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May 29
Nuzhat J Nuzhat J (May 29 2020 3:12PM) : Share your thoughts here.
Jun 1
Soha M Soha M (Jun 01 2020 3:29AM) : ANS 1: Vashti 'anticipates' that she will fail , which is something that I frequently deal with, asI am anxious that I will not do my best which prohibits me from taking many risks. A little boy whom Vashti meets Is also afraid of taking risks.
Jun 1
Soha M Soha M (Jun 01 2020 3:31AM) : ANS 2: I frequently feel as if I am not adequate at many physical activities and manual skills such as crafting and even many sports which makes me feel like I'm missing out on socialising and I will be rejected
Jun 1
Hamna Y Hamna Y (Jun 01 2020 3:34AM) : -Vashti doesn't draw anything as she is afraid of taking the risk of failure.I haven't really had the experience of putting off a task because I felt as if I couldn't do it good enough.The little boy whom Vashti met also took a risk during the video.
Jun 1
Hamna Y Hamna Y (Jun 01 2020 3:36AM) : 2. There are a lot of things I feel as if I can't do. I wish that I could be able to do them better as sometimes, I feel like I'm missing out on an experience that others are having, but not me
Jun 1
Hamna Y Hamna Y (Jun 01 2020 3:42AM) : 3. The teacher asked Vashti to sign the paper so that she could learn how to be proud of her "failures". more

Vashti could’ve felt embarrassed or proud of having her dot framed and hung up. I would feel like I am the owner of something not that good and would not really like signing something that I’m not proud of as it would demoralize me to do that task again.

Jun 1
Hamna Y Hamna Y (Jun 01 2020 3:45AM) : 4. The people in this video are encouraging others to take risk. more

This is being done by showing that you never know what happens until you try something. Vashti drew a dot and tried to draw, which was her taking a risk.

Jun 1
Hamna Y Hamna Y (Jun 01 2020 3:47AM) : 5. She discovered that she is actually good at drawing. more

I think you chose this video to show because it tells that often people don’t know their true capabilities and are afraid to take the of risk of knowing them.

Jun 1
Shaheer S Shaheer S (Jun 01 2020 3:37AM) : Ans 1 more

1.Vashti didnt draw cuz she thought she couldnt and if she would draw she would be bad at it and fail. Things like thus also happen to me i wanted to do sports but thought i would not be good at it so i didnt do sports. Vashti takes her first risk by drawing a dot and signing the paper. The boy in the end also takes a risk by drawing a line.

Jun 1
Mehtab K Mehtab K (Jun 01 2020 3:38AM) : Vashti couldn’t draw because she didn’t know what to draw and there were no ideas for her to draw that’s why she couldn’t draw
Jun 1
Mehtab K Mehtab K (Jun 01 2020 3:40AM) : Sometimes we can underestimate ourselves that is what vashti did and she thought she couldn’t draw
Jun 1
Mehtab K Mehtab K (Jun 01 2020 3:44AM) : When vashti saw her drawing on the wall she thought that if a simple dot can be a work of art she could do better and made dots of Lots of colors and got ideas when she tried making something
Jun 1
Mehtab K Mehtab K (Jun 01 2020 3:47AM) : When we underestimate ourselves we can never find what we can do because we think we can never reach to someone’s expectations we shouldn’t think about others because until we don’t try to do something we can never accomplish something in life
Jun 1
Mehtab K Mehtab K (Jun 01 2020 3:49AM) : You showed us the video in the first session to tell us that nothing is impossible to do if we start trying and practicing we can be as good as others
Jun 1
Minahil S Minahil S (Jun 01 2020 3:39AM) : Answers of the above questions more

Minahil Saqib 8s
1. vashti didnt draw anything because she didnt know how to draW and she was scared to draw something wrong. sometimes i was afraid to start an assignment by thinking what would happen if i do something wrong. vashti takes risk when her teacher encourages her to draw anything.
2. well similar to vashti im not that good in arts. whenever i do arts i feel like i cant do it and its not a good subject for me but when my teacher encourages me i have a bit courage to do it
3.teacher did this to make vashti realize that she can do it and dont make her lose her hope.when i dont do something good i dont want to sign it because i dont want others to remember me by the silly thing i did. vashti must have felt proud to see her paper and that must have encouraged her to do better
4. ususally my parents see my abilities that i cant see or i know but i cant recognize my potential through those abilities.
5. vashti discovered that she can do it. and even that single dot lead her to bigger paintings and things that were much better than that created hope in vashti which lead her to bigger achievements. i think you chose this video in our fist session to make us hopeful and make us even stronger to face the difficulty, nowadays which is faced by every single person .

Jun 1
AIMAN N AIMAN N (Jun 01 2020 3:40AM) : ans1) vashti was not not able to draw as she was negative and underestimated her abilities. There are situations in my life when i am given a specific task ans i feel insecure about the output or whether my mentor would consider it. more

Vashti started drawing when her teacher encouraged her and assured her of her inner strength to achieve any thing only if we stay positive

Jun 1
Shaheer S Shaheer S (Jun 01 2020 3:40AM) : Ans 2 more

2.I feel like i cant do sports well. It feels like that i am missing alt of fun activities.

Jun 1
Hamza T Hamza T (Jun 01 2020 3:44AM) : Vashti was maybe feeling anxious about failing miserably and to be made fun of that "she doesn't know how to draw." I have been in certian situations during exams that I might fail miserably.
Jun 1
Shaheer S Shaheer S (Jun 01 2020 3:44AM) : Ans 3 more

3.The teacher wanted Vashti to sign it so she would remember she drew it and everyone could see it and know Vashti drew the dot. I think Vashti felt embarrassed that i dot that she drew was hung and everyone could see it. i feel embarrassed by signing something i am not proud of .

Jun 1
Kashish M Kashish M (Jun 01 2020 3:45AM) : To tell about he video and share my thoughts about the video. more

Ans.1: Vashti was scared that she would fail if she draws and didnt have confidence in herself. I also sometimes feel that i would fail in some areas where im not good at but i always succeed when i try and practice it more. Vashti took her first risk infront of her art teacher by making more dots and the boy he met also took his risk by drawing a line.
Ans.2: I sometimes feel that im not confident enough to do somethings like arts or some sports although i play very good but i lack confidence. I feel hopeless a bit but then i convince myself that if i try i can do it which makes me a little better.
Ans.3:The teacher asked Vashti to sign it so he feels a little more confident about his drawing framed with his name and then he wants to draw more. I once signed one of my awful painting but my art teacher still hung it in the art gallery which made me kind of happy and proud.
Ans.4: My friends and my parents see a lot in me and have high expectations but i dont think i can do it, they still encourage me to do it just like the teacher encouraged Vashti by asking her to draw one of the smallest thing and turning it into something big.
Ans.5:Vashti discovered her art skills. You chose to show this video to lift our hopes and confidence in these tough times and to empower us about our abilities.

Jun 1
Shaheer S Shaheer S (Jun 01 2020 3:46AM) : Ans 4 more

4. My parents have seen something in me that i couldnt. People in the video encourage others to take risk by making them do thing they are not good at

Jun 1
Hamza T Hamza T (Jun 01 2020 3:47AM) : There is such a thing that I cannot do well and that is my confidence, I think that I might say the complete opposite or the thing that wasn't meant to be said to the person in front of me.
Jun 1
Shaheer S Shaheer S (Jun 01 2020 3:48AM) : Ans 5 more

5. Vashti discovered that she could draw. I think u chose this video to show us that whatever we think we cant do we can do we just need the right mindset and motivation

Jun 1
Soha M Soha M (Jun 01 2020 4:19AM) : ANS 3:The teacher asked Vashti to sign the paper to endorse or stimulate a sense of validity in her, when Vashti saw it framed, this initiated a feeling of pride in her. I feel both anxious and embarrassed if I have to sign or clarify that an object that [Edited] more

I created and am not proud of.

Jun 1
Soha M Soha M (Jun 01 2020 4:21AM) : ANS 4; My parents have seen artistic potential in me as well as in other fields which I find interesting but think I'm not adept at.The people in the video introduce Vashti and other sceptical individuals to fields instead of forcing them to.
Jun 1
Soha M Soha M (Jun 01 2020 4:23AM) : Vashti discovered her innate creativity. I think you showed this video as to begin the session with integrating a sense of positive psychologically based mindsets and to encourage us to explore and cultivate our interests .
Jun 1
nayab m nayab m (Jun 01 2020 6:28AM) : ans 1: more

vashti dosent draw anything because she is not confident in her drawing skills and she is afraid that she will fail at it.

Jun 1
nayab m nayab m (Jun 01 2020 6:31AM) : ans 2: more

i feel like im not really god at sports and it makes me feel very left out when all of my friends are playing sports and i dont.

Jun 1
nayab m nayab m (Jun 01 2020 6:37AM) : ans 4: more

the teachers asked varshti to sign the papers so she can overcome her fears and instead of being scared of something your not good at you should embrace it. I feel like she must have felt really embarrassed of it. I would feel really sub conscious of it.

Jun 1
nayab m nayab m (Jun 01 2020 6:39AM) : ans 4 : more

the video showed us to never be scared to do something and we should always embrace our fears cause nothing is impossible

Jun 1
nayab m nayab m (Jun 01 2020 6:51AM) : ans 5: more

you showed us the video to encourage us to never be scared of our imperfections and instead of being sub conscious about it we should embrace it

Jun 1
Eman K Eman K (Jun 01 2020 8:23AM) : Ans.1:Vashti is afraid of taking the risk because she thinks that she might fail. This a situation that i have been through but at the end of the day i end up taking risks.
Jun 1
Eman K Eman K (Jun 01 2020 8:27AM) : Ans 2: I feel like i am not that good at sports. I want to play more sports but the but the risk of of failure scares me.
Jun 1
Eman K Eman K (Jun 01 2020 8:32AM) : Answer 3: more

Ans.3: Vashti’s teacher asked her to sign the dot so people could recognize the dot as her painting. Vashti was motivated to do more art after this, she wasn’t hopeless anymore. If i had to sign my name on something i wasn’t proud of, i would feel embarassed and maybe i wont be satisfied with myself.

Jun 1
Eman K Eman K (Jun 01 2020 8:36AM) : Answer 4 more

One of my swimming pals saw the potential in me to do a dive. I was nervous at first but eventually she made me do it and i succeeded. The video showed us to never give up and try to overcome our fears.

Jun 1
Eman K Eman K (Jun 01 2020 8:39AM) : Answer 5 more

Vashti discovered her inner artist. I think you showed the video to encourage us and to teach us that we should not be hopeless because nothing is impossible.

Jun 1
Abdul W Abdul W (Jun 01 2020 9:09AM) : Answers more

Vashti doesn’t draw anything because she is afraid that her skills of drawing aren’t good and people will just laugh at her. I have waited many times before starting an activity or assignment i wasn’t sure i could do mostly in arts period. Though the teacher helped me to believe by adding on and showing me how much is possible from the smallest dot. Vashti takes her fist risk when she sees her drawing framed and is either embarrassed so try’s to improve it or gets encouraged to do better realizing she does have the skills. A little boy took a risk when vashti encouraged him to draw.
Ans2:To me even if i am very good at something i can’t teach others or help them understand and it makes me feel frustrated and sad that i can’t help someone when they ask me.
Ans3: The teacher asked her to sign her name so people could know she did it. I believe she felt embarrassed that such work was nothing and she could do better, much more better. I would feel stressed and unhappy that people know i created this. I would be afraid.
Ans4: My friends and parents saw me as a hardworking person though i always believed i wasn’t. i would mostly just run after i completed my task but they made me realize that i would always do my work and now im a proud person
Ans5: Vashti discovered she had a talent, an ability of drawing and thinking that she never believed she had. She never knew she had the capabilities of drawing something sacred. I believe this movie was chosen to encourage us for starting this session and for us to realize that we believing in yourself and actually trying is the key to unlocking true potential and that if we truly try we will be able to understand every concept this session throws at us

Jun 1
Aleena A Aleena A (Jun 01 2020 12:24PM) : ANSWER1:Vashti thinks she can't draw, her teacher asks her to at least try. She jabs the paper and draws a dot.She meets a boy who also claims he can't draw so he takes his first risk. sometimes feel the same about whenever I want to try something new. [Edited] more
Jun 1
Aleena A Aleena A (Jun 01 2020 12:39PM) : ANSWER2:Yes, I also feel like that in somethings like i can't focus on somethings that are very important like I would start something and leave it really soon after I loose interest in it and i feel really bad after that.
Jun 1
Aleena A Aleena A (Jun 01 2020 12:49PM) : ANSWER3:I think the teacher made her sign the page so she could judge what she did,then Vashti felt like she could draw a better dot which persuade her to carry on.Honestly, i would feel the same way,that i could do better and wouldn't be proud of it.
Jun 2
Aleena A Aleena A (Jun 02 2020 10:05AM) : ANSWER4: Well, my mother saw the ability of me that I can sketch and draw animated characters.Then my friends told me that I can sing.I was really surprised to be honest.Just like that in the video Vashti encouraged the little boy to draw.
Jun 2
Aleena A Aleena A (Jun 02 2020 10:10AM) : ANSWER5:Vatshti discovered she can draw and paint.I think you chose to show us this video clip to encourage us and to motivate us to try something new, to move away from our comfort zones.=)
Jun 2
Fatima T Fatima T (Jun 02 2020 1:28PM) : Fatima Tahir 8s more
The reason why vashti doesn’t draw anything is because she under estimates herself and is scared to take a risk but when her teacher notices she finally takes the risk and draws a dot.another boy at the end also takes a risk

the reason why her teacher frames her art is so that vashti can be proud of it. vashti felt like she could do better
the people in the video encourage others to take a risk so they would get to recognize their hidden talents.
vashti discovered that she could draw.

Jun 1
Abiaha R Abiaha R (Jun 01 2020 4:47AM) : ANSWERS: more

1) Vashti is of the belief that she cannot draw anything, though she does not even attempt anything at all. Like Vashti, I have waited to do assignments, and just tell my teacher I cannot understand anything, though perhaps with a bit more work I could have understood myself. Vashti takes her first risk when she decides to draw an even better dot than her first one. She then helps a little boy at an art exhibition take a meaningful risk as well. He draws a squiggly line, and signs it when Vashti asks him too.
Ans 2: I also doubt my drawing skills at times when I cannot perfect my attempts to look the same as someone else’s. This leaves me feeling frustrated and unsure of my abilities.
Ans 3: By doing so, the teacher boosted Vashti’s confidence and gave her the determination to work even harder. Vashti must have felt a sense of pride and happiness, mingled with shock that her work was actually framed. I feel doubtful about signing my name on something I am not proud of, as I believe I will be mocked.
Ans 4: My parents encourage me to take part in different activities, which has helped me to discover my talents and engage in the hobbies I love. The art teacher and Vashti both encourage others to realise that if they do not try, they will never know, and that some risks are important.
Ans 5: Vashti discovered that if she worked hard, she could actually find many hidden talents in herself. I think you chose to show this video in our first session so we could work our hardest and keep a positive mindset.

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Jun 3
abdul r abdul r (Jun 03 2020 8:11AM) : ABDULREHMAN more

1. vashti didnt draw anything because she didnt know how to draW and she was scared to draw something wrong. sometimes i was afraid to start an assignment by thinking what would happen if i do something wrong. vashti takes risk when her teacher encourages her to draw anything.
2. well similar to vashti im not that good in arts. whenever i do arts i feel like i cant do it and its not a good subject for me but when my teacher encourages me i have a bit courage to do it
3.teacher did this to make vashti realize that she can do it and dont make her lose her hope.when i dont do something good i dont want to sign it because i dont want others to remember me by the silly thing i did. vashti must have felt proud to see her paper and that must have encouraged her to do better
4. ususally my parents see my abilities that i cant see or i know but i cant recognize my potential through those abilities.
5. vashti discovered that she can do it. and even that single dot lead her to bigger paintings and things that were much better than that created hope in vashti which lead her to bigger achievements. i think you chose this video in our fist session to make us hopeful and make us even stronger to face the difficulty, nowadays which is faced by every single person .

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