a cabin somewhere. from a suburb to a rural area, to get away from Covid-19. yet he still got it and had to be treated for it.
Apr 15
Emilio Munoz Emilio Munoz (Apr 15 2020 9:52AM) : Example of a pull factor. more

“Jeff” moved out of his house and went to his vacation home because he thought it would be safer.

Apr 15
student zach newby student zach newby (Apr 15 2020 10:24AM) : jeff left his house and went to his vacation home because he thought it would be less dangerous and safer
Apr 15
Olivia Surratt Olivia Surratt (Apr 15 2020 10:38AM) : So I get what Elijah is saying about Jeff moving being intraregional migration. But Jeff isn't actually moving permanently, so it can't really be considered migration at all.
Apr 15
Ryan Williams Ryan Williams (Apr 15 2020 10:38AM) : One pull factor for Jeff wanting to move into a cabin was to be away from people. This way he has less of a chance to catch the virus. This mentality ended up with him having the virus however.
Apr 15
Emma Edwards Emma Edwards (Apr 15 2020 10:46AM) : "Jeff" thought that it would be safer up in a vacation home because they don't have as many cases of the virus. This is an example of a pull factor.
Apr 15
Karina Boyer Karina Boyer (Apr 15 2020 10:58AM) : The vacation home in Skowhegan was a pull factor for Jeff because Skowhegan is a small town and has a smaller population, so he thought it would be safer because there's less people to spread COVID-19.
Apr 15
Benny McDonald Benny McDonald Benny McDonald Benny McDonald (Apr 15 2020 11:18AM) : Jeff is doing Intraregional migration here as he is going to a rural place where his cabin is at to avoid getting COVID-19 He is only going for a vacation though so it may not be totally correct but he is being pulled into another region for a while
Apr 15
Amber Casperson Amber Casperson (Apr 15 2020 11:20AM) : This is an example of interrational migration because Jeff wanted to go to a vacation home but he still got COVID-19
Apr 15
Zackry Wade Zackry Wade (Apr 15 2020 11:32AM) : Somebody migrated to get away form the virus
Apr 15
Kaden Johnson Kaden Johnson (Apr 15 2020 11:41AM) : Jeff is demonstrating intraregional migration by moving to a more remote home in Skowhegan. [Edited]
Apr 15
Nicholas Reither Nicholas Reither (Apr 15 2020 12:00PM) : Jeff thought traveling away from people he would be safer. so a pull factor was the cabin however migration through out Skowhegan may of spread the virus to Jeff as well. as Jeff got sick and was tested positive for covid-19
Apr 15
Bradyn Nordeen Bradyn Nordeen (Apr 15 2020 12:53PM) : This person did a intraregional migration thinking that if he migrated somewhere else in the country then he would have a lower chance of getting the virus. [Edited]
Apr 15
Yunis Jama Yunis Jama (Apr 15 2020 12:58PM) : Jeff thought he would be safer by moving up to his cabin but it backfired on him and now hes sick in the hospital
Apr 15
Rachel Fleischer Rachel Fleischer (Apr 15 2020 1:07PM) : People are traveling or migrating away from their homes thinking they will be safer when in reality they are creating a bigger issue.
Apr 15
Lynda Ofurie Lynda Ofurie (Apr 15 2020 1:20PM) : Jeff is not migrating because he only wanted to stay at his vacation home for limited amount of time because of Covid-19
Apr 15
Julia Knopf Julia Knopf (Apr 15 2020 1:26PM) : pull factor more

he thought that by moving up north hed have a better chance at not chatching it

Apr 15
Evelynn Yang Evelynn Yang (Apr 15 2020 2:06PM) : This would be a pull factor because Jeff wants to stay safe away from the virus.
Apr 15
Jackson Koenig Jackson Koenig (Apr 15 2020 2:12PM) : Because of the spread of Covid-19 in Massachusetts, this was a major push factor for Jeff and he decided that living in his vacation home in Skowhegan, a town with only 8,254, was a pull factor. He could've affected every person in this small town.
Apr 15
Leighton Chute Leighton Chute (Apr 15 2020 3:15PM) : Boston sports radio Massachusetts
Apr 15
katherine mcneil katherine mcneil (Apr 15 2020 6:50PM) : Interregional migration more

This isn’t a great example of it because it may not be permanent but this shows a subtle interregional migration. He is moving to a new place within the country

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It didn’t work, though. Jeff got sick and was treated at Redington-Fairview Hospital, where he tested positive for coronavirus.

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Apr 15
Laura Johnson Laura Johnson (Apr 15 2020 9:46AM) : Getting sick more

The man named Jeff is a great example of how running from the virus truly won’t get you anywhere. Though there may be a smaller population where his vacation home is, the high risk of catching Covid-19 is everywhere.

Apr 15
Ella Nelson Ella Nelson (Apr 15 2020 10:42AM) : I bet if Jeff stayed home, he wouldn't have gotten Covid-19. It's best now that he actually stays home and doesn't spread it anymore.
Apr 15
Tessa Wayne Tessa Wayne (Apr 15 2020 11:07AM) : Jeff more

Let’s be honest here, the CDC said stay home, and jeff decided to leave to go somewhere he thought would be safer. If jeff would have listened to what was said, he would have been safe, however he decided to go against what professionals are saying. This is just one way Corona is turning out to be an environmental push everywhere.

Apr 15
Amber Casperson Amber Casperson (Apr 15 2020 11:08AM) : Jeff wanted to go on vacation to be safer but he didn't know that no matter where you go then there is COVID-19
Apr 15
Alma Turnadzic Alma Turnadzic (Apr 15 2020 11:21AM) : I bet if Jeff stayed home like everyone is saying too and washed his hands and avoiding touching others and did a good job social distancing he wouldve been fine
Apr 15
Makena Fiore Makena Fiore (Apr 15 2020 12:06PM) : Jeff more

Jeff displays a good example of what not to do in this situation, and got sick because of it. its best people just stay home and stay safe rather then trying to travel away from it.

Apr 15
Peyton Palmer Peyton Palmer Peyton Palmer Peyton Palmer (Apr 15 2020 2:04PM) : Why would jeff take the chance of going to another place that could be contaminated
Apr 15
Caden Parent Caden Parent (Apr 15 2020 7:37PM) : people can still get COVID-19 even if they go to Maine and the best effort to stop the spreading is to stay at home.
Apr 15
Megan Beebe Megan Beebe (Apr 15 2020 11:12PM) : This really shows us that no matter where you go or what you do, there really is no running away from this virus, and all we can really do is say home and wait
Apr 23
Isabel Sahlstrom Isabel Sahlstrom (Apr 23 2020 6:13PM) : This really just shows how easy it is to catch this virus and how quickly it spreads
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Apr 15
tsundere Tsuyu tsundere Tsuyu (Apr 15 2020 4:17PM) : just to spite you more

niter do i

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Apr 15
Danalle Dodge-Johnson Danalle Dodge-Johnson (Apr 15 2020 11:00AM) : This just shows that you can indead get COVID-19 anywhere and that it doesn't matter how many people you stay away from.
Apr 15
Timeon Smith Timeon Smith (Apr 15 2020 3:11PM) : Thats Tough more

That mean u can catch anywhere and at anytime


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Apr 15
Aaron Anderson Aaron Anderson (Apr 15 2020 11:13AM) : COVID-19 is affecting many people is terrible ways, either from them losing their job to their life, but it will end eventually. As long as people will do safe practices eventually we can continue a normal life.
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Whether Jeff brought the virus with him from home or picked it up somewhere on his journey, his case shows why it’s a mistake to try to escape it by heading for the hills.

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Apr 15
Oscar Ortiz Oscar Ortiz (Apr 15 2020 7:19PM) : Safety more

COVID-19 can be anywhere, and a way to help prevent catching it is to stay at home.

Apr 15
student zach newby student zach newby (Apr 15 2020 7:58PM) : he could have prevented it if he just stayed home and try not to run from it
Apr 15
Ella Nelson Ella Nelson (Apr 15 2020 8:09PM) : This is a great example to show that people just need to stay home.
Apr 15
Marissa Vold Marissa Vold (Apr 15 2020 8:32PM) : this is why the government are not letting people travel because they are trying to stop people from getting the virus.
Apr 15
Olivia Vagle Olivia Vagle (Apr 15 2020 8:32PM) : i've heard many cases of this and this is the reason the government put social distancing into place and is telling people to stay home
Apr 15
Sebastian Wellman Sebastian Wellman (Apr 15 2020 8:51PM) : The virus is everywhere.
Apr 15
Alma Turnadzic Alma Turnadzic (Apr 15 2020 8:53PM) : I think the best idea is just to stay home and stay away from others and big groups of people and just keep washing your hands
Apr 15
Zackry Wade Zackry Wade (Apr 15 2020 9:09PM) : He might have brought the virus with him
Apr 15
Noah Matsuura Noah Matsuura (Apr 15 2020 9:09PM) : I think that Jeff is stupid by heading for the hills by trying to run away from it. Covid-19 is an invisible disease and it can't be seen. He should have stayed home and Isolated himself.
Apr 15
Alison Wortley Alison Wortley (Apr 15 2020 9:46PM) : Staying at home is the best option more

Trying to move from on place to another place takes a lot of work, involving going out to buy stuff for the house or getting new groceries or supplies that it is not worth the risk. Staying inside and limiting your need to go out or migrate is the best option.

Apr 15
Jaylen Collins Jaylen Collins (Apr 15 2020 10:00PM) : Just stay home more

The best way to stop it is just to stay home and not go anywhere unless necessary

Apr 15
Soahcheht Chhuon Soahcheht Chhuon (Apr 15 2020 10:39PM) : Jeff thought that running away to his vacation home would be safer but where he was headed to probably had covid cases too since it spreads quickly
Apr 15
Caiyu Vang Caiyu Vang (Apr 15 2020 10:56PM) : facts more

This proves that self isolation in your home is better then going to a urban area.

Apr 15
paige potvin paige potvin (Apr 15 2020 11:32PM) : This proves that people should just stay in their homes and not try to go anywhere else.
Apr 15
Evelynn Yang Evelynn Yang (Apr 15 2020 11:38PM) : The corona virus can be anywhere, so the best thing is to stay where you were before and not try to move anywhere where you would think is safer
Apr 16
Malinda Vang Malinda Vang (Apr 16 2020 4:41AM) : stay home more

That’s why you should stay at home and not outrun it or you can spread it.

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If you think you are getting out of an area where coronavirus is circulating, there is a good chance you will bring it to your refuge and infect people there. Even if you are not carrying the virus, you could still catch it out in the country unless you are following the exact same social distancing procedures that would have kept you safe back home.

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Apr 15
Payten S. Payten Solem Payten S. Payten Solem (Apr 15 2020 9:47AM) : refugee camp are a pull factor but can lead to COVID-19 be spread at the refuge camp
Apr 15
Brady Buecksler Brady Buecksler (Apr 15 2020 9:55AM) : Intraregional Migration more

Jeff is demonstrating Intraregional Migration because he is moving within one region to his vacation home. He is moving to get away from Covid-19 but what he doesn’t realize is that he may spread it to others who are safe. Or he may get infected from others by simply leaving

Apr 15
Alexis Herman Alexis Herman (Apr 15 2020 11:07AM) : Why it's important to stay home. more

In our country there are a lot of people who think like Jeff. Currently there is a lot of interregional and intraregional migration. People think if they flee there are they will be safe but all they are doing is putting themselves and everyone else in danger. The best thing everyone can do right now is stay at home and limit your contact with other people.

Apr 15
Preston Ringer Preston Ringer (Apr 15 2020 11:22AM) : This concept of getting away from where the disease is would be a push factor, but people who get away from the disease then stop following guidelines when they think its safe.
Apr 15
Lucas Lovegren Lucas Lovegren (Apr 15 2020 11:35AM) : Migration more

This sentence again shows how people should not be migrating during the Coronavirus outbreak.

Apr 15
Student Alexandra Nwameme Student Alexandra Nwameme (Apr 15 2020 12:06PM) : affect of moving to a refugee camp more

refugee camps are attracting people but with that there is such a high risk of a spread of covid 19 that can effect everyone at the camp

Apr 15
Isaac Klaphake Isaac Klaphake (Apr 15 2020 12:08PM) : intraregional migration more

jeff is moving within on region to his vacation home which demonstrates intraregional migration

Apr 15
Rachel Fleischer Rachel Fleischer (Apr 15 2020 1:10PM) : The problem with traveling or migrating during the Covid-19 outbreak is not only affecting your safety but the people around you.
Apr 16
noah lessard noah lessard (Apr 16 2020 9:06PM) : You can’t escape more

People are trying to go to other areas we’re they think it is gone but there are none

Apr 16
Lily Hagberg Lily Hagberg (Apr 16 2020 10:54PM) : intraregional migration more

exactly as the article states, migrating from a highly populated area to a more rural less populated area is going to do nothing to keep you safer from the virus. The only reasonable way to protect yourself is to take the necessary measures government officials are calling for; stay inside. Nevertheless people are still selfishly making the decision to flee their hometowns and take shelter in rural Maine, this is and example of intraregional migration

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Apr 15
Emilio Munoz Emilio Munoz (Apr 15 2020 9:55AM) : Push factor example. more

Because of disease, people are scared and want to move to a area where less disease is.

Apr 15
Joey Rynerson Joey Rynerson (Apr 15 2020 10:16AM) : you may have coronavirus and not know it
Apr 15
Gerti Martin Gerti Martin (Apr 15 2020 10:43AM) : stay home no matter what more

yes but even if you do have COVID-19 you should still stay in your home bc the lines to get tested are getting larger evryday

Apr 15
Marissa Vold Marissa Vold (Apr 15 2020 11:05AM) : if you have the virus or not, stay home because if people keep going everywhere they want the virus will just keep spreading.
Apr 15
Sebastian Wellman Sebastian Wellman (Apr 15 2020 11:22AM) : Corona is silent for up to 14 days in a person
Apr 15
Bradyn Nordeen Bradyn Nordeen (Apr 15 2020 1:18PM) : Push Pull environmental. more

people are in areas where corona virus is very typical among the people so they are pushed away from that place. that could be considered an environmental push factor because the environment around them is filled with people having Corona so they don’t want to be in that environment anymore. So then other places that aren’t as bad people are pulled to them because they have a better environment.

Apr 15
Timeon Smith Timeon Smith (Apr 15 2020 3:05PM) : Sometimes they symptoms of Corona doesn't show but still affect you more

It doesnt matter if Have it or not just stay at home and it will die out faster but there can be a possible chance of it coming back

Apr 15
Dominic Yang Dominic Yang (Apr 15 2020 4:04PM) : Push factor more

Thinking that you could escape corona virus to better yourself has led to many people getting sick. Makeing more people to leave base on the enviroment their in making this a push factor.

Apr 15
mr waleed bozai mr waleed bozai (Apr 15 2020 5:49PM) : i agree more

i agree with that but whats to stop a person who delivering something to pass on the virus to the house.

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Apr 15
Joshua Henderson Joshua Henderson (Apr 15 2020 1:54PM) : this shows that even if you are out in the country away from people you still have the chance to catch the virus
Apr 15
ella hilger ella hilger (Apr 15 2020 2:01PM) : internal migration and Coronavirus more

If you are moving to get away from the virus, you could actually be spreading it faster. Many people can have the virus and not even know it, so it is just best to stay home and practice social distancing whether you think you have the virus or not.

Apr 15
Timeon Smith Timeon Smith (Apr 15 2020 3:09PM) : That's a sign of selfish more

Even if u don’t carry the Corona there’s still a high chance of catching it

Apr 15
Malinda Vang Malinda Vang (Apr 15 2020 6:57PM) : Keep yout distance more

saying that you should keep your distance because if you have it or not you can still get it or even pass it on.

And having fewer neighbors doesn’t mean you’ll be safer when illness strikes. Small towns and island communities don’t have robust health care infrastructure and are not equipped to handle a sudden influx of patients. It doesn’t take much to overwhelm volunteer ambulance services and rural hospitals. Just a few extra cases could mean there isn’t enough life-saving capacity to go around.

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Apr 15
Laura Johnson Laura Johnson (Apr 15 2020 9:50AM) : Small towns more

Staying in your house is more important than anything right now. Even if your town has good healthcare or not many neighbors, the danger of Covid-19 still stands and everyone has to do their part.

Apr 15
Preston Ringer Preston Ringer (Apr 15 2020 11:26AM) : Medical Supplies more

Many places in the US are running low on medical supplies, and many places in the US aren’t equipped to handle issues like this. So leaving could mean taking away medical supplies from someone who needs it more, like a ventilator

Apr 15
Soahcheht Chhuon Soahcheht Chhuon (Apr 15 2020 1:25PM) : even if you have fewer neighbors living by you, you're not really safer than others because you or your neighbors can still get it. they just probably don't know if they have it ot not because of low health care and or equipment
Apr 15
Mya Hurley Mya Hurley (Apr 15 2020 2:46PM) : small towns and islands more

I feel more people in smaller towns and islands are going to have more people migrating to them.

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Apr 15
Olivia Surratt Olivia Surratt (Apr 15 2020 10:30AM) : The fact that a small town hospital can't provide the same level of care as a city hospital is a push factor, it could be one of the reasons a person moves from nonmetropolitan areas to the city.
Apr 15
Noah Matsuura Noah Matsuura (Apr 15 2020 11:41AM) : If a small city or town can't handle it, it is a push factor by them trying to go to a bigger city but that won't be a good idea. You can possibly spread it to others and then the others will get sick and then the whole area will be affected.
Apr 15
Catherine Schue Catherine Schue (Apr 15 2020 1:50PM) : Not having the medical care necessary is a push factor, it just goes to show that even in places where you're isolated it doesn't necessarily mean you're safe from covid-19
Apr 15
Dominic Yang Dominic Yang (Apr 15 2020 4:08PM) : Push factor more

This is an example of why people are willing to go to bigger cities, to seek for better hospital.

Apr 15
Clayton Rung Clayton Rung (Apr 15 2020 10:54PM) : this is example of internal migration and it is overwhelming smaller areas that have less cases of Covid-19.
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Apr 15
Malinda Vang Malinda Vang (Apr 15 2020 7:04PM) : lower down the numbers more

That’s why people are helping out and that’s also why you should keep a distance so we can lower down the numbers.

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a rare domestic travel advisory for New York, New Jersey and Connecticut for the next 14 days, urging residents to refrain from any unnecessary travel.

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Apr 15
Payten S. Payten Solem Payten S. Payten Solem (Apr 15 2020 9:45AM) : this a push factors because people want to leave NY
Apr 15
Tessa Wayne Tessa Wayne (Apr 15 2020 11:00AM) : The CDC is going through major distress right now while trying to slow the spread of corona. more

They know that the best way to do that is to keep everyone away from each other. They keep shutting down everything that could cause people to be close to one another and they finally shut down some airports to stop the flow of incoming people and possible cases. They mainly shut down these state’s airports because that’s where most immigrate travel to, and they’re traveling here because they think it’ll save them however, the U.S. is in just as deep as most other countries, so we had to stop the flow of immigration to save our country. Which may be a push factor for some Americans, but it had to be done.

Apr 15
Danalle Dodge-Johnson Danalle Dodge-Johnson (Apr 15 2020 11:03AM) : This will help stop the spread of the virus because people aren't aloud to fle like they would most likely want to.
Apr 15
Benny McDonald Benny McDonald Benny McDonald Benny McDonald (Apr 15 2020 11:23AM) : All of this COVID is a push factor but now NYC residents are prevented from Migrating at the time for unecessary reasons.
Apr 15
Ashley Weeden Ashley Weeden (Apr 15 2020 11:37AM) : I think it's really dumb that people still wanna travel places. If it was someone in New York, I'd get that they want to leave, but they really can't. If they travel somewhere else they're going to help infect wherever they go. The virus is a push factor.
Apr 15
Kaden Johnson Kaden Johnson (Apr 15 2020 11:56AM) : The CDC recommending that intraregional ceases.
Apr 15
Makena Fiore Makena Fiore (Apr 15 2020 12:11PM) : lock down more

New York, New Jersey and Connecticut put their people on lock down to try and help stop the spread, which could make people upset, being trapped, but may also make people feel safer.

Apr 15
mr armin durgutovic mr armin durgutovic (Apr 15 2020 1:41PM) : push factor more

its a push factor because of all the cases people want to leave new York and move to a safer place.

Apr 15
Molly Garber Molly Garber (Apr 15 2020 6:47PM) : this will only last so long. more
this is a smart option right now due to the high amount of cases. Although social distancing is a good practes, once we start returning to normal it will stay the same. The COVID-19 virus will still be around. People can be a-symptomatic, this means that they have the virus without symptoms, so they won’t know they have it, let alone give it to someone else. Social distancing is only a start to the overall solution.
Apr 15
Nadia Jeylani Nadia Jeylani (Apr 15 2020 9:18PM) : I think it is push factor because people want to leave NY because how many cases NY has
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That’s good advice for everyone, everywhere. We can’t outrun this virus – we can only try to limit its spread.

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Apr 15
Lucas Lovegren Lucas Lovegren (Apr 15 2020 11:34AM) : Emigration more

The phrase “We can’t outrun this virus” shows that this is not the type of thing that people can emigrate away from.

Apr 15
Soahcheht Chhuon Soahcheht Chhuon (Apr 15 2020 1:20PM) : we can't outrun it because we could either get it or carry it to other people,which can infect even more people. so it's best to limit social interaction between ourselves to at least limit the spread
Apr 15
Joshua Henderson Joshua Henderson (Apr 15 2020 1:47PM) : emagration [Edited] more

the part where it says “we can’t out run the viruthes” this shows that you can’t get away from it and you just have to do what is in your power to help it stop spreading

Apr 15
paige potvin paige potvin (Apr 15 2020 2:03PM) : The main focus of this article was to inform everyone to stay at their homes with only their immediate family.
Apr 15
Kevin Sarazin Kevin Sarazin (Apr 15 2020 2:06PM) : The reason that this is a good point is because the virus isn't something you flee from, like war or famine. It's something world wide that we need to fight as a whole. Running will only make it worse.
Apr 15
Caden Parent Caden Parent (Apr 15 2020 7:38PM) : people should be listening to these efforts and stay at home to try and stop the spread.
Apr 15
Megan Beebe Megan Beebe (Apr 15 2020 11:16PM) : the point of the whole article really proves that you aren't always as protected as you think and people dont listen to government instructions, which is why the virus has gotten so bad
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Apr 15
Olivia Surratt Olivia Surratt (Apr 15 2020 10:44AM) : I wonder if global migration patterns are getting messed up. more

I say this because the U.S. and Europe are two places that a ton of people migrate to, but right now, they’re being hit pretty hard by COVID. So I would think not as many people are coming to the U.S. and Europe right now, and I’d be interested to see just how much the global migration patterns change.

Apr 15
Abigail Ward Abigail Ward (Apr 15 2020 11:26AM) : migration more

I see what your saying. I wonder if they are going to place that are considered “the next best thing” or if people are following what the CDC is saying and staying where they are unless for necessary travel.

Apr 15
Julia Knopf Julia Knopf (Apr 15 2020 1:27PM) : are patterns changing more

i think that migration patterns are changing because of this pandemic

Apr 15
Catherine Schue Catherine Schue (Apr 15 2020 1:55PM) : No matter where people try to go it doesn't mean they're safer, there are push and pull factors for both cities and rural areas, staying put is the best option and it's safer for everyone to stay put.
Apr 15
Malinda Vang Malinda Vang (Apr 15 2020 7:08PM) : limit its spread more
This also shows that its real and you should not outrun it cause you could be spirading it.

DMU Timestamp: March 26, 2020 18:18

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Apr 15
Brandon Barthel Brandon Barthel (Apr 15 2020 8:46AM) : Due to Covid-19 any type of migration between countries is stopped so people are trying to find the safest spot to live during the outbreak. (Intraregional Migration) [Edited]
Apr 15
Zachary Halvorson Zachary Halvorson (Apr 15 2020 10:38AM) : There is no way to outrun the spread, only to wait it out. The problem with this is we don't exactly know how long we are supposed to wait it out. Nobody knows how long our schools, and sports, and everything else will be cancled. [Edited]
Apr 15
Landon Povlitzki Landon Povlitzki (Apr 15 2020 8:57AM) : The key ideas are people trying to leave town to get away from people [Edited] more

People are trying to leave the highly populated areas because now travel outside of country is not an option, by leaving town they think they will have a lower chance of getting Covid-19

Apr 15
Landon Povlitzki Landon Povlitzki (Apr 15 2020 9:03AM) : People with a disease they had already been fighting are more eager to lave town more

Covid-19 is a huge push factor for a lot of families that already have some sort of non communicable disease because it is even more dangerous and effective if someone who has a disease catches it

Apr 15
Landon Povlitzki Landon Povlitzki (Apr 15 2020 9:06AM) : . more

Covid-19 is also kind of a pull factor because people who think if they catch the disease they will need the best health care they can get so they will migrate into a city or state with high end health care

Apr 15
Olivia Lund Olivia Lund (Apr 15 2020 9:07AM) : Certain areas are going to have more absorption than others, because of the Covid-19 outbreak, people are going to naturally want to migrate into different areas.
Apr 15
Student Elijah Herrick Student Elijah Herrick (Apr 15 2020 9:14AM) : With Covid-19 spreading and booming like it is, it would make people want to Interregional Migrate, or migrate from one region of the country to another. people would want to find the most safe region in their country.
Apr 15
Olivia Lund Olivia Lund (Apr 15 2020 9:15AM) : Naturally the more heavily populated areas are going to have more cases of Covid-19 like the City area.
Apr 15
Student Elijah Herrick Student Elijah Herrick (Apr 15 2020 9:21AM) : people keep trying to move, migrate to different areas to stay safe. but for all they now they are spreading it. more

so stay safe and stay at home cause any option of migration is putting yourself at risk and others at risk of getting Covid-19.

Apr 15
Autumn Scholljegerdes Autumn Scholljegerdes (Apr 15 2020 9:26AM) : people are trying to leave where they are because its bad where they are but in reality its bad wherever you go.
Apr 15
Autumn Scholljegerdes Autumn Scholljegerdes (Apr 15 2020 9:43AM) : people that are sick or have a bad immune system are trying to leave and stay safe but maybe there best option would be to stay home.
Apr 15
Alyssa Fenton Alyssa Fenton (Apr 15 2020 9:58AM) : As a region gets more cases of Covid-19, people are going to migrate somewhere else to try and stay safe.
Apr 15
Gerti Martin Gerti Martin (Apr 15 2020 10:46AM) : so we have to stop moving around more

by moving around and going placing makes a higher chance of getting or giving COVID-19

Apr 15
Brianna Stone Brianna Stone (Apr 15 2020 10:09AM) : The disease continues to spread because of the lack of precautions people are taking. They think that the disease is only threatening to infints, elderly people, and people with border line health issues so they are not being careful.
Apr 15
Yunis Jama Yunis Jama (Apr 15 2020 1:00PM) : people are ignoring the fact that if we stay home, the faster this virus goes away and the faster we can leave our homes and go out.
Apr 15
Rawan Ghalban Rawan Ghalban (Apr 15 2020 8:38PM) : maybe there is a different reason they are ignoring it. more

people probably don’t think that its that serious of a situation. they aren’t getting the answers that they want and are just ignoring it.

May 7
Ethan Nelson Ethan Nelson (May 07 2020 4:47PM) : COVID is a push factor to some and pull to others. [Edited]
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