Chris Sloan @csloan and Paul Allison @paulallison invite you to join the latest chapter in a conversation that started 18 years ago when we started building Youth Voices together along with others.
Join us on Teachers Teaching Teachers TONIGHT June 24th at 9E/8C/7M/6P.
We will take a look at work from Chris's AP English in Composition and Language class and Paul's dual credit college/high school English class from this last semester.
Could we create an online course for 11th and 12th Graders that takes advantage of some of the tools each of used for these recent classes?
We will look at a course that Paul recently created for 9th and 10th Graders: ELA 9-10 - Youth Voices. Could we build something similar for and AP course?
Chris and Paul are ready to get a conversation started, and we invite you to come with your dreams, plans, schemes, and questions about working together on projects for the fall.
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