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Aimless Love

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In the following poem, read first for understanding and then to analyze. You must add TWO comments to the discussion. You may either try to paraphrase the poem or explain what is happening. Or you may analyze by interpreting the author's word choice, sentence structure, stanza breaks, or literary devices (metaphors, allusions, imagery, etc.) .

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Aimless Love

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by Billy Collins

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This morning as I walked along the lake shore,
I fell in love with a wren
and later in the day with a mouse
the cat had dropped under the dining room table.

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Apr 29
Omar Zaldivar Omar Zaldivar (Apr 29 2020 4:17PM) : this one is a simile talks about i was walking in a creepy shore.
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Apr 27
Dawid Jarog Dawid Jarog (Apr 27 2020 10:00AM) : The scene is morning and on a lake shore and then its sometime later in a house. A wern is a small and brown bird.
Apr 27
english jamar fuhrman english jamar fuhrman (Apr 27 2020 7:34PM) : i feel like when collins said "and later in the day with a mouse the cat had dropped under the dinning room table." i feel like he was saying the cat was tired from chasing the mouse aound [Edited]
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In the shadows of an autumn evening,
I fell for a seamstress
still at her machine in the tailor’s window,
and later for a bowl of broth,
steam rising like smoke from a naval battle.

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Apr 30
Leda Bighorn Leda Bighorn Leda Bighorn Leda Bighorn (Apr 30 2020 11:42AM) : "and later for a bowl of broth", he's falling in love with the simple things in life.
May 13
Taylor Houghton Taylor Houghton (May 13 2020 1:24PM) : I agree with this statement but I think it is important to pay attention to all of the little things in life.
May 14
Chenoa Franz Chenoa Franz (May 14 2020 11:44AM) : Totally true! And to find enjoyment in the little things.
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May 4
Student Beth Hall Student Beth Hall (May 04 2020 5:14PM) : Imagery is used to form visuals for the reader. "In the shadows of an autumn evening" is descriptive and creates a setting for the literary work, which makes it imagery.
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Apr 27
Dawid Jarog Dawid Jarog (Apr 27 2020 10:15AM) : "Steam rising like smoke from a Naval battle" is imagery. Reading that descrption of how warm the bowl of broth is makes me hungry. I just had breakfast... [Edited]
Apr 27
Chenoa Franz Chenoa Franz (Apr 27 2020 10:53AM) : Is it just me, or does being in quarantine leave you always feeling hungry? :)
Apr 28
Omar Zaldivar Omar Zaldivar (Apr 28 2020 4:00PM) : lot of imagery hehe
May 4
Student Beth Hall Student Beth Hall (May 04 2020 5:06PM) : This sentence is also a simile, comparing the steam rising to a naval battle. more

Sentences can hold more than one literary devices. :)

May 28
James Merlin morgan James Merlin morgan (May 28 2020 3:35PM) : steam rising like smoke from a battle is a simile.

This is the best kind of love, I thought,
without recompense, without gifts,
or unkind words, without suspicion,
or silence on the telephone.

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May 23
Logan Schumann Logan Schumann (May 23 2020 12:54AM) : i feel like we all have love for the simple little things in life, things we never really think of and things we may not consider 'love' but things that you may look at and you smile and just watch
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The love of the chestnut,
the jazz cap and one hand on the wheel.

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May 13
Taylor Houghton Taylor Houghton (May 13 2020 1:27PM) : when he says the love a chestnut he must be saying this type of love must be the best.
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No lust, no slam of the door—
the love of the miniature orange tree,
the clean white shirt, the hot evening shower,
the highway that cuts across Florida.

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Apr 30
Barrett Witt Barrett Witt (Apr 30 2020 1:04PM) : He's talking about the love for the seamstress in very odd ways.
May 7
Ashley Moen Ashley Moen (May 07 2020 1:12PM) : The author is comparing and contrasting the simple pleasures of life, and a serious relationship with another person. [Edited] more

His message conveys the joy and simplicity of loving simple things in life rather than the hardships and complications of a serious relationship and loving another person.

May 7
Chenoa Franz Chenoa Franz (May 07 2020 1:31PM) : Beautiful, Ashley!
May 7
Dominic Kontaxis Dominic Kontaxis (May 07 2020 1:16PM) : He's finding the love he's missing in everything he can
May 7
Chenoa Franz Chenoa Franz (May 07 2020 1:32PM) : The love he's finding is much less risky than a human relationship. There's less rejection from soap, I imagine.
Jun 4
Rocco Perugini Rocco Perugini (Jun 04 2020 11:58PM) : This paragraph show that he loves being by himself, "no lust, no slam of the door" it sounds like that those few word that he also does not want a relationship as well.
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May 23
Logan Schumann Logan Schumann (May 23 2020 12:55AM) : a miniature orange tree would make me so incredibly happy, i would love it too and the sweet scent of citrus
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No waiting, no huffiness, or rancor—
just a twinge every now and then

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for the wren who had built her nest
on a low branch overhanging the water
and for the dead mouse,
still dressed in its light brown suit.

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But my heart is always standing on its tripod,
ready for the next arrow.

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Apr 30
Leda Bighorn Leda Bighorn Leda Bighorn Leda Bighorn (Apr 30 2020 11:43AM) : he is ready to fall in love with more of life, more of the little things.
May 7
Ashley Moen Ashley Moen (May 07 2020 1:18PM) : He's wearing his heart on his sleeve, which is a metaphor like the one in the text. more

Although he’s fine with just enjoying the simple pleasures of life, he’s always prepared to give serious love another chance, ready to face the hurt and hardships of a relationship.

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After I carried the mouse by the tail
to a pile of leaves in the woods,
I found myself standing at the bathroom sink
gazing down affectionately at the soap,

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Apr 30
Barrett Witt Barrett Witt (Apr 30 2020 1:07PM) : He is very in love he is looking at soap affectionately. HE can't stop thinking about her.
May 28
James Merlin morgan James Merlin morgan (May 28 2020 3:40PM) : Is this guy losing it? Has living alone turned this man insane? Who in the right mind looks down at soap and thinks "I love this soap so much"
Jun 5
Rocco Perugini Rocco Perugini (Jun 05 2020 12:02AM) : After he threw the mouse in the woods it sounds like he got a little sick, but I wonder since he lived alone most of his live, I wonder if he got sick because it is a mouse or because it is dead.
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so patient and soluble,
so at home in its pale green soap dish.
I could feel myself falling again
as I felt its turning in my wet hands
and caught the scent of lavender and stone.

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DMU Timestamp: April 20, 2020 22:34

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