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TKAM Chapters 12-13 Discussion Questions

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Chapter 12

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1)Visualize the political cartoon of Atticus. What is the cartoon saying about him?

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Apr 18
Josie McCall Josie McCall (Apr 18 2020 3:31PM) : I think the cartoon is saying that Atticus is a rich man who is enslaved because he is choosing to defend black people.
May 1
Sir Jeremiah Hatley Sir Jeremiah Hatley (May 01 2020 1:35PM) : I agree with Josie because during that time it wasn't easy for a white person to defend a black person
Apr 19
Abigail Goodman Abigail Goodman (Apr 19 2020 3:19PM) : The cartoon says that Atticus is like a slave, that he works like a slave to do his work.
Apr 20
Savannah Bishop Savannah Bishop (Apr 20 2020 1:39PM) : I agree with Abby because it says he is chained to a desk
Apr 19
Emily Nelms Emily Nelms (Apr 19 2020 9:06PM) : The cartoon is suggesting that Atticus has become like a slave, in the sense that he has chosen to defend a black person and is choosing to stick up for them.
Apr 20
Oscar Flores Oscar Flores (Apr 20 2020 12:44AM) : I agree with Emily. In this time, racism was still widely practiced and it was not normal for a white person to be defending one.
Apr 19
Thomas Patton Thomas Patton (Apr 19 2020 11:37PM) : I feel like the cartoon is making Atticus into like an enslaved person or as a slave because he chose to defend black people
Apr 20
avery person avery person (Apr 20 2020 2:43PM) : I believe the cartoon is saying Atticus is like a slave because he is always working, and he is defending a black person.
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2)Cite specific evidence that suggests Calpurnia’s ancestors may have been enslaved.

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Apr 17
Myah Wright Myah Wright (Apr 17 2020 12:09PM) : "I certainly am, Mister Jem. Grew up down there between the Buford Place and the Landin'. I've spent all my days workin' for the Finches and the Bufords, an" I moved to Maycomb when you daddy and your mamma married."
Apr 18
Josie McCall Josie McCall (Apr 18 2020 3:27PM) : I believe that the people are trying to say that Atticus is this smart schoolboy who is enslaved just because he is defending a black person. The people are making him out to be something that is a bit extreme.
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3)How does Cal explain her reasoning for adjusting her language in different settings?

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Apr 17
Myah Wright Myah Wright (Apr 17 2020 12:03PM) : Her reasoning is that you don't always have to say everything what you know. She had no reason to speak white people talk in her colored church just like she had no reason no speak colored people talk in white households.
Apr 17
Kelsi Clark Kelsi Clark (Apr 17 2020 10:10PM) : I agree with Myah. Adding to that, I think she also doesn't want people to feel like she thinks that she is better than them or them not like her.
Apr 18
Student Jonathan Stewart Student Jonathan Stewart (Apr 18 2020 10:23PM) : Cal's Laguage more

I agree with Kelsi. I think she tries to respect whatever culture she is apart of at the specific time. And Cal’s form of respect is the way she talks.

Apr 19
Thomas Patton Thomas Patton (Apr 19 2020 11:39PM) : I agree with this because she doesnt want to offend anyone she wants every one to be her friend
Apr 17
Eddie Dowden Eddie Dowden (Apr 17 2020 1:28PM) : Calpurnia thinks that it would put her aside from her other colored folk and make her feel out of place if she talked like she normally does.
Apr 17
Zoe Richardson Zoe Richardson (Apr 17 2020 1:45PM) : Calpurnia said that she doesn't speak to her neighbors and members of her church the way she does with Scouts family because they may think of her differently. She believes that the people will not like her for it because she knows more than them.
Apr 19
Abigail Goodman Abigail Goodman (Apr 19 2020 3:21PM) : Calpurnia changes how she speaks around other people so that way she isn't disliked by anyone
Apr 19
Emma Bain Emma Bain (Apr 19 2020 11:44PM) : I agree, She changes the way she talks because she is scared of judgement or being talked about. She just wants to make sure that no one thinks that she feels that she is higher than them.
Apr 19
Emily Nelms Emily Nelms (Apr 19 2020 9:04PM) : Calpurina doesn't want to be thought of any different by any members of Maycomb. She doesn't want to be judged.
Apr 20
avery person avery person (Apr 20 2020 2:45PM) : I agree with Emily. She wants to be viewed the same as everyone else, so she makes sure to watch what she is saying and how she is saying it.
Apr 21
Thano Sinis Thano Sinis (Apr 21 2020 1:30PM) : She is adjusting the way she talks to fit in with a different culture.
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Chapter 13

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1)Summarize Scout’s view of Maycomb county’s history and culture.

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Apr 17
Gibson Phillips Gibson Phillips (Apr 17 2020 12:25PM) : She likes it as well as learning about the culture. So much so that when she goes home to ask Atticus about their culture he ends up making her cry.
Apr 19
Natalie Smith Natalie Smith (Apr 19 2020 11:22PM) : Scouts view on the history and culture was influenced by Aunt Alexandria. Scout noticed that it was very rare to see new people and that everyone knew everyone.
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2)How does Aunt Alexandra believe Atticus has failed as a parent? Do you agree with her assessment of her brother?

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Apr 17
Zoe Richardson Zoe Richardson (Apr 17 2020 1:42PM) : I think that Aunt Alexandra believes Atticus hasn't been there enough for them to know what is right and wrong. I get where she is coming from, but since Scout and Jem aren't big fans of her they may not cooperate with her as well as she thinks they will.
May 1
Sir Jeremiah Hatley Sir Jeremiah Hatley (May 01 2020 1:39PM) : I agree with Zoe, though Aunt Alexandra was tough on them, Atticus didn't really get after them on a lot of stuff
Apr 17
Will Griffin Will Griffin (Apr 17 2020 3:18PM) : Aunt Alexandra says that Atticus has failed as a parent because he hasn't taught Scout much about her family history and their heritage. Aunt Alexandra also believes this because he hasn't taught Scout the right things to say to people to not offend them.
Apr 20
Emma Bain Emma Bain (Apr 20 2020 12:03AM) : Aunt Alexandra believes this because he apparently hasn't taught his children enough about their family history. She says that they don't act like Finch's. I do not agree with this. I feel like if Atticus saw something wrong he would fix it.
Apr 20
Savannah Bishop Savannah Bishop (Apr 20 2020 1:43PM) : I agree with Emma, mainly because Atticus shows over and over again how much he cares for his kids.
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Apr 17
Eddie Dowden Eddie Dowden (Apr 17 2020 1:30PM) : Aunt Alexander feels like Atticus has failed to teach Scout and Finch about the Finch family enough and give them enough pride for it. She also thinks this is why they act out, because Atticus hasn't taught them enough family morals to raise them right.
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Apr 17
Gibson Phillips Gibson Phillips (Apr 17 2020 12:43PM) : Aunt Alexandra believes Atticus is a bad father because he has not told Scout about their heritage or anything like that. I somewhat agree, but than again it might not have ever came up or anything.
Apr 18
Student Jonathan Stewart Student Jonathan Stewart (Apr 18 2020 10:26PM) : Atticus more

I agree a with Gibson mostly, but I think Atticus does the best he can possibly due with the situation he is in. He loves his children and, mostly, tries to give them the best answer.

Apr 19
Kayla Clement Kayla Clement (Apr 19 2020 6:01PM) : I agree with them, because you deserve to know your heritage and where you came up from. However I do not think that one thing makes him a bad father. He may have just been looking for the right time to tell.

3)What do you think Scout means when she says, “I know what he was trying to do, but Atticus was only a man. It takes a woman to do that kind of work?”

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Apr 17
Will Griffin Will Griffin (Apr 17 2020 3:25PM) : Scout is saying that she knows Atticus was doing his best in teaching them how to behave better. However, Scout is saying that he is trying to fill a role that is only right for a woman.
Apr 17
Kelsi Clark Kelsi Clark (Apr 17 2020 10:12PM) : Scout is saying that Atticus tried to raise them right and teach them what is right, but she thinks that a woman would have taught them better.
Apr 20
Oscar Flores Oscar Flores (Apr 20 2020 12:41AM) : I agree with Kelsi as women are the ones who usually do the raising in the families.
Apr 21
Thano Sinis Thano Sinis (Apr 21 2020 1:32PM) : I agree with Oscar because Atticus might have been a bit uncomfortable doing something a Women usually does.
Apr 19
Kayla Clement Kayla Clement (Apr 19 2020 6:05PM) : Scout is trying to say that the kids should have been raised how to do those types of things from a Lady. That is normally what they do, the kids can be raised differently to do those things the way a man does them.
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Apr 19
Josie McCall Josie McCall (Apr 19 2020 1:59AM) : Scout means that Atticus is trying to teach them to act like a young lady and a young gentleman. That's not normally considered to be the man's job but rather the mother's job.
Apr 19
Natalie Smith Natalie Smith (Apr 19 2020 11:25PM) : I agree with Josie. I think that Scout was trying to explain that Atticus was only trying to make them better themselves. The men and women had different roles.
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DMU Timestamp: March 26, 2020 18:18

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