Tom Windfield, the protagonist of The Glass Menagerie, has few traits that influence his
relationship with the other character of the play. One of the traits is that he is Careless, secondly
he is frustrated and thirdable he’s mean. Tom's attitude towards the other characters like his
mother Amanda and his sister Laura are making the family look more dysfunctional throughout
the whole play.
These traits influence his relationship with others. “ AMANDA: The care he always took
of his appearance.He never allowed himself to look untidy.[He throws down the paper and
crosses to fire-escape] Where are you going
TOM: I'm going out to smoke
AMANDA: You smoke too much.A pack a day at fifteen cents a pack.1How much would that
amount to in a month?Thirty times fifteen is how much, Tom?Figure it out and you will be
astounded at what you could save.Enough to give you a night-school course in accounting at
Washington U!Just think what a wonderful thing that would be for you, Son !
[TOM is unmoved by the thought.]
TOM: I'd rather smoke.[ He steps out on the landing letting the screen door slam. This shows that Tom is super frustrated towards his dad leaving the situation, that he prefers to go out and discharge his fury with a cigarette than talking to his mother about his feelings or his concern. Tom is a very careless person because if he really cares about his mother he wouldn’t act like his acting and make her be more annoyed.
Later on in the same scene, Amanda interacts with Tom, basically worrying about him. “ AMANDA: Not to the movies, every night to the movies![Follows quickly to screen the door.]I don't believe you always go to the movies![He is gone.AMANDA looks worriedly after him for a moment.Then vitality and optimism return and she turns from the door.Crossing to portières.] Laura!Laura![LAURA answers from kitchenette.” The protagonist just left and left his mother talking alone in a conversation that his sister had to intervene to continue the conversation with his mother which is something that always happened. Once again the protagonist shows that he does not care about anything that is happening around him or his family.
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