Prompt: Imagine you are a special educator working at an elementary school. You learn that you will be getting a new student who has mobility restrictions, including using a wheelchair.
Task: Who are three professionals that you would include on the team to ensure the student is able to access what they need in the least restrictive environment? Be sure to explain EACH professional and why they would be an important member of the team.
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The three Professionals I would use for my team to make sure my room meets the least restrictive environment and makes my new student comfortable are my Paraprofessional, Occupational Therapist, and physical Therapist. First My Paraprofessional is in class with me daily so we work with all the students. The para can give my insight I may not have thought of as well as help with class work and helping take students to support and lunch, recess and on CBI trips.
OT can help my with the room layout to make it so the student can move around and be able to interact with other student as well as work on fine motor skills and help with assistive devices for the student.
and Finally I would need PT to help with the student physical therapy routine as well as give me suggestion the I and my Paraprofessional can use and get the student whatever tech exquipment we can use for the student
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School-based occupational and physical therapists and a school nurse would be included on the team to ensure that the student is able to access what they need in the least restrictive environment.
First, I will include the school occupational therapists. They are vital contributors within the education team. They play a big part in supporting the student’s ability to participate in desired daily school activities or future occupations. Occupational therapist help students improve their fine and gross motor skills. Fine motor skills are important for student success with daily tasks such as printing, drawing, cutting with scissors and doing up buttons and zippers. Gross motor skills are necessary for stable posture, skipping, running, catching balls and riding a bike.
Secondly, I will include the school physical therapist. They play a major role in the student accomplishing their pre-vocational goals. School physical therapists create a treatment plans and implement many of the same therapy strategies they use in other settings. They help with restoring physical function and mobility, maintaining physical function, and promoting physical activity and proper function. The main goal of physical therapists in schools is to help students achieve educational benefits within their educational environment.
Finally, I will include a school nurse. Their was not a notation that the student had any health concerns, however I feel that it will be beneficial that I include a nurse in the meeting so that if any members of the team or parent have any health related questions they will be the best to answer the question. It is the school nurse’s role to provide a direct or related service in an IEP. recommending health-related accommodations or services that may be required for the student to access the educational program.
I will also include a general education teacher in on the meeting. The general education classroom teacher is responsible for implementing the accommodations, the modifications, and the instruction the student receives in the general education classroom. I will also include the paraprofessional if the student requires a one on one assistant.
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Three professionals that I would include on the team to ensure the student is able to access what they need in the least restrictive environment would be a physical therapist, occupational therapist, and a paraprofessional.
The physical therapist is important to the team because they will be essential in helping the student with muscle and flexibility as well as posture and position. They would also be important to work with the Special education teacher on ways to assist the student on being more mobile such as helping to decide the appropriate equipment needed in the learning environment.
The occupational therapist is essential to the accessibility of the student by helping the student hold a pencil, feeding themselves, as well as deciding the type of equipment that might be necessary for additional support in the learning environment.
The paraprofessional is important because they assist the Special education teacher with movement of the within student the classroom, accompanying the student to the restroom, and other assistance required by the student to be successful in the classroom/learning environment.
Each of the above members of the team is essential to the team because they assist in providing related services that are vital to the students’ success, health, and mobility.
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The second professional would be the Nurse(N) to respond to any medical emergencies. If needed the nurse can clean the catheter, suction the tracheotomy tube, helping the child eat at lunch time, change the quadriplegic student’s position in his/her wheelchair during the day, minister medication
Finally, the third professional would be the Information Technician (IT) to help integrate technology into the classroom. To assist the new student with assistive technology according to his/her IEP to access the curriculum and achieve his/her short and long term goals, from large print books, and pencil grips to voice communication systems, computers, and text to speech and speech to text software and applications.
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The three professionals that I would include in my team, would be the Occupational Therapist, the Physical Therapist, and a Paraprofessional.
The purpose of the OT is to help with Fine Motor Skills and to help students increase their functional independence in daily life while preventing or minmizing disability.
The purpose of a PT is to examine the student and develop a plan, using treatment techniques to promote the abilty to move, reduce pain, restore function, and prevent disability. Without a PT, the student wouldn’t have any physical movement for the day.
Finally, the paraprofessional. The paraprofessional is your “Right Hand Man”. There role is to help with student when need. For example, help feed, change, take them to class, and put them on the bus. The paraprofessional is important, because she knows the student, just like the special education teach does.
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Week 11 NowComment
Prompt: Imagine you are a special educator working at an elementary school. You learn that you will be getting a new student who has mobility restrictions, including using a wheelchair.
Task: Who are three professionals that you would include on the team to ensure the student is able to access what they need in the least restrictive environment? Be sure to explain EACH professional and why they would be an important member of the team.
When school starts you want your classroom to feel welcoming to all students no matter what the disability of the child. If I learn that I am getting a new student who has mobility restrictions, he three professionals that I would include on my team to ensure that the student is able to access what they need in the least restrictive environment is the physical therapist/ occupational therapist, paraprofessional and the school nurse.
First, the related service staff members are here to inform us of what the student is capable of and give insight on how to better accommodate the student on a daily basis. Second, the paraprofessional because they will be able to help give me added support in the classroom. He/she will be able to also help facilitate interactions among all the students. Third, the school nurse. He/ she will be able to let us know of any health accommodations that needs to be implemented in the classroom. This will allow me to have a daily schedule with all students in mind. Being able to modify and accommodate the students to ensure that they are in a safe environment and engaged in meaningful activities.
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The first professional is the Occupational Therapist (OT), who would be a member of the team because of their familiarity of duties ranging from examining, evaluating and working with students who experience physical conditions. These therapists work with other professionals usually physical therapists for diagnosing and treating students with disabilities.
The second professional is the Physical Therapist (PT) who would be a member of the team because a physical therapist would work with the student on improving flexibility of muscles and assist with mobility issues possibly dealing with a wheelchair. Both the physical therapist and the occupational therapist would be working together hand in hand as well as with the other member of the team or Paraprofessional.The paraprofessional under the supervision of the Special Education Teacher may be responsible for accompanying the student to a resource classroom where the paraprofessional will work with the student ensuring that all of the student’s needs are met as per the Special Education Teacher’s directions. When in the student’s home classroom, the paraprofessional will work with the special education teacher as well as with the Occupational and Physical Therapist to assist with the student’s needs. Working under the direction of the Teacher, the paraprofessional will assist and work with the student, utilizing assistive technology and accommodations of the student as laid out by the special education teacher.
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The three professionals that I would include on my team is 1. Occupational Theriapist,2. Physical Therapist 3. Nurse
The reason for a OT is to help with fine motor skill and arm strong for pencil grapping for writing and homework. She will become confident in doing her own work with put her own thoughts on paper. 2. The PT will help the student with her leg movement and leg strong. He will also help her with her wheel chair use and her independents.3. The most important part of the professional team with be the nurse. HE will be assist with any accommodation for the students health needs. HE could also help (IT) issues and voice communicator if need be.
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