Dear Representative Ocasio-Cortez,
I am fixated on your Instagram video and I really appreciate your candor description of our generation. The later generation always brags about how tough and strong they were, but they fail to realize that our generation has unprecedented responsibilities that no generation has ever encountered because we live in a very steadily progressive world.
One thing you said that stands out for me is: “I think that they are more sensitive, in a positive way, in that they actually care about other peoples' experiences and lives. ” I completely agree with your statement, because today’s youth are innately considerate about other people due to the fact that they experienced a lot of traumatic situations. So they always try to prevent that by being intuitive and start the change.
I do agree with you that this generation is a badass. Because they never scare to brings past history to talk about it, they always try to make it better this generation by not repeating any past mistake.
Recently I was looking at videos by young activists, and one of them is a good example of what I’m saying here.
I’m especially inspired by the video by Malala Yousafzal, she is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. She is a campaigner for girl’s education in Pakistan. As a young girl, she defied the Taliban who interrupt the girl education in Pakistan and under the rule of an extreme group it was very difficult to continue the girl education in north Pakistan. Malala demanded that girls be allowed to receive an education. Basically it was really hard for girls to continuing to go to school to receive an education. Because the Taliban group wants to ban the girl’s education. Malala Yousafzal did not want them to win. She protests against the Taliban group and got multiple shots at the age of 15. Fundamentally, I’m trying to show that this generation does not scare to fight for their right.
In 2012 October 9th Taliban shot on the left side of her forehead, also they shot some of the other students. Taliban thought that this will make then silence and stop them from receiving education. However, this occurrence did not make people silence, even thousands of voices were raised. Taliban though they can change youth ambitions, were wrong it didn’t make anything changed. The youth strength, power, and courage was born. When Malala overcome her death zone she stays the same. Her ambitions hope and dreams are the same. Her intention wasn’t against any group of people even any other Taliban or any other terrorists group. She is only speaking up her voice for the right of education for girls and boys.
“I am here to speak up for the right of education of every child. I want education for the sons and the daughters of all the extremists especially the Taliban.” this is basically saying she is advocating for all the children to receive an education. In particular, she wants the Taliban children should receive an education so, they can brighten their future and do not repeat the same mistake by banning other people’s education right.
I’ve also been learning about youth revolt that people take responsibility to make change happen and fight for their right. The young protesters that I find most inspiring are the ones who fight for their water right and land. Also they concerned about the nature and future generation. The government take people land and use this land to build the pipeline for the the factories and that can destroy the water and this will affect local people livelihood. Pollution this water is destroy our nature. This is why two young people were protesting against build the pipeline and perish the water.This two youth are worried about the people who is depended on this natural resource and for upcoming generation who would not have any chance to delegation the beauty of nature.
I think this history is a good example of the power and how they make good changes and they are inspiration for the this generation youth revolt. Because they fight for their freedom of education, right without any violence. they show how concerned they were, to make the world better.- something you said in your video: “Let me tell you something: you are the government! Like, as a democracy, we the people means you. You are as a voter you are the government too. And if we are not in the streets. If we are not in the streets, if we are not organizing, then what we are doing is abdicating ourselves from government and actually allowing someone else to take over”. I completely agree with you here, because if we are not on the road then who will be? We have to raise our voice to let the world know what we what and we have birthright to to advocate for our freedom and rights.
Thanks for taking the time to read my letter. I look forward to seeing what you do or say next.
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