Canvas will be an essential element of distance learning. It will be more important than ever to communicate expectations for daily learning. Teachers should post work 1 cycle in advance (with the exception of the first week) so students have a clear sense of how distance learning will operate and what the expectations will be.
Each Canvas assignment should include:
● a link to the Zoom Conference
● the learning objectives for the day with links to any needed materials
● a statement of what students will know and be able to do at the end of the lesson
● a clear assignment task
The daily assignment we are asking teachers to provide in canvas comes from recommendations from other schools who are 2-3 weeks ahead of us. The daily assignment in canvas is actually the daily lesson plan not just an assignment task.
The reason for doing this level of detail is to support students and parents who are trying to help support students. Should a student loose wireless, be preoccupied themselves, or be absent, canvas should communicate what happened during that class in its entirety. The hope is that this also cuts down on individual emails about what has happened in class. The goal is also to document the learning that is happening during distance learning.
Schools farther along than MICDS say that this is an imperative step in supplying consistency and also a step towards moving all constituencies towards less synchronous time. As students do work off screen, this articulates that learning is still happening and students are being engaged. Parents sometimes mistakenly view off screen as out of class.
Canvas Lesson Example for Synchronous Learning:
For semi-synchronous learning, Canvas should include a Video Overview Message and a Help Discussion that teachers will check frequently during class periods.
It should also include time requirements for each section to help students pace themselves.
The video message can be recorded directly in Canvas using the record/upload media button in the edit menu of the assignment.
Canvas Lesson Example for Semi-synchronous Learning:
Sample Lesson
Blue Highlights are areas where you can put work on students and be “less present” or able to multitask.
Time |
Action |
Zoom |
Before Class |
Create a Zoom conference in Canvas. Set it to start 15 minutes in advance of teaching. Before you prepare to teach an online class, you should have all your materials open and/or saved in a location where you can easily access the materials you need to use.
Make sure your Canvas assignment clearly communicates what students will do with links to all materials, what students should know at the end of class, and what should be submitted.
Open Portal to take attendance |
9:00-9:05 |
Greet students as they come into the Zoom conference
Mute student microphones. Tell them you are muting them and make sure they know how to unmute themselves.
Turn on your webcam so they can see you. The webcam and microphone controls are on the bottom left. There is research that says seeing you creates a greater sense of classroom especially for younger students.
Ask them to open Canvas and go to the day’s assignment.
Tell students to give you a yes when they have their Canvas page open. They do this in the participants' window. |
Click Manage Participants to open participant window
Click Mute all - students can unmute when they need to talk
9:05-9:20 |
Teacher Delivers Content
Click on Share Screen
A window opens and you can select to share your entire screen and all its applications or choose
● A video that will deliver your content
○ Youtube video
○ Video created by recording your powerpoint ahead of time
○ Screencast of something
● A powerpoint that you will present
● A whiteboard where you can solve math problems
While presenting the video or powerpoint, ask students to put questions in the chat.
You can prepare a video presentation with Loom and just play it for students if you want to. |
9:20-9:35 |
Discussion in Canvas Discussions
Give students a prompt related to the content that you presented to them.
Ask them to click on the link to the Canvas Discussion in their Canvas assignment.
Tell them to give their answer to the prompt. (Set Discussion to not show others' posts until you have posted.)
After they post, ask them to add to the posts of at least 3 other classmates – they should agree and say why or disagree and say why or ask a question
Students are working during this time, You do not need to stare at the screen but should check the chat from time to time or listen for the sound of a chat coming thru.
See the CIT Distance Learning Course for Discussions in canvas if this is new to you |
9:35-9:55 |
Thanks students for their discussion. Give them some feedback.
Tell them we are going to read and annotate/take notes for 20 minutes and you will ask them to answer some questions on a google doc or in their OneNote Notebook (Whichever is more familiar for your students.)
Ask them to go to the reading link in the Canvas document.
You can also provide the reading file to them in the chat.
Share your screen (click the bottom screen icon to do this) if you need to show them where to go and where to click in Canvas.
Tell them to stay beside their computer. When 20 minutes are up you will tell them.
Once students start reading, you can mute your microphone and turn off webcam and take care of dogs, family members, etc. |
9:55-10:12 |
After 20 min, announce that time is up. Tell students you want to see what they learned from the reading.
You can share a Google doc or put a page in OneNote. Ask them to go there (from the links in the Canvas assignment) and to answer those questions. They can refer back to the reading as needed.
Tell them they are to work until 10:13. Tell them you will give them feedback before class tomorrow. (Feedback can be simple but it helps establish an online community if you establish a presence and students believe they need to do the tasks. If needed you can make assignments low points graded assignments.) If this is in OneNote, you can just give a OneNote sticker to their pages.
Tell students if they have a question to put it in the chat and you will respond there.
You can mute your microphone and monitor the chat for questions and also multitask with your own work. |
10:12-10:15 |
Time for the Assignment Task (you could also use the OneNote Reading Questions)
Tell students that you want to see how well they understood today’s lesson –
There are a number of ways you can do this and what you choose depends on what you have been using-
● Use Nearpod polls
● Use GoFormative
● Use a Canvas quiz
● Use a Google from
We are going to use a Zoom Poll.
Thanks students for a good day and tell them to email you if they have questions or need more help. |
Click on Polls and Try IT!
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it is on Onenote and kids know where it is
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