1 Alex is in 10th grade. He is a tall and lanky boy. He is a nationally ranked junior tennis player. He is the captain of the high school varsity team. He likes to fool around with his teammates and his coaches. He’s learning how to be a leader and set a good example for his teammates. But sometimes, his immaturity and temperament got in the way.
2 Academically, Alex tries to challenge himself by taking high level IB classes that his school offers. He is not sure if he will work towards a IB diploma as the time commitment will cut into his tennis practice. Alex’s parents are very involved in his study and his extracurricular activities. They encourage Alex to take a broad variety of courses that the IB program offers. Before school shut down due to Covid, Alex participated in DECA and model congress afterschool program.
3 Alex is a fast learner and he sometimes gets bored and will become distracting to other students in class. In the remote learning settings, he usually spends only 2-3 hours to finish a day’s studying in face to face learning. He has a group of close friends both from school and his tennis circle. They usually play PS4 and socialize virtually in the past few months during the pandemic.
4 Alex passed regent test biology with a high score in 9th grade. He came to my scientific research class well prepared. He’s interested in medical research and thinking of going to medical school after college. He enjoys reading science research papers. His presentation at this year’s virtual science symposium is on air pollutants relationship with lung cancer. He did a good job on his poster. He was going to work in a research lab in Columbia University this summer but had to cancel due to Covid.
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I imagine he must feel the shift in change; going from always doing something to having to stay at home must be a challenge.
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This makes sense to me because he needs an outlet to cure his boredom, and distracting others is a way to keep himself entertained.
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I imagine he must feel a certain loss in not being able to experience new things that parallel his interest and what he would like to do as a profession.
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