Paul Allison and Jessica Hernandez-Speer will be planning their first unit with students at P.U.L.S.E., a high school for overaged, under-credited youth in the Bronx.
We invite you into our planning meeting, with the hope that you will see ways to connect your plans with ours and our students might connect.
We plan to take a look at the playlists organized here:
We are also interested to see how we might invite collaborations with students from around the country by having our students read Ibram X. Kendi and Jason Reynolds's Stamped together on NowComment
AND... we plan to think about building a new playlist so that it is ready for this year's Day of the Dead celebrations. This is all based on a project Jessica did years ago, and she is looking to bring it into LRNG:
This is also an invitation in that we hope our conversation about this project might inspire you to think about sharing one of your old projects on LRNG -- again as a way to connect our students with yours through meaningful conversations.
Join Jessica and Paul if you are available today at 1:30 ET/12:30 CT/11:30 MT/10:30 PT or watch and annotate the recording later.
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